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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 152

by Theodore Daniels

  Way across multiple star systems made Moro change even more. The fact that he had once studied theoretically, the maximum - in the virtual pilot's simulators are now held in front of him really. Very soon Jeff became convinced that among videoconferencing Alliance pilots, he only has such extensive experience of piloting frigates in a variety of settings. And this awareness has not led Jeff to become proud - it is now understood that the squad endured a significant and difficult path only through the joint and not only individual efforts. Yes, in this achievement, in this success - a significant contribution of each member of the crew of each ship team squad members, including its contribution, Jeff Moreau, but now the two ships are not just unusual, they and their crews and teams become unique, claiming the full right to all

  Then, when the squad arrived to Tess, to help bring back to life Liara T'Soni, Moreau discovered Shepard with a new, unusual side. It turned out when the shuttle with Svetlana Strel'tsova went to Tessa to Commander razvedkreysera met d'Avignon, and gave her the originals of records matriarch Dilinagi Shepard standing behind the pilot's seat of Jeff prayed. Only later Moro, recalling the incident, vaguely understood why he had such a strange, sublime, it is not a routine state. It turned out that it was the effect of prayer Exec. He prayed for Liara, who was already in love with him. He prayed because he loved her. He loved fervently, deeply. Shepard was able to love not only Svetlana Streltsov, but also more intelligent organic being. Loving so words that describe this love was completely impossible - it could only be felt. Love, understanding and recognizing other reasonable right to reject rapprochement. Loving, believing that it is the supreme earthly feeling Liara will come out of the coma, back to her parents, to normal life.

  This prayer and the presence of close to penny bride captain helped the young asari return to this world, to begin to recover from serious injuries.

  Then Jeff Moreau won a record unique wedding Svetlana and John. Anderson then personally gave permission for Jeff to make such a record, he spoke with spices "Volga". Someday, this record will be documentary evidence of the way Squad, one of a number of certificates. In the meantime, it has become a part of history Squad, a true story. Moreau turned on at the moment, Svetlana and John returned to the frigate ship ceremonial colorization. Including, without order, without a team, simply because they became acutely aware - because at the time it was necessary to do. And here it is, Jeff Moreau out of the cockpit, and goes to the Star Map to automatic photo and video cameras captured all normandovtsev in the day when the senior assistant to the commander of the frigate gained marital status and became a father.

  Looking chief pilot touched the photograph taken at the time. Here it is, the pilot of the ship, on their feet among normandovtsev. It is worth knowing that no one will find it disabled, no one will resent his presence on the ship. It should be equal among equals, strong among the strong.

  In the "Omega" was a concert. The first station, which had up to this honor the most dangerous and the most criminal place in the galaxy, has declared itself as a station where evil has been put in rigid frames. Jeff Moreau himself was among those who saw the show with my own eyes. He was also present in the room when there is a ceremony of marriage, Ashley and Kaidan. And I heard fascinating, powerful and deep sounds of the organ, to obey his hands Svetlana Strel'tsova. A concert ... this action once again plow and the essence of the soul, not only Jeff, but so many of organic Milky Way. This concert is now understood Moro, was urgently needed before the Galaxy yavyatsya Reapers. Because the concert is now Reapers resisted almost all the inhabitants of the Traverse and Terminus. They resist, forgetting about their criminal and inhumane tendencies, that they seem to be criminals and antisocial elements. We resist, because they realize - if they do not resist - they will not live, can not survive.

  Although since the concert was a long time, Jeff, remembering this action, felt his eyes welled with tears again. And remembering how sounded in the hall, which came normandovtsy and volgovtsy After the concert the song of the officers thought that he, Jeff Moreau, incredibly lucky he kept the officers' epaulettes, and turned professional in their field, so that the song, which takes as the soul, obliging calling was about it.

  In Alkery detachment gave battle cruiser collectors. For the first time the ship departed. For the first time, he did not attack. Yes, Jeff had already realized that it - more modernized Prothean cruiser, but still - a blow for this swinger squadron impressed. It was immediately clear that this is - a strong and clever opponent. So it happened later. Everything ended on the basis of the Collector. But the explosion of this base was then too far.

  It was difficult to even list everything that happened later to see, hear, feel Jeff Moreau. And, of course, is especially remembered for his complete reconstruction of the "Normandy". The conversion of the prototype, the prototype into a real warship gave Jeff a lot. Now he's not piloting some half finished sample, but a real, powerful, deadly for the enemy frigate that can compete on equal terms even with the cruiser. Twelve "Taniksov". The very impressive figure to the core: a rare earth warship could even boast of five "Taniksami" and their frigate were now twelve. Moreau was happy spending hours and even forgetting to eat and sleep, studying the changes and additions made spices imperial dock. Those days were extremely important for Moreau - he saw how to change his beloved "

  Soon twelve "Taniksov" signed the death sentence cruiser collectors. A volley of guns normandovtsev impressed and made to feel able to move mountains.

  Then Jeff felt kiborgessa Olivia to him ... very indifferent. No, he was not troubled, I am not offended by the fact that some Metal-walker, and seems to be unable to experience a purely human, and even high-level feelings and emotions suddenly noticed him. No. By the time Moreau knew a lot and understood a lot about who the Synthetic armed with first-class artificial intelligence, as well as about who this Olivia. Despite the presence of the ship Legion and Mark she was very lonely. She wanted to have a daughter. And if she drew attention to it, Jeff Moreau ... Pay unobtrusively, mildly, not at all, as the like should be paid to the poor sickly man ... Let the robot. If it is necessary to better understand the organics, then - let.

  Much was then. Much. Of course, the central place in the memories of the Moro operation took "Omega-fourth." Not less complicated and the operation was "Despoyna". These two operations are preceded a war against the Reapers. Opposition to the invasion.

  David Anderson

  Perhaps the approach to the post of Commander Shepard frigate, cruiser at some point went too far beyond the limits costed. Maybe. Perhaps the emergence of near Anderson second commander of the ship was a violation of the majority of traditions and customs. May be. But if you still keep within the usual - it is impossible to defeat the Reapers.

  Anderson, sitting in his apartment at the headquarters, thinking about what happened then, in the Hall of Information. Yes, it is quite possible it burdened his role Spectrum, forced almost bezvylazno sit on the ship. But what to do, it really was not taught to command a frigate-cruisers, the very appearance of "Normandy" as such, caused a considerable stir in the Alliance structures, had the slightest relation to this event. Theorists shrugged, noting that all things are possible, and the practice ... Practice diligently and clearly divided into three camps: those who were indifferent to it, those who loved it and those who believed it - flouting the basics.

  Otryadovtsam had to deal with this situation in practice, because in theoretical discussions they had no time. Actually, the solution lay on the surface: it was simply necessary to recognize that the senior assistant - at least an experienced commander of the ship, than he, David Anderson. Recognize and allow Shepard to stand on a par with them. Or rather - just above and in front of him. Yes, we had, of course, temporarily go into the shadows, to become an advisor, but this withdrawal into the shadows and helped otryadovtsam in general and specifically to Anderson and Shepard. When the war began, Shepard quietly gave primacy Anderson - a veteran of the First Contact War, combat o
fficer. He himself returned to the position of First Lieutenant, but now it is rightfully called the commander and all otryadovtsam was understandable when one of the two so-called leaders of the crew and command frigate, cruiser.

  In the end, it does not really matter which one of these two commands. Both of them - the commanders, both work, both are both valid. War is what is required to be flexible, resourceful, dangerous, to be able to go to unusual steps in order to not only survive, but also to win.

  Probably only then the appearance of Karin in the Hall of Information forced Anderson to respond clearly and definitely. He then hesitated, hesitated. And when she appeared - and decided to make a choice. The usual, very human reaction.

  Until now, he could not decide to talk to Karin openly about their future together. No, he does not blush and pale, but still could not decide. As soon as the conversation or communication are outside the scope of service is very much how he feels - he was not prepared to have to say these words. Words that define a great deal in their future path. Yes, he realizes that Karin sees and knows more about his mood and state at this point, but to say ... I do not dare. Normandovtsy even volgovtsy see that to Chakwas he was very indifferent, I believe it - the regulatory and usually do not interfere, do studiously pretend that nothing much is happening, it is believed that this is - it is only two and only entitled to their choice.

  Anderson knew that other ships videoconferencing Alliance commanders for a shot from the post and transferred to other ships away from each other, so as not to break the tradition. And here ... Here and to transfer something will not work. The special squad. On the one hand - a unique feature on the other hand - the undesirability of breaking one team. Maybe that's why it is slow? Well, should not he wait in fact the first step by Karin? Who is he then? It is not man's act will then be a reality. He was unable to explain to a woman ... with the woman he loved ...

  Shepard and Alenko managed to find their mate. We managed to build relationships and become not only husbands and fathers. And he? Yes, Karin can be married to their work twenty-four hours a day, but he sees how she is suffering from such a one-sidedness of his own life. Medic it is a second or nth turn, but first of all it is - a person, a woman. I need love men to she was the closest person. Close not post, not at work, not on work and life ...

  Now, this war again and makes him and given her work and service. Again, communication service mainly. We must take the first step. It is necessary. What kind of man he is, if not the first to make this difficult, an important first step itself? It did not command the ship - there still may help normandovtsy. Here - a purely personal situation, which is only required to solve it. Karin is waiting for this step, the first definite step on his part. And he must do it in time, and as it should. We need to think, think carefully about how and when to make the move. The main thing - to decide that this step is necessary in the near future. It is possible that he formalize a relationship with Karin after the war. Quite possible. But the real relationship should be other, deeper now. Karin is suffering from its indecision, he clearly feels. And the longer it takes to pull - the more it will suffer. If it decides that he just plays with her ... No, it will not. He, David Anderson make this step. There is then a contract or not - to solve Karin. Here - only her decision. And he can only offer. Make proposal. And wait. Better than Karin it is unlikely to find a mate. And miss Karin he does not want and can not. It would be too painful. We must reflect on the fact that everything was legal. Need to think. And miss Karin he does not want and can not. It would be too painful. We must reflect on the fact that everything was legal. Need to think. And miss Karin he does not want and can not. It would be too painful. We must reflect on the fact that everything was legal. Need to think.

  Karin Chakwas

  New Destination of the Citadel bit pleased Karin. Having dealt with the "operational issues", she got into a shuttle and an hour later was on the Citadel - from the outer road, where stood a detachment of ships to the station was quite far, but still Anderson Titov decided to keep the cruiser and a frigate in the state of full preparedness departure. This war ... Looking at what is happening around the Citadel of the shuttle window, Karin sadly thinking about the fact that this war will drag on for months, if not years. They otryadovtsy, already many times to fly from the Citadel and a lot of time to return to it, except that the flight timing has increased dramatically. Very sharp and very much. By the Citadel in the last time they were hard and long. A very long time. Station live, surrounded by a variety of warships, ready to protect her from even the largest fleets of the Reapers. Even from the major fleets. Probably, it has not come out as happened in the era of Protheans. Citadel will not put the Reapers. Will not be. Anyway Karin is very much like to believe.

  She nodded her good friend the driver of the shuttle, has come to the plate of the landing pad, sat in the double wage flyer - still rank of officer gives them advantages and Karin occasionally, but enjoyed - and sent the car in the area where the advance has looked after a small cafe.

  Leaving flyer parked - it did not plan to stay long in the cafe - a maximum of half a day, Chakwas went inside, nod greeted immediately had come up salarians-waiter took the order and began to stir the spoon of herbal tea - she asked the waiter to bring a beverage portion as soon as possible. Chakwas look indifferently slipped over the faces of visitors who occasionally stopped on the details of the interior of the hall. The usual situation. Normal. Except that she and everyone here present reasonably well known that there is a war against the Reapers and their henchmen, the usual .... Sometimes it seems that there is no war - the station was well protected and Reapers rarely attempted even come close to it, not only to attack or capture. Muted music, the hum of conversation. Knock and the sound of instruments and utensils.

  The waiter brought the order, payment received, bowed with dignity. All. Now he comes only clean up the dishes and prepare a table for the next visitor. Karin chose single table, not willing that any of it reasonable to sit down.

  Increasingly, she had to carry out their medical duties, all the more likely. Shepard ... This irrepressible exec-turned-commander ... Climbs under charges behind him removes all the others, hardly she agrees to risk Alenko who wants to become a full commander amphibious group frigate, cruiser. Yes, the landing of a group commanded by Shepard and amphibious group, commanded by Alenko - this is not the same thing. At the landing party authority is wider than that of the landing group, only a limited right to cover armed, armed guards and protection. disembarkation Group solves many other problems and now Shepard his teammate in the group will have to deal with many other issues, including through the use of weapons. Reapers fly into a rage. And now landing party weapons increasingly is engaged in combat, not in a warning mode. More often. While Shepard, and his teammate least willing to use weapons. We have to.

  Shepard could safely shoot son Primarch Palaven. Absolutely calm. According to the laws of war, on the right of the spectrum. For disobedience and for the execution of stupid orders. You can not count on the fact that the primarch - more a diplomat than a warrior, agrees to cancel the order for the direction of a group of soldiers on the Turian Tuchanka. We wanted to dig up the main bomb. It is necessary - to send a platoon of soldiers led by an officer for such work, which is absolutely impossible to do quietly. Palaven have big problems with the understanding of the situation of parts, if I take a closer look.

  Yes, maybe the son and Primarch should be sent far away to perform military duty - let's not hiding in the rear, turians look at it very obliquely. But ... What is the difference krogan would be if he had done anything stupid, and will get them into the clutches? They do not look at what he is - the son of the Primarch. They simply destroyed.

  If not for Shepard - Viktus would already be dead. In krogan it quickly. And then what will do Palaven? Fight with Tuchanka personally? With krogan, getting rid of genophage? She somehow, the ship doctor is well known, the enthusiasm with which krogan took multiply. Yes, it w
as necessary to conduct educational and explanatory work, I had to prove, explain, convince, that the birth rate must be put into the frame. The framework is not dictated by the desires and aspirations, and the logic and opportunities to feed and accommodate the growing number of young krogan. It was necessary to recall that the main thing - not the number but the quality. It seems to be able to do something in this direction, but the krogan ... They are stubborn. Somewhere it is stubbornness and helpful, and here - is harmful. Tuchanka not feed everyone. And the expansion will begin again.

  Good thing her doctor Troop supported Bacharach and Rex. Without their help assure lizards to wait would be extremely difficult to activation of the expansion, if not impossible. Whatever it was, krogan will be forced to fight. Already stressing not on quantity but on the quality of his troops. Yes. They may have learned a lot from otryadovtsev. Some in-what changed methods of preparation and soldiers and scouts. Not so little done in this direction. Of course, it takes time to understand the importance of krogan reasonable relationship to the discovered as a result of the victory over genophage opportunities.

  Turians ... They too difficult to account for. It is one thing - to rattle the saber, the other - real fight. Karin did not know in detail what prompted that officer turian fly off the planet. Whether he was saving the banner of their own volition, whether following orders. Where he found it, under any circumstances - is now hardly anyone can reasonably answer these questions - the terms of the war and the conduct of the expedition to investigate even this is so important for the Turian as race, fact, no one will. Well, that turian officer was buried in the military cemetery on the Citadel. Well, his body and soul found peace. Well, that turians now know where he is buried - not somewhere in an unmarked grave on the planet, and on the Citadel, which, as it was convinced Chakwas reasonable organics will defend to the last. "Our dead - will not leave us in the lurch.


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