Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 60

by Theodore Daniels

  Azari, gaining control of ESAN, preoccupied by the return to the normal state of the planet, but that was outside the scope of the command group.

  Ersbat located in Vular system Vulture nest, ships have visited the group on the final stage of the operation to take control of the largest settlements batarian. The current Ersbat considered batarian prosperous colony, this industrial center, rich fertile land and minerals. Behind this attractive and positive picture hiding a solid film. The higher ranks of the local administration publicly offered a reward for any representative of the race, which concerned a reasonable have been delivered to the local labor camps, with not only the slaves were taken.

  The propaganda machine of the Hegemony could not once again to conceal the truth and airborne infantry groups, which arrived in orbit Ersbata already routinely carried out remediation procedure. labor camps and prison staff went in shackles and prison clothes to prison planets Corps spectrum where all batarians and their accomplices waited interrogations and heavy physical labor. Information about the surviving slaves transmitted to the parent planet respective races, slaves and prisoners provided the necessary medical and material assistance, after which they were taken completely free in their parent worlds races.

  There were, of course, some of the worlds and planets, which also batarians have considerable weight and influence, but what happened in Bahake and on planets where batarians been traditionally strong, contributed to some, sometimes quite significant pacification batarians. It confirms the idea that there is no need to fight with all batarian race - enough to sanitize especially problematic part of it and the result will be virtually guaranteed. On batarians mercenaries, small slaveholders and bandits particular attention to groups of ships crews did not pay - they were not strong enough and influential to change now the situation in their favor.

  Ships group returned to Bahak getting to drift in the gas giants. Life in the annexed acquired orderly system and regulatory features. It was now possible to do the project problem.

  Mobilization. "Object Rho"

  - Shepard. - Anderson looked at who was sitting next to him in the desk chair senior assistant. - I have a bad feeling.

  - I understand, sir. - Said the captain. - I'll have to visit the asteroid.

  - I would like to say something else, but I can not. This artifact must be isolated completely. In fact, this all is ready. - Commander of the frigate, cruiser pulled up to Shepard on the countertop one of the readers. - Hacket interrupts communication channels. He had already explained twenty times, that the probability of full and complete indoctrination of employees Base is close to a hundred percent, and he looks at me with a look a beaten dog, and I know that he is counting on the intervention of Yavika.

  A conversation between two officers came just when the frigate, cruiser approaching asteroid, which housed the base of the project. Bahak system was brought under complete control, "Volga" went on a patrol flight in the system - to check and monitor the completeness of the implementation of the agreed protocols.

  - Of course, sir, it will decide Yavik. - She said, pausing Shepard.

  - He has already decided Shepard. - Anderson said. - He refused to use their abilities to save the Kenson. A possibility, as I understood from the conversation with him, he has. But he is no longer willing to help Hacket. In any form. If I was not restrained, they would have said in plain text, without the protocol and politesse that Yavika Hacket has ceased to exist when he tried to throw our squad on the people sought to find freedom on the planet ...

  Both officers were well aware of how the planet is at stake. Neither Shepard nor Anderson was not considered Yavika vindictive. Proteanin just had a very good memory, but Hacket, is increasingly turning into a politician, and therefore ceased to be an officer of the Alliance VKS, acquired all the negative traits peculiar to the representatives of this "shop", including a very selective memory.

  - Legion and Mark accompany you, Captain. Also, there will Gryunt and Jennifer. Of course, there also will be used if necessary and units and marines turian kosmopehotintsev. The base must be cleaned and for that we will do everything. And then, in the final, we simply will block this artifact in the thickness of the asteroid. Until better times.

  - Let's not destroy? - Asked the XO.

  - I know that we can destroy it, Shepard. - Anderson said. - But now it would be better to leave him alone.

  - Yes sir. - Shepard stood up. Following rose Anderson:

  - The landing permission. - I saluted the commander of the frigate, cruiser.

  - Yes, commander. - Shepard, mirror your salute, he turned on the spot circle precisely over the left shoulder and left the commander's cabin.

  The group command shuttle was a bit crowded - this time on the asteroid wish to visit all the members of the landing party.

  - In close quarters, but not mad. - Rumbled Gryunt.

  - Absolutely correct. - First mate said. - Greg, drops us at once - at a safe distance. Keep in touch with the frigate and a group of ships barrier unit, but the channels are not plug and lock them.

  - Yes, Captain. - The driver of the shuttle smoothly brought outside the protective field frigate, cruiser. - Fifteen minutes before the asteroid landing pad module.

  - Accepted. - XO returned from the driver's compartment in the cabin of the shuttle, leaned against the wall and turned instrumentron to read the latest Submit File.

  The landing on the landing pad disguised passed quickly and soon Gryunt the Legion already racked tightly locked outer door lock. They helped Mark, who decided to play youthful strength, the benefit is now no one held back. A few minutes later torn flap was already lying on the ground, and Gryunt and Mark enthusiastically broke the inner airlock door.

  - If this cockleboat explode to "Alpha" - Nihlus said, looking from the gateway Base okoloasteroidnoe space. - Not just do not seem to. Well, we have already put up there artillery barrier. Shot an asteroid smash into small pieces and they will be right.

  - May be. - Shepard has felt pressure on the brain. - Attention. Entering. We do everything in tempo, artifact weighs on the psyche. Quickly and accurately. Everyone knows what to do. So - act.

  From the first steps on the territory of deeply secretive base, it became clear that the group investigated Kenson virtually rumors about Reaper technology, which supposedly was somewhere on the border Bahak system. The group found the technology, and then ... then found evidence that in Bahak yavyatsya Reapers, which can then go through the galaxy, including using migrated repeater "Alpha".

  The fact that the Reapers have begun to warn about his close invasion Shepard did not see anything strange. There were too many reapers from successful harvest in the past. Too, they were confident in their strength and in their advantage. Warn or not to warn the victim of the impending attack on it - the result still was almost guaranteed for the benefit of the attacking side. The victim in this case could go to extremes and Amanda Kenson, for several reasons it is so extreme and chose - ram repeater "Alpha" asteroid. What is this if not an act of desperation?

  Was it difficult to imagine that the Reapers generated by Leviathans will not be limited only to the possibility of movement through repeaters. Especially if repeaters disable - most races will be completely isolated, even within their own star systems, between which immediately stand millions of kilometers, almost insurmountable for the existing fleet of spaceships. That is, of course, be overcome ... Over the decades, centuries flight. And consumption of such trips here ... And the main loss - time. Time.

  Everything in that part of the base, through which the group has already passed the landing, indicating with all certainty that the relay "Alpha" decided to destroy the inhabitants of the base. King circle testified mess - Project staff essentially ceased to care about their environment because they waited in front of a guaranteed death. Kenson knew and understood - blast repeater "Alpha" and destroy the asteroid, and all the planets of the star system Bahak.

  More on the way here, befor
e planting Shepard read that most of the technical equipment, including - engines and rudders Kenson through nominees - both physical and legal order and receive from landfills that are under the control of the station "Omega".

  - Commander Shepard. I feel the presence of VF. Sharpened by the engine and rudders. - I reported to the Legion, coming on as a coded communication via an audio speaker. - Coordinates and the path calculated. Transferred to your instrumentron.

  Nodding Getu-sniper in a sign that the information is received and understood, Shepard activated vnutrishlemny projects and before his eyes appeared a map database.

  Kenson has tried to prepare for the implementation of its plan of attack on the relay "Alpha" best. Het sniper managed with the support of Marcus hook into the data base system and has now received the information about the engines and rudders and virtual intelligence. At the same time revealed Synthetic base protection system - in the aisles turned plenty of robots Loki was even more Ymir. Meanwhile, in the corridors and landings prochёsannyh group base areas were deserted. Most of the staff and the defenders Base has been concentrated in three places - in artifact Rho, from engines and placements of the virtual intelligence.

  Extreme sports. Hit by the relay is practically a small planet, overclocked to very high speeds. According to calculations Kenson Group employees in all this should be enough to guarantee the success of the self-destructive and at the same time - a murderous mission.

  Appeared in front of the five robots LOKI turians snipers demolished fire their rifles in a matter of seconds.

  - Kenson explicitly ordered to proceed to our detention. - Nihlus reloaded his rifle and went to check the side of the room.

  - Quite possible. - Shepard had already decided that while his teammate will be engaged in the destruction of Project indoctrinate employees and block manually and exclusively by mechanical engines, he will try to isolate the artifact Ro. - Divide. The first group - deletes all the project staff. You can take only live Kenson, although it is unlikely it is though, what a value. The second group - block engines asteroid mechanically. - Shepard withdrew stops assault rifle, put the store with armor-piercing incendiary ammunition. - I - a blocking artifact Ro.

  - By oneself?! - Jennifer soared. - No way, Captain! I'm going with you! - She quickly moved to Shepard, standing on his left hand. - One you anywhere without me will not go! You have - a wife and children!

  - I am also, Commander Shepard, I go with you. - Legion took two steps forward, appearing to the right of the First Mate.

  - Many have wives and children. - Shepard said softly. - There are more than two hundred employees indoctrinated, armed with all the polls, moreover - here fully, more than three dozen Loki and at least three of Ymir. Artifact, as far as I remember, he is able to protect themselves. So there is no protection there. But in all other parts of the complex - it is rather big. So that no one will go with me, colleagues. Each of you will need in two formations. We can not fulfill its main task, if we start to operate in series rather than parallel. So - decide who goes into which group. I go to the artifact. One.

  - Captain. - Jenny's voice pleading manifest. - You are welcome...

  - Each of you - with the same gentleness in his voice said Shepard, - will be needed as part of both groups. Artifact pressure on the psyche. Time is running out. A little more - and some of the local inhabitants can make a big nonsense. By oneself. Or collectively. Does not matter. I do not want to tell you, colleagues. This is not the situation. All. Expenses. - He first stepped into the half black side of the corridor leading to the main room database.

  - And how to sell on? - I asked personally to anyone without contacting Jennifer.

  - Do not try to persuade him, Jenny. - Said Nihlus. Saren and I go to the engines.

  - I - also for engines. - Yavik said.

  - My group will be engaged in shooting staff. - Jenkins said, stepping forward. - Anderson ordered that we came here with the second hook.

  - I group effort, going to the engines. - Lieutenant Alenko said. - With me go three policemen paratroopers. - Kaidan waited for three of the five military police sergeants will stand side by side. - Shepard rights artifact behaves like a beast. More quarter of an hour - and we have to do all the running.

  - I did, too, to engines. - Jennifer said. - I feel that there will be a lot of heavy piece of iron.

  - I - the elimination of the group of employees base. - I decided Legion. - This should be done quickly and accurately. If Hackett wants to Husky, defined as Amanda Kenson - I will give such pleasure ... him. - Said het sniper. - But then Hacket pay me. For all conceivable accounts.

  - I - the group that goes to the engine. I would also seem that there will be thrown into the main forces of robots. - Mark said.

  - Everything is decided. Divide and perform. - Summed up Kaidan. - Forward.

  Premonition sometimes comes true. Almost all of the three-plus tens of Loki and all three Ymir tried to delay the advance of the group of Lieutenant Alenko to the engine compartment. Saren and Nihlus consistently destroyed the first ten Loki defended the entrance to the first chamber of the engine, there turned out to be one of Ymir, which already dealt Yavik and Jennifer.

  - Run, run, we still have two engines and VI may sbrendit load, issuing most anticipated team activation. - Yavik jumped out of the engine compartment first and then a shot from the gun of one of the stray laid Loki. - They are trying to figure out which of the engines we are now right.

  - Play rock-paper-scissors will not. - Alenko said. - We beat from two engines. The first group - Saren, Yavik, two policeman, the second - Nihlus I, one policeman and Jennifer. My group - the left engine, Yavika group - right. Run!

  Solution formulated lieutenant liked everything teammate. Overcoming fierce resistance robots Loki, the group were able to penetrate into the engine compartments of both, destroying the remaining Ymir and were not able to do anything to stop the power of probiotics Detachment involved in the limited spaces of steel and stone.

  - Run! Turning off the VI, and it nasty some invent. - Alenka, rechecking locks and disabling last engine, went into the corridor, heading for the server. - Hell, the head presses ...

  - How's Shepard? - Jenny said, still no one is not particularly appealing.

  - Engines, we disabled, - said Alenka, conjuring VI at the console - so now that lumps will not fly. - He entered the last command. - All. Disables. - Lieutenant pushed input sensor and VI disconnected. - Run to the artifact. - Biotic listened to their feelings. - There's ... there's a problem! Everyone - the audience artifact! - Alenka, and he did not notice the kerf on the speaker helmet conferencing. - Faster!

  When normandovtsy rushed into the main hall, they saw Shepard, who was crucified on the artifact supports. Without saying a word, Alenko, Yavik and Jennifer included biotics. Saren and Nihlus, tearing rifles with stops spacesuits switched to the automatic fire weapon. Cops and Jenkins opened fire on the object from the Rho assault rifles, changing the stores as soon as there were one or two charges.

  Artifact shimmered normandovtsy immediately felt strengthening the consciousness of pressure. No one spoke - saying it was incredibly difficult, almost impossible, so each of normandovtsev acted almost on full automatic, doing everything that was in his personal power to release the captain from the influence of Ro Object. Being under the influence of such a complex artifact tried to be activated, but it was too late - and Jennifer Yavik thrown forward Powerful clots biotics, struck the protective cocoon of the artifact.

  There was a cotton - and the artifact disappeared into thin air. Pressure on normandovtsev brains immediately disappeared. Jennifer exhausted sprawled face down on the floor of the compartment. Yavik, overcoming fatigue, she climbed to the support and began to detach from the body Shepard fixtures. A minute later he was joined by Alenko. Together they carefully lowered down the body of the captain. Saren and Nihlus prepared stretcher.

  - Kenson - back! At the entrance! - Jenkins sighed, turning and instru
cting his rifle at the man in the room the woman in a suit of scientific subdivisions of the Earth. - Not one step ahead! - He cried out in warning, but clearly indoctrinated dugout continued dully approaching empty supports.

  - You ... you destroyed the object po! - Amanda said, pulling out a gun. - I ... I will destroy you!

  Leap Saren and Nihlus toward sleep almost all the scientific normandovtsy have not been able to see in detail. After a split second Kenson has struggled in the strong arms of the two turian Spectra trying if not free from seizures, then trigger the gun. Jenkins, jumped to the beating on the floor of the former dugout swung down a rifle butt on the head of Husk and Amanda fell silent, allowing the Nihlus impose on your body past obezdvizhivatelya belts.

  - To close the hall indoctrinated Project staff. Almost all - voooruzheny. - I reported Legion colorless voice machine.

  - Shoot to kill! - Waking up Jennifer seriously rolled over, sat up, gradually pulling to his rifle. - They will pay for their stupidity and the fact that the captain was subjected to such torture!

  - Confirm. - Grimly said Alenko. - We have orders to the captain - no one except staff of Project Kenson alive not to leave! Execute.

  - I'm not even going to dig in their brains. - Yavik reloaded the rifle. - Ready to fire.

  Cops paratroopers silently poised to fire. Mark stepped to the supports of the artifact, checking his rifle. Beside him stood the Legion, taking guns.


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