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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 55

by Theodore Daniels

  Half an hour later conceding Shialu forward, Shepard went to the office of the Council of heads of the colony. Fai Dan, rising from the table, exchanged a firm handshake with Shepard.

  Then a long conversation about the life of the colony and its inhabitants. On the prospects of development of the planet and the colonies. That should be done in the remaining months. Pretty soon all reasonable, were present in the office of Fai Danya, they left the chair and gathered around the virtual sphere. Those who came into the office a little later Titov and Anderson joined seamlessly to discuss a number of issues, did not distinguish themselves either by status or by position.

  Appearances Yavika also one much stressed - proteanin most of the time listened carefully and looked at what was happening in the virtual environment, sometimes just sticking approving or condemning the replica and comments to the proposals. In the evening, come to the office and colony members of the Council, so that the discussion continued in dramatically expanding and strengthening the team. The waitress brought snacks and drinks - a more dense meal time and opportunity have no choice but to many participants in the discussion were eating and drinking standing up, trying not to miss any of the content of the conversation.

  Goodbye closer to midnight. Fai Tribute tried several times to finish the meeting, looking at Streltsov, but that over and over again to stop attempts of the cabinet owner to put the discussion dependent on its condition, only agreeing to take a seat in an armchair near the virt-sphere.

  Svetlana and John spent the night in a local underground hotel - it was necessary to practically test the local conditions of protective structures. Here and tested. And pick up the room and the level they were helped by a friend and helper Shialy - dugout ARCEL Silva Martinez. Svetlana soothed asleep only in the arms of her John, knowing that the second day of stay in the Ferose be devoted mainly work - too little time left before the Reaper invasion, too little. And it had more to do very, very much. On her commander came instrumentron regularly reports on how the squad is preparing for the work within the star systems, subordinates batarian Hegemony. Part of the data transmitted and Shepard, too, had to get acquainted in the "operational" and sometimes an emergency mode with them.

  - John ... I do not know. - Svetlana said, when they woke at exactly half past five the next morning. - What if I'm too kinship with the ship, or something else. I ... I really want you to be able to come to me in the "Volga". In the near future, John. Here, - Svetlana slightly haunted eyes looked gray concrete walls and ceiling of their little room - I do not feel quite free and easy.

  - Well, Svetlan. As you say. - Shepard hugged her friend, kissed it as usual in the crown. - As you say.

  - Thanks, John. - Svetlana turned, embraced him and clung to him. - Thank you.

  The second day had to spend on the most urgent matters. Gains passazhirniki number of habitable star systems, which failed to send to recipients, and cargo and passengers to board the "Normandy" and "Volga". On board spetsfregata Corps Citadel Spectres loaded distressed passengers Troop ships and storage with the collected and filtered information.

  The rest of the stay had to be given to work with the civil sector of the colony. Travel, discussions and meetings. Svetlana took care Shepard, forcing her at every conceivable opportunity to sit down in a comfortable chair, and how not to eat suhomyatku often as possible.

  Yavik, of course, to be expected has made its appearance among ferostsev small sensation, but was unable to resolve the situation quickly and soon the presence of an ancient warrior race, few people paid attention. Olivia and Legion also caused the liveliest interest colonists survived several press conferences and meetings, and then also became inconspicuous.

  An hour before midnight, Fai Dan, Shiala ARCEL and came to see flies on their ships otryadovtsev the familiar hall of the main spaceport colony. After exchanging handshakes with parting Fai Dunham, Shepard habitually watched as locations in Synthetic shuttles take, proteanin turians and then drew attention to the unusually long and quiet conversation and Svetlana Shialy. In conversation the two women no longer felt the stress of the past, there was no competition, there was no desire to destroy or humiliate opponentku. Shiala could hardly contain her tears, seeing the one that "gave" Shepard, seeing and feeling so close and clear that it was the most difficult to describe all the feelings and emotions, who owned it, a young asari in those moments of parting. Svetlana did not build from a seasoned experiences matron, I did not try to show that it is first and foremost - servicemen not obliged too to appreciate and respect civilians, especially of civilians, which is something it had, including - some views of some exec. Now Shiala Svetlana and talked like two perfectly ordinary woman. We talked quietly, relaxed, without a shadow of tasks and a protocol.

  Finally Shiala Svetlana bowed and took two steps back. By kaperangu approached her five paratroopers, but Streltsov gestured for them to wait, went to Shepard, who was standing at the gangway.

  - John. - She said quietly. - Remember - I'm waiting for you. In the very near future.

  Having said this, she went back to her paratroopers and went to a neighboring module to your shuttle.

  Shiala went to Number One, put his arm around him.

  - I'm sorry, John. I ... I did not know how perfect your Svetlana. Even now, I still do not realize and understand, except perhaps the fact that she is worthy to be with you ... And I'm glad that we - she and I have been able to find as you people put it, a common language. Thank you came. - She parted his arms, stepped back, bent in a sincere bow.

  Now normandovtsy differently looked at the structure of the colony decreases. Life ferostsev they become more understandable. While the shuttle reached the frigate, in the cabin there was a discussion of the results stay on Ferose. The theme of the work within batarian Hegemony tried not to raise, leaving it for discussion within the squadron.

  Having relying report Anderson, Shepard returned to him and after a few hours of atonement for starpomovskuyu routine watch. Service and work continued.

  "Volga" waited for the cruiser frigate will approach closer, stepping down from the orbit of the planet Feros, Anderson then ordered to follow the sieve. Ferosa survey was completed in the first day of stay in the orbit of the planet Troop only refinement of the data was carried out on the second day, so now both ships were approaching the sieve at an accelerated rate.

  Extremely dense atmosphere sieve containing carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid. The surface of the sieve consisted of a rhyolitic and basaltic plains, have, as the scan showed a small geological age and has a high carbon content and radioactive substances. At Sita took place violent volcanic activity. More than a dozen active volcanoes spewed huge contents of the inner layers of the cortex and predyadra on the planet's surface. Active volcanoes and high carbon content in the bowels of the planet have led to the formation of a large number of natural diamonds, with, of course, a lot of value for many races Space Citadel. However, their production still represents a significant risk of very heavy and require costly - a common technique in these conditions would have broke down almost immediately,

  Job Viper squadron in the nebula

  Nebula Viper is almost completely owned batarians and already in front of the system, both the squadron included masking system in the battle mode, clicking in complete secrecy mode for most of the access channel. Activation of weapons was carried out in combat mode - now the squad was ready for a real clash. Obsessed with spy batarians clearly would welcome the presence of the squadron within their control of the nebula, but prepared by the Empire and the Alliance of large-scale operation in its first phase required information is on Bahak system, and to receive such information by going openly, without the inclusion of a camouflage-blocking systems have been impossible. We had to take the risk.

  Quietly passing asteroid belt, Troop ships to collect the necessary amount of data, using only passive modes. The habit of wearing suits and weapons wont be ready for possible problems and troubles made it possible to do
without the sharp, marked the transition to work in a clearly hostile environment.

  In the hydrogen-helium giant Bastsude batarians protected by a plurality of orbital bases extracted helium-third. There were located and sensitive spy satellites, which are equally watched closely and to ensure that in the entry of foreign ships and to ensure that refugees are not able to leave the system with impunity. Olivia again with machine constancy noted that batarian Hegemony considers the presence of NATO warships in its sector of space hostile and only hostile action. Despite the fact that the squadron were four Spectra Citadel batarians were not inclined to consider this fact justification. So proactively cycled disguise, radio silence and passive mode works on most systems, coupled with latent activation of defensive systems and offensive weapons were could not be more helpful. Shepard, reading the reports of experts, with particular acuteness realized how necessary and timely modernization was "Normandy" and how well that is located next to the frigate is a ship videoconferencing Russian Empire, which even completely frostbitten batarian extremists preferred not to interfere.

  The hydrogen-helium gas giant Urmola served as a place of production of helium-third and antiprotons. Both sources of fuel were only available to the Hegemony ships, merchant ships, coming through the system, we had to carry out refueling stations on Bastsudy. Like the other planets of the star system, Urmola was surrounded by a variety of spy satellites. Specialists of both CIC detachment were delighted to be able to open a real defensive and protective system batarian Hegemony and Synthetic passive mode to remove the information from multiple batarian servers located both in stations and on ships and satellites.

  A tiny stone Yunak planet had an atmosphere, a thin layer that is included in its composition carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Yunak rich in metal ores, but the hegemony held the treasury in reserve, making everything more favorable to their production was Aratote. Around the world, as shown by a passive scan, rotate some pretty old spy satellites, regularly sees to it that the subsoil Yunak not developed without permission.

  Around Aratota - Everest this, combined with an oven, rotate batarian several space stations, surrounded by a variety of satellites. These orbital guard for thought leadership of the Hegemony had to keep from prying secrets of works carried out on Aratote. Information aratotskoy colony was reliably classified by the Service Control Information Hegemony, but some facts are still caught in the open access. According to them, as well as - according to the results of locating passive scanning and the planet, there is a large-scale operation was carried out by raising the oxygen level. In the mines, which produces rich in iron ore and heavy metals, mainly used slave labor.

  Initially batarian hegemony populated and colonized it is the polar regions of the planet, where the heat is partly offset by heavy rainfall. Razvedmissiya Alliance, the aim of the work was to determine which term colonization of the planet people decided that the air pressure on Aratote and oxygen content of the air is too small, so that humanity can deploy a full-scale colonization. The subsequent political confrontation with the Alliance and with the Commission batarians Citadel on inhabited worlds to complete the transfer Aratota batarians. Exploration Alliance nonetheless regularly harassed batarians their unplanned and unauthorized visits, during which it was set up and confirm the presence of at Aratote few very large military bases.

  Hot Klogon planet with a dense atmosphere of methane and ethane was virtually untouched batarian Hegemony. Passive scanning of locating and identified the presence of a planet around a few large and well-equipped shiponov satellites, look out for pirates and other enemies of the Hegemony, which could come close to the planet, to defuse the engine core.

  Mobilization. Arrival. batarian betrayal

  The nearest local luminary planets squadron returned to the asteroid belt. The objective of the system of exploration was carried out as fully as possible and now it was necessary to prepare for the main phase of the planned operation.

  Even during the haul on the repeater chain Shepard received from Anderson about a top secret project of the Alliance. Here, in the framework of the Alliance batarian system it was built, one of the research studies of artifacts originally confidently attributed most knowledgeable experts to zhnecheskim. The artifact, known for his documentation as "Object Po", investigated a group of military and civilian experts, imprisoned in the depths of the base, located in the system in the asteroid Bahak 157 Calvary. Masking and Project secrecy was so high that most of the member countries of the Alliance and even batarians, admittedly obsessed spy, were not aware of the presence of the base in the controlled area of the main competitors of humanity.

  Batarians much more attention paid located in the system of the second repeater, known as the "Alpha" and is one of the oldest repeaters, and presumably - and the most powerful, if we compare it with other catapults provided by travel distance.

  One of the employees of the Project, Dr. Amanda Kenson has managed to prove as evident from the materials shown Shepard Anderson that repeaters exist in the Milky Way galaxy for millions of years and all of them were created before Protheans. Since batarians not always been so negatively disposed towards people, Amanda Kenson and her staff managed to overcome the impossibility of direct opening repeaters and sampling from their shells, concentrating on a fairly deep and detailed study of the dust is drawn into gravikolodets when using repeaters.

  After analyzing the repeater rate and the speed of the stars, which these giant structures were "tied" Kenson has managed to create a true picture of the Galaxy repeater movement with reference to the timeline.

  Based spent a few years of intensive practical research, Kenson was able to convincingly prove that the "Alpha" really is the oldest of all the repeater, now known inhabitants of the Milky Way. In normal mode, he acted as standard, but if you change the setting was able to hand over the goods to a number of others, to the point of inactive repeater, and even - directly to the Citadel, which has been shown in studies, is at a great distance from the "Alpha". Authorities Hegemony as data showed the Alliance's exploration and prospecting of the Empire, this property inherited batarians repeater carefully hushed, rightly fearing a negative reaction to the Council information on the presence of "secret path" to the location of the main station of the Galaxy.

  Noteworthy was the fact that, as they should of provided materials Shepard, and many scientists have declared that considered until only mythical Reapers completely unrelated features repeaters and could easily do without their use. As can be seen, the apparent failure of the uniqueness of the design vneretranslyatornogo transport, like adopted to fulfill the majority of the races of the Citadel, was absolutely not so uniform and efficient.

  Kenson either passing, or specially proved also that the "Alpha", being the majority of the Citadel races standards only secondary repeater (as was reported by only a few specific repeater), had capacity, superior performance even primary, most of repeaters of the Milky Way.

  Putting reader, Shepard thought. Anderson did not hurry his colleague, did not insist on voicing the results of thinking. Calmly he waited, not even looking at the XO.

  - I do not understand. - Said the captain. - I do not understand, sir. What Citadel can turn into a "daisy" - a giant and powerful relay - this we know, have established accurately and completely. Perhaps it is now known and batarians - this information is not so available confidential. We now have the second main entrance was formed - this is the "Alpha". Perhaps indeed, Reapers, and do not use repeaters as actively and fully as we are sensible organic for the most part tend to believe, but I guess that the Reapers are not unnecessarily avoid the use of catapults. Just because their use allows corny save resources. The tales concerning the perpetual motion and eternal sources of energy, as if in the possession of the shrimp I have, sir, for obvious reasons, I do not believe for a long time. If you look more soberly, why the Reapers from Harvest once again not hit classic "ticks". Yavik mentioned that wave Reaper ships then came to the Galaxy via C
itadel, turned into a "daisy". For obvious reasons, if not Yaviku was all known in detail, but the fact that the leadership of the Empire, located, as luck, on the Citadel, were killed in the first minutes of the Invasion, knew only very lazy proteanin. And if the Reapers came to the Galaxy, not only through the Citadel, the Alpha relay in light of the data extracted by Amanda Kenson, may well play the role of the second half "tick" mechanism. Yavik mentioned that wave Reaper ships then came to the Galaxy via Citadel, turned into a "daisy". For obvious reasons, then Yaviku not everything was known in detail, but the fact that the leadership of the Empire, located, as luck, on the Citadel, were killed in the first minutes of the Invasion, knew only very lazy proteanin. And if the Reapers came to the Galaxy, not only through the Citadel, the Alpha relay in light of the data extracted by Amanda Kenson, may well play the role of the second half "tick" mechanism. Yavik mentioned that wave Reaper ships then came to the Galaxy via Citadel, turned into a "daisy". For obvious reasons, then Yaviku not everything was known in detail, but the fact that the leadership of the Empire, located, as luck, on the Citadel, were killed in the first minutes of the Invasion, knew only very lazy proteanin. And if the Reapers came to the Galaxy, not only through the Citadel, the Alpha relay in light of the data extracted by Amanda Kenson, may well play the role of the second half "tick" mechanism. were killed in the first minutes of the Invasion, I knew only very lazy proteanin. And if the Reapers came to the Galaxy, not only through the Citadel, the Alpha relay in light of the data extracted by Amanda Kenson, may well play the role of the second half "tick" mechanism. were killed in the first minutes of the Invasion, I knew only very lazy proteanin. And if the Reapers came to the Galaxy, not only through the Citadel, the Alpha relay in light of the data extracted by Amanda Kenson, may well play the role of the second half "tick" mechanism.


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