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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 70

by Theodore Daniels

  - Seek. Four guns. - I ordered Anderson. - Fire!

  By refusing to re-volley cruiser collectors and using the fact that the other two cruisers is idle, simply approaching frigate, Moreau turned the ship and, waiting for sight mark aligns with the desired site armor attacking cruiser, pressed key opening fire. Not participating in the previous four salvo "Taniksa" barked, they heard a deafening howling and gnashing of cooling systems. But four beams, are connected to one already raked trim cruiser, never had time to do another volley from the main instrument. "Normandy" swept over the aggressor at the very moment when the pulses tore apart the ship collector.

  - I shy away, so as not to hurt. - Moreau's voice sounded carefully concealed triumph. - Looks like one already sentenced ... to the disintegration colleagues. - Chief Pilot at a glance indicated were present in the cockpit at the top screen. Cruiser collectors burned. - Eight "Taniksov" activated, recharged and ready to open fire, the commander.

  - Fire on the second ship. All twelve. Thirty seconds. - Ordered Anderson. - Attack!

  - All - buckle up! I went to the goal! - Moreau played arcade on two keyboards. - Oz-gon!

  A volley of twelve "Taniksov" second cruiser ripped apart in seconds and chief pilot barely managed to bring the frigate to the proper level, so that no explosion or fragments of stone and metal monster could not hurt, "Normandy."

  - Steerable small and medium caliber of the third cruiser. - I reported specialist gunsmith. Recharging "Taniksov" - a minute and thirty seconds.

  - Clear. Hover - will not. But a closer look -'ll get. - Moreau summed frigate to cruiser drifted third collector.

  - We have the elimination of all the crew on the orders of General Collector. - Olivia said. - There is now dead - hundreds and thousands. Disintegrating. - She paused. - General ... also disconnected. I could not exist outside of the control of the Reapers. Weaned.

  - Airborne divisions frigate - Information on the cruiser collectors. - Heard in the dynamics of the cockpit disposal frigate commander. - Post, board the cruiser. Seize control of motors, arms and the central control post. To prepare the cruiser for combat operations against the Collector base.

  Part of the Alliance Marines, part of Imperial Russian special forces and part of the Turian soldiers boarded the shuttle and four served aboard the cruiser immobilized. Twenty minutes later, the shuttles have returned for the next party. All this time the frigate kept under the gun "Taniksov" Commercial collectors base from which peeped the main crater of the two remaining guns in the line of cruisers collectors. Having made the necessary the number of flights, shuttles back to the hangar frigate and technology do their testing and refueling.

  - Cruiser - under our control. Engines, weapons and seized the central post. Clean the boat turned. Only the empty capsule. - I reported to the CIC Officer, responsible for coordinating the landing operation. - The ship is set to the Collector base and takes her to the sight of the main gun.

  - Jeff, will be able to put the frigate in the area of the prison-camp unit? - Mark asked.

  - Not to beat a bird. - Jeff Moreau rummaged through the screens look pereschёlkivaya image. - Found place, but will have to take care and not immediately. It is better to prepare for landing. Olivi?

  - Security, of course, will partly meet, right on the trim. But it will sweep away the landing. The main thing - to get inside. - Kiborgessa said. - Transmit data.

  - We ought to seize the helm hangar-cruisers dock. These two "sausages" ... many will bloat if their release. We need the power of the two cruisers. - Presley said.

  - Reasonable. Then the part of troops sent to crush unit hangar and dock, and the rest - take control of the prison-camp unit. As a result, we get power over the "cup" from the main engines and be able to immobilize the base. - Anderson said.

  - The resistance will be. Flyers, assault cruisers, command-security prison camp unit, Special unit ... - Presley pereschёlkival screens arriving from CIC has processed data and scanning of locating the base.

  - Exit at the height of the landing. - Moreau broke away from the contemplation of screens and displays. - The appearance of the prison-camp guard unit on the casing. Our paratroopers already completed the landing and enter into battle with the first of the hosts.

  - Olivia, the internal alarm base? - Said Presley.

  - Also in the prison-camp, I do not watch her block. But there it is designed for the capture of the fugitives, and not to prevent the external attack on the base. It seems that collectors are not supposed ever that somebody remains free and armed, to reach the base station skin.

  - We expect the worst. - Anderson's voice sounded in handsfree speaker cockpit. - Olivia, Mark ...

  - We - in the landing of the group commander, if you will, of course. - Cyborg said.

  - I will allow, of course. Go Shepard already assembles a team. Inside the block are already fighting with security, your intervention will prevent sweeping footprints. Here not only the camp but prison and institute. Research. - Anderson's voice sounded threatening. - Get familiar with the local wiseacres and try to save those who can still be saved.

  - Yes, commander. - Olivia and Mark stood up. - The Legion?

  - Is he with you. Check out the state of affairs in the engine compartment, and you can think about how to break through to management. - Anderson switched channels.

  - Accepted. - Kiborgessa nod to Presley's pilots and artillery specialist, first left the cockpit. - Come on, Mark.

  Frigate hung over the base trim, keeping in place. Moreau, who continued to sit in his chair, was happy: the modernization of his "birdies" made it possible to get up so that it would be virtually impossible to implement in the old "Normandy". There was no need to throw out the anchor now even on cables - all made sensitive and intelligent automation, does not need to establish a mechanical connection with the support surface.

  Omega-4. Capture the wheelhouse cruisers dock. Two cruisers Collectors - under the control of the frigate crew

  Overcoming the resistance of the collector, thirty Imperial commandos, soldiers and thirty and thirty-Turian alyansovskih kosmopehotintsev moved to the helm cruisers dock. Continuous flow at instrumentrony nearly a hundred alien flowed Summary - Olivia, Mark and the Legion continued to supply all normandovtsev new and new data, eliminating the need for loss and a variety of errors and miscalculations.

  Finally appeared in front of the monumental main hall flap control position. Three docks were empty - two cruisers collectors are now existed in the form of a cloud of debris, and the third was captured, immobilized and held at gunpoint his former base.

  The three captains - two men and one turian conferred without interrupting progress towards Hall.

  - Immediately after the capture of the Hall - will have to check both the cruiser. Olivia and Legion with Mark will help us, but we need to check ourselves and those shells. Collector Generals while on board the cruiser arrived - holed up somewhere in the bowels of the Base, next to the other generals. This facilitates the task. Troopers also absent on board - Olivi tried, spent a full deep scan both cruisers and sent all possible data, including those derived from the Martian slipway. Being captured post staff, interrogate, we lock the actuators. In general - as planned. - Said the captain kosmopehoty Alliance. - Operate.

  A few staff Post Office Hangar-Doc was shocked by the rapid appearance of the aliens. As always, none of the inhabitants of the base is not thought that the resistance of the security platoon is broken. Having packed all new prisoners to tie-belt and rolled them with sufficient doses of stunners and usypiteley, Marines identified from among its members thirty, ten from each division, leaving them to deal with equipment and information hangar dock control station. The remaining six dozen were poured on the flight of stairs to the hangar dock, where started combing the interior of the hangar, the dock and the two cruisers.

  - They obviously used the labor of prisoners in heavy physical work in a hangar-dock. - Said the captain kosmopehoty, surveyed from the b
alcony space of the hangar. - Even some of the corpses are not removed. Captives were exhausted beyond measure, and sent them here. Part of the party.

  - Found passes the filters prison-camp unit. - I reported to the Special Forces captain. - Locked to prevent intrusion. Exhibited posts and alarm. Many prisoners, distilled board the cruiser to these passages were not, and dragged and dragged. There's bodies have not yet been harvested .... A lot. - The officer led her shoulders. - All races. And there are signs that some reasonable - of the number of races unknown to us. Reports about the discovery of their bodies have been reported yet, but the signs of their presence in the prison-camp block - resistant.

  - We need to drive here a third, to take control of the cruiser. Then his team will be able to keep the hangar dock under our control. And we will be able to do the engine compartment. - Said Captain Turian.

  - Keep. - Said the captain kosmopehoty Alliance. - Olivia has got in touch with the team prize captured cruiser. Those already engaged in this "hot dog" here. Twenty minutes have to wait, we, as always, will not wait for the end of the mooring immediately desantiruyutsya. Let us leave here fifteen warriors and will advance to the block "cup" colleagues.

  He waited until the third cruiser enters the hangar space dock and will stand, a group of troops handed over management and control of the unit arrived in the hands of a monster on the captive comrades and went to the passage leading to the glass base engine.

  - Collectors do not have time to pull soldiers here. - Said Captain Turian, when the last technician rested in the fetters of belt, received a dose of sleeping pills. no longer need to go back to the hangar and dock - a dozen of its reserve here. The main thing - do not give any of the Collectors to break through here, to activate database engines or run on cruisers.

  Two other captain nodded, agreeing with the opinion of colleagues. Ten members of the group remained in the premises of the motor "cup", blocking the passage and blocking Control and Communication, others moved into the post-hangar dock management and reunited with the landing of a group, captivity cruiser. Putting additional posts and setting the alarm systems, the group prepared to reflect the almost inevitable Collectors attack.

  Omega-4. Nisa Collectors station. Prison races and peoples

  landing group under the command of Commander Shepard in the full strength overcame fierce resistance guards prison-camp block, trying to stop the advance of the newcomers to the hatches gateways leading to the interior of the block.

  - Guard unit had confirmed with a standard order to keep to the last. But we have to move, otherwise they will start en masse to kill the prisoners. And them there - hundreds. - Mordin said. - So far, the signs of the impact of such an order is not fixed, but is usually in such circumstances, it is his and give.

  - We are familiar with it. - Shepard confirmed. - It is good that we are doing the plan. However, a "prison of nations" should have known before. So that the plan had to be adjusted on the fly. Now we have to think not only about how to destroy the base and finally to defeat the Collectors, and how to remove all the surviving prisoners. All, I emphasize, who will be able to find and identify. In addition to those who do not help in any way and who finally defected to the enemy. We've got more proceedings with the plant for the production of the Reapers. And he continues to work and all new prisoners are turned into a paste, pumped into the unit, where the plant is located. In addition to this plant, we need barracks and provide comprehensive service, located in a separate section - there is a huge resistance. Here collectors - thousands brats and husks with offshoots - all of which have, all of them will be thrown at us. And most importantly - the local generals. Only by destroying the generals can guarantee the delivery of base in our hands.

  - Deposit base? - Yavik jumped. - What kind of delivery do you say, Captain? It is full of former Protheans, you can not leave anything or anyone! I want this base was blown up!

  - Yaw, it will be detonated if this will be the prerequisites. - Shepard did not look at proteanina excited. - But first we have to execute the plan, and not shy away from side to side. We already have the need to deal with the "prison of peoples" of the Galaxy. We did not plan on such a scale and sophistication of such conveyor of death, but that is - that is.

  - I see. I am concerned the presence of representatives of the capture features present unknown races, John. - Proteanin calmed down a bit. - Okay, but, if necessary, undermining the base must be produced. - Yavik dangling bonds.

  - Captain, take a look. One of those from the dreadnought azariyskogo. - Jenkins leaned to pronate young asari. - Dead, Captain. Since she does not even removed the suit. Datapad reader ... - Corporal lifted the instrument. - Pristine. Tipped. She did not even try. No signs of damage. - Jenkins missed Mordina forward.

  - Died from the nervous overload, Captain. - Delivered its verdict by the doctor. - Alas, this often happens the asari. The characteristics - belonged to the airborne group. No other damage or signs of torture on the psychoactive effects there. It seems that died as soon as they unloaded from the cruiser. Most likely the cruiser only immobilize them and contained in the capsules. And then we picked up and taken its course. Their total there were fifteen hundred on this Dreadnought, remember. So here somewhere and team support vehicles, now turned into debris. Although they can be recycled for a long time for the passage of time. - Mordin took from laying injector fitted out his vial made easy shot. - He took a DNA sample. Identification. Made. Information transferred to the frigate. - Mordin raised asari body, pushing it to pass.

  - Captain, look who I brought to you. - Jennifer dragged prisoners to biotic cocoon asari obryazhennuyu in thin black jumpsuit. - Please note that overall she - thin, without systems, without armor. And pay attention to the color of her skin.

  - Strong biotic, Captain. And it looks like the owners waited on people here. Not out of fear - for conscience. - Mordin raised instrumentron. - No, she is not from the squadron of the Dreadnought. Mutant.

  - Jennifer. - Shepard said with displeasure.

  - Order to stay close, I did not receive. And this biotichka sitting in wait, crouched on his haunches. Barely calculated. When I walked down the aisle, she straightened up, threw up her hands, turned sideways, tried to stand in the rack. Biotic activated at once with lightning. All of the forearm were shrouded in white - a strong but stupid, and accustomed to lord it over others, not so strong, Captain. What was I to do? Twist. She was obviously waiting for us and tried to stop. Young, strong, but ... modified. - Jennifer grimaced, but then returned to its previous state of calm. - I can get her to come with us, but if there are more cameras with the prisoners ... we can be a problem. It is obviously here including in the maid.

  - I can only say one thing, Captain. - I stepped forward Yavik. - The unit is huge. And it is - just the beginning. Ahead will be a bitter and painful. This ... - proteanin looked at asari biotic spelёnutuyu cocoon - it is better to kill. Cheaper will cost. We have nowhere to pop them yet. And I think we need to stop turning prisoners into a paste. It is now - the main thing.

  - Get her out of the world of the living, Jenny. - Shepard said, looking away.

  There was a crack of bone and cocoon imploded. Squeezed carcass asari collapsed on deck and was thrown to the side light blow biotics generated by Jennifer.

  - We went a little to the side. This - the right flank of the block, there is basically a laboratory. - Mordin said. - This young asari dreadnought-desantnitsu with also were used in the experiments. Not surprisingly, she was scared to death. And this ... - salarian pointed to the corpse in a black suit, - Just a maid collectors. A terrible only for the prisoners.

  - Here in the lab could send specially objectionable. - Said Jenkins. - And there are "tserbershi" were needed to ensure that these became objectionable silk and very quickly forget about the possibility to resist.

  - It is clearly not in the "Cerberus", but somewhere very close. - Alenko said. - Scared and cold here. The protection we thinned, but in the laborato
ry, according to the scanner, almost no one left. - Lieutenant stepped up to one of the doors, opened the flap and froze. - Colleagues ... Am I dreaming or raving? Man-Asari! The glass "glass". Naked. With all the personal belongings.

  Mordin swirl jumped to the flask, which stood naked male asari. Instrumentron doctor hissed, overcoming congestion - salarian kerf most complete data sampling mode.

  - Confirm. This is really a man-Asari. - After a few minutes said Mordin. - It is expected that I slid down the wall in amazement? I'll start talking about scientific awards and high esteem with prestige? - Mordin considered the body that was found in a cocoon with increasing interest. - Late. He is dead. But it obviously killed recently. Once we got into this unit. Explosives, poison and any kind of virus no surprises. The solution, in which he resides, a preservative. With these problems, we will not. But the very fact of his being here requires clarification. Olivi?

  - I have gathered all the information to the local media, the doctor. - Said kiborgessa. - Data is very much, but they already have. A copy sent to the frigate. - Olivia pushed open the door, located next to the bulb. - Small room, bath ... Hmm. I do not know how to say. Nedomodifitsirovannaya banshee. This is closer to the truth. Look, doctor.

  The bath was lying on his back in black overalls asari, striated white stripes. Some strips were attached to contacts, dot the edge of the bath. Flashing light. Mordin, gets up next to the bathroom a few minutes of silence, to clarify for itself the information. Finally he closed instrumentron.

  - She was more than six hundred years. And she is not the asari. Polubanshi. Olivia law. It looks like we found one of the experiments of transformation. If you want - treatment. Unfinished and having the most differences from the standard and usual scheme. The fingers and forearm to the humerus is almost completely transformed standard banshee. But the rest of the body - not completely. But changes ... irreversible. Take a look at the face - it is clearly outside the race for the asari. - Mordin instrumentron brought his head to the asari, moved probes and probes. - HM interesting. Before you, colleagues, banshee-psionic. And a telepath. Almost the world, but - much weaker. - Salarian looked at a new piece of data is displayed on the small screen instrumentrona. - For her, it is not necessary to wave his hands and claws to slash the victim. It will operate in a different way. Much worse. Those, who will be in reach within a poluazari - Dead guaranteed. Or obedient puppet. Its mission - to subdue or kill. Nothing else to do it to perfection can not. And I'm afraid to make a mistake, but her face ... transformed by the human type. A little more effort to make - and it can not be distinguished from a person. A dull suit and gloves ... This is elementary. Quite possibly, it would perform the role of bait for the most valuable to collectors of victims.


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