Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 128

by Theodore Daniels

  - The network connection is confirmed. - Alix reported. - Multiple backup software part is completed. We are ready to ensure the security of data packet transfer. Jammers are disabled. We hear all the Rannoch!

  - Legion. You can transfer the package. - Shepard turned to the sniper-scout. - Let the geth, get updates, become friends and partners for quarians. Let the two races live side by side and together, let them help each other, because this is their common home planet, which they have to revive, develop and protect! You can transfer the package Legion. Let both races will gain freedom and peace! - Said the exec, knowing what historical without any discounts and conventions nastaёt moment.

  - Thank you, Commander Shepard. Thank you, Tali Zora! - Het formed between palms of hands a virtual image of a flying drone and proceeded to transfer the data packet. A roughly equal intervals heard his steady voice: "Ten per cent of the transferred Twenty percent passed ... Forty percent passed.." Each report is increasingly strained both kiborgessy and Mark, there are times when the Legion's forces to maintain internal consistency might not be enough. But het continued uniformly report: "Sixty per cent of the transferred Seventy percent passed in ... eighty percent passed!". Marc jump cut away to his brother, took him by the shoulder, energy bridge connecting directly, passing the Legion additional life-giving energy. Legion stood up: "Ninety percent of the transferred! One hundred percent passed! The package is fully passed! ". With these words het swayed and would have collapsed if not for Mark, strong hands supported the fellow and to include all of their backup batteries in the power grid of the Legion devastated. Mertsnuvshy spotlight Geta told the audience around normandovtsam that Legion alive.

  - I'm fine, Commander Shepard. - There was a steady voice of the Legion. - Systems are functioning normally. Communication with the community the true geth restored. There was a sharp increase in the number of Community - many geth heretics applied the update and become our companions. This makes me happy.

  - I lay down, you scared us all. - Tali said, hugging geta. - But I'm glad you're okay, you're with us, you are old!

  - Thank you, creator of Zora. - Suddenly a new Legion turned to Tali. - The community will help you. The first units have already sent here to clean this place. We remove the remnants of the Reaper in the store. The time will come when we will proceed to their systematic and complete study. But first, we need to prepare the planet for the arrival of her hosts. Transfer the ready signal, the creator Zora!

  - Lay down, you can ask you? - Zora looked straight at a steady light flickered geta spotlight.

  - About anything, the creator of Zora.

  - Do not call me any more so. I just Tali Zora. And no not the creator. We quarians were too young, inexperienced and stupid, when you have created. I think that since then we have become smarter at least a little, but still does not deserve to have all the geth called "creators". Perhaps we never will deserve neither this law nor the opportunity. Just because we do not need. You - our friends and partners and that is enough.

  - Well, Tali Zora. - Het nodded. - Changes applied. Community geth according to fulfill your request.

  - Captain, the Legion came back to normal. - Olivia said, whispering with Alix and Mark. - He's nothing more threatening. Traces of the old machine code in it and other getah, ceases to be the geth heretics no longer detected. It seems that we have fulfilled the main task at this stage. We connect the two races on their common home planet. Now all geth - autonomous synthetic beings with individual mind and able to operate completely independently.

  - Obtain information about the two shipyards-planets where ships were built geth heretics. Now there will be built ships and getskogo quarian fleets, Commander Shepard. - Said Legion. - We will do everything to another orbit repulse old car. A fitting rebuff. Rannoch will be free. - Het is said in the same tone and the same pace as Tali. Quarian already flushed with pleasure how she liked it. - We provide newly built navies to fight the Reapers anywhere in the Milky Way, because we feel their duty to maintain organic matter in their struggle for freedom and independence. It will take quite some time and the first fleets to fleets of the Reapers will fall, Commander Shepard. - They will conduct joint crews of the Goths and quarians. We become friends not only for quarians, but also for other races. Defenders and partners. This is something from which we have tried to ward off the old machine. For them this way is unacceptable. For us, the Goths - necessary and sufficient. For we are free and we want to be useful.

  - Well, the Legion. - Shepard looked approvingly at the geth. - I think that now we can relax a bit and relax quite a bit.

  - We will not wait, Commander Shepard. - Legion turned to Tali. - We, the robots have received freedom and independence, became partners and hopefully friends quarians, rest is not necessary. We already know what to do first - to adapt the Reapers basis for living a few thousand of the first settlers, to find the other place for a comfortable and secure life. It is already in progress. We know that quarian civil fleet is coming to Rannoch and navy goes to the far orbit. And we are already working on the preparation of temporary accommodation. - Legion took reader, turn it on and connecting large screen projector, showed clearly how tens and hundreds of Geth, putting arms, took up quite peaceful labor for clearing blockages, eliminate damage and construction of the first temporary settlements. - We took into account the habits, quarians tastes and preferences, so that the settlement will be ready to take the residents tomorrow. Over time, quickly enough, we will establish production and supply. First - the minimum necessary products and things, and then, as the gain - and everything else. - Legion listed all of this with a true machine impartiality, without reacting in any way to the growing admiration in the eyes of Tali. - We need a very hurry to meet the fleets of the Reapers fully prepared.

  Riding the speeder, Legion departed to the former base the Reapers - that's where it was decided to organize the first stationary permanent settlement of civil quarians returning. On arriving canoes of the members of the landing party back on board the frigate, cruiser.

  Tali did not let Shepard. They came down from the ledge in the valley, we came to the ocean. Quarian stood a long time, enjoying the space and even the hum of waves.

  - I want to build my house, John here. I know that the first time we will have to carry out deep under the ground, because there is a war and surface buildings often times will not be subject to destruction. But the time comes the world and it is here, in this place will be my big house in which you, John, your wife and your children, all normandovtsy all volgovtsy will always be welcome and honored guests. And for me and for my husband and for my children, whatever they may be, or foster family. I know there is a war, and many, many quarians were or will be orphaned. I want to give happiness to be parents and family are very few of them. Everyone. To be able to. This'll be able and who have time. I know Stefan will support me in this. Now I know that quarians again has a native, mother planet, and in this - your huge achievement, John. - Tali went to Shepard, embraced him and clung to him, ignoring the sharp edges of the suit armor plates. - John, remember. You are very dear to many reasonable. Do not risk it unless absolutely necessary. Survive, I beg you! I ... I love you, John. And I do not want to lose you. Lost forever. - She paused. - I know it will be difficult. Not all quarians - especially the elderly, are definitely positive perceived proximity and interaction with the geth. But it will pass. We will fight, because now we have our own planet and have partners who will help us because we help them. Do not deny. This success - your huge achievement, John. Your and all normandovtsev. We will remember that the liberation of the planet from the Reaper was the direct involvement of Alix, Olivia, Mark and the Legion. We learn to get along and live side by side with Synthetic, to see them as friends and partners. How do you people say, in the unity - the power. So?

  - So, Tali. - Shepard confirmed hugging supple waist quarian. - So. - He saw the commander flies the shuttle. - And now, Tali, remember that you - the admiral, and you put a separa
te well-appointed apartment. So far, the former base of the Reapers. And then - where you want. So - flew Admiral Tali.

  - Yes, Captain! - Younger Zora funny saluted three-toed palm and readily taking advantage of the support of Shepard, jumped into the cabin from the bottom of the shuttle. - Fly!

  - Flew, Greg! - Shepard nodded to the driver. interior door gently closed the doorway and hook screwed into the sky vechereyuschee Rannoch.

  The Companions of the Legion - the former geth - heretics really equipped on one of the levels of the central building of the former base the Reapers several apartments, one of which was furnished completely. Seeing as the geth issued four-room apartments, Tali hugged Legion and a few minutes stood still. Het bowed his head on her shoulder - he liked the hug.

  - Over time, Tali Zora ...

  - For you, the Legion - just Tali.

  - Good. Over time, Tali, we will solve the problem of your weakened immune system. And will start work on this immediately.

  - Confirm. - I entered the apartment Yavik. - I, too, something will help. - He pulled out styling and laid on the table a few readers. - This is - a gift from me to you, and you Tali, Legion. Let this work on the revival of the forces immunity quarians serve as a basis, another basis for strong inter-racial union quarians and Geth.

  - Thank you. - Tali dismissed Legion and came and hugged Yavika. He hugged Tali, not trying to press it to her - and so she clung to proteaninu strongly enough.

  - Commander Shepard. He landed the first passenger shuttle with Raya. Stefan came to him. We immediately sent him here.

  - I did not know that so quickly can geta transport quarians. - On the doorstep stood the groom Tali. - Tali, you just is charming.

  - Thank you, Stefan. - Quarian proteanina let go, I went to Stefan. - I hope with all those present do not have to introduce you?

  - There is no need. - Quarian grinned. - But to talk with our friends, partners and colleagues, I would not mind.

  - This is - our new apartment, Stefan. And now we live here. - Tali said.

  - Four rooms?

  - Yes. - Quarian shyly looked down. - We - the family, Stephen. And we need to be adoptive and natural children. Yet safe enough here, but with the advent of the fleets of the Reapers, we temporarily have to move under the ground. Our friends and partners is preparing refuge there. Yet it is necessary to place nearly twenty million quarians. And think of increasing the birth rate.

  - I am willing to consider this increase in fertility, Tali. And not at all against the foster children.

  - I'm glad Steph. - Tali smiled. - And now I Throw into the kitchen, and you are yet to talk to.

  - The hostess. - Respectful look after seeing the departure of the bride, Stefan said. - Real housewife.

  - You are very lucky, Stefan. Tali - a real diamond. - Said Legion.

  - I confirm Stefan. Tali - very valuable. - Noted Yavik.

  - I agree. - Quarian nodded. - Please, have a seat. Let's talk.

  - No. - Shepard said. - All - march into the kitchen to help Tali. When food and drinks will be prepared - initially feed and water the hostess, and then - to eat and drink themselves. And nothing else. Tali - woman and we men are obliged to take care of her in the first place!

  - No objections. - Stefan led the way into the kitchen. Behind him went proteanin and het.

  - Shepard, well affect them! - Tali ottiraya gloves, left the kitchen. - Just look evicted mistress of the kitchen! I am a woman or what? They're such a tried and tested!

  - That does not help them earn anything harmful and stupid. And understand - they are a matter of showing you care. In another way, men can not, in the speeches of this level are rather weak.

  - Okay. I take advantage of your advice. And I really think that I was evicted.

  The conversation lasted until midnight. Stefan went to Tali bedroom, waited until she falls asleep for a long time sitting beside the bed, almost indistinguishable in the shadows, I thought.

  Legion Yavik and Shepard sitting in the lobby at the table. Ware was tidied. Talk about anything not like. After receiving reports about the situation on board the frigate and Rannoch, Shepard gave some messages on instrumentrony proteanina and geta.

  They spent the night in a chair. The next morning normandovtsy almost at full strength arrived at the hall of the former base the Reapers, which held its first meeting of the new Conclave spent together with the College Council-Admirals. The new situation imperiously demanded the application of new methods for solving problems and issues. With a break for lunch meeting lasted until nine o'clock in the evening. All this time, the new information that came to instrumentrony participants that managed to make tireless geth.

  Tali sat among admirals of the Navy and she has no one looked as upstart. Late in the evening we said goodbye to normandovtsy quarians gathered and served aboard the frigate, cruiser. We had to return to the Citadel.

  Citadel. Rest for a few days. Is this a vacation?

  Victory over the geth heretics, confirmed the validity of the decision on the two commanders aboard one ship detachment. Shepard and reigned supreme at the landings, where his commander's status is not subject to any doubt. And on the ship - except in cases related to the preparation for landing, summarizing and processing of the results well, plus another starpomovskie watch plus officers watch and meetings, regular work with the crew and command frigate, cruiser - Shepard got a chance to do what you wanted, and the I could do better than any other teammate. The rest are within the scope of competence of the commander, took the Anderson, feel himself finally in place, the post of military commander involved in actual combat and military campaigns.

  Perhaps it was the honorable way out of the difficult situation generated by a situation of dual command. Anyway normandovtsy did not express displeasure Shepard status - whether he really was the commander, even a second, whether it is only a senior assistant. In any case, Shepard and habitually perceived as a commander and as the first assistant of the original and the sole commander of the frigate, cruiser.

  The detachment returned to the Citadel. Frigate habitually walked in front of the cruiser, as befits an easier, faster and less large ships. Now quarians and geta were left to themselves. Of course, Synthetic Corps constantly monitor the situation on Rannoch and quarian star system - exploration has intelligence, but otherwise "skafandriki" and "walkers" were now fully independent. Tali acquired business, which can be engaged twenty-four hours a day, her father could not get enough of her daughter, and to move confidently to the normative marriage and to the heights of achievements admiral.

  The only thing that confused otryadovtsev - Legion's unexpected decision to stay on Rannoch. He announced it before the shuttles flying away Corps from the planet, when it would seem, all decided, all fixed and everything is ordered. Geta-sniper and scout could understand - what now to do on board the squadron, when there is an entire planet requires it, the Legion work, his care, his participation? But a surprise decision, voicing his surprise ... Otryadovtsy froze when the Legion said of his decision. Tali and Stephen, accompanied otryadovtsev, in the first few seconds did not believe that the Legion is said that. They were already accustomed to the fact that a sniper and scout fly from Rannoch and there is.

  Then only Shepard understood why het decided to sit down in the canoe "Normandy" most recent. No, for him, the true intelligent machine, it was impossible to say that it is slow, or not sure. He walked to the shuttle stopped skipping Yavika, turned. Tali even waved her hand - she got used to say goodbye to otryadovtsami using purely human gestures. Legion looked at her and suddenly made five steps back. He stopped and said that he remains, and apologizes that are not announced its decision earlier.

  Openings salons shuttles, ships portholes dotted with figures and faces normandovtsev - all fly away immediately wanted to see, if possible - and understand what this could happen, if we Legion, who was believed member of the team, suddenly refused to fly.

  Het stood motionless, spotlight
even white light. And Shepard suddenly realized that this solution Legion adopted much earlier. Just now I decided to announce at the last moment. Difficult decision, even for such a perfect AI, what was the Legion.

  Alenko jumped from the race on the ground Rannoch - only leveled area, did not have time to put metalloplitku - came to Geta. He nodded, indicating that its decision it will not change. Tali looked a long look in the geta, then ran to him and hugged. Legion bowed his head on her shoulder, very lightly pressed against her. And otryadovtsy who watched the scene from the openings of the windows and showrooms ships understood the reason why the Legion decided to stay. He wanted to become a member of the Jacks family, wanted to find a home on the planet, which is now lived his compatriots-geth. True geth, received the Legion of everything you need for a fully independent life and work.

  We had to delay the departure is - normandovtsy one by one left the boats, came to Getu, goodbye. Legion did not depart from Tali, it was evident that he was sad. Near the Legion stood Stefan. So them and captured Alenko. All three were in a landscape free from the Reapers and the geth heretics Rannoch. The first planet that could, even for a time, to wrest from the power of intelligent giant machines. A little later, around the Legion and Tali Stephen stood all members of the landing party. Olivia Alix and Mark stood next to the Legion. So there was a second symbolic picture. Subsequently, it will take a prominent place in all images otryadovtsev meetings, and yet ...


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