Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 61

by Theodore Daniels

  - Everyone. - He repeated Alenko, straightening up and stepping back from the stretcher on which Shepard was now lying. - Destroy all project staff. Control - after the shooting. Go!

  Two hundred indoctrinate Project employees were shot dead while attempting to enter the hall where the most recently placed object Ro. Sometimes normandovtsam had to shoot at close range, because otherwise in the opening of the portal to form a barricade of dead bodies. Project officers who were trying to get to the poles of the artifact, sometimes tried to use guns, but these nimble Saren and Nihlus calculated in the first place and punished with all severity.

  Jennifer sat in the stretcher, his hand on the chest plate of Captain suit with fear and thought that she would have to speak to Svetlana how to explain to her what had happened to his wife the First Lieutenant to Captain. Shoot on arriving in the room all new and new project staff she did not even try to - thereon fired all the other normandovtsy. But Kenson, spelёnutuyu obezdvizhivatelyami Jenny glances. Oseltamivir. Very hostile look.

  Finally the shooting stopped. Saren, Nihlus, Alenko, Jenkins and the Legion began to "control" the corpses.

  - Take this thing away from the captain! - Jenny gasped, pointing the barrel of the rifle on Kenson. - I do not I will, but Hacket, and I will pay! He - pay! - Look better biotic humanity touched Shepard closed eyes. - If the captain ... if the captain does not recover, Hacket will be dead very soon. I said!

  Nihlus Saren and silently dragged spelёnutuyu Kenson in the farthest corner of the deaf.

  Alenko conveyed in text form on the "Normandy" a brief report about the incident. Both shuttle frigate, cruiser, as stated in reply, already heading for the landing site of the asteroid.

  - Gathered. We leave. - Alenko looked around the room. - Here we have nothing more to do. The rest will make art. Although I personally have all these stupid splendor ... I blew to hell.

  None of normandovtsev not mind. Everyone knew - Alenko took command of a group of landing on the right, as an authorized deputy on the Shepard assault operation. Two policemen cautiously raised the stretcher and Jennifer Yavik were attached to the sides, and prepare rifles. A few minutes later stretchers were loaded in the interior of the first shuttle.

  - Chakwas received telemetry. - Alenko said, coming out of the driver's cabin. - I ordered Anderson - Captain deliver directly to sickbay. Everything else ... report, etc. - then. Takes off. - Said the lieutenant, taking a text report of the corporal that cops-commandoes boarded the second hook in its entirety. - Let's go by the shortest route.

  Jenny sat in the chair - proteanin insisted, almost by force Woman seated on a semi-soft seat and buttoned seatbelts - and with fear thinking that she would have to be explained to Svetlana. Now, a few minutes later explained, while Shepard will examine Karin. Jenny knew that none of normandovtsev involved in the landing, will not go on to sickbay until Chakwas not announce its conclusion. All normandovtsy worried about the captain. All of them realize that a reason Shepard went to one artifact. He did not want to, again, did not want to risk anyone else but himself. Commissioned teammate lighter tasks and went to perform the most difficult. And it hurts. Seriously injured - all being a Jenny screamed about the seriousness.

  The shuttle stops at vdvinulsya, skolznuvshie to the ladder platform. I opened the salon door and stepped inside Anderson. Cops paratroopers picked up the stretcher and the first left aboard ship. David Shepard spent a long careful look, while the cops were out in the gateway exit.

  - Commander. - Jennifer stood up, straightened. - I ask you to. Immediate communication with Hacket. Under any pretext, but that he was in touch with us immediately. I ... I want to say a few words to him, Captain. ... This scoundrel. - She caught according to the view of members of the landing party. - We brought Husk ... Former Kenson.

  - There will be communication. - Anderson said. - Olivi?

  - Hall three ready, Commander. - She replied kiborgessa. - As soon as you say - I turn the channel.

  - Come on. - Anderson got out of the shuttle, seeing as the two policemen dragged from the second hook "body" Kenson. - Really. Value of Husk of such a risk? - He went down the stairs and walked toward the third connection the hall, holding the back of the landing party. Part of the group went to the sickbay expected. They were right. The rest should be present during the conversation with Hacket.

  - Olivia, all gathered. - Said the commander of the frigate, cruiser. - Turn on the channel.

  - Yes, commander. - Said kiborgessa. Large wall screen lit up. Hacket, expect to see only Anderson, mixed, seeing so many opponents.

  - Show him it! - Angrily snapped Jennifer.

  Two cops, Marines pushed forward spelёnutuyu Kenson, hold her body upright and turning face Hasco-woman to the screen.

  - Recognize, Admiral ?! - Jennifer just blaze venom and malice. - This is - your Amanda Kenson. One hundred percent Husk. Such as it is, we have to shoot the asteroid-based two hundred heads. Plus a few dozen metal boobs. - Jenny snapped her fingers, lit up the big screen on the opposite side. - We almost lost it on the basis of this asteroid Captain Shepard. In your mercy, Admiral we almost lost! - Jenny, saying it did not look to the second screen, knew she kiborgessa scroll Admiral recording made in the hall of the artifact. - Because of you, we just did not lose. He ... - Jenny made a short pause, almost a sob, but suppressed sob. - He went into the hall and the Object Rho it almost destroyed. The captain went to the room alone. And only you, as the curator of the project are carrying for all what happened there, on the asteroid-based maximum responsibility. Maximum, adminis-Ral! - I snapped biotic. - And for what happened to Amanda Kenson - too. - Pripechatat she menacingly-withering tone in his voice.

  - Please ... - Admiral clearly "floated". - Do not talk about ...

  - It is necessary, Admiral! It should! - With anger in his voice, Jennifer said. - You, Shadow Project Manager, has twice slashed. You and only you subjected her in danger. You endangered and her and believed her to her people. You - Jennifer with all his might hit his fist on the container - had every opportunity to prepare a project to implement more efficiently. All of the features, I assert with full responsibility. And I want to tell you only one thing, Hacket. - Jenny sat up, staring eyes to the screen. - You'll pay for this! - Biotic snapped her fingers, and the connection was lost. - We all need to get back to sickbay. It is now - the most important thing. Shepard need our presence. - Jenny saw the second screen turns off - kiborgessa spared nerves teammate and turned off the looped video of the incident on the basis of-the asteroid.

  - Commander, a frigate sent to the shuttle commander. On board - kaperang Streltsov. - I reported to the officer of the watch frigate, cruiser.

  - To accept. I'll spend the meeting and commander to the sickbay. - Anderson said.

  - Acknowledged, Commander. Will be done. - Watch switched channels.

  - You - with me, Jenny. The rest ... - Anderson barely perceptible gesture, as if to say: "You know."

  Room number three is gradually emptied. Anderson and Jennifer went to the hangar, where the shuttle has arrived with the "Volga".

  - Where ?! - Streltsov was a split second at the foot of the ladder.

  - In sickbay. - Briefly said Anderson. - We hold you, Svetlana.

  Jenny hugged Streltsov, insuring it. Anderson went back. The door opened before kaperangom sickbay and Jennifer and closed behind them. Surrounded sickbay members of the landing party kept tense silence. Anderson turned slowly back to the door sickbay, heavily leaned toward her, wiped his sleeve formёnki sweat on his forehead.

  - No information, Commander. - Alenko said quietly, handing Anderson two reader. - Reports. We could and verbally ...

  - Do not. - David made a gesture with his hand nudging aside. - Later.

  Alenko nodded slightly, putting readers in the waist styling and retreating.

  Going into the sickbay, Svetlana jerk approached the bed on which lay John. Throwing a questioning glance at Karin, Streltsov caught allowing nod and touc
hed the hand of her husband.

  - He's sleeping. - Quietly clarified Chakwas. - I spent the required emergency treatment. Now he needs rest and sleep. A few days the wounds will heal.

  Streltsov down on the substituted Jennifer stool:

  - And ... - timidly beginning Svetlana

  - Almost all the time he needs to sleep. - Karin continued. - Deep dream. Dreamless. This is necessary for a complete and in-depth recovery and cure.

  - He ... - voice Strel'tsova were harbingers of tears.

  - - His time saved. - Chakwas did not continue, knowing that now it is too. - Stay with him. I am sure - you could feel it, and it needs it now more than any medication. - Doctor frigate, cruiser moved away from the bed, making it possible to Svetlana to be alone with her husband. - Jenny, come.

  Kaperang held John's hand in his hand and felt the tears come close to the eyes. Yes, she wanted to see John there. I wanted to see in the near future. But - not. Not so. Quite differently I wanted to see and feel. I wanted him to be with her - a healthy and maybe even a little fun. Next to her and her children. With his children. And so ... No, this is not exactly wanted.

  She knew that John will go to the most dangerous area, he will go there alone, not allowing anyone to accompany him from teammate. That is what happened once again and John suffered. He suffered severely and profoundly. She could not know what had happened in detail, understand that neither Jennifer nor any other teammate from the landing party will not tell her anything about it. Even Yavik will not. All of them will take care of her, knowing her "status" and the state. There will be silent, will avoid encounters with her. To not only be forced to fence nonsense and telling lies. Even Karin did not say anything. And she herself is so clear that John was badly damaged. And it will have to recover for a long time.

  Wondering tears, Svetlana decided - it will remain here as long as John did not wake up. No matter how much time took no recovery - it will be next to him. Now it - its duty and its responsibility. And ... Titov Titov cope with the command of the cruiser.

  Came Chakwas gently touched the shoulder of Svetlana:

  - I made you a neighboring bed, Light. You can be here as long as need be.

  - Thank you, Karin. - She replied quietly Streltsov. - Is he...

  - He will recover, Light. Restore. - Conviction Chakwas said softly. - Close to you - it is exactly restored. You need to take a more comfortable position, so that the Pass-ka on his bed. Jenny can help you. - She pointed to the eye approached the girl and moved to your desktop.

  Obeying soft touch Jennifer Svetlana lay on his back on the next hospital bed, trying to relax at least physically. Pododvinuv to the bed table with a tight dinner, Jenny moved to the desktop Chakwas, zadёrnuv canopy. Karin was just finishing append a complete medical report.

  - Come on, Jenny. Colleagues should know that. - The ship's doctor pumped the file on the reader and stood up. - Come on. And Svetlana need to take a nap. She alarmed.

  As soon as the door opened sickbay on Chakwas face crossed a few dozen views. Jennifer, marching behind the doctor, quietly returned to the fold in place.

  Chakwas filed a reader who was standing closest to her lieutenant Alenko. Prohvatit view short text, the officer handed reader Jenkins. Then the plate went for a walk on the hands of members of the landing party. After waiting for all colleagues to get acquainted with the contents of a file, he returned Alenko reader Karin and bowed to the ground to her, saying only one word:

  - Thank you.

  After that, members of the landing party went to their cabins.

  - You - with me, Jenny. I will need your presence. To help Svetlana and John. - Chakwas said, opening the door sickbay.

  - Of course, Karin. Only in this way and no other. - I nodded best biotic humanity. - I Hacket pay off.

  - Pay. I'm sure. The time will come - will pay. - Confirmed Chakwas.

  What happened on the asteroid was immediately zalegendirovano reliably. Arriving in Bahak ships Technical Service Corps Spectra experts have filled the room concrete-base mixture, making impossible any study of the entrails of the asteroid.

  Batarians gradually get used to the loss of Bahaka. On the "Normandy" it was again unusually quiet. Jenkins, Legion and five policemen locked in one of the cabins, recalled on the details of what happened on the asteroid base. Talk about something else they did not pulled. In the same engaged Saren, Nihlus, Jennifer, and Alenko Yavik three cops temporarily take one of the empty rooms of small information.

  Along the lines of the general conference held Troop text message that four Navy Turian Hierarchy, with the support of two fleets of earthlings transferred to the mode "first alert" for an immediate response to any signs of deterioration of the situation within batarian Hegemony. Arbitrary batarians with the Leviathan of Dis is still clearly and unequivocally qualified as a betrayal, so any harsh measures were justified in advance. Information about the readiness of the Joint Command apply these strict measures had been communicated to all batarians on all possible lines and communications.

  Evening came into its own on the boards Troop ships. Svetlana, who was sitting in a chair next to the bed Shepard, holding in his hand the hand of John and realized that there is a waiting time. Timeout Reapers reaction to the inhabitants of the Milky Way held a job. I realize that very soon be followed by the reaction and clearly afraid to assume what it will be. Now through Bahak system by strictly defined "corridor" followed by convoys of ships and ships carrying more dreadnoughts, drifting in Aratota, was a regular work on deciphering the copied information from multiple drives.

  - I accept the message. - Startled specialist communicator CIC frigate, cruiser. - Activated communications buoy, located next to the repeater "Alpha". send messages point - is unknown. Define it is not possible. Message: "The invasion is postponed."

  - Repeater "Alpha" has switched to a secondary repeater mode. - Reported another specialist BIC "Normandy". - Confirm. Repeater "Alpha" is switched to the secondary relay. It operates in standard mode.

  On the received message immediately we were informed Anderson and Titov. On the timing of a "pause" in the message is not spoken, but the style is clearly testified - Reapers are satisfied with the activity of organic Milky Way to restore the position of Leviathan Disy. This gave some hope that through the "Alpha" in the coming days will not gush into space Hegemony hordes of giant ships. Faint hope that will still be time to prepare for the invasion of the Reapers.

  Svetlana slept with his head on the arm of John. Karin looked into the cubicle and saw Streltsov, drowsy in the chair next to the bed and did not change anything, did not wake, Svetlana and demand back into bed. Both of them are now most needed to be close and together. At least so.

  Jennifer paced the perimeter of his cabin and thought. Yes, now normandovtsy seen, understood, and felt that she loves Shepard. He loves her, and do not care that he is married, he has children and there. He loves truly, earnestly, openly. He loves - and is ready to destroy anyone who encroach on the lives and safety, health human loved it. She likes John Shepard and does not claim anything more. It is enough to know he does not reject her love that Svetlana did not prevent her expression of that love that Shepard does not intend to restrict its right to choose and is not going to lead her life. She loves Shepard, John Shepard, and it remains free. Perhaps it can be called a paradox, but for Jenny it was not a paradox, but a reality, to change that Jennifer was not going to.

  The flight of the frigate "Normandy" to the Citadel. A short parking

  - Stanislav, you must return the unit to the parking lot to the Citadel. - Anderson said, going to communicate with the senior assistant to the commander of the "Volga". - You got a message marked "Lightning"?

  - Got and I agree with you, Captain. - Titov, who was sitting in an armchair commander in the control room of the cruiser nodded. - Now we will try to test the strength of "Cerberus". And if what was reported in the sixteenth paragraph of the truth - we are very much at risk. Station risking,
risking its population. "Cerberus", driven by the Reapers, now will not stand on ceremony - that is clear. I support your decision to send ships to the Citadel Corps. Other groups will complete crews and ships Ship Command operation "Invasion of the contrary." - Titov short breath. - The night passed quietly ... But many do we have here in front of such a relatively quiet nights ... I do not know?!. I'm afraid I can only assume that very little.

  - Nevertheless, Stanislav, is all that we now have. - Anderson received from the hands of the watch officer stack readers. - Has announced the transition to the Citadel.

  - Okay, captain. - Titov switched channels.

  Anderson gave a short order, and a few minutes later a speakerphone normandovtsev notified that the squad leaves Bahak and goes to the Citadel.

  - Jeff, the transition? - Anderson, listen to the message, read reader postponed aside.

  - Fourteen hours commander. - Said Moro. - Well, if Shepard ... wake up only on the Citadel. There's ... there he will be better able to recover.

  - May be. - Said the commander of the frigate, cruiser. - Although, I still think that it would be better if he came here, on the ship, which he knows and loves. Svetlana ... in no condition now to a few days to suffer and suffer the unknown.

  - You're right, commander. - Agreed to the pilot, changing channels.

  Svetlana woke up, with difficulty lifting heavy with sleep head. Carefully looking at John, she was convinced that he was still fast asleep, and his face is not recognized the signs of pain or discomfort. She spent the night next to John in the chair, and now gently massaged his arm. The one on which bowed her head, falling asleep. It was necessary - John feel like that. She and the children were needed. Now she massaged the hand of a loved one and prayed to a higher power that the John scrambled. She did not need the details of what happened on the asteroid - she read them over John. It has become an open book for her. She believed him, and he believed her. This was for both of them quite enough.


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