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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 111

by Theodore Daniels

  - Destroy them. Such a large group may well go for a breakthrough. - Ordered Aria, inquiring glance at Shepard. The captain nodded, confirming the correctness and legitimacy of instructions issued to the asari. Subordination, despite the nervous and mental stress, continues to maintain that it was a very good sign. - Stay and do not let the enemies to the reactors, Bray. - Aria ordered, entering the "box". - Let's move!

  Cleaning of neighboring tunnel tserberovtsev-husks and robots took little more than twenty minutes. Centurions and attack aircraft were not considered a loss, trying to delay, stop, and then destroy exiting the area outside the factory squad Shepard. The bridge runs over the tank with water, had to overcome the maximum crouch. The lieutenant reported that the person eliminated by a sniper two marines tserberovtsev subversive machine.

  Four guards with their shields and asari normandovtsy demolished by force - Aria flashed biotics and tserberovtsev soldered to the column wall.

  - Combat engineer with the support of stormtroopers undermines additional supporting columns. - Alenko reported. - Four bombs on platforms - watch.

  - Destroy the engineer and attack aircraft, then in pairs - on the site. Defuse, defuse the bomb. - Ordered Shepard, seeing as Lieutenant draws from dorsal bindings suit folded sniper. - Attack!

  Marines-cops on tangles and bundles of pipe fixings in a few tens of seconds reach areas and proceed to deactivate fuze. A minute later came one after the other four on the full clearance.

  - Clean the territory! - Ordered the captain, making sure that the bomb completely neutralized. I had, of course, personally walk to each of the four sites, while the bottom line could be heard economical trёhzaryadnye - going destruction tserberovskih additional barriers.

  - Shepard, "Cerberus" flies into a rage, he began to hit with full force in civilian areas. Archangel ordered part of his forces to direct their aid, the militia can not cope, Nayrin went into battle formations. - I came in the dynamics PHONES Speaker Spectrum voice Arias. - At Petrovsky in front of me such a debt - not ever pay off. Hundreds of years of working out exactly it is not enough. It is necessary to go to the "afterlife"! - Biotics and I broke one of the huge fan, grate, interrupted rotation. - Through this ventshahtu impeller we get there by the shortest route!

  - Let's move! - Ordered Shepard, a dozen seconds, including conferencing. - Forward!

  Passing the six-meter wing fan, Shepard broke the side door and followed Aria began to climb a vertical ladder. Past flew down two stormtrooper-tserberovtsa with clearly constricted necks.

  - Nayrin you? - Aria first determine who could so smartly and quickly to deal with not the weakest tserberovskimi warriors.

  - And then who. - Nayrin to ten seconds on your channel. He heard the panic in the negotiations have got big trouble tserberovskih soldiers. - Here's adjutant tserberovskogo guard dozhёvyvaet. Your trunks I need to calm this thing completely. So climb. - A barely audible voice said turianka-biotic.

  Ten barrels, a blow to the head and dorsal bags, have left the generation of "Averno" no chance of survival. Appeared in the doorway of the room was attack-tserberovets infantryman and had tried to retreat, but he fell on the threshold.

  - Withdrawal of information that is "Cerberus" made with aide. - Alenko straightened, burying crystals in the waist styling. - Good to see you, Nayrin. - Lt. bowed held turianke. That said, obviously affectional nod and smile. - Good flew those two.

  - Glad Cayden that you enjoyed it. - Nayrin spoke about something with Aria, turned. - Ahead is complicated. Peter does not think of himself acting without cover, there is, to my knowledge, there may be even "Atlas", so I will not say exactly in manned or unmanned.

  - Equally. - Jenkins put his cue. Nayrin nodded in agreement:

  - There are clamped to a dozen civilian militias, and I could not leave them. I had to get here very roundabout ways. - Nayrin said. - So far there - a few stormtroopers and only one avenger, so that the forces are roughly equal, but the Petrovsky already aware of our approach, and we barely there appeared ...

  - We'll have to appear Nayrin. - Captain convinced that normandovtsy reloaded the weapon and checked the spacesuits. - Forward.

  With the advent of the hall normandovtsev number tserberovtsev also increased dramatically - and appeared "Atlas". Heavy music was clumsy, so was destroyed by one of the first. Stormtroopers were not able to cover too heavy robot safely and normandovtsy not going to spread around the room, taking not too reliable and shelter.

  - The door is locked. - I reported to the lieutenant. - I reveal. Minute.

  While Alenko conjured with instrumentronom on virt-panel interface, the group carried out a "control" all tserberovtsev and collected ammunition with their cadavers.

  - There will be at least fun. - Looking at the screen instrumentrona, translated into radar mode, Kaidan said. - The staircase leads to the slums. Next - a fairly large room where the marked centurions, guards and one engineer. One turret he set right at the entrance, while the second holds himself in readiness.

  - Next - the market, and there are always a lot of civilians. - Nayrin said. - It is necessary to have time before the stormtroopers to arrive linear units.

  - Forward. - Ordered the captain, flying up the stairs of the first and conceding only Alenko forward with two paratroopers-cops. - Attack!

  Attempt providing normandovtsam warm reception from tserberovtsev this time is clearly not a success. After collecting ammunition and control the bodies, landing the group surrounding Nayrin and Aria, were in the territory, more - less stable controlled "Claws".

  - Ahead - market. - Alenko reported. - I'm sorry, Captain, but I can not help feeling prepared for us Cerberus meanness. A significant meanness. - Lieutenant squinted at turianku again discussing something with Aria. - "Cerberus" - Kaidan said lowering his voice to a whisper possible - did not leave the idea to eliminate Nayrin. Now, as against tserberovtsev climbed even unsuitable for battles civilian inhabitants of the station, not only militias - it is for tserberovtsev more terrible than the Aria.

  - Cover you, Kai. We need more "afterlife" release. - Shepard said. - I agree. I have the same feeling, so do what you want, but Richard is to keep them both in the center of our "box".

  - Captain, I'm sorry. - Alenko looked at Shepard - But you now have a face as if to Eden Prime.

  - I know. - Short chopped Shepard. - "String" wakes up. We have a great difficulty and without it we avoid them will be extremely painful and difficult. With it - a little easier.

  - It would hope, Commander. - Alenko shturmvintovku reloaded, changed the shop at the sniper rifle. - I'm ready.

  - I have to go to the market, Captain. - Get up to Shepard went turianka. - But your corporal said he could not let go of me without your permission.

  - He's right. You will go with us. And we just follow the market. We go there all together naira. One you will not go back for sure.

  - But there's ten adjutant! - I broke turianka discontent. - And they are ready to turn the stuffing hundreds of civilians!

  - That's why you will not go there alone. Only with us. - Shepard stood up, grabbing the rifle comfortably. - Richard, Aria and Nayrin - in the "box" in the center. And - nothing else!

  - Yes, Captain. - Corporal came to turianke. - Please, ma'am. - It is a grim determination pointed to the center of the formed system normandovtsev.

  - Shepard ... - perturbation Nayrin did not seem to limit him but the captain did not pay any attention. After consulting with instrumentronom, Spectrum gestured for the group to go on a run.

  Whisper dozen aides pressed on the psyche of forging a steam press. Shepard knew - the civil whisper hear even more clearly - the majority were closed for suits helmets, and many do not wear suits or just do not have time to put on.

  - Attack! - Exclamation captain opened the floodgates of rage and normandovtsev creature "Averno", one after another began to crumble on top of not having time to take aim at a group of civilian inhabitants, without having to take a flight
in the right position for a successful attack. The first two creatures fell down already deprived of bags. The rest were finished sighting queues even when you try to make the first jump. Screams, screams, rattle and rustle soles clatter of dozens of feet, the sound of bursting overalls. The usual cacophony of the battle among the civilian population. Ten minutes. Ten adjutant.

  - Last thing ... controlled. - On konferentskanale group voice sounded Alenko. - Twenty wounded civilians, killed two civilians.

  - I am now able to break Petrovsky bare hands. - Shepard, bent over the slain Earthman, approached Aria. - Shepard, my club - above. And I ... - Aria stopped short when she saw the captain's face. - What's wrong with you?

  - Nothing. Just a state of battle. - Shepard said evasively, knowing that at this moment the asari would not try to find out the truth dokapyvayas. Status Strings did not leave, and therefore - the main meanness Petrovsky waited farther and higher, right in the club. - Alenka, Jenkins. - He looked at the approaching deputies. - The Two - in the box. And - will not produce. Two policemen paratroopers - with me.

  - Yes, commander. - Realizing that in such a moment is better not to argue with Shepard, Alenko expressively looked at Aria. - Please, ma'am. - I looked at the turianku approached. - And you too, ma'am. - Have barreled rifle shaped battle formation landing party. - While the commander and his colleagues dealt with the general - to be here, in our society.

  - Shepard. - Aria hissed, stepping to the "box". Behind her, she hesitated, and went Nayrin.

  - Forward. - I forced a spectrum, feeling that it just starts banging on power. - Fast. We solve the problem and - coming back here.

  Two policemen paratroopers, even from the first rapid response team formed before the first arrival to the "Citadel", nodded, do without verbal clarifications.

  Peter, who was in the main hall of the club, was not prepared for the appearance of Shepard. Moreover - this Shepard. See the entrance of Captain General was taken aback, but it was the last thing he could do freely. After a moment, the general has struggled in biotic castle, in which he intended to conclude an aria and two policemen paratroopers shot almost point-blank stingy trёhzaryadnymi sights queues rinuvshihsya aid General-tserberovtsev husks. Five adjutant, probably - one of the last remaining under the control of "Cerberus" had tried to roost at the captain, but it fell just stepped through a side separating the dancefloors from places with tables and chairs for visitors. Appeared Avengers, storm troopers and infantrymen did not have time to even raise his arms, as cut by the same economical bursts bivshy almost at point blank range. Normandovtsy shadows moved down the hall, Peter gasped, trying to escape from biotic lock, but it did not work.

  - Shepard Commander, approaches to the hall of the club blocked the host of "Omega". - Briefly reported Legion. - More reinforcements Peter receives. Work. We are monitoring the situation around the club.

  Shepard did not even answer, destroying another stormtrooper-Husk. Finally, in the living of the general tserberovtsev only remained.

  - Alenka, lift all here. - Ordered the captain, coming up to the beating in the "castle" Petrovsky.

  - Peter. - Aria hissed, coming to the "castle". - Got to get where he wanted to put me. Your happiness is that you - not the asari. Otherwise, every minute "castle" would you cut five percent of health.

  - Commander Shepard. Inside the station turned fighting between the Rangers and the remnants tserberovtsev. Order of the same - one of tserberovtsev to take no prisoners. - The Legion sent a new stack of files with information. - We clean the area around the club.

  - Accepted. - The captain looked like standing at the castle radiates Aria biotics. - He's not Husky, Aria. So far - not Husk. And hardly will now become husky. Just do not have time.

  - What are you going to do with it, Shepard? - Asari asked, turning to the captain. - It's not me, and you will be caught. So you and decide his fate.

  - There is nothing to decide. - Shepard threw instrumentron. - Nihlus, Saren, you have a valuable customer for the prison on the Citadel Spectres. Come into the main hall of the "afterlife".

  - Acknowledged, Commander. Now we will. - Turian response was coordinated and crisp. After a few minutes the two stood side by side with Spectra Aria. - This?

  - There is no other. - Shepard nodded. - He's already here pobrykalsya abound, so silushku podrasteryal. Take it and pack your.

  - Yes, commander. - Saren disabled the lock and quickly swaddled collapsed on all fours General obezdvizhivatelya belts, rolled, he understood the captain, a horse tranquilizer right shoulder Petrovsky. - Done. We transport it to the shuttle. - Senior Spectrum picked up the body of General the straps and easily bore out of the room. For Saren went Nihlus, keeping sight of his sniper rifle to the head the best strategy "Cerberus".

  - Commander Shepard. - In the communication channel again manifested Legion. - Includes external video sensors. See for yourself. All three ships Reapers go from station to repeater "Omega-fourth."

  Wallboards illuminate the hall showed a complete picture of the siege. Three polutorakilometrovy shrimp gracefully turned, heading to the repeater. Aria looked at the main screen without hiding the excitement and tension:

  - Goddess ... Do they lifted the siege of the station ?! - Whispered to her lips. In the eyes of Asari was not noticeable tears, but Shepard felt - they will appear there, a little later, when pass a nervous Allert. - Is this time we managed to survive ...?!

  Normandovtsy room is checked for the presence of "Presents" - in the nobility tserberovtsev one a long time ago did not believe, and now the "Omega" will be a battle station and ignored the possible surprises failed invaders would be the height of irresponsibility. So Hall and the club is very meticulously checked. Waste Reapers from the station was slow, so special to watch was not there for nothing.

  - Shepard Commander at the station there is a massive destruction tserberovtsev and their henchmen. According to calculations the Community Geth, liquidation will take the next eight hours. After that, the station will be completely free from the presence of the invaders. - Report of the Legion found the captain sitting in a chair at one of the tables and gain another text message on the results of the work.

  Several tens of minutes and in a chair, stood on the other side of the table, sit down and Aria Nayrin.

  - Shepard ... - Aria said. - I ... I owe you an apology for his behavior down there.

  - I, too, Shepard. - I supported his girlfriend Nayrin. - You were right, I - it was not right.

  - You almost saved us again both lives. - Continued Aria. - And I at all desire can not hide it from the public station. You saved the lives of not only the two of us, but also hundreds of thousands of inhabitants of the "Omega". Once again. And I once again confirm that the station "Omega" will now always Squad Station.

  - Okay, Ari, Naira. - Shepard looked up from his typing. - I suppose that we can now consider the first battle with the "Cerberus" won. It is, unfortunately, not the last.

  - Will invite squad here? - Aria asked.

  - Maybe. But, most of all - do not. - Shepard included instrumentron, turned to the asari and turianke screen. - We have to follow to the fleet, and then - on Rannoch. It is necessary to hit the seam problem. The main problems that spawned Harvest.

  - Of course, Shepard. - Aria stood up. - Well. I think I need to prepare for and perform in front of the station residents. They need certainty. - Asari went to his office.

  - It's right. - Shepard returned to work. Nayrin followed Aria. But work in this time the captain failed - less than a few minutes, as he hugged included in the room Vera Club, came after world.

  - Shepard, John - Azarov telepath did not let the commander of his open arms and made no secret of his desire to kiss the person to the microscopic area. - You did not give me to work in full force.

  - Mira, you still will not be another opportunity to apply their abilities and capacities. - Easily hugged asari, Shepard gave her the opportunity to kiss her more convenient, without undue s
tress, bearing in mind that the World is not yet fully recovered from the injury. - World and how the Archangel?

  - I do not mind, John. - Heard bass approached turian Fifth Race. - Today, you and your group - the heroes of the day and the heroes stations. So that the World right in its manifestations of feelings and emotions. She knows better, and here I do not interfere in its right and in its evaluation.

  - John, how do you live? - Vera is clearly said that what thought for a long time, very much.

  - Will be. But now - only chamber. We will not collect the hall, we will not arrange the action and festivities.

  - Commander Shepard, in touch - the commander of "Normandy", Captain Anderson.

  - Yes, we took that connects, Leg. - The captain emerged from the open arms of the two asari, adjusted suit, turned on his screen instrumentrona. - Good morning, Captain.

  - Greetings to you, John. And congratulations on your success. I congratulate the Council. Sorry, but I could not keep Svetlana. It is on the shuttle accompanied by his top five paratroopers went to the "Omega". An hour later, with a little will.

  - I ordered. - He said quietly came up to the table Aria. - It will meet the fighters, "Omega" and escorted to a dock most.

  - Thank you, Ari. - Shepard glanced at goes to the stairs mistress stations. - Commander, I understand. We will meet and defend.

  - No doubt, John. I believe that you will soon return to the team for the shuttles. With your plan for the Navy and Rannoch - I agree. Before connection.

  - So long, Captain. - Captain switched channels.

  - Shepard Commander, Aria started konferentskanal "Omega". I turn. - Sounded another report-wedging geta.

  Revived speakers hidden in the walls of the hall. Confident Aria voice thundered in the space of the Club. Asari Matriarch congratulated residents of "Omega" with the first military victory over their enemies, urging them to continue to fight the Reapers and their henchmen with all the ruthlessness. Brevity and clarity of treatment like Shepard.


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