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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 105

by Theodore Daniels

  Shepard knew how unhappy Svetlana its role. He knew how much she is weary of her pregnancy, how weary his forced suspended from duty and combat commander razvedkorablya Empire functions. Yes, she trusts, she believes Titov - otherwise it can not be: the assistant, who did not trust the commander of the ship in the Empire usually immediately blamed on the shore. And now it is near, "Normandy", Svetlana keeps himself in hand, does not allow the will of the nerves and senses, although very worried. He knows fact that Shepard does not usidit on the ship when danger threatens one of the key stations Space Milky Way. Stations More recently is the final destination and a center of concentration of criminal elements from all over the galaxy. Now they are also there, but the station has changed, become different. And now she and her inhabitants need help Squad. A kind of first aid. The very presence of Otryadovtsev aboard the station prompted its inhabitants, that they are not thrown unwittingly becoming the first who took up arms on Reapers. They omegovtsy, not left to fend for themselves.

  The station is not the impression of a clean and well-groomed. There were plenty of traces of fighting. Many of the station several times passed from hand to hand and wait for the ordering would be just silly.

  At the entrance to one of the control bunker was batarian mechanic. He just spoke instrumentronu with someone from the staff and did not pay any attention to Shepard or the policemen accompanying him. The captain wished he does not have as acute hearing as turians, but decided to come closer and hear what is said so excitedly that batteries, one of the few who actually do useful work, not participating in violence, robbery or robbery.

  The mechanics of group logistics stations, subordinate to the crisis directly Arias, not Nayrin, needed help. Inverters whiling away the entire station, which is making a hefty confusion in the energy balance, and new and had yet to find - is now valued premises and their contents are often forgotten - only watched, lest there be in these rooms and halls of various hazardous and toxic goodies. And now the mechanic asked to find at least a dozen inverter Kerry for him and bring in the bunker, so that he could replace them exhaust their resources and stabilize the level of power for a short time.

  Seeing the approach of Captain, batarian obviously recognized him, nodded a greeting, interrupting the conversation.

  - Captain, the adjutant ... they move through the service tunnel. And there are too sudden. - Batarian said. - We've been trying to track their progress, but it is - utter beast from hell. In those places where there were warehouses - they are at least a few and they are jumping - the fear of one. Even we batarians, seems to be innate and hunters do not have time to track them. Already five mechanics died, unable to leave under these creatures jump. Energy ... all of this is difficult. We're trying, but ... With our weapons - some pistols, a rifle in the narrowness not pomashesh ...

  - Good. As adjutant are not interested in things like inverters, perebroste my instrumentron map of new warehouses. For the latest, which only you have.

  - Willingly. - Batteries touched his keyboard instrumentrona. - Submitted.

  - I Took. - Shepard made sure that the file really is on his instrumentrone. - Let's try to do something.

  - I would like to. - Batarian doubtfully looked at the approaching cops paratroopers. - Jumping-jack creature ...

  - Levies. - The captain handed the card to instrumentrony policemen and briefly explained the problem to them. Those nodded - Keri inverters were common technical tool, known as soldiers and civil specialists. - Let's find - shall bring. - Shepard headed toward the stairs.

  After the first news about the penetration of the station forces "Cerberus" brand managers and commanders stations disappeared from the screen navigation. There are not too many ways to determine their presence nearby, but Shepard was sure - Nayrin not be able to leave without their clear leadership. Turianka loved personally intervene in the problem-solving process, assisting colleagues and is not particularly bothered by their governing status.

  - Shepard, glad to see you. - Nayrin, as always, there was a sudden jumping on the floor boards with three-meter container. - What brings here?

  - Watching the situation, I walk, cool off - Shepard said - sit back formless way.

  - Do not, John. I Do not know what you did not know how to dally. There are three adjutant near settled. And there - a former warehouse technology. We, of course, remember that they should be fighting, except that of the Turian present here, krogan salarians soon as I had with them for business, and the rest ... It is unlikely that they are very well aware of what it is. Maybe you tell them?

  - Nayrin, this is ridiculous. I personally have no aide is not killed, unlike you. And how it will look - not seen the aide will talk about it so as not seen. - Shepard did not smiling, knowing that so clumsily Nayrin jokes, discharging, as far as possible, the tense situation. - Storage should be moved to another location. - The captain looked at his followers. - How are you, can shoot?

  - The average results, very average. - I answered honestly turianka. - I came here only because this warehouse is very important. With energy at the station a big problem.

  - I heard. Only the deaf do not hear about it. - Shepard nodded. - Loop the us the modern data warehouse in the district. I think what could be done.

  - Okay, John. - Nayrin claws touched the keyboard to the sensors. - Sent.

  - I Took. - Shepard turned to the cops-paratroopers, who looked back. - Nayrin, we will discuss later - Consistent.

  - Okay, John. - Turianka toward the krogan with salarians.

  Two policemen airborne briefly discussed the plan with Shepard forthcoming battle, options for the development of the situation and how to respond to these options. After a few minutes normandovtsy coordinated battle plan with members of the group "Claws". Recalling the need to shoot in a bag on the back or on the creature's head, Shepard said that you must be very careful and listen to the whisper aide, trying to determine the direction of Husk asylum. If the creature jump - to shoot without hesitation.

  Whisper adjutant Shepard had heard only in death records of those intelligent, who was not able to avoid the disastrous meeting with the haskopodobnym biological weapons. The bag has been the focus of controversy, capable to process any reasonable in another aide as soon as possible, but in order that these disputes have worked, they had to be spewed out not only as a breath of creation. If the bag was torn, and the spores were unable to reach the mouth - they were not dangerous for of organic - so simple mucus, yes, many burn and melt the plastic, but no more. But if adjutant spit them out of his mouth - then down the drain: new adjutant will be ready as soon as possible, somewhere around three minutes.

  Now with the different parties Shepard heard several adjutants whisper. And I guess what else sharper hear these whispers turians. Nayrin not persuaded to stay on the outpost - she decided to take part in even time, but still release this quarter of the adjutant presence.

  Thrown weapons applied by several aides, touched only salarians - turians and krogan managed to escape and broke singularity balls at a considerable distance from the kogtevtsev, managed to sprawl on the floor slabs and otskolzit aside from the activation site misleading sequins. Leap adjutant, vision Shepard, impressive - sixteen meters from the place of Croghan and barely had time to roll, going out of the carcass of the mutant. Shots shotgun adjutant crumbled back wrap bag, and turn two shturmvintovok, scratches on the pelvic girdle creatures did not give adjutant escaping the destructive grenade. The rest of the aides had been eliminated as quickly. None of the husks are not able at this time to hide in the ventilation ducts or technical. Standing up to the knee, Shepard said to myself,

  - It looks like the area is clean. - Nayrin purely feminine indifference rechargeable rifle, not even looking around. - It is necessary to gut the warehouse, transfer it to the outpost. There's little tunnels and critters get quickly and quietly will not. We regularly check valves and debris. There - steady.

  - Then - work. - Shepard nodded his two escort.

sp; Somewhere in half an hour spent on the transfer of property from the warehouse to the outpost. Several walker - and the warehouse was empty. Nayrin doubtfully looked around the interior of the storage room, probably wondering how you can use this space, but so far nothing has come up with a gesture ordered to close the door tightly warehouse.

  - We'll take a dozen inverter Carey, Nayrin. Here one battery need to provide Energy area. - Shepard said, loaded with packages.

  - Okay. I thought that you do not walk lightly on the station. - Turianka nodded. - Thanks for your help, Captain.

  - Always happy to help. Take care of yourself, the naira.

  - I'll try, but I guess I can not everywhere. - Green-biotic nodded, watching goes into the corridor tunnel three normandovtsev. - It is good that they are here with us.

  Handing rejoiced batarians packaging inverters Shepard received instrumentron files with the latest information on the situation at the station.

  "Omega". Help xakeru

  Information about the active participation of the Shepard of resisting forces omegovtsev "Cerberus" has not gone unnoticed either among allies or enemies in the environment. The transition from one outpost to another outpost did not take more than an hour. Shepard wondered how big is the Omega - the plan-map it looked much smaller, and now they have gone a few hundred meters on transitions, corridors, staircases, visited on several levels and up to the outpost still remained a good distance.

  - Captain. - Near a remote outpost in the room "Claws" I was stopped by a young man in a light broneskafandre. - Our outpost - one of the last before the territory, controlled "Cerberus". Adjutant there rarely appear, but there are. Basically - tserberovtsy. I know that they are husky. But is not the point. There are terminals that are brought under control tserberovtsami. Without their return under our control, we can not effectively defend against attacks "Cerberus". In two places there - heavy attack aircraft and engineers. Our strength is not enough. Help us to regain control of these terminals and we can then act more effectively.

  - Let's card and what you need to return control. - Shepard did not turn to his attendant, knowing that the young man just told the truth - with civil arms thrust to the heavily armed tserberovtsam would be sheer madness, and threatened with serious and totally unnecessary losses among the defenders stations. - I see you took. - Captain threw location of terminals and the latest data on the placement of forces "Cerberus" card in the target area on the instrumentrony teammate, made sure that they got acquainted with the information immediately. - Let's try to do something.

  - I'll get the information right away. Otsignalit program. - Said the young man.

  - No doubt. - Shepard made a hand gesture meaning "move out" and walked out of the outpost. He realized that in front of him was a high programmer and system administrator, and now - the hacker, whose task was to maintain the information invulnerability stations. If the terminal for remote control and instrumentrona young man was king and god, here in an armed confrontation with tserberovtsami he would quickly perish. Not lost, just lost. Quickly and inglorious. To his credit, he did not explicitly deal with his own business, he turned to the experts.

  Now I had to walk on several levels and deal with several departments tserberovtsev. In principle, the task was not difficult, but shooting is supposed to be fierce. Much time will have to spend for an armed confrontation with the servants three-headed dog, among which, as confirmed by more and more data, long ago dominated the Huskies. Now there was no need to take care of the prisoners tserberovtsah - they are all subject to liquidation, and among otryadovtsev has long operated "normally control" - just a shot in the head at close range and only. The enemy should not have come to life and was not supposed to be able to strike back.

  Maybe hacking terminals labeled and not included in the function of landing with "Normandy", but now had to be prepared to deal with and the work. It was necessary in every way to weaken the enemy and hacking terminals also contributed to this weakening. After reading the card, Shepard knew - had to go to different parts of the plant to hack terminals gave defenders a greater level of control and greater operational capacity.

  The territory of the "Claw" was left behind. Shepard's group climbed the stairs, ignoring the elevators. The first console is marked on the plan, it was just on the technical floor "level of twelve", near liftblokom control room of the five cabins. There had to shoot three marines "Cerberus", which do not just appear out of the corridor. Thrusting the stick in the slot, Shepard waited on the small screen will flash when the crossed three strips of different colors - a sign of activation of the program, which the hacker warned. A few minutes - and terminal software was rewritten new version. A few minutes - and again blinked three the crossed strips beeped captain that the reprogramming process is finished terminal. It was once thought that the program is not able to harm the mechanics, now with the development of integrated hardware and software this statement goes into the category of jokes unwise for absolutely beginners. Now the software has been able to do much harm to the equipment even more than any hardware.

  Hacker on the link did not come in any form, but the information on the burglary of the first terminal and the successful reprogramming it certainly was. Now you can move on through the corridors and passages. Sami tserberovtsy also felt the changes in the network of terminals and increasingly began to send a counter-counter-threes and fives, trying to stop the work of the group Shepard in the beginning. Skirmishes were becoming longer and more bitter, but so far nothing special promotion group could not prevent - tserberovtsy clearly waited command on a general assault on the station and did not intend to lose personnel in just such local clashes.

  Another shootout, another console. It clearly was not a counter-trey, so tserberovtsev patrol. Patrol does not draw to the concentration places, so as not to alert the defenders of the station and not lose control of the captured and poluzahvachennymi areas.

  Motioned that now, after a short circling on transitions level will go down, Shepard teammate signaled that there - Control Room occupied by at least a dozen tserberovskih warriors, among whom three stormtroopers and two engineers.

  We can not say that the appearance of Shepard was for tserberovtsev group as a complete surprise, but the visit was a success: the Huskies were ordered to keep the control room equipment to the maximum extent, so shoot little sluggish, and obviously not keep up with rapidly moving normandovtsami. Making sure that the majority of monitors and remote controls remained intact, Shepard found the right console, inserted the USB flash drive and wait for the signal on successful completion of the program.

  - Captain, thank you. Two consoles already - we changed some configuration nodes. - Donёssya from the speaker PHONES Speaker voice hacker. - Now you need to "revive" the third console. Here. - On the map on the small screen instrumentrona blinked several times the desired point. - And then we'll take under the control of a large part of the network area.

  - If so - to make the third console. - Shepard said.

  - I will be very grateful. - Said the hacker. - After that, we can handle ourselves.

  - Agreed. - Shepard shturmvintovku reloaded. - Follow to the third console and continue to crawl. - He said both teammate. Those did not even nod - was more than obvious to them the situation.

  "Cerberus" has exposed three barrier, each of the five Marines - a large force of heavy music, and he was clearly reserved for the decisive assault. Overcoming the barrier each took more than twenty minutes, finally a group of Shepard on the go Rechargeable shturmvintovok devastated shops and pistols, turned out to be far from the designated in terms of the two rooms. Waving a hand toward the right of the room, Shepard noted that the console there. Next to the console is very weak light sign "kogtevtsa". When normandovtsy entered, they saw the gun set upon them. kogtevets salarians himself appeared, badly injured. While one of the troopers-policemen working with the console, Shepard had Salar first aid, energize it to your Avtodoktor and its avtoaptechkoy. Kogtev
ets came to himself, convinced that he is among his own and lost consciousness.

  - Captain, the intruder - connected. - Cop-paratrooper reported, up from a set of commands in the console. - Turn.

  - Captain, thank you. I was able to get access to many previously inaccessible parts of my network, "Omega" and now "Cerberus" actions will be more predictable. Thanks again.

  - Welcome. - Captain said, switching channels. - Salar evacuate to the nearest outpost "Claws".

  Return to the areas controlled by forces defenders stations took a little less than an hour - the group was quite slow, scrutinizing the way in front of him and fearing exit tserberovtsev in his rear. At the outpost salarian instantly sent to the clinic, the doctor-Turian said that he is sure to survive, thanks to the provided first aid on time.

  "Omega". Help Harrotu

  Out of the outpost "Claws" Shepard approached ElKor in which the captain learned merchant Harrota. ElKor was obviously somewhat embarrassed and confused much - so much so that it is clearly readable even in his facial expression. Shepard stopped questioning a visitor looking at the unexpected - ElKor on "Omega" was very small, and they tried not to appear where it was too dangerous - and outpost "Claws" and was thereby very dangerous place and the appearance here meant ElKor another difficulty.

  - Shepard, - rumbled the giant, without needing updates - I'm very uncomfortable. But one of us has witnessed the defeat of the small apartment Aria. The one where she gave birth to Lizell captain. I would like to know Aria - among ElKor there are those for whom it is important, valuable and necessary .... I got information on where to find your favorite couch Arias. There is evidence that she gave birth to her Lizell it. Please, if possible, help me get this couch Arias, if it is, we can not release her small apartment on the presence of enemies. - ElKor sent to instrumentron Shepard card. - We go there ... not slipped. There ... little space. I will say that you helped me, Shepard. I will say Arias.


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