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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 85

by Theodore Daniels

  For him, David Anderson, has long since become an essential part of office life. He knew, of course, felt like a lot of women and girls, but did not consider it possible right now to focus on his personal life. I do not want to admit in the soul and essence of the threat of a new loss, a new divide, a new misunderstanding. And because he wanted to hide it in simple single small room. There was ... familiar. Recalls the cabin on the "Normandy", combining a bedroom and an office. He was more than something, and do not need anything. This is quite enough for work and for life. On the frigate always had problems and questions, always had problems that required his attention, participation, responsiveness. A relationship with women ... can wait. Now is not the time. No time.

  Anderson realized a lot in look Arias. Yes, it is, without any doubt, in love with him, the commander of the frigate "Normandie". In love, as she has already identified, unrequited. Vosmivekovaya wise matriarch. It is difficult, almost impossible to cheat, even more difficult - to mislead. Age many, many deprived, but very much and gives. It gives insight. The realization that he, Anderson, is familiar and the need to love earthly woman, not love asari matriarch. Love in the sunset of life. Love in the time of war.

  And because Anderson was silent and did not answer so clear, so well read and understood the signals to him. It is hoped that Aria will understand correctly. There will be blame. Simple. She needs a match. Yavik gave her five hundred years of life, so that she could not only have, but also to raise their children. Being with them for centuries, insurmountable for him, David Anderson.

  Karin. Enduring Major medical service, a surgeon from God, who married his job and easily alters sickbay cruisers and frigates to doctors' offices and laboratory boxes largest military medical centers. She, like him, probably already tired of the personal loneliness, because even Michelle she is "to train" like any competitor, not his medical colleagues. But any peregryzёt throat for any of normandovtsev. For those who know it thoroughly, as befits its class physician and experienced, to see a lot of women with the highest levels of sensitivity. Sometimes Anderson wanted to come to her in sickbay late in the evening and just loud clear once again to admit that he is indifferent to it .... Just admit it. She confess only to her. try to this once again no one knew any number of normandovtsev, nor, especially, from among volgovtsev. But is such a will out? Normandovtsy are not stupid, they uchuyut just that. And will have to be justified, explained. Although, no. Justified and explained he would not. There is no need. This is only two. If Karin him in the end finally reject ... What then. She was right. How do you want to explain everything. Once again, to explain.

  You can not. the commander of the frigate status often does not allow allow such liberties. Or, perhaps, because of the threat of the Reapers, the threat of the galactic scale discard this "frame" of the way and yet to confess? Once again, to confess? How do I know how much time is left for the world. And the war ... The war will be long. If they are, he and Karin dropped serve and work and even live on the same ship, albeit modernized been transformed almost in the strike cruiser may be - is a sign? May be. How to know how to know.

  Need to work. It is necessary to work. There are many readers with the information that you need to analyze, it is necessary to draw up plans to clarify many details ... Anderson went to the window that looked out on the outer road, glanced at the handsome frigate hanging in its square outer road. Everything is fine. And in order to make it all right there ... And not only there ... He had to work.

  View from the outside. Aria T'Loak

  At Aria soul was restless. Even in his apartment eight hundred matriarch could not find stability. Sovereign of the whole huge plant "Omega" was living in a small apartment. Yes, perhaps, not by rank. Not according to the order. Not in status.

  But now her status when she saw so many destitute. In the truest sense of the disadvantaged. Not only asari, no. Directing reasonable that other reasonable easily called none other than criminals, and shied away from them as from lepers, necessarily cease to pay attention to racial prejudice. Will understand only one thing - it is sentient beings, organic. And they picked their way. And she - her.

  Although ... there is a way. Once gone Lizell ... Too many things in my heart Arias was burnt. Utterly. Ash was removed. Redesigned. And this spiritual void has become habitual. She and Anderson noticed something ... Incidentally, that is. But it turned out even worse. I fall in love. Unreciprocated. She Do, who has lived eight centuries of human, it does not know and does not understand?

  Unreciprocated. And so you want to find their own, as they say people, but unless they - mate. To believe that you again someone has. Someone who is willing to share with you both joy and sorrow. Aria would agree today to conceive a child, and not even one. To believe in a miracle. To understand it more ... More not old. A thousand years ... Here it is, the warranty thousand. Two hundred years - that's all. If she had, Aria T'Loak be two hundred years. With such an opponent as the Reapers ... can not be.

  This uncertainty. This uncertainty. This instability. Exhausting. Increasingly, Aria thought of himself as a young man. Thoughts are increasingly turning to the past. More often. A little more ... And she wants to write a memoir. Or - at least to start writing them. Probably because, in particular, she did not particularly resist Kai Leng, when he ... Word, kill her. Perhaps at that moment, she felt that is ready to meet, to reunite with Lizell in another, different world. Leaving this, where she was lonely.

  All reasonable want of power and wealth, without thinking for a second that they will have to pay, finding them the most power and wealth. When she last slept without nightmares? When she fell asleep without sleeping pills? But it can not be a lot of sleeping pills - you never know what can happen to the "Omega", which may require the participation of her, her presence at last. When she had fun not out of duty, not protocol, but just for yourself? When she felt calm and free? Now, if you think it should be said that never. It is painful and sad.

  Somewhere in the back of my mind spinning orange beacon danger. Bede. There will be one more attack on the station. Necessarily will. Long. Acute. Dangerous. Reapers will not rest send their puppets accomplices. "Cerberus"? It may even be that "Cerberus". Yes, the Archangel and the Patriarch did everything to equip both the station itself and its permanent population. Create an army capable, not only for the parade, but also to the actual fights.

  And the closer the war. The war against the Reapers. Now, after the deposition collectors it became clear. It has become a fact. And this Light directly pointed to the fact that go otschёlkivaya metronome last moments of peace.

  Soon the world will take place the war. Very soon. And she ... she Aria T'Loak - one. Even if she survived the attack on the station Reapers, what she come? Endless turnover. Endless troubles. And - empty small apartment, which only preserved piece Lizell. Aria did not change the apartment to any other - here Lizell born. Here. Then ... birth was unexpected. Though considered among the intelligent of organic, all-powerful asari that on the part of the regulatory process of pregnancy and childbirth, but the nature of the cheat and put under the yoke of anyone of organic has not yet succeeded. Here. In this room she was born, Lizell. Giving life Aria new, huge, a lot of sense.

  And then, when she died ... Because if Aria rod removed. She almost broke down. Only the long-standing habit of keeping the shape of the face and saved it from collapse. Personal, professional. Any other. She then believed in what Lizell ... that her daughter "out" helps her. Therefrom. Where it Aria, almost went too consistent efforts Leng. And helping her until now, every night, whispering that it has not come yet, while her mother, that she has not yet fully realized themselves here to go over the brink, that all is not lost for her.

  What is not lost if it is still one ... If the majority of others, with very few exceptions, are not interested in it, Aria T'Loak, and her status, her power, her position, her money, finally. No, Anderson still is not interested - she knows exactly. He understands that she needs a partner
for several hundred years and does not want to approach her or it, including - for this reason. He believes, perhaps unconsciously, but believes that Aria will find a mate among tribeswoman, compatriots and still be happy. Because people are fatalists are - any asari obzaviduetsya. They believe that it is normal to have an hour of happiness now and a century of grief - and then, later. But - hour. But - happiness. And the fact that after a century roam the mountain ... So ... because life is striped. Only now this band as the Reapers ... hardly overcome many organics. The more valuable every day in the world. Every last day of the world. Goddess ... How can I alone ...

  Looking from the outside - Legion

  Legion cleaning sniper rifle. Pure habit, accurately, quickly. Everyday he cleaned all their weapons. Parallel processes the incoming information. He is continuously in touch with Mark and Olivia, with volgovtsami and normandovtsami. I saw and felt both ships detachment. Thus, it is available only Synthetic its level. Now he will gather rifle priberёt in accessories pouch and the turn of the assault rifles and heavy guns.

  People would call it "recalled". It's just part of the allocated CPU time and raised the data from the memory banks. A detailed analysis of the incident for the relay. Another approach to the analysis. Another one. And so - to infinity. Because Synthetic is available. People in this mode, as well as other organic reasonable, can not act for a long time - are burned. From exhaustion and overexertion. Perhaps that is why they created the first virtual intelligence and then - and artificial.

  Legion remembered everything what was the case in my life. Every time recalled. This allowed him to escape. Understand not only themselves, so strikingly different from other geth, but also those of organic reasonable, the team which he now lived and worked. This Zaretranslyatorny Hike ... allowed him to make war with full force. Occasionally when he had so much fire, so much to move into combat mode. Probably organics are right when they say that "the tanks know the truth." Legion knew one truth - the enemy must be destroyed. The very label of enemy defines the future of the label media. He is uniquely determined. And he, the Legion was given full opportunity to destroy enemies. Without the division in order of importance. They all should have only one end. All enemies without any exceptions. All. Without any exception.

  When you have finished cleaning weapons het gathered supplies, she cleaned the table. He came out of his cabin, went through the silent frigate, accompanied by a few views on watch. For many decades it here. Among the organics. They consider it equal. May be. May be. Perhaps their belief that it geta, synthetics, can be made equal to them, organics, and there is a way. Any solution to the problem? Who knows? Even the community did not come to a consensus. But they do not have such a variety of software, like his, intelligence and research platform true geth. They were, the Goths, the strength in unity? Or the difference? The uniformity or diversity. Could it be two sides of one whole? Why not? That same organic want to protect themselves against the Reapers, because they want to survive. But for their life? Serving the highest good and the highest goal? Behind the scenes. So much dirt, which they themselves define it as an organic dirt. So much indecent as much outright evil in their communities, of organic communities. And they think it's normal, arguing that without it they will not be able to develop? Develop. Fifty thousand years they have had to develop. A developing organic progressively more or less intensive, standard even - perhaps the last twenty thousand years. And earlier this year twenty thousand, thirty thousand years, went to the prehistoric development. Just went into the sand. Between the fingers, as they like to express ornately organic philosophers and artists. that without it they will not be able to develop? Develop. Fifty thousand years they have had to develop. A developing organic progressively more or less intensive, standard even - perhaps the last twenty thousand years. And earlier this year twenty thousand, thirty thousand years, went to the prehistoric development. Just went into the sand. Between the fingers, as they like to express ornately organic philosophers and artists. that without it they will not be able to develop? Develop. Fifty thousand years they have had to develop. A developing organic progressively more or less intensive, standard even - perhaps the last twenty thousand years. And earlier this year twenty thousand, thirty thousand years, went to the prehistoric development. Just went into the sand. Between the fingers, as they like to express ornately organic philosophers and artists.

  Now of organic time can result. Very fast and complete end. It is comparable in speed to the end of time synthetics. It is enough to change a single character in Twelfth discharge and one sign in the eighth decimal place to synthetics, each become a synthetic-enemy. Unreasoning, full of the enemy for any organics. Just because organic can not be other synthetics. Just because organic - different. And other Synthetic and can kill. Even if other carefully taught Synthetic kill each other. For organic so afraid of death. Mostly fear. It brought so accustomed. Reapers put out if not synthetic, it is the puppet army of organic - Collectors, dropping under this deal massive production of clones of these beetles. If organics can still regret organic traitor, the traitor-synthetics synthetics - ever. Just because he does not have such an opportunity - pity the enemy. If he is spare opponent - he automatically becomes an enemy to all others. Those who have not repented.

  Yes Synthetic organic and can coexist. On the scale of one large galaxy. But then merge as a result of the synthesis - is unlikely. There will be no development. There will be no change. There will be volatility. And this is - for synthetics and organics - death. Or cause of death. Or the cause of death. If we get lucky.

  Yes, he shot and shot a lot. The puppets of organic. The puppets Reapers. I shoot, because he knew - he is on this side - it is better to shoot. Because shoot will in any case on either side. So it goes in the development of this world.

  Looking from the outside - Mark

  Being a machine copy of Captain Shepard - very difficult. They look around, notice the similarities, consider whether twin felts general brother, or a clone. I do not want to explain anything to anyone. Well, at least that does not cause the command. Give the opportunity to do what, and commonplace - grind terabytes and gigabytes of data. The most different. Sort, collate, share and analyze. And shoot ... Let those engaged in the Legion. It is more convenient. Mark more than a specialist in power techniques - press there anyone break through the wall, the door to land. It lay in it. Commandos so often felt stupid that this stereotype firmly entrenched. Meanwhile, the commando is always different. Otherwise, he will not survive. Templates are harmful.

  No one on the "Normandy" and "Volga" does not expect from him that he would become a man. He was given the opportunity to be a Synthetic and do not interfere with work. It's enough. Organics have fired so many times, and suffered, trying to remake each other. Now he has his own cabin, as well as the ship has rooms where they Synthetic, can work together. And there are objectives and goals - big and small, complex and simple. The future may indeed uncertain, but there is nothing stopping to prepare the future, which will allow him to work safely and freely without being faced with the need to shoot every day and every hour. Although ... Ahead is that organic is called war. Synthetic call this confrontation. If he was given the opportunity to do what he loves to do - not what the basis for

  Looking from the outside - Olivia

  Olivia dressing in front of a mirror in his cabin, checking, how it sits on the body of a new suit. Habit, routine for Synthet, which was prepared as a scout, as a saboteur, as an agent. Yes, it was necessary to shoot at the base. A lot and a long time to shoot. Talking about fatigue? Let talk about it organic. She - the machine, the cyborg, and she does not know what fatigue. He knows, of course, what it is. Theoretically he knows. He knows how to imitate, and rather close to the original, but to know the fatigue as organic, it can not. She do not need it, even if it is - in a female guise. Considers that most of organic symbol of weakness, instability. Mlyavosti. Synonyms - Dictionary can score.

  Overalls broke shots - it's
not packaged in a full suit - on this basis, it seemed only a worthy opponent Reaper, and these collectors ... Puppets. All the same, they mean nothing - or rather, too mean little without their guide - Generals and those who stand behind them - the Reapers. But with the Reapers would be interesting to do some fighting. It is a worthy opponent for Olivia. A Collectors? Limp doll, which flow driven for slaughter under her shots. Trying to knock down, trying to stop trying to delay. And that was detained? Remained in oblivion.

  Gone. And they gave Olivia again to return to a favorite cause - to the observation, analysis, exploration, collection of data and indicators. In addition, she was able to do particularly well. And if it helps ... So Mark and very good. Together they can do a lot in this, as they say people field. Shoot? It can and has proven so in a raid on the base. But it's better to shoot Legion. It turns out this is just fine. Objectives she tells him. With reasonable speed and completeness. Sort, otranzhiruet and will slip in the pace of his shooting. A parallel spacing and will work with the data, the information flows to shovel. And it will bring up his daughter - a long-awaited beloved Alix, who was so happy to return to my mother out of this "space zaretranslyatornogo" Olivia felt like the first time ... alive. The same live as organic. And this feeling she remembered for a lifetime. Because she now has a new meaning of life: it is - a mother and she has a daughter. Which it brings as a fighter, a warrior. And Alix already making progress. Great success, causing a feeling Olivia legitimate maternal pride.

  Looking from the outside - Jennifer

  I tear off, huh? You thought so, Jackie. - So I thought Jennifer, sitting at a single room in an apartment on Omega headquarters sector. She often had to conduct such dialogues. Internal dialogues. Inaudible to anyone. After all, she loved solitude, always chose solitude. So addicted. - Yes, I remember that you have all called Jenny and Jennifer, but for myself and you left, Jack or Jackie. I shoot, right? If fired, it is very small. Even biotics could move two or three times, not more. But everything else - defense. Yes, I admit, a highly professional, powerful, stable and complex. Just for you. And then what, Jackie? What's next? So it will stand in the defense? And thou shalt keep the dome? Or will attack and kill the way it stuck biotics to do with your level of capacity? Ahead - the war, Jackie. And as if Anderson and Shepard did not want to, they do not succeed all the time to keep you in the rear or on the defense position. You can not. The situation and the reality - not allow. Yes, the raid through the base, to put it mildly ... cheer you. Well, this is just the beginning. Just the beginning. Yes, I understand that you protects Shepard. And Anderson saves. And all the other normandovtsy and volgovtsy also cherish. But one should know the limit, Jackie. The limit of this very lean. Or care. Damn it disassemble. It is good that at least you do not forgotten how to curse, swear you're really loud now much smaller than before. Agree? Very well, she agreed, and then you might think that you are good girl and close up. - Jennifer broke the internal dialogue, habitually looked around and listened. No. Everything is quiet. No one is standing at the door, no one hanging at the window. Nobody listens through walls. The ceiling and the floor too clean from slushalschikov and Vidocq. Clean. Probably because they already know who she is and what she can do to those who would try to eavesdrop and spy. Okay. It would be necessary to check new messages that arrive at instrumentron there Olivi again sent the whole length of the text selection. Cares about the level of her education. Maybe she's right. Not yet time to shoot and beat biotics. It is necessary and soul and mind to develop in other, non-military, non-military and non-violent ways. It is necessary. So, we must. So it is satisfied. Cares about the level of her education. Maybe she's right. Not yet time to shoot and beat biotics. It is necessary and soul and mind to develop in other, non-military, non-military and non-violent ways. It is necessary. So, we must. So it is satisfied. Cares about the level of her education. Maybe she's right. Not yet time to shoot and beat biotics. It is necessary and soul and mind to develop in other, non-military, non-military and non-violent ways. It is necessary. So, we must. So it is satisfied.


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