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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 83

by Theodore Daniels

  Aria personally contacted Samara. After the insulation level of the hospital were surviving Justiciary and strong Ardath-yakshas. Miral was able to immerse Ardath to sleep, enable physicians stations bring it up after years of stasis. Or at least bring it to start in order. Who they, physicians understand correctly? Yavik was informed, promised to help. Proteanina torn apart, waited in several places at once. All he needed and important.

  A Justiciar was weak. Very weak. Aria did not say anything Samara Communications. Just asked to arrive at the station. Elite Justiciary consultant realized mistress "Omega". And he promised to come. While she had no urgent matters.

  Samara had already seen a few days ago with her daughters - Rila and Falera. And now very much I wanted to see Miralem. With her eldest daughter. Rila and Falera are themselves associated with Aria. Bypassing Miralem. T'Loak very sincerely doubt that you can do anything, bypassing the telepath-psionic. But if they felt that this is the case - let them understand. Sisters still. And she, the matriarch, to intervene in this case will not. Let Samara decides, as a mother.

  Tried the two sister telepaths beg Aria take them to the station. As soon we learned that the frigate returned from "Omega-fourth." I had to consult with Miralem and she said that this can be done later. When her mother personally sort out the situation.

  That will have to show the rest of Justiciary problem asari patients, she had no doubt Aria. She believed Samara because she believed Shepard. Because she believed the Archangel and believed Patriarch. Even Vera, Vera hypersensitive and emotional state deeply, accurately and clearly believed Justiciary consultant. The one who first mastered the full balance between biotics and special physical preparation. Previously, because of Justiciary it has been known that relied mainly on the strength of biotics, but with the weapons they had ... not so good. Yes, and suffered physical training - not all asari were ready to fight, it is not using biotics.

  Samara arrived. SPEED passazhirnikom a few hours. Arrived. Hardly anyone from of organic could stop at that moment asari Matriarch, Asari-Justiciar consultant. Actually - General Justiciary. Before her to set foot on the deck of "Omega", everyone parted. Blood-red battle armor suit Samara sparkled and shone flashes of flame.

  Aria met her personally. I met at the port station. And clearly felt, I felt worried Samara.

  - Ardath-Yaksha ... blocked. It is safe. Yavik came, strengthened protection. We have fulfilled all his recommendations. But so far left it under lock.

  - Justiciary? - Samara sharply and quietly asked.

  - I do not know many details, but what is done with the help of doctors and Miralem Yavika - it is a miracle. She's almost fully recovered. We even managed to take off her little tension ...

  - Feelings of guilt for a failed job at this level. - Quietly said Justiciary consultant. - A very unpleasant feeling and condition.

  - Samara, I must warn you. Yavik ... I removed her psihoprogrammu Code. He said that he can not do otherwise - after emerging from stasis psihoprogramma beginning to destroy the identity of Justiciary. Very quickly destroy. Almost instantly. So now...

  - My colleague. Second Justiciar after me, who will now live peacefully and freely. - Samara came to the chamber door. - Single?

  - Yes. Yavik insisted. Mordin confirmed. Chakwas assured. Everything worked. And normandovtsy and volgovtsy. And doctors and physicians alyansovskih Turian soldiers. I already told her, she knows that you will come and know that you are too ... Code without a program. - Aria stopped flowing Samara forward, opened the door, nodded, lying on a bed of Justiciary. - Talk. I'll wait in the hallway.

  Samara crossed the threshold, a slight movement of air behind the marked doors closing. Justiciar raised herself on her elbows, she saw a gesture of allowing guest, leaned back against the pillows. Samara went to the bed, he sat on the edge, her hand on the neck counterparts.

  - Hoop Justiciary - side by side, in a drawer nightstand. - Said quietly suffered Justiciary. - I was told that he will prevent treatment. And I know I was on the verge of death. If not stasis, in which both of us were loaded collectors, after a few seconds Ardath would break my neck vertebrae.

  - I believe. - Samara said. - Do you remember what happened?

  - I chased her. Found on a small planet. We fought for a long time. Few hours. And then she froze and I at the same time, too, felt that I could not move. I know, we were told at a briefing on the stasis collectors. But the feel is. Know that you are weak and obedient ...

  Justiciary-the victim spoke for a long time. She spoke in a quiet voice. Says it all. Collectors are not cleaned her memory. Quite a bit, long tortured, and then brought her to the enemy, put in the shop window. Revitalise the correct posture. Almost so, what it was then, when you first start the stasis. In the first attack Roy. Justiciary-the victim said that Roy did not protect her biotics. Even "full dome". A few light bites - and arrived Beetles twirled it so as soon as they wanted.

  - I was so ashamed and so ... hurt me, Justiciary, conducted as an ordinary submissive captive. Even not fettered hands, not shackled. I was like plastic - vayay from me what you want. I will do everything. Any camp. ... It was disgusting and painful. - Sobbing, she said Justiciary his older colleague. - And Ardath Collectors somewhere claimed immediately. Just then I saw it when we were placed in a display case. Where to find us normandovtsy. Such humiliation ... Then I woke up here. Fully awake. And I was told that I was treated ... proteanin. Samara ... This ... Is it true? I have not seen him, asleep.

  - True. He treated me ... - quietly said Justiciary consultant.

  - Goddess ... It means ...

  - We're together - almost single-Asari Justiciary, who are deprived of psihoprogrammy Code and retained its status as arbiters of azariyskogo Justice. Everything is changing and we are changing. - Samara said quietly.

  - But ...

  - That Ardath-yakshas that you pursued, she also took treatment at proteanina. Now, it is absolutely safe. - Samara did not specify that Ardath pursued by this young Justiciary, was slightly weaker Miralem. - And she will choose the right path. To be more precise - already elected.

  - I've heard of ... telepaths. It's ... it's too ... right?

  - Yes. Ardath can become telepathic. - Psionic talents of former demons of the night wind Samara stubbornly did not want to talk. Anyway, right now. Anyway - aloud. Anyway - this asari Matriarch. - This is - a natural result, because then they pass regulatory transformation. Full. Opens in a new capacity.

  - It means...

  - This means that no one in the Corps of Justiciary will not make you any claims. You - the matriarch of the same as I do. Now you too will do in your life without psihoprogrammy Code. But you will need to be retrained. Nothing complicated, just like you or I are now paying great attention to their physical preparation and possession of firearms and machetes. For us, you are no longer a biotic is the only condition for the success of our work. We must align. And we - Align. Rest and recover. Here you are - in security. Very soon, as soon as doctors permit, you return to the Corps. Will pass retraining. - Samara stood. - And will continue to live and work. - She crossed the threshold of the House, closed the door, stopped near the approaching Aria. - Good. I was convinced.

  - For she already has a ticket with an open date. On any ship. - Said sovereign of "Omega". - Come on Let's go to my office, have a bite. Let's talk.

  - Agree. - I nodded Justiciary consultant.

  They returned to the club, walked past the guard. They sat on the sofa favorite arias and began a long conversation. About many things. On a very large extent. Light snacks, regular soft drinks. And the conversation. Quiet a long conversation. Without instrumentronov without readers. No wallboards.

  On a table at Aria trenknul signal. T'Loak rose, stepped to the desk chair, pressed sensor acquainted with the text.

  - I'm sorry, Aria. I will go. I know, I was waiting for the world.

  - Of course, Samara. - Aria looked up at the Justiciary, I sat in a chair. - She's such repairs do
ne in their previous apartments. Do not be surprised. You have a very ... talented daughter.

  - Eldest daughter. - Quietly, with a huge proportion of maternal joy and pride Samara said, taking a few steps out of the office.

  - Oh, yes, the eldest. - Faintly smiled T'Loak.

  Miral really expecting mother. She abruptly stood up, stepped forward, pressed her whole body. They kiss. They embraced, frozen for a few minutes. Then he sat down on the sofa.

  - World ... What is it? - Samara's daughter looked about, feeling that she must say something very important.

  - Mom ... I ... I .... I feel ashamed. I ... I'm in love.

  - As for this, the world can be embarrassing? - Samara said quietly. - This is normal. You're an adult ... Who ... who is this lucky? Or ... that lucky? ...

  - Alas ... moms. I do not know how to say it ... I guess I'm kind of spoiled. - Miral sighed, took a deep breath, her face turned blue with embarrassment. - Well ... Archangel. Here.

  Samara a minute was silent, looking at his daughter, sinevshuyu more and more.

  - He knows?

  - What are you, Mom ... Guys, especially - turians ... They are in these matters, at such early periods and weak levels ... a little that understand. Anyway - on full automatic. He works for his troops, army, war - all. His torn to pieces, it all needs.

  - But you ... meet.

  - Yes ... See you. And I as a pool plunge, Mom. You know ... - and Peace spoke about what happened in the Concert Hall. After the concert, one of these days.

  - And he...

  - He winged, Mom. Winged turian. When he lifted me into the air on his mighty wings ... I ... I finally realized what a complete happiness. The personal happiness. And I realized that I have - not "it." I - a "she." Only she". If the Archangel - one hundred percent, "he" I'm one hundred percent, "she." What would I not worth it!

  - Become, docha. You will become. - Samara said quietly. - A...

  - Nayrin - I do not rival, Mom. Friend. The closest friend. That, too, knows the secret of the Archangel. Just the two of us know that he - winged. Did you see his wings touched him. Nayrin - my close friend. For her, I'll kill anyone. Very many kill. Archi ... He was able to love us both. I'm sorry ... I'm getting used, it is not "it" and "she". And it's ... it's addictive to me ... I really like. Yes, I understand that it is - turianka his tribeswoman even compatriot. But he's ... he's unique, mom. I'm sorry, I know what I'm talking platitudes.

  - There is an old tale, which is always destined to be eternal. - Quiet, but very gently and precisely Samara said.

  - Mom ... Where? Where is it from?

  - People. Because of their culture. Poet ... remained unknown. There are indications that it is - Bruce. But after so many years of his words were ... as they say ... people folk. This is ... not only them. So no banality of the world.

  - Mom ... I'm growing up too fast, huh? - Look her daughter dug into Samara's eyes. - This is ... this is bad?

  - Mira, you - adult. It's enough. Every reasonable matures differently. If you love him, and I feel that this is the case, then it - worthy of your love. What I know about Archangel, what they say about it other, only confirms - he deserves. A Nayrin ... She ... She, too, is worthy. And if the archangel enough heart and soul to the two of you ... Your union will be beautiful and durable.

  - Do you ... Do you approve?

  - And I can not approve of the choice of his daughter, Mira?

  - But ...

  - People believe ... sometimes - believe very strongly, sometimes - is much weaker, the main thing - not appearance. The main thing - the soul. If you love to Nayrin same turian ... What then. This also happens. And I can see that he loves you both. He loves truly, deeply ...

  - Gently, Mom. It is a hard ... and at the same time - soft and gentle. I just melt when he hugs me ...

  - Yeah. I was told...

  - At such moments, I do not care who and how looking at me, Mom. I belong to him alone. There are a number Nayrin or it does not exist - it exists only for me. For me one. His eyes lit kind of love ... What I instantly dissolves in his eyes. I'm drowning and did not even try to resist ... I'm getting a normal asari ... What am I most afraid to shiver. It is terrible and at the same time - incredibly nice. I'm an adult asari, ran to meet him, as a minor, Asari-schoolgirl. Hardly skipping. What is the difference to me at that moment that I - Councilor Arias, Senior Partner of the Council? In these moments ...

  - At this moment, the world, you - true. - Samara said quietly. - In these moments, we will fight. We will fight. We believe in victory, no matter how distant it may be. These minutes - one of the best that is filled with meaning, the true meaning of life is reasonable organics.

  - Yes mom. I ... I ...

  - Do not, Mira. You - live ...

  - Notes...

  - I do not hurry. And I now have a job and a life that is completely natural for me and the only acceptable. I believe the World. I believe that you will succeed.

  - Mom ... It's not about me.

  - And for me it is too early.

  - But Shepard ...

  - He - intact. And it is love. Have children. More unborn, but his children. Children of John Shepard. And I will not stand between him and Svetlana.

  - You...

  - Shepard, Mira, a big heart. And a big and bright soul. I know it. Many know it. But this is the heart and soul can not be criminally overloaded surrogates. He was worried about Svetlana. Now he has to give it their full attention. Maximum. She and her children. His children. He knows the world that so many women ... Yes, the world, women ... love it. And they want to be near him. But there is only one woman for him. Only one - it Svetlana. Nobody has absolute power over him. No one else has the absolute rights of access to it and to its substance. And I do not want to betray his trust and understanding. You, Peace law. I love him. Silly me to deny this to his own daughter. Elder daughter. But my love can not harm the Shepard and his beloved.

  - This ...

  - You're right. This can be overcome only choice. And yet ... While this choice until his time has not come - I have a job and you have my daughter. With that I - always close. - Samara hugged Miralem. - There is life. There are goals and objectives worthy of all of us. I believe and hope ... that my half is somewhere nearby. It helps me. Helps a lot.

  - Thanks, mom. It was extremely important to talk to you about all this. Tell us about Rila and Falera ...

  - Well, Mira. - Samara began to tell. The former, even in a low voice. Long to get the story.

  View from the outside. John and Svetlana

  Shepard conjured in the kitchen. The usual black shirt with the collar unbuttoned, light cloth pants and slippers on his bare feet, he prepared dinner. The first meal after beating collectors. "These" meals he prepared himself only.

  Svetlana was sitting in a chair - he even armchair, soft and large, in the kitchen of their numbers at Headquarters on "Omega" hall of the residential sector dragged - and watched him. He felt her soft approving glance, sliding on his shirt, on his trousers and slippers, to dwell on his close-cropped hair.

  Svetlana did not care that she was not, and he was preparing a meal. Yes, she knew that for women there is nothing nicer than to feed your fill a hungry man. My man. But she, more than anyone else, knew that Shepard will not allow her to cook the dinner itself. He will cook it myself, personally. By oneself. And then they will sit together, ignite together, at the same time, the ancient, almost antique matches, two candles, the lights went out and sit, slowly savoring the pieces of something delicious ...

  Yes, black shirt betrayed his readiness in an instant become a senior officer of the frigate. The knowledgeable and skillful XO, for which on the "Normandy" there were no secrets. Lined pants, seemingly made up his body whole and at the same time - to live their lives freely waved as he went from table to table, from the table to the plate, from the stove to the oven.

  Svetlana saw two vertical folds over John eyebrows, folds, surrounded the bridge, saw two folds
, two horizontal creases on the forehead, saw the pursed lips, ready to turn into strings, saw more clearly denote the nasolabial folds and knew Shepard, her John, the campaign for repeater was given a very hard time. But he did not shipped it in detail, and spoke sparingly little of what was going on. Berёg and observed her children. His children. Svetlana knew that they were for it - absolutely real, even if not yet born, did not come into this world. For him, they are already there. And there were the highest value.

  Occasionally it quite a bit, as one would say ancient photographers in three quarters turned to her face and touched her a little sad, but the gentle and sympathetic look. Only she could have so much to read and understand in this view. Only she and no one else. No other woman. Svetlana knew and no one felt like, how many women around the desire to get even a fraction of his attention. His understanding. His participation. And he ... he still belonged only to her. Only her one and only her children. Unborn children. For John is no longer any women there - all the rest he kept at a distance. Yes, it was open, available, but soon showed a clear distinction in the relationship for which there was no progress no. No one, except her, Svetlana Strel'tsova.

  John did not ask her to sit in the room did not close the door to the kitchen, I did not make a secret of the fact that he was going to cook dinner. Their dinner, very special for the two of them lunch. He realized that it is extremely important to be with him as long as possible close by. She perenervnichala. She was afraid, afraid. I suffer. I worry. And now, sitting in an easy chair, brought by John into the kitchen, stood not far from the table, she Svetlana thawed. At that time.

  While preparing food, Shepard served table, pulled up a chair and ... Svetlana suffered at the hands of the other, a more comfortable seat. USADA. He pulled his chair up to the table. I do everything quickly, accurately and completely natural. From where Svetlana was able to observe how it comes back to the stove and the oven, sparing movements opens doors and covers, pulls vessels, puts food on the plates, pouring drinks into vessels.


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