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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 89

by Theodore Daniels

  - "Eye" Leviathan. - Shepard said.

  - Exactly. - Anderson confirmed. - Follow agreed with us on this case spetsprotokolu security, employees of the Citadel did not detect their awareness of what is. Skip Anne and her luggage at the station, the more so since there has already been some no, but the lab. Who is the "Eye of the Leviathan" just there. And I guess Ann Bryson is ready to make another stupidity, trying to replace the missing father.

  - And this stupidity is that it will try to get in touch with the "Eye of the Leviathan." - Shepard said. - Looks like we have a reason to visit the Citadel. Serious occasion.

  - I suppose, John, that drive up and down both ships is not necessary. - Anderson stood. - So just go to the Citadel "Normandie". "Volga" connect when we will have to investigate the loss of the cruiser Dr. Bryson. And also I assume that Ann Bryson will have to take on board the frigate, cruiser.

  - Ugum. As the "eyes." - Shepard said with obvious displeasure.

  - As well as the "eye." - Anderson confirmed. - Another reason for that was not originally involved in the this case the crew of "Volga". I doubt John that Leviathans do not know a damn thing about our work with you otryadovskoy. Here sincerely I doubt it and nothing in doubt I can do.

  - What is the term of departure, the commander? - Shepard rose from his seat.

  - Five days. On the morning of the sixth day. In the past - it will not work. I asked while C-Sec and Spectres Citadel deprive Ann Bryson the opportunity to work in his father's lab station. According to recent data there by order of the leadership of C-Sec and Spectres Corps established quite perfect insulating system, so that the "eye" if working in passive mode the receiver. Log in direct contact with the "eye" Ann Bryson can not - we took care of it. The hall, where the "eye" is blocked. Dr Bryson made the apartment a laboratory, but it is the foundation of labs - only this room. Everything else - is quite standard apartment. So Ann Bryson - obviously not homeless and has good conditions for life. Even very good.

  - It is clear, Commander. - XO nodded. - Let go?

  - Go. We will prepare. And I think Despoyna us also is not going anywhere. There also have to be planted. But first - the Citadel, cruiser, Ann Bryson. As in this order. Complex Hard - this Anna-Lisa, Anneliese.

  - We will solve this problem, commander. - Shepard crossed the threshold, leaving the commander's cabin.

  - John, what are you, also supported Anderson? - To communicate on the Speaker Svetlana came. Shepard surprise even stopped on the stairs this from his wife, he did not expect.

  - Um. And why I can not support it, Light? - Finally, John asked the first thing that came to mind.

  - Yes, because he is trying to divide the squad again, John! He again tries to act on the scale of a single ship. But Yavik offered him command of the squadron, which would include all three quiet cruiser Protheans. Almost a thousand people added.

  - Well, we gave Asari, Turian and salarians the cruiser. Although they form the crews of Light. What's going on, then? - Shepard entered the cabin, densely covering the door and closing the latch. - Explain plainly, I - not the world.

  - With Miralem I'll talk more later. Thank her for what she gave Anderson the coordinates of this cruiser. - Svetlana did not hide his displeasure, rolling in rigid irritation. Shepard, of course, knew about the mood swings, so peculiar to pregnant women, but in fact Svetlana is dead before holding himself. And here ... - Good tour decided to arrange Anderson. First, the Citadel, then - unknown sector. And then it comes to Despoyny. The plan is? Neto Anderson plan. Nope. There is only basting.

  - Light, it's only because of all the details you need to collect in series rather than parallel. We can not do everything simultaneously. Yes, our squad is strong, we have a lot of opportunities and good support, but we can not ...

  - Can, John, can. Anderson enters the mode that we have in the Intelligence Academy called "dizzy with success". Yes, it seems to be able to win the Collector, although there are questions. It was possible to avoid the need to parachute on "Avernus", but under attack still remained "Omega". Now we will deal with the Leviathans, climb on Despoynu, and the result? The result - a blow Reapers for "Omega". Within the same transponder, "Omega-fourth," John said. As a result, we are actually doing something from which tried in every way to distance himself, when dealt with batarian Bahakom - we are bringing the harvest John. Not the fact that the Leviathans will act openly against the Reapers. It is not a fact. While it is a fact that "Cerberus" will perform at the side of the Reapers in the attack on the "Omega". Losing the station, we actually lose the Omega Nebula. All. We can consider it being lost. Evacuate anyone anywhere, we just do not have time - I have to calculate these options. None. And if captured by the Reapers or "Cerberus" will get the world - The harvest rate and its effectiveness will only be bitterly envious. Bitter, John. Yes, I have no doubt that omegovtsy will resist, but they are not ready to fight against the Reapers, and against the "Cerberus". Against only one "Cerberus" they can still survive, but against ships "Cerberus" and a few shrimp fixed station for a long time forgetting what the work of the main engines, can not survive. And we actually provoke the attack, John. And provoking the change station. And delivery of the Omega Nebula, too. We can consider it being lost. Evacuate anyone anywhere, we just do not have time - I have to calculate these options. None. And if captured by the Reapers or "Cerberus" will get the world - The harvest rate and its effectiveness will only be bitterly envious. Bitter, John. Yes, I have no doubt that omegovtsy will resist, but they are not ready to fight against the Reapers, and against the "Cerberus". Against only one "Cerberus" they can still survive, but against ships "Cerberus" and a few shrimp fixed station for a long time forgetting what the work of the main engines, can not survive. And we actually provoke the attack, John. And provoking the change station. And delivery of the Omega Nebula, too. We can consider it being lost. Evacuate anyone anywhere, we just do not have time - I have to calculate these options. None. And if captured by the Reapers or "Cerberus" will get the world - The harvest rate and its effectiveness will only be bitterly envious. Bitter, John. Yes, I have no doubt that omegovtsy will resist, but they are not ready to fight against the Reapers, and against the "Cerberus". Against only one "Cerberus" they can still survive, but against ships "Cerberus" and a few shrimp fixed station for a long time forgetting what the work of the main engines, can not survive. And we actually provoke the attack, John. And provoking the change station. And delivery of the Omega Nebula, too. And if captured by the Reapers or "Cerberus" will get the world - The harvest rate and its effectiveness will only be bitterly envious. Bitter, John. Yes, I have no doubt that omegovtsy will resist, but they are not ready to fight against the Reapers, and against the "Cerberus". Against only one "Cerberus" they can still survive, but against ships "Cerberus" and a few shrimp fixed station for a long time forgetting what the work of the main engines, can not survive. And we actually provoke the attack, John. And provoking the change station. And delivery of the Omega Nebula, too. And if captured by the Reapers or "Cerberus" will get the world - The harvest rate and its effectiveness will only be bitterly envious. Bitter, John. Yes, I have no doubt that omegovtsy will resist, but they are not ready to fight against the Reapers, and against the "Cerberus". Against only one "Cerberus" they can still survive, but against ships "Cerberus" and a few shrimp fixed station for a long time forgetting what the work of the main engines, can not survive. And we actually provoke the attack, John. And provoking the change station. And delivery of the Omega Nebula, too. but they are not ready to fight against the Reapers, and against the "Cerberus". Against only one "Cerberus" they can still survive, but against ships "Cerberus" and a few shrimp fixed station for a long time forgetting what the work of the main engines, can not survive. And we actually provoke the attack, John. And provoking the change station. And delivery of the Omega Nebula, too. but they are not ready to fight against the Reapers, and against the "Cerberus". Against only one "Cerberus" they can still survive, but against ships
"Cerberus" and a few shrimp fixed station for a long time forgetting what the work of the main engines, can not survive. And we actually provoke the attack, John. And provoking the change station. And delivery of the Omega Nebula, too.

  - Light, I ask ...

  - Do not ask me, John. Do not. I can clearly see - Anderson liked to steer alone. Yes, one ship, but as the sovereign master of the situation. Sole owner. He is weary of its deliberative position in the Troop, he again wants to be the sole manager of the fate of the ship and crew. Again, we will fight alone and die alone? Anderson is doing everything to stop our partnership and our cooperation. He was tired of being "one of", he wants to again become the sole. The only one who can decide anything definitively. And it is - a guarantee of victory Reaper, Shepard.

  - I...

  - Yes, I understand, remember and know that you're only a senior assistant. What Anderson - the commander of the frigate, cruiser. But I hasten to remind you, Number One, Anderson got their hands on a frigate, cruiser through the work of Russian imperial structures. I will send you to instrumentron a curious document - or rather, an extract from the document - with the full text, and you have familiarized myself later. - Svetlana paused and Shepard put the text of the document to one of the wall-mounted screens. - I see you got. Read. There's a bit of text, to read five minutes is enough.

  Shepard got a grasp, then I read again. The situation became very dangerous: Anderson risked. The cost of reconstruction of the "Normandy", the cost of works and materials, the cost of Applied on technical solutions, innovations and know-how has been prohibitive for the Alliance's budget. And at the bottom was the signature of Anderson and Anderson argue there was nothing - there was a big sign, the official imprinted personal stylus-kodatorom. You will want to deny - can not, for the time written off in the imbecile. Do not have any status or powers, nothing.

  - I read? Well, I read that. Think Now Is The Alliance quickly and fully compensate for the actual loss of the Empire will, associated with such, I may say, charity, John. Why charity? Because the Empire, by signing this contract, never counted on the fact that these items, this part will have to really use ever. We tend to trust their partners. Trust, John. But if the partners are cheating our trust for our same account ...

  - Estimated ...

  - I guess not, John. I - do not guess. Everything you read in the contract itself. I have no doubt that you read the contract before and carefully read it, but I know that most people do not tend to read carefully the so-called "punitive" part of the contract - Human psychology is such. And you know perfectly well that the Empire may require transmission frigate, cruiser under his direct control, and then - and possession. And the Turian Hierarchy, as you have read the contract, in this case agree with our imperial requirements. Understand simple thing, John: either we all die together and almost at the same time, either we all win together and almost at the same time. All other options are not merely counterproductive, they are extremely dangerous because we are guaranteed to be destroyed. Guaranteed, I emphasize. Think about how the Alliance was dissatisfied with our willingness to send a million imperial special forces troops to the Citadel. Remember, John, he was displeased, because the Alliance itself could muster only one hundred and fifty thousand special forces. Eighteen of the largest countries in the world, perhaps - even the strongest were able to scrape together at just one hundred and fifty thousand special forces for the protection and defense of the central station of the Galaxy. You will recall that it was the Empire demanded skip all Advisors and the entire staff of their devices through the anti-terrorism training course? possible - even the strongest were able to scrape together at just one hundred and fifty thousand special forces for the protection and defense of the central station of the Galaxy. You will recall that it was the Empire demanded skip all Advisors and the entire staff of their devices through the anti-terrorism training course? possible - even the strongest were able to scrape together at just one hundred and fifty thousand special forces for the protection and defense of the central station of the Galaxy. You will recall that it was the Empire demanded skip all Advisors and the entire staff of their devices through the anti-terrorism training course?

  - Do not remember. Velarn Advisor paid for that opposition with their lives. - Shepard said.

  - You almost paid with his life to save Tevosov and Sparatusa from tserberovtsev, John. What do you think, who is dearer to me - you, or the two aliens? And then you got into the "Omega-fourth," John said. I nearly went mad with fear and concerns for your future and for you, and now Anderson is trying to split the squad only for the simple reason that the role of the weary man who has not decisive, but only an advisory vote. I permit Titova so I tell you: it's hard to Stanislav was talking to David. Difficult, John. I do not interfere in his work with Anderson, but I've been watching the way is carried out this work. And I see that Anderson is trying to sort out the role of the elders, whom everyone listens and no one can argue anything. Elders are respected for their wisdom and experience, John. And what a life experience in Anderson? Remind me that he might become the first spectrum and did not they? Who's to blame? Saren? And that prevented Anderson show preparedness and reasonableness? Nothing prevented. And now, when in his hands newest modernized ship, which belongs to nepoymi one in particular, Anderson tries to play an independent role. I note, John, if you do still have not noticed that Anderson never really did not mind it when you held me and my crew, and my ship "in the wings". I'm not talking about mechanical equality, John. I'm talking about a partnership. You will recall, dear Olivia came to my ship? which belongs nepoymi one in particular, Anderson tries to play an independent role. I note, John, if you do still have not noticed that Anderson never really did not mind it when you held me and my crew, and my ship "in the wings". I'm not talking about mechanical equality, John. I'm talking about a partnership. You will recall, dear Olivia came to my ship? which belongs nepoymi one in particular, Anderson tries to play an independent role. I note, John, if you do still have not noticed that Anderson never really did not mind it when you held me and my crew, and my ship "in the wings". I'm not talking about mechanical equality, John. I'm talking about a partnership. You will recall, dear Olivia came to my ship?

  - Do not. I remember and know about it.

  - How do you think I have the right to claim on her and her daughter? By the way, if you do not understand something, then it's a letter. - Svetlana swung on instrumentron exec file. - Honor.

  Shepard got a grasp. Olivia was willing to move to the "Volga", what is quite clearly, fully and formally informed Svetlana as the commander of the cruiser. Having read the text file to the end, Shepard suddenly realized that one should go and Mark and the Legion. They guard and protect kiborgessu, now, more precisely, two kiborgess. Shepard was not aware of such intimate details, if Olivia was able to transfer her daughter's ability to generate the AI control centers, but no doubt that, in any case, Alix will leave behind a mother, followed by kiborgessami leave cyborgs.

  - As you can see, John, the situation is that Anderson, to put it mildly, began to play. I have every reason to suspect that he aims to become the savior of the galaxy. Savior of the galaxy from the Reapers. Do not understand that to become such a Saviour can only be the entire population of the Galaxy polls. Polls, John. Alone, this role will crush faster and stronger forging press! - Svetlana paused. - I've already had an unpleasant conversation with Primarch Palaven. He is not only a warrior he diplomat and gentleman gentleman. But even he was disgusted with the way Anderson handles Nihlus and Saren. They both remind John spectra. And according to generally accepted rules of well-known to many Spectra gathered on the same ship must be the most severe, and very very very serious reasons. There is no reason Now, John. Because the spectrum of Anderson's hard not directly involved in the landings, he does not run on planets, do not shoot, do not calm the galactic security violators. He just sits on the board of the frigate and trying to pretend that supervises. You recall the Charter of the
spectrum, John? I do not suharka, but these things I do not tend to forget. It clearly says that the spectrum has no right to sit in the rear. He has no right, John. And Anderson is it does. Two Spectra - Nihlus and Saren - running around with you, too, Spectrum, on the landing, and when next to you on the landings, in a combat situation was Anderson? When he once risked his own life on the landings? Can not remember virttrenazhёr on the "top". It - children's toys, and I mean a real and present danger landing. Spectrum, John, I repeat, It has no right to sit in the rear. He has no right, John. Without wishing-a! Otherwise it is not Spectrum, and office clerk. Whom powers Spectra will only interfere. Needless to him such powers, if he nestled on board the ship and modernized the nose does not seem beyond. You spectrum, constantly running on the landing, even on the basis of the Collectors Anderson next to you was not, not to mention landing on the planet. Are you running on a landing Nihlus Saren and actually risking skins, heads and everything else, including mental health. And what risks Anderson, signing papers and disposing? What, John? Or do you doubt that I did not initiate the investigation process? Triggering, John, you can see for yourself and understand that grounds for it - have a small car and truck. Who broke Hacket, John? You broke it. You. Now Anderson is trying to do everything, to save Hacket of resignation in disgrace. Because the group of Dr. Bryson worked very badly. Because Dr. Bryson threw nepotism, violation of the basic principle - close relatives can not work in the same organization, if one of them in the service is obliged to obey another. And Ann Bryson worked in class, organized in "Aurora" group, she worked there as a local leader, who on any laws and all conceivable norms subordinate supervisors. His father, John. His father. And what is the result? As a result, the ship with Dr Bryson disappeared, and Ann Bryson is now trying to find his father. Not a team leader, organized by order of Admiral Hackett and his father. And she is ready to wager body and soul to find his father. Who, John, had to think, before giving the permit visa for submission in the service daughters father? This visa. - Svetlana sent Shepard to another document. - That's it, John. Visa signed Hacket. Look and see.


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