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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 146

by Theodore Daniels

  Some have already taken orders detachment, he began to create a unique list, with most of the requests were answered during normal radio intercepts, the clock Synthetic implemented. Register everything that could be of value to the Troop, both options were counted for a particular order. Squad Command regularly received the filtered lists, allows to specify a list of the main missions that squad planned to run in parallel with your main job.

  That's about it and told the senior officers "Normandy" in his next meeting. The commander's cabin Anderson. Whatever it was, no matter what anyone thought was right, all agreed in opinion that Captain Anderson - commander. A Shepard as his first assistant - also the commander of the ship, because it has no less skilled and lower status. Two commander, two spectra, two graduates of Academy Ain-seven. They complemented each other perfectly and all normandovtsy know - Shepard does not dispute the right of Anderson on the command ship. Just ... The war against the Reapers began to test for the commandos of the highest class and error ... they are inherent to all sentient organics. Anderson made the right conclusions, and now, during the war he was in his place, he knew what to do, he could predict and anticipate,

  - Our employees are headquartered in the Citadel have already begun to collect relevant information. - Alenko said. - I suppose that our return will be plenty to choose from.

  - To assume all is possible. - Chakwas said. - But what about the drugs? I, for example, there were a lot of stocks civil medication. More from the "Omega". And we, as I understand it, taking into account the specifics of our future work, we need to be exclusively military medicine. And how do we exchange a crank on the Citadel? We're squad, we will have such a good lot. Alla, by the way, of the same opinion.

  - I'm afraid that this one will not be able to make a Destination to the Citadel. - After a pause, Anderson said. - Karin, make a request, it will spread to the arrival in the appropriate services and the Citadel to an arrival of our next she, I think, will be performed. A civilian medicine ... I do not want, of course, it is to say, but can be exchanged in the civil sector.

  - It's funny, David. - Chakwas remained serious. - There are medications zabesplatno tear off with hands. But do not get the exchange - in civilian does not have what we need. Yes, I myself will not allow on board that has got out of drugs.

  - Okay. - Conciliatory remarked the captain. - It was not me thinking said. Anyway, before following our arrival in today's environment, which still deteriorate even service the main station Galaxy execute our order can not. So the pre-take all that we can, even in the robbery operation called the Citadel Corps, and only then, in our next Destination - we get what we can scrape together. Guessing at the complete satisfaction of our needs, I would not - success here too unlikely.

  - Agree. We then Tuchanka not fully come to life. - Said doctor of the ship. - Have done so.

  - And on the Citadel we will have plenty of opportunities to provide assistance to local inhabitants. - Presley said. - We're finally twenty-four hours in the service, so that even walking on stations themselves will be able to find a possibility to help local. If outside the Citadel will they need - included in the plan, as well - we'll do what we can. Not always need somewhere to escape to help our neighbor.

  - It's right. So warn all our colleagues - to watch and listen to both conversations surrounding carefully. - Anderson looked at instrumentrone novopostupivshie posts. - And one more thing, colleagues. Engineer Adams say more, but we still ship demanding parts. We must do everything to make this Destination to the Citadel station equipment examined and tested most of the systems of the number of open and public. The rest we will do on its own, but in the conditions of the dock station. I have already said that there are improvements and enhancements that can be applied. Some of our Synthetic profile information to all of you give. Think. Waiting for your suggestions.

  The meeting lasted for about another half hour. Formed a task packages for all normandovtsev, senior ship officers returned to their jobs. As it turned out, the same meeting with volgovtsami held Streltsov and Titov at a time of day when the majority of teammate had no watches and all were able to participate in the long-term and effective discussion.

  Citadel was approaching. And maybe it's detachment approached the Citadel, breaking disguise areas saturated troops Reapers and not getting involved in fights and skirmishes.

  On the way to the Citadel. Banner of the First Regiment. Feat turian officer

  - John, come to me. - Captain Anderson made contact with Shepard audio-PHONES Speaker. - There is an interesting information.

  When Shepard entered the commander's cabin, he found both Turian and Olivia. Anderson pointed to the empty chair.

  - Olivia, I ask you again, repeat what you found out.

  - We performed a standard passive scanning surrounding area. - Said kiborgessa, including wall-mounted screen. - This kvardrate drifting capsule was found. Do not rescue - evacuation. These are relatively new - they produce one salarian engineering firm. After in-depth scan of the capsule, we found one body on board - Turian, dressed in military uniform modern sample. Unfortunately, the passenger capsule been dead for several days. We are interested in the subject, which turian cuddle - the usual length tube for three and a half meters. The contents of the tube ... We looked at all possible options, why and stayed with the next report. This - the banner. I consider it necessary to take the capsule on board. If there is a shrine turian division - we are obliged to do so even at the cost of deviation from the rate return to the station. - Olivia finished the report, leaving the image on the wall screen.

  - What is the situation in the area of operation?

  - Zhnecheskie patrols and scouts are in the area permanently. Large forces and considerable military units Reapers and their minions in the area not noted for several days, although, of course, this does not mean that they are not there for some reason appear. - Kiborgessa said.

  - Clear. - Anderson stood. - Your opinion, John?

  - I consider it necessary to take on board the capsule. If the officer was able to save the banner of the division - he is a hero. We only help to save the honor of his colleagues and co-workers. While there is a banner - a division of lives and acts. The loss of the banner ... you know, colleagues. - Shepard paused.

  - Nihlus, Saren. You have already expressed your opinion. To clarify, John - do you agree with the need to deviate from the route and return to take the capsule on board the squadron. - Anderson activated the video with the "Volga". - Stanislav?

  - Supports. - Said the first deputy commander of the cruiser. - We'll cover you, and you do a search and seizure.

  - Then - agreed. - Concluded Anderson. - Getting Started. - He turned off the video with the "Volga", Turian nodded, kiborgesse and Shepard. - Everybody's Free. Working.

  Squadron descended from a calculated and planned course to the Citadel, venturing into space Appiyskogo cross. Around how could "see" Locators, working in passive mode, there were traces of fierce fighting: the skeletons of large, small and medium-sized ships, debris, body torpedoes and missiles, rescue capsule, illumines the darkness of space flashes his search light beacons. Experts CIC, watchmen, drivers, in short, all those who have seen these capsules understood - within no living beings. Too much time has passed. They came too late here Troop ships. For all conceivable norms of peacetime rescuers could arrive here much earlier, but now that at any point in this space could appear scouts or patrols Reapers, when they could appear next to the big ships and Reapers, even the courage of rescuers and their capabilities, as it turned out, had their strict limits. Few of the rescue services leaders wished simply and quickly lose their specialized ships and their professional crews, to lose in the case of ships the Reapers and their henchmen, as rescue ships were neither sufficiently armored or armed enough to even try to snap.

  - Capsule Found commander. - I reported one of the specialists CIC. - I give the coordinates on your screens. - He snapped instrumentrona keys. - Submitted.

- Accepted. - Anderson stared, gave several orders to Jeff. - Adams, send your high-speed probes are let into the hangar capsule. We have to stop the ship will not.

  Engineer reported on the expulsion of the probes. After a few minutes the brisk car can be seen on the screens of the CIC and the Star card, switch to the review mode of the situation in the star system.

  - The capsule has gone from the planet Digeris commander. - Adams reported. - There ...

  - Yes, there were in the last few days of fierce fighting. - Anderson exchanged glances with standing next to the Star Card turians. - Turians fought there for many days, suffered heavy losses but did not give up. In some areas - the commander of the frigate, cruiser checked the data transmitted on the screens Synthetic Maps - fighting is still. Turians still keeps the planet and do not give it the final to capture.

  - The capsule is taken in tow probes. Delivery time on board - about forty minutes. - Adams reported. - Acceleration of undesirable work and mechanisms of radiation then draw the enemy's attention.

  - Good. Weapons and engines frigate, cruiser - alert. Locator - a spherical passive monitoring mode and control. - Ordered Anderson. - Prepare the hangar. Medical service of the ship - the willingness.

  Adopted a report on the implementation of the necessary actions, Anderson leaned back in his chair and stood with folded arms on the armrests.

  Shepard was sitting next to him and a lot was going on did not like. He clearly felt that they had found not just a capsule, not just dead turian officer. He feared yet to formulate one for yourself what they can find here on the planet, where they still were fights with Husky Reapers.

  Several tens of minutes expired. Engineers took another twenty-five minutes to be able to get to the hatch of the capsule - it drifted for several days and was badly damaged, and besides it most of the time is not ruled either automatic or intelligent organic.

  - Please pass the command of the ship in the hangar. - Heard a muffled voice Anderson spetskonferentskanale speakers. - Saren and Nihlus - too.

  A few minutes later the ship's senior officers and Spectra entered the hangar. The capsule was already installed on the floor holders, hatches have been opened. Chakwas two nurses was here and her face was unreadable professionally. Shepard, looking at the ship's doctor, I realized that it is something already learned, and it is not like Karin.

  - Remove the body. - Ordered Anderson caught consonant nod Adams engineer. - Doctor, I want to know your preliminary conclusion as quickly as possible.

  Chakwas nodded, watching as two technicians in isolating suits taken out of the capsule body turian officer in the usual battle suit the average level of security. Saren approached the litter, threw his visor deceased fellow stared.

  - I do not know him. This is one of the very brand new. ... Rank your table of ranks - a lieutenant, colleagues. Name ... - Saren called the deceased's name and felt that he called the name very respectful. - Personal ID code-number ... - Saren rattled off figures dryly, knowing Synthetic already taken this information and began to search databases.

  - In summary, colleagues, he fought on the surface, then something made him sit in the evacuation capsule and leave the planet. At its orbit capsule damaged several times by shots from beam weapons. As far as I'm concerned - this weapon accomplices Reapers. - Chakwas said. - As a result of a particularly precise hitting the capsule system had deteriorated, the engines were turned off and the capsule could not go far from the planet. Then followed what happens in such cases. Dehydration, overheating. He can tell you exactly, did everything to hold out as long as possible. The rest - purely medical details. - Chakwas straightened, ending the inspection body. - I, with your permission, take away the Turian Hierarchy officer's body in sickbay for a more detailed examination.

  - Permission granted. - Anderson nodded. Technicians carefully carried off a stretcher followed by physicians. - Remove and place on tehstol tube. Saren, Nihlus, please. Thing is clearly belongs to the Hierarchy.

  Turians nodded and approached the table where the two technicians had already put three-meter tube. Saren opened the package, took cover, and began to shoot it and froze.

  - Perfume ... - and only he could say. - Where did some of lieutenant, but keep the spirits of his soul forever for this feat ... It's ...

  - Banner of the First Regiment ... - breathed Nihlus, with the tacit permission of Saren has finished unpacking cover. - Banner of the first regular military unit Turian military. This ... this sanctuary was lost after the colonial wars ... We no longer hope to ever find her again and see ...

  None of those present there was not the slightest doubt of the truth of what was said turians. All were shocked by what they witnessed.

  - Dr. - Anderson audio-contacted Chakwas. - Karen, please, save as much as possible the appearance of the hero. He found an ancient turian banner.

  - Got it, David. I'll do everything I can. - Said doctor of the frigate and broke the connection.

  - What shall we do? - I asked the commander of the ship, looking like turians carefully unwrap the cloth. - I suppose that it is necessary to notify the crew. - He looked up. - Olivi?

  - I wrote down everything what happened in detail. Already mounted in an external version of the documentary. - Said kiborgessa. - According to my information the latest information about Banner lost not long after the end of the Colonial Wars Turian Hierarchy. Then, closer to our time are only undocumented information, to be exact - guesses, hypotheses, assumptions. In short - a little concrete. I suppose that it is best to first deliver the Banner of the Citadel. In such a state, in which it now ... it needs restoration. Only then it can be transferred to army divisions Turian Hierarchy.

  - This will be fair. - Nihlus said, looking at the cloth, spread out on the table. - The officer saved the relic, but it must return to troops renewed and fortified. A officer - buried at the main station or the Galaxy, where will show his command or his relatives.

  - Alix. - Called Saren. - As with his family?

  - Alas. - Heard his voice from the speakers hold kiborgessy younger. - All are on the databases of the Hierarchy as the dead. In battle. - I hastened to clarify kiborgessa. - They were all warriors. Civil among them left.

  - Perfume ... - said Nihlus. - A command?

  - The surviving officers and soldiers of his unit after yesterday's attack on the position of the Reapers thirty-sixth army corps were taken to the hospital. At the Citadel.

  - The wording? - Saren looked up to the ceiling.

  - On the reformation. - Kiborgessa said. - No more data I have on him is not present.

  - Here we have, and there is another good reason to visit than the Citadel, in general, and in particular reasonable. - A barely audible voice said Anderson, without relying too much on what turians, famous for its sharp and keen ear, not hear the frigate commander said. - Finish here, prepare the capsule and all its contents to the transfer of the Hierarchy. - I ordered that he summoned the sergeant motioned technicians.

  He nodded and technology came to the capsule to undertake the work.

  The finding is all otryadovtsy know - Synthetic with permission from Anderson showed through encrypted channels with a short video of historical information. So no one has caused some perplexity depressed senior officers of the ship. Coming out of the hold, Shepard and Anderson both turians headed to sickbay - by the time Karin completed the survey.

  At the door sickbay Anderson nodded allowed turians log - spectra had rites tribesman in uniform. Fifteen minutes later Nihlus, appearing at the door, motioned for Anderson and Shepard's go inside.

  A few minutes of senior ship officers carried the body. Then, bowing briefly Chakwas, all four left the sickbay. I speak not like about anything.

  - Let zaydёm to Gardner. We must remember the hero. - Anderson said quietly. - One day his name will be written in golden letters in the history of the last war against the Reapers.

  Saren only nodded, sitting down at the table, where Gardner had already filed tray
s with glasses. Quickly dismantling the vessels, the officers stood up.

  - Let the blade of Facets spirits will be supportive to the lieutenant. - Said Saren and drank the contents of the glass. The rest of the officers, too, drank - one full glass, one half, and who only sipped. There were no mandatory standards. Nobody did not say any more toast. A few minutes later Anderson and Shepard left the dining room, he realized that the Turian need to be alone.

  - Commander, Detachment ready to return to the course. - I reported to the officer of the watch. - Moro wondered where to go?

  - So far - to the Citadel. - Anderson said.

  - Acknowledged, Commander. - Donёssya PHONES Speaker for voice chief pilot. - I took a course to the Citadel. "Volga" warned, should be behind us.

  - And why it seems to me that it is - not the last gathering with our course to the main station of the Galaxy? - I asked the commander of the frigate, going into his cabin. - John, what are thoughts?

  - Maybe it's our job - to be ready for just such eventualities. Up to the Citadel a week before we we reach. So, give or take a few days - it is permissible flow.

  - Maybe you're right, John. Okay, let's again will review orders arrived. I think they need to re-organize. Our Synthetic done a great job, but the personification - this is our business, reasonable organics.

  - I wonder where those officers and soldiers who were sent to re-form? - Shepard asked, sitting down in a chair at desktop commander.

  - I can only assert that they are - on the Citadel. - Olivia replied, as always carefully listen to the conversation in the commander's cabin. - More precise information is not available to me now.

  - If we consider that at the Citadel - the best doctors and the best service, they might have already been treated and rehabilitated and is now awaiting the order to speak. It would be nice to catch before they leave the station. - Shepard said.


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