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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 134

by Theodore Daniels

  Devastators acted with the support of many former people who have become accustomed to Shepard's enemies. Krogan also quickly become accustomed to the fact that they have to kill enemies, too-like in appearance to the one whom they entrusted to protect and defend. These were not people and krogan did not hesitate in brutality and speed, destroying dozens haskolyudey. Fortunately shooting shotguns killed several haskolyudey at close range, and many others, had come up close, was wounded. Lizards did not hesitate to join with haskolyudmi in melee battles. Haskolyudyam did not like it - one Croghan effortlessly flinging five haskolyudey and killed them while they were trying to climb out of his shotgun.

  - It's more what? - Rechargeable his shotgun senior group saw a new krogan Husk - huge, more than three meters tall and heavily armored creature.

  - We call them creatures. - Shepard said. - In some areas of the galaxy they have already appeared. A few. - Captain silent, of whom create these new husks, because now it did not matter. If they want to krogan - find out for yourself. - Melee combat is prohibited. You have to beat from a distance. Paw at it very hard, and he jumps so well. Instruct her. - Shepard took out laying shops with armor-piercing incendiary charges. - And change the charges in shotguns on armor-piercing incendiary. This will help her to stop, and eventually - to destroy.

  - You call it, a man in the feminine gender. - Croghan glanced at the captain. - Why?

  - Because the creature - in the grammar of the people - the feminine. - Shepard said simply checking sight. - Okay, we destroy it, and then - climbing beside her haskolyudey. Forward. We act. Then - forward to our meeting point. And Kalros also felt the presence of creatures and bear witness to it in a hurry his displeasure. We must try to kill the creature before the matriarchs in the area. - Shepard heard the growing roar. - The temple complex is near, it is necessary to move.

  - Operate. - Senior krogan group finished instructing soldiers. - Forward.

  Fight with the creatures took less than ten minutes. Krogan successfully avoided falling into the radius of reach of the monster legs and jumping Critter one of the soldiers are not impressed - jumping and jumping, arms, she still is not any except heavy legs and carcass weight. Two neatly thrown grenade offensive creature settled down and shoot a few haskolyudey that were part of her entourage, krogan and Shepard went on.

  Avoid meeting with the underground traveling Kalros failed - zmeecherv cracked road about twenty meters ahead of the marching band and those krogan stopped, waiting until the first mother dragged by his long powerful body.

  - The second part of the city ... - Senior krogan group stopped, stared into the distance. - It just does not exist. There's solid debris. So now the temple complex - already the outskirts of the Old Town. How much will recover?! ...

  Interesting, though not quite timely judgment krogan did not leave indifferent and the rest of the group. Lizards spun their heads and soon each of them saw the garden, noting, of course, shoots of climbing trees, scrambling up the steep slopes of the dilapidated reservoir cup.

  - I told my father that once there were beautiful trees. - Said the same krogan warrior.

  - Probably, you look at the hope of the entire planet, colleagues. - Shepard said, looking at the familiar to the human eye green trunks. - Tuchanka may be different. And it is sure to become another, more friendly and more habitable.

  - We agree with that, man. - I joined in the conversation the senior group. - But we need to go. I feel that in the Church we are waiting for the Huskies. Well, if there will not be the one you call the creature.

  The captain nodded and the group continued on.

  The Temple had to shoot in haskolyudey and Ravager. Standing next to Shepard Senior Croghan, discharge a shotgun in another former beetle rachni, he said:

  - You are too numerous race, man. Your lot is already processed in the husks.

  - I agree. But this - a part of our essence. We always go to the end and always strive to understand more. Therefore selimsya wherever possible. - Said the captain.

  - I see. - Croghan reloaded the shotgun, making a few marks his subordinates. - We have to go, I hear the noise of engines. Conveyors approaching.

  Shepard at the limit of sensitivity of the microphones also heard the sound - the noise of the engines of heavy vehicles armed with machine guns. Some transporters, few even guns were installed - krogan loved to fight in a big way and actively used heavy weapons.

  Exit could not quickly out of the Temple. Next was more krogan Memorial - something like honorary cemetery. Senior group waved his paw, encouraging subordinates to once again show the invaders who host on the planet. I had to go to the Memorial, which conducted a separate bridge. Hardly passed the bridge, as he held Kalros destroyed. Shepard, and probably the majority of the members of the group for the first time saw the mother of threshers are not under the ground, and is almost entirely - bony plates and comb inspire respect and almost awe - by dinosaurs and humans ought being much older than any of them and, of course, much more experienced .

  Krogan dispensed with cheers and any statements. No sooner had the members of the group do Shepard's few more steps toward a new Husky climbed.

  - You call them cannibals and raiders, man. - Said a senior Croghan by shooting himself in the nearest Husk.

  - Yes exactly. - Confirmed the captain, killing him rushing haskolyuda. - We distribute titles sometimes adore. And sometimes - and shortcuts.

  - This is normal. - Said the head of the group, reload the shotgun. - It seems that while other waves of enemies at us climbed. We are waiting. We keep radio silence, man. This is - a holy place for us.

  Nodding and do without words, Shepard aroused krogan an approving grin.

  Waving his paw subordinates, senior group krogan pointed out the direction. The tower was already visible - tracery white building, which stood right next to vysivshimsya Reaper. One wrong move shrimp - and then it will be destroyed. But Reaper stood quietly and did not intend to demolish the tower. She could only hope that Kalros, entered the fray with the Reaper, the shrimp would lead away from the tower. The thought of having to use a frigate spray vaccine again unpleasant rezanula consciousness Shepard already knew that Alix and Mordin waiting on his shuttle in orbit, when the area of the tower will be cleared from the Reaper's presence.

  - Ahead of a lot of Cannibal, and we need to get to the tower, man. - Said a senior krogan group when Memorial was a little behind. - I'm calling the belts here - we are four cars. You are on the fifth, it will approach the first, go to the tower. From there, easily will be taken to the foot of the Reaper. - Croghan did not name the destination, adding his allegorical and understandable to humans.

  - Good. - Shepard did not want to argue with this point - one way or another, he had to get to the Reaper and activate the hammers, and time for preparatory actions already spent too much.

  - I Do not think that you will agree, a person. - Said the head of the group. - However, for you to decide. And here is the car. Sit down and go.

  - Thanks for the help. - Shepard saluted the senior group krogan and dived into the inside of the conveyor approached.

  The driver apparently Warned and instructed abruptly took off and the car just jumped a few meters. Then, turn the machine has been leveled, and after forty-five minutes - Shepard accurately measured the time of the internal clock - conveyor braked sharply at the tower. The captain rolled out and tried to hide from anti-aircraft laser beam of a stone cube, known as herein provided.

  - Captain, I am neglecting Mordina directly on top of the tower. Do something with the Reaper. - Alix's voice in the earpiece speaker. - As soon as Kalros Reaper attacks, you will pick up our shuttle. Greg take out you. Good luck.

  - It is, Alix. - Shepard only once broke radio silence, noting that Reaper swung in his direction. It is possible the giant ships passed each other information on "troublemakers", they declared hunting - individually or jointly - as it will. And now it was necessary to push to run from under the nose of the Reaper
to hammer.

  Shepard became convinced that the Reaper is not shooting at the district, and jumped out of the cube, rushed to the stairs, taking forward and upward, to the platform at the hammer. Running the captain said that the rush to intercept him two creatures and a few husks. Husky he had shot, and from the creatures had to dodge.

  Reaper joined unexpectedly. A huge paw, such an increase many times bayonet great sapper shovels, fell to Captain imprinted in stone slabs. I had obbegat it, killing two rinuvshihsya intercept haskolyudey.

  That's the way to the first hammer. Due to the rotation of twisted creature, I tried to block the road.

  Jumping on some architectural design, Shepard rolled, moving away from the clutches of a creature that moved over the upper edge's edge in an attempt to seize the audacious daredevil. There was dissatisfied roar, but obeliskopodobny parallelepiped hammer was already twenty meters. The captain lunged and, approaching almost back to back, to the hammer, with all the strength of his right hand slammed his fist in the activation key, once shot two rinuvshihsya napereraz haskolyudey.

  Reaper suddenly thrust his paw again ten meters in front of the running for the second hammer Shepard. The captain slowed down, assess the situation and rushed to the left to there, having shot three haskolyudey, avoid the running across the path of the two creatures.

  The separation path, the width of a few tens of meters, leading to the site, on which stood the Reaper, was passed a man in a few seconds - so rarely Shepard ran into heavy combat garb with full kit. Avoid another meeting with the creature, the captain did not recur, and shoot the fleeing toward two haskolyudey, I rushed to the hammer, the biggest fear that Reaper struck again with his paw. Reaper struck at the very moment when the captain had already slammed his fist now left in the hands of key activation of the hammer, and finally heard the thud of the two hammers. The sound of the machinery was able to revive the dead, and not only encourage such an experienced predator as Kalros.

  Now had to get away as quickly as possible from the area - acute hearing the captain, running away from the site with a hammer and curtailed to a remote site with some low cubes, already discerned the approaching rumble of the mother of all threshers.

  Greg drove the shuttle as the championship race in Brekson-Ville. He had seen the Reaper, seen going over the reapers Kalros seen running from the Reaper and molotilschitsy captain. Reaper also saw the enemy anti-aircraft and conventional activated small lasers, but their shots were not able to penetrate the armor approaching zmeechervya. On the contrary, hitting lasers even more angry mother of threshers and now Greg saw that moved up the column, the dimensions of which were impressive. Kalros Reaper attacked head on, trying to topple him, but the shrimp resisted, trying to press his paw slippery armored body zmeechervya.

  Almost striking a pad on the bottom plate of the shuttle, Greg pushed the key opening salon door, felt a boost - a captain jumped into the cabin - and then gently threw the car in the direction of the tower of the Veil.

  - Greg, you have to cover the car with Alix and Mordin! - Shepard burst into the cockpit and grabbed the back of the chair - Greg just laid a deep bend, moving away from the laser beam zenith - Reaper began to rage: his aim Kalros entwine his body. - Kalros will no longer attack the shrimp on the forehead. - The captain looked in the windows of the cockpit. - It is necessary to go, and then there will be such air flow - it is half will come out of the ground, and then grab him and carry off obovёt. - Shepard glanced at the dashboard. - Here. Now!

  Greg performed the command of Captain - the shuttle lurched away from the battle of two of the largest in size and power of the opponents. The screens could be seen as Kalros really wraps Reaper, then drags it to the depth, cutting the main gun flaps and depriving Reaper motility - the body foremothers threshers obvilo not only the torso, but all three legs of the giant ship polutorakilometrovy.

  - I see Alix shuttle, Captain. - Greg reported, reducing speed and seeing how Kalros screwed into the ground Tuchanka sacrifice. - Strong mother of threshers.

  - Strong. At this time, it has solved the problem for us. It is unlikely that it will be able to solve such problems permanently. - Shepard hardly distracted from the contemplation of the crumbling giant funnel.

  - The shuttle is sent to the tower. - The driver reported.

  - Good. We follow him. - Said the captain.

  - Captain, do you see that? - The relationship came Mordin. - This is awesome! Huge zmeecherv still won polutorakilometrovy shrimp. I then took a short video, I think it will raise the mood and morale Tuchanka defenders.

  - Let's see Mordin. We will see. - Shepard replied evasively. - Tower resisted nor Reaper or Kalros it is not touched, but the design is still dilapidated. So do everything quickly.

  - The threat of fire, Captain. - Wedged Alix. - Communication worn. I assume that when activated nozzles would overload the system that only overheat the connection and distribution networks. We will Mordina half minutes to go to the nearest cabin porthole at the top. Elevator and Lift is extremely unreliable. - I said kiborgessa specifically for Mordina.

  - We'll have to jump. - Some hesitantly salarian said. - Apparently, I spent too much time for a university department.

  - I have picked up by the moment, Mordin. - Alix said soothingly.

  - I want to believe it. Really want to. - Solus said. - All I'm going to move to the top of the tower cab.

  - Let's. We podstrahuem. - Shepard said, seeing as the shuttle approaches the top of the cab, almost touching its walls as Mordin breaks a hammer the glass panel emergency exit and climb inside.

  - Time has gone, Captain. - Said kiborgessa. - He's already put in the tape and preparing to activate the system. - In the doorway stood the shuttle figure Alix. - Ready to catch him.

  Minute expired too quickly. Alix could not resist, he jumped into the cab and on the hands pulled Mordina, throw it into the canoe without much ado. There was the sound of a falling body, and rushed the shuttle away from the tower, already burgeoning previously unseen flower fountain sprayed vaccine genophage.

  - We are witnessing sputtering. - To communicate out Chakwas. - We also have success. Injectable vaccine worked. Both young krogan are now healthy and only need rehabilitative treatment. Krogan easily be able to hold it.

  - It's nice to hear that, Karin. - I joined in the conversation Anderson. - I have received confirmation from Eve. She is very happy and gives us access to all the female clans. Whatever it was, the vaccine will now operate from two directions. It should be more krogan pass through vaccination injection method - on the surface of unsafe crowds.

  - Making. The mothers of these young krogan were convinced that their children now are not infected genophage. Eva has promised to hold relevant work among kroganok. We unfold the hospital, where we will be vaccinated. Then for a short time krogan will move into their clan hospitals - all for a day. And there - only outpatient rehabilitation treatment. - Voice Chakwas did not feel particularly happy - faced a great deal of work. - I'm calling here Chloe and two nurses. Now, and for them there exists, what should physicians do.

  - Shepard, I'm impressed. - In the conversation entered Eve. - I suggest you to land our clan temple. There you are waiting for Rex and most krogan clan. I'll be there, too.

  - Greg? - Shepard, take a more comfortable position and looked at the driver.

  - Delivered in the best possible way, Captain. - He replied. - Unforgettable feelings.

  - Captain, may I still ... - wedged Alix. - I think that earned Mordin appear before the krogan. Let convinced that not all salarians wish them evil.

  - Olivia. - Shepard made contact with the frigate. - Can you bring to Yavika area? If he wants to, of course. Let krogan see one of the authors of the vaccine.

  - Sure I can. - Olivia hesitated. - I agree Yavik. He's gone to prepare. As always clothe armor. In another he can not. He says that the war, then we must be in a combat armor.

  - Maybe he's right. We have hung over the square, you wait.

  - Agree. - Olivia switched channels.

  Informing Rex that they only go down all together and must therefore wait for the arrival of the second and third shuttle, Shepard returned to the salon. Shuttle with the captain on board circled over the area, coming closer to its center. It was perfectly clear, as the area is gradually filled krogan. Kroganki came and that was unusual. Almost all lizards watched circling over an area shuttle, Rex said something, his words passed along the chain to those who stood far enough. Finally, in the center of the square was freed space. Rex, wait until it becomes large enough to have her hand and stood in the forefront of the perimeter.

  - We are already on the way. - Almost simultaneously reported Alix and Olivia. - We see playground is ready. Decreases.

  Krogan also saw the approaching shuttle, the amount of free space on the area began to grow.

  - Greg, tell her - not to put the car, hang a meter. The first - our car, behind it - a machine with Yavikom and Olivia and let the latter suitable machine Mordin.

  - Acknowledged, Captain. I passed all my colleagues agree with your decision. I perform. - Greg sent the shuttle down, gradually reducing the radius of the whirling. - Done. Good luck, Captain.

  - Thank you, Greg. - Shepard opened flap door saloon and jumped down. - All fly away.

  - Yes captain. - Greg picked up the car straight up and then put it on a course to the frigate. The square was approaching the car with proteaninom kiborgessoy and older.

  Yavik, as befits a warrior, parachuted into the square with a five-meter height. The appearance of an unknown intelligent being somewhat excited krogan, but Rex raised his paw and something briefly snarled. Hearing the words of the leader, Clan warriors Urdnot calm down first.


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