Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 127

by Theodore Daniels

  Gradually it came time to start landing. Three heavily laden and fully armed and equipped the shuttle waiting in the hangar. Predotlёtnaya short ceremony, the report Shepard Captain Anderson's readiness to conduct operations. Parting words. Shuttles one after another leave the hangar and head for Rannoch.

  Shepard sees the stares on their home planet, Admiral Zora. The interiors of all three shuttles concentrated silence reigns. Everything has already been said. Next - only affair. To be landing at a respectable distance from the base, and then - a march and roll, it is likely to clash with new and new units geth heretics. interior screens depict a sine wave-power jamming towers. Indeed, spending in such conditions orbital bombardment of the planet - so for the most part in vain to expend charges. The accuracy of hitting the targets will be appallingly low.

  - We are in place. - I reported to the commander of the shuttle driver.

  Hovering, shuttles threw ropes, which landed on a rocky ledge all normandovtsy. Alenko made a sign and Tali and both kiborgess surrounded on all sides by cops paratroopers. No objection was not followed. Quarian all eyes looking around, just soaking up everything I saw and felt. Shepard and the rest normandovtsy well aware of her condition - she finally set foot on his native planet, has returned after a long absence. You can be confident - she at this moment I longed to stay here for a very long time. Even if I have to fight against the remnants of the geth heretics, even if have to endure hardship and pain. Does not matter. This - her family, the mother planet, and she wants to be on it for so long, to stay on board a ship traveling quarian fleet as soon as possible was a distant history.

  A landing, shuttle sped back into orbit. Shepard on instrumentronu, using passive locator specified the route to base the Reapers.

  - Ahead of the base, on the perimeter of a small watch, goals in fifteen squad Geth. Mostly - geth-infantry and missile troops-geta. - Reported Alenko by taking scouts reports. - You can kill, there will be no problems. They are likely to protect and defend the entrance. Heavy guns and machine gun turrets - do not watch. I assume that you are logged into the locked. We'll have to look for other ways to penetrate the base, its building. You will be able to climb on the pipes. - Kaidan have on pipelines running "whips" whole in different directions. Presupposes the existence of ambushes and safety, but nevertheless it is easier than to break through a meter thick folds of heavy gates.

  - So do it. - Shepard gave a few orders. Group to build in order of battle, and especially not in hiding, went to the base of the Reapers. Believing in the fact that they are not found, the geth heretics are no longer followed. It was necessary to perform the task. Legion went near kiborgessami, creating the appearance that gives itself to protect, and in fact, he felt the captain, he was guarding kiborgess.

  After destroying a detachment geth-guards normandovtsy began to climb through the pipes, snapping fire in response to the numerous attempts to geth heretics delay their promotion to the rear entrance directly to the second and third levels. Tali and kiborgess without asking their consent, just raised in his arms, not allowing them to strained, pulling on the lines and ladders. Destroying five geth snipers who tried to block the approaches to the rear doors, the group hacked into the castle, and VI was inside, immediately shot dead six-geth infantry. Scour the area did not have to - Shepard immediately sign forbidden to break the order of battle. Especially since the geth heretics sent more and more new units, trying in every way to slow down the advancement of strangers.

  - I see in front of the bunker, blocked protivoartilleriyskim shield. Outgoing there are several weak signal, shield, without a doubt, thick and durable. Down there, at a depth of hiding Reaper. - Alenko reported, once again adopted the report of their spies. - Before using the laser marker, it will be necessary to remove the shield. And fire will have no longer a shield, and on the Reapers. Hence, the impact will be only one. shagohodiki fast. Time - and closed the cave with the most precious inhabitants.

  - Reapers, as we have seen, can wait. But this time, for a long time to wait, we will not let them. - Shepard said, having shot to get closer and has removed the disguise fifteen meters from the detachment geth hunter. - Small groups will try to stop us, and for this additional time geth heretics, led Reaper, come up with another dirty trick. - Moving the fire deeper into the structures, Shepard began to shoot appeared on the balcony of the Goths snipers. After a few seconds to be shot and joined the Goths Nihlus with Saren, to get and activate your sniper rifle.

  - Squad-geth geth infantry and hunters. Backed by a Prime. - Lt. new report did not find any of normandovtsev surprise - in the light of the sun Rannoch Prime's armor was difficult to confuse with any other armor. The battle ended with the victory over Prime, heavy walkers.

  - At the level where the elevator leads - Alenko not hide his displeasure. - Three Prime. And to pass by them - will not work. I intend to use heavy weapons, otherwise we will be stuck there.

  - Welcome. - Briefly Shepard replied, realizing that there is nothing more to say and do not have - professionals themselves silently do what is necessary. I walked to the elevator, normandovtsy to prepare for the opening aimed fire from grenade launchers. Kiborgessy Legion and Tali were back in a cocoon of protection. Resent and even more so - to protest it was useless, so the objections they are not followed.

  Lift slowly raised normandovtsev to the upper level. Here, almost caught up with the platform lift platform, from different sides, in three passages to the elevator moved three Prime. Their efforts go to waste - in each heavy walker hit at least three armor-piercing incendiary grenades and primes were poured onto metal and plastic platform. Alenko nodded with satisfaction: "We can go further!" - Normandovtsam said his eyes.

  - New weapons. Geta it created very recently. - Legion said, picking up plates with rifle platform. This - "Volcano", a weapon with a volley of knocks Prime's without further finishing. You just need to hold the shutter button, and push up to the complete exhaustion of the charge. The main thing - to keep the weapons and Prime in sight throughout the complete cycle. I'll take one instance of itself. - Het weight gain heavy rifle back wraps attachment. - Ready to go. I see a shield that unlocks protivoartilleriyskuyu flap.

  - We go to him. - Shepard looked around, assessed the situation, uncovered a laser marker. - Now is the time to test this toy a real fact. - He comfortably caught the weapon, going to the balcony overhanging the silo cylinder. - Lay down, let's trot to the panel and open the hopper cover while I took aim.

  - Yes, Commander Shepard. - Clearly delighted by the fact that it legally allowed to leave the protection of a cocoon, het rushed to the wall box, pulled the cover and grabbed the knife switch, dropping his knife down. - Done. Unlocked, Commander Shepard.

  - I see. - Captain watched protivoartilleriysky shield out to the side, opening the mouth of the bunker. - Deep. The main thing that worked. Alenko, prepare for quick evacuation as far as possible from the base. The reason you know. And then look for some light trucks. It is necessary to tease our guest.

  - Will do, Captain. - Alenko already seen docked to the speeder platform. - Richard, you take all in the arms and down the stairs, or - in the elevator. The main thing - to leave for at least three kilometers. Who delayed - to drag on the hands. It all concerns. - Alenko rushed to the speeder, was convinced that mounted on the stern of his gun loaded and ready to fire. - Vehicles found, Captain. The rest go. Two minutes.

  - I can give you only a minute, Kai. The signal is amplified. Guest climbs in the sun and fresh air! - Shepard said, taking aim at the mouth of the hopper and including a laser marker. Bright point noted in the frame bright circle where the beam fell. - Um, here deeply. Fearfulness shrimp are hiding. Nothing. Let's see what it is in an open battle. - Captain finger doge shutter button and a circle with a dot white. The synthesized voice VI said "The aim is captured" and heard the thunder of the engines approach the frigate, cruiser. Go anywhere from the balcony there was now no way, therefore, to prevent Moreau had not care - it was imp
ortant to put the squeeze on the key until the end, keeping the handle in position until the end. Bottom pёrla has some dark armored mass. "Reaper!" - Thought the captain, trying to keep this a frightening thought to respectable distance from consciousness. - "! What a huge one and a half kilometers deep bunker or two is necessary to keep the target information to the frigate discharged.." Taniksy "as accurately as possible This will damage the Reaper and make it a little faint And there we machinegun tickle Before comb-orbiting massive... . fire under precise targeting - at this point, Shepard least thought of impending himself to mortal danger: dancing with a weak laser marker sighting in his hands in front of a fully embarked on the legs heavily armed five hundred kilometers shrimp - it was beyond the comprehension of any sober-minded organic, but another rannohskogo ways to destroy the Reaper was not. it was necessary to gradually bring him at gunpoint guns and the frigate, cruiser and cruiser, and all quarian fleet. And then - in every possible way to cover up the Legion, let him not be damaged during the transfer of the complex its unique programs all getam-heretics. It is not reprogrammed, it's better, it's more powerful and more efficient ...

  At this point, spearhead corps "shrimp" has appeared on the bunker's edge. Frigate approached emptied into the hopper all twelve "Taniksov" and Shepard could not resist, fell down on the road, the envelope "glass" silo. In flight, it has picked up Alenko, I sat for a weapon, made sure that the captain had not lost consciousness and is quite capable of acting, and then squeezed to the limit of the gas pedal, sharply increasing the distance between the speeder and got up on his feet Reaper. Saying there was no conceivable time - it is all about a second. Finally, a machine gun and he began Reaper walked slowly behind speeder flies. For care by another road normandovtsev he paid no attention - it naturally interested in the wise, who dared to bring him such a powerful air strike.

  - Kai, to the precipice! There playground and there I will be able to bring pointer to the main instrument of the Reaper! And you - immediately, as soon as I land at full speed leaving itself to the rest of the group and display it in whatever became of the region. Min - to delete the five kilometers! Sit there until the end of bombardment from orbit. The fleet has already taken into orbit, I know it. - Shepard peeled himself from the gun, looked at the empty lentopatronnye box. - Not bad shooting. - He jumped down and slapped on the back of Lieutenant suit. - All fly away, this shrimp confidently creeps here!

  Alenko inwardly shuddering, and squeezed the accelerator speeder made a monstrous leap, moving away from the ledge, where Shepard was on a small platform.

  - Where John Kaiden? - To the speeder landed, pushed the sergeant-policeman rushed Tali. - Where Shepard ?!

  - There. Causes Fire ships on the Migrant Fleet reaper. - Kaidan did not leave the seat speeder, knowing that if he leaves the car, Tali quite smart enough skaknut for managing and rush back to Shepard. And he will keep her and the rest of life. Still on foot to get there so far and long.

  The huge ship was approaching. The distance was reduced. Shepard's eye estimated the site settings, knowing that to be dancing to the fire. The main thing - not to cling to the wall and not to approach the edge of the cliff, and so ... it is quite possible to survive.

  The first shot of the main gun. For a long time warming up this gun, a full six seconds, but then has - certainly not enough to show. We must have time to leave the affected area, and not only from the beam area and do it as quickly as possible and more accurately. Shepard and left. Jumping from a roll. The suit depreciated, let not really worry about injuries and bruises.

  guidance marker again danced at the opening of the main gun. Boomed Framework System clarify the purpose of parameters. Dzenknul signal and at the same time from orbit came the first salvo of guns quarian combat ships. Shepard, leaping, saw Reaper swayed, but stayed on the supports. He is clearly did not like it used to be subjected to such a coordinated strikes from orbit and even when there is no possibility to quickly and accurately get the offender housing or beam. A troublemaker - he's on the court. It is necessary to finish it. And Reaper, lined, again became insolent vytselivat reasonable organics.

  New shot. Shepard manages to escape the jump to the left, but his grit heaps of crushed rock powerful beam. Otryahnuvshis Shepard counts the seconds to himself and throws a laser marker, again fixing targeting. But Reaper does not give at this time to complete the sighting, he shoots, to be expected, before. Shepard, not letting go of the hand pointer, jump, roll, and goes again rises until Reaper had not fully reload. Tag targeting dancing again in the opening of the main laser, again merge frame. A new volley from orbit, much more powerful.

  This time the Reaper comes a longer Shepard manages to look around, to assess the destruction caused to the Reaper platform and to identify routes of movement at the beginning of the bombardment. Align the Reaper slowly shorten the distance. First there was one and a half kilometers, and now - just a kilometer. Somewhere deep in thought flashed "And if he is still approaching half a kilometer? Five hundred meters just left. The fun will fry". Captain pushes her willpower somewhere deep, raises pointer, captures a point in the opening of the main laser, he saw the red dot and understands - Reaper included pumping and will soon be followed by another shot. The legs tensed, ready to take away the body of the line of fire. True, the laser line of fire.

  Shepard shot and barely had time to roll to a particularly large chip - because the distance to the rocky cliff fell by as much as a mile - has not got right back on the suit and brought down the man face down on the platform stones. was not this time even shake oneself time. Almost on full automatic captain stood up, throwing and squeezing pointer button until it stops. The process went quickly, and in less than three seconds, a frame connected. Dzenknul signal and an even more powerful volley hit the Reaper. Shrimp significantly swayed, Shepard saw clearly flies away from the body of the terrible ship armor pieces, having thought that almost repeated history of clashes with Reaper on Eden Prime, quickly changed his position, watching Reaper shifting from foot to foot, deciding to stay in his this place or to come closer,

  Finally Mahina decides and takes a few steps to the rock, reduces the distance between themselves and Shepard to half a kilometer. The captain clearly see the smallest details on the Reaper's body. Where there is vision sensors - here, perhaps, the picture is similar drellovskoy. But the time to admire the perfection of the living machine reasonable and no ship Shepard raises pointer, knowing that the chances of surviving he is now almost gone. And those that have, to be used until the end. Again utaplivaet finger all the way down dzenkaet signal again. This time the captain had before the rock hit the main beam cannons and laser activation of the Reaper played against. A volley from orbit dumped "shrimp" with supports on the case ran thick strands of white and blue discharge, he heard a distinct crack of high voltage has reached the ears of Captain rumble mechanisms,

  Hands stiffened fingers tightened, locking arms and target marker resumed his position in the opening of the main instruments of "shrimp". Shepard did not manage to cancel a command issued by the subconscious, but it is clearly understood that it can be stated briefly and clearly: "finish". No time to hear the voice of the ship, there is no desire to fall under its indoktrinatsionnoe field. There is no possibility. He is not alone, and he has more problems on this planet. A Reaper will abide here. Key finger squeezed to the limit, it seemed, joint muscles freezed. The volley came from orbit at the same time and place on the fire flared Reaper. Shepard stood with his pointer at the ready, knowing that the Reaper can try to get up, might try to shoot. But no shots, no attempts to get the machine is no longer made. After a quarter of an hour of flame glow began to fade and look the captain opened polutorakilometrovy charred skeleton. Behind came the roar of the engine speeder. Someone's soft hands wound torso Shepard and he saw a huge, shining eyes Tali. Quarian to the limit increased transparency helmet visor and stared at Shepard.

  - John! You ... you ... If you ... again ... so ... do ... - the voice of
a young quarian shaking, giving a whole range of emotions - from fear and apprehension to excitement, admiration and adoration, thickly mixed with admiration. - I ... I do not know ... but I'll do to you what you will remember for a long time - so do not! Because you - not one! Do you have those for whom you are - important and valuable! I swear, John, I'll do it! I ... I almost lost my mind, watching this shrimp beats down on you. Every shot shortened my life by five .... five years, John! Every time I then thought I had lost you, that the Reaper ... just burying your dead body ...! And when the Reaper crashed, I thought he was ... pogrёb you under his carcass! Do not do that again, John! Remember ... you are important and dear to too many! - Tali somewhat weakened his grip and enabled Shepard hug. - I love you, John, and I am not ashamed to admit it out loud! You ... you gave me my home planet, freed her from Reaper and you ... you can not just die! - She unclasped hug and stood in front of Shepard, tense as a string, beautiful in their feelings and emotions, bright and open to the world of the planet. Native Planet quarian people. Quarian race.

  - Commander Shepard. - Prostrekotal Legion. - Reaper longer sends signal getam old car. It is time to send a packet to all getam on this planet, so that they become partners quarians.

  - Legion. - Tali turned to standing pootdal Getu burning his face flushed. - The answer to the question posed by the first geth, was captured in quarian Chronicles and sounded like "Do you have the soul of the platform?" can be only one. And the answer I give, quarian daughter quarian and quarian daughter quarian people. This answer to this question - "Yes We of this platform is the soul!". Wait only transmit the code, wait until come here Marc, both kiborgessy. We can not risk you, Legion! We will support you during the transfer, we will do everything to you was not damaged and did not die! - She looked pleadingly at almost shimmering spotlight sniper-scout, and he nodded to wait. Hands Legion dropped. By approaching the ledge shuttles "Normandy", from which, as soon as the machine hovered over the area, showered members of the group. The first two arrived Turian. Convinced that Shepard is alive, healthy and not injured it is very serious, and Saren Nihlus helped both kiborgessam and Mark surround Legion.


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