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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 161

by Theodore Daniels

  Probably not enough for a military school, college or even military academy would be able to give Jenkins a wealth of knowledge and skills, which he was able to master for days spent on board the ship a unique military unit, what has become, without a doubt, detachment. They were days filled not dry theoretical study frills, and the days, overflowing practice. The practice of service work practice communication practice. Unique military staff began to Jenkins' home, and the best habitat. Here no one is interested in what Jenkins only non-commissioned officer, he is young and relatively inexperienced. There was an equal among equals, fit and a valuable member of the team, which is very much depended on whom many hoped and relied.

  Jenkins knew that he was fighting for, to his native Eden Prime never came tserberovtsy-occupiers and oppressors-the Reapers. Never to Eden Prime did not burn, does not melt, writhing under the bombing, he did not shout a terrible cry in an attempt to overcome the grief of loss. He fights for his family survived and continued to engage in peaceful, peasant, rural labor. To be around the field without trenches and dugouts, without craters from bombs and shells that had not been there the corpses and warped technology. For children, the ubiquitous and indefatigable in his curiosity and passion for knowledge, not undermined at the forgotten mine and does not cut it on the barbed wire. To what he had seen at the Station collectors, it remains only a dream, only history and will never become a reality.

  The war has just begun. Now none of the sensible of organic could not say how many decades, months, years, it will last. Jenkins knew that it can last for centuries - he heard a lot of Yavika much thought about when proteanin was busy with his work and avoided conversations. Richard prospect of fighting for centuries with these shrimp are not totally happy with - he wanted the war as soon as possible ended in victory over the Reapers and their henchmen. How would they, these reapers and their accomplices was - they had become history, should have become the past.

  The war really did not look like a firecracker. It was just hard work. The work, which had to be done, work that now determines the life of many inhabitants of the galaxy. The work, only by doing that could go to civilian life. Distant and just want a peaceful life.


  Justiciary-General opened her eyes. Above it hung a canopy tent field. "Hospital -. Samara thought -. How many died of Justiciary, pulling me out of the environment and delivering here?".

  she had not thought of - there was a rustling canopy and tent went ... Falera.

  - Mama! - Young asari rushed to Samara, leaned her hand on the forehead lying supine matriarch, made sure the heat was asleep. - You're finally awake! I believe that you will come in themselves and finally it happened!

  Samara wanted to say something to her daughter, ask her about something, but neither the language nor the throat would not obey her. She felt as weak. Falera is caught instantly:

  - Mom, do not say anything, the doctor said you must first get stronger. We then talk about everything.

  Samara closed her eyes, feeling like a doctor came into the tent. Light touch - the usual inspection, a small survey.

  - She's fine, as far as possible. - I heard a whisper of Justiciary physician. - Now she needs a nap. So go, Falerii, and then it will be worrying and trying to talk.

  - I'll sit next to, quietly. - I whispered the youngest daughter. - I promise that I will not talk to her, persuade sleep.

  - Good. - Rustling canopy. The doctor left the room. Falera umostilas on a folding chair, took over his mother's hand. Samara, falling asleep, expecting that Falera include mentalistiku and telepathy, but it did not. Maybe because most of her life she was an ordinary asari. Maybe because she did not want to excite and disturb mother.

  Samara asleep. it was not a dream. None. Just a deep sleep. When she once again opened her eyes, she saw not only on Falera but Rila.

  - I ... I ... - through the power of exhaled Samara.

  - You're in the hospital, Mom. In the rear. - He said Falera caught an approving look older sister. - Doctors say that here you have to spend at least a few decades.

  - Polk ... - bad language obeyed the matriarch, but she made it work.

  - Bred to re-form. Your deputy took all that you need, Mom. Do not worry. - Said this time Rila, reassuringly touching the mother's shoulder. - Rest and gather strength.

  - What's wrong with me? ... - Justiciary struggled to determine how hard her condition.

  - Samara, well it is impossible so soon. - The doctor came into the tent. - You have serious injuries, you've lost a lot of blood, many bones are damaged, there are fractures, problems with processes - many cracks.

  - That's got ... - Samara whispered. - And ...

  - So far, you have to get stronger, Samara. - The doctor looked over the information on your marching instrumentrone military grade. Oh, and the first rank surgeon Altren Mitan. - I had the medic.

  Samara is only for a moment closed her eyes, indicating that she understood and accepted the information. The doctor continued examination under the watchful gaze daughters.

  - The world ...

  - With it, all right, Mom. It is - on "Omega". Alive and well. Fights and running. - Rila said. - About what happened to you, it is, of course, already knows ...

  - Do not ... ... to pluck it from the station. - Samara whispered.

  - Well, that's how she decides, Mom. We can not tell her. - I heard the voice of Falera, ceded to the doctor to the door of the tent. Rila remained close to her mother. - Rhyl, stay here, I'll be right back.

  - Yes, come quickly, the halyard. - Rila looked at my mother closed her eyes again. - Mom, you go to sleep, it would be best.

  Samara firmly nodded. Good in her daughter. Now her family is complete and it is - happy. They, too, are fighting and work, teach and advise.

  Thoughts Justiciary inexorably back to an event. Even with his eyes closed, Samara, received a fraction of the required energy, trying to comprehend what had happened to her regiment. On the surface and at first glance: a common situation in the war - a sudden breakthrough assault. Her Regiment, a regiment of Justiciary thrown on strengthening containment lines. Barely had time to dig in.

  Then the nightmare began. Huskies climbed, it seemed, out of all the cracks, Reapers rampage in the orbital segment, showering position regiment charges. Anti-aircraft Artillery, attached to the shelf, helped a little. This planet was for something needed Reapers and Justiciary thrown at strengthening to prevent landing a foothold, if we miss the bus landing.

  Who knew that the Reapers take massive diversionary raid in the rear regiment ?! Forces of the defenders and it was small, and the Reapers struck precisely at the headquarters. There just was Samara. Staff curfew platoon barely had time to stop the bulk of saboteurs, but then ...

  Then he had to connect staff officers. Samara, setting aside instrumentron, rushed out of the dugout and Staff appeared as then vaguely realized in one of the first trench. In the trench just moved, barely hiding behind a disguise, the two creatures. No one else in the trenches of shtabnikov was not - the rest, in all probability, took up positions in other trenches - the headquarters decided to defend the scheme circular defense.

  Samara first used a grenade launcher, then ran out when the charges changed grenade launcher on assault rifle, but the weapon was much less effective. I had to use biotics to get out of the trench, so that these two mutants it is not trampled. For several minutes she managed to dodge strokes clawed paws, but then one creature managed to somehow go behind her back, and the one that was in front, rushed straight at her. I had to prostrate on the ground, roll back, but apparently something went wrong and got up, Samara felt the creature still ripped suit front. Falling, Justiciar seen quickly covering her shadow from the second creature followed blow, then - the explosion of consciousness and matriarch extinguished.

  The next time she woke up when she carried somewhere. Consciousness returned jerk, feels it appeared that circle - his and she is clearly not in captivity. She felt that she carried
on a stretcher hard that her body is packed in some retaining shell. His fingers gripped the handle guns - so it did not disarm. Look around was not possible - the head and neck are fixed, apparently wounding touched the bones of the skeleton, and the dull aching pain in many places showed - she obviously got serious.

  Then she woke up just a few seconds, and immediately had to close my eyes - too bright light was. Quite possibly, it was already operating, and she regained consciousness before falling asleep under general anesthesia. Pain already a nagging was not - apparently, it obkololi painkillers.

  And now for the second time she woke up in the House. I woke up and tried to remember what happened then on the battlefield near the dugouts staff. He remembered poorly, perhaps even acting medications that muffled the pain and heal the damage. Of course, azariyskaya regeneration helped, but poorly - the enemies were too dangerous and well-armed. Husky machines.

  For the first time it hurt so seriously. Before she could lie down and recover in field hospitals, and now ... Now she is unlikely to return to the front, unless, of course, does not make this return every effort not to heal the wounds and injuries more efficiently. Rila and Falera alarmed, took leave and came here, to the rear of the hospital, now live, probably in kakom-nibud hostel, help the nurses and doctors - they all telepaths and psionic, their ability is very useful for the diagnosis and psychological relief. Of course, they often come to her room, but mostly - in the evening, after work in offices with patients and convalescent.

  Rear hospital. Samara rarely imagined that such a hospital in the rear, where is it to be feared that the subversive groups. From the front it is very far away, of course, on a global scale throughout the front, but there is always a place in the world where enemies for one reason or another can not be reached. And the hospital in asari quite specific: all the wounded armed with personal weapons, each - a full set of weapons and equipment beside my reach. Doctors, too, are constantly with weapons and armor. One would smile and say. "Let them try to stick their noses", but did not want to. This is still a hospital, where just do not get from the front.

  Rooting and laze Samara did not like, and now that she had to lie flat and wait for the healing of bone fractures, she pined from idleness and against their will, recalled, she learned that all three daughters from her - Ardath-yakshas. I recall in detail, almost daily. Some days it pursued such memories, and then - as the cut off. Now it is perceived as if it was not with her, and not in this time. No, she certainly remembered that, and the world, and the Rila and Falera have inherited the gene construct, leading to activation of abilities, typical of the "demons of the night wind," but, thank the Goddess, they are now healthy.

  - Mom, you are again trying to sit up in bed. - Which became Falera immediately determined that Samara actually tried once again to sit down - you the doctor said that early!

  - Understand the halyard, but ... - Samara smiled through force, but the attempt was very painful - loin burning fire and Samara was waiting there to break something.

  - No "but" mom. - Daughter went to the bed, straightened the pillows. - Loin ache?

  - Lomita, halyard, aching. Here it is tried - so far, both in the brazier. - Samara admitted, feeling those words it becomes easier - it's not the doctor admitted his weakness and his native and beloved daughter.

  - Usually. - Young asari touched her shoulders Mother fingers of both hands. - Who will be easier. Please, Mom, do not. Doctors know best when you are after that it will be possible to sit down. Do not force, because you know well that still have to listen to the doctors.

  - Thank you, Falaise. - Matriarch felt pain somewhere to go to be waning. - I did not move anything there?

  - No. - Pause, Falera said. - But a little more - and the offset would be guaranteed to you. And then - the operation itself because you understand.

  - I see. - Samara took a comfortable reclining position, allowing her daughter to fix the blanket and tuck a pillow. - And why I do not feel processes?

  - Mom, you've got there continuous fractures and cracks.

  - Especially. I'm lying, his head erect, and with processes I could not. Besides, I still gave no mirror. Halyard, go, tell him that I ...

  - Mom, here still nobody except physicians and Rila me with no walks. A relatively pillow - then the whole hospital was such. Overall - a joint work teams and our experts - technicians and physicians.

  - Hmm. - Samara on his face stood out satisfied smile. - And here we were noted.

  - Mom ... where they just have not noted. On Palaven new primarch began to train. And successfully continue until now. With the support of the old and the old civil war primarchs. Triumvirate full.

  - By the way, who is the third new primarch?

  - Lieutenant, with what Shepard met on Tuchanka. - Falera convinced that my mother is no longer in pain and lifted his hands from his shoulders matriarch. - Mom, please, do not force. Everything in due course.

  - But the reader with documentation on the shelf ...

  - Mama. - Reproach in her voice was growing younger daughter just exponentially. - I'm not going to argue with your doctor. Allow it - at the same moment you get as much as she would allow. Not allowed - do not get anything.

  - But I...

  - You, Mom, this is not the regimental commander Guard Justiciary, you - the patient. I do not recover, and the patient. Pretty heavy, I note. - A world bent over her mother, kissed her on the forehead. - Please, do not, Mom. Do you still have enough time and opportunities ponapryagatsya. Make sure that these features are not melted away like mist. You are welcome...

  - You're just like Liara ... According to Ms-and-luysta. - I mimicked Samara daughter. - By the way, how is she?

  - Works serves. Like all asari most.

  - You have something I do not agree halyard. - Strictly Samara said.

  - I do not know, Mom. You know Liara, she did not back down and will not stop there. Three areas of work. Itself I do not understand how it lacks everything. However, in the army and in science it is only the beginning, but in the information business - it's just mine excavator. Not every AI and HIV can make it a competition.

  - I hope ...

  - No, Mom. You're still the senior officer, Justiciary, consultant, general and everything else. Needless Liara know any specific details about your life, Mom. So here you need not worry.

  - I'll try.

  - So try, mom. You need to recover.

  - Yeah. How's my assistant?

  - Mom, is that it commanded a regiment, not you. Let's not disturb her to perform their duties, as well?

  - Well, let's not. And the news channels here ...

  - Mom ... The doctor said - no worries. - Strictly said Falera. - And I'm going to follow her instructions.

  - Literally?

  - And this is including mothers. - Falera looked at Samara adamant his trademark look.

  - Fine, fine. - Matriarch knew Falera not concede, and retired to the background.

  - Mom, we'll be with Rila change, so you will not be able posvoevolnichat. - Said the youngest daughter, going to the door and letting in the House Rila. - Again, trying to sit up, Rhyl. Affect on it. - With these words Falera out into the corridor and closed the door.

  - Do I understand correctly that the Chamber Doubles post? - Samara said.

  - Mom ... - Rila approached and touched the back of his hand right hand mother. - You guard, so it should be.

  - Yeah. Shepard once said - I'm too valuable.

  - I can only agree with his words, Mom. You really valuable for all the asari. And - not only for them. - Rila sat on the edge of the bed. - Mom, explain to me what you achieve your svoevolnichaniem? Disability?

  - No, Rhyl. Sickening I lie down and stare at the ceiling for hours and nothing to do. That and look, send to rehabilitation.

  - I talked to the doctors, they said that you still while you're in the substituents at his deputy.

  - It is interesting to express, Rhyl. So, in their opinion, I have lain h
ere for a certain number of days, then a certain number of days spend on rehabilitation, practically - also lain or'll sit in four walls, and then, having got to the front, I'll be a shadow of its own deputy, because the commission as recommended? Did they forget that there is a war and there are military standards?

  - They think not only about the war, Mom. They think about how you will live when the world will come.

  - And they think these restrictions they reach a positive effect?

  - I have the impression, Mom - Rila stood up, walked to the window, closed the flap, so as not to muzzle, - they are convinced that they are right as far as possible. Mom, I thought about it and I believe that the enemy is strong and can not be irresponsible to refer to the state of his health.

  - You're right, Rhyl. You can not. But it is impossible to me ...

  - Mom ... - asari came to the table, sat down on the stool. - You can not, after such injuries and injuries to assume that you are still perfectly healthy. You need to be restored at least to return to a command position in the shelf. Or do you want to have in the rear?

  - No. If the rear of this, like this ... No, I do not. In front of me as something better. - Samara said, after a pause and ponder. - I understand that the rear is also not a resort, but I can not feel fine here.

  - Mom ... No one will say a word to you. There plenty of ...

  - Ex-military? You want to say it, Rila? But I do not feel like the former military.

  - Mom, I allow myself to notice ...

  - Justiciary almost all the war, my daughter. And I can not also be in the rear.

  - Then, Mom, you have us Falera promise that you will comply with all instructions of doctors. I believe that you will be able to recover fully and Falera also believes it.

  - Good. - Samara with an effort raised his head. - Still handy thing this pillow.


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