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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 165

by Theodore Daniels

  - Yes captain. - The young man nodded. - Thank you. And all your colleagues.

  - I'll give them your gratitude. - Anderson stood. - After a few days on the shuttle, you can return to the "Volga" and "Normandy". And yet - good luck on the Citadel.

  On the platform berthing complex Citadel, where the shuttle to the "Normandy" has arrived, guests were a flyer with the emblem of the Staff BRP.

  - My God, that's ... - Sean gasped when she saw coming out of the flyer Turian.

  - The director himself BRP Garrus Vakarian. - Rodriguez supported her friend. - We were.

  - Everyone remembers his recent transgressions? - Jason podnachil girls, giving her hand to the head of C-Sec came up to them. - Sir.

  - I am glad to welcome you to the Citadel. - Garrus guests bowed and gestured. - First - a short tour of the station, then - at the headquarters BRP and then I will give you the location of the headquarters complex.

  - I AM the new year with its wonders. - Rodriguez said admiringly. Hearing her words reserved Garrus nodded and picked up the car from the platform.

  A few hours they spent in flight on various areas of the gigantic Station. Students were able to make sure that the station lives, acts and directs the fighting.

  Staff BRP appeared before the students of the military camp. Sean almost did not have time to type on instrumentrone impression was just because they dictate, the girls struck by a large number of turianok and women of other races in the form of BRP employees, they even saw a few Hanaro and volus with Drell. The primary law enforcement organization Citadel improved as realized Academy students are constantly and continuously. The guests visited the control station, laboratories, shooting ranges, in a residential area of Staff, archive and technical services.

  Several hours passed excursion for students as one instant. Garrus could hardly encourage them to distract from conversation with another specialist, to immerse in the flyer and take him to the headquarters location.

  - How many buildings here? - Sean said, looking from the height of the headquarters of the town.

  - How much - so much there. - Garrus said softly, sending the flyer into the parking lot. - You are waiting for. - He opened the side door and guests farewell nod, lifted the car into the air. - Successes and tranquility!

  After seeing flies flyer views, students passed the fence and stopped at the main building.

  - Students Grissom Academy? - Asked burly heavyweight broneskafandre, quietly approached to look around young people.

  - Yes. - Jason confirmed.

  - Follow me, please. Stay in your rooms. Then - a short tour of the area. I must say - it is not recommended to walk unaccompanied in the territory. All protected. - Burly opened the door and pointed to the stairs. You are waiting in the room for negotiation. - He gave the guests at the officer on duty care. - Good luck.

  - Well. The same sign: "Troop Command." - Sean said. - Prengli, are you satisfied?

  - Yes. Satisfied. - Jason missed the girls themselves forward, holding the door of the room for negotiation. - Get ready for the next debate, colleagues.

  - Maybe the discussion. - Melodious chest voice Asari seemed to fill the entire space of a room. - Come, sit down. - The researcher waited accommodate the guests at the table. - I know you're not really counting on soft style of our communication, but, I think, a misunderstanding is largely overcome?

  - Yes. - Jason said, exchanging views with colleagues. - Overcome, ma'am.

  - Good. Then let's discuss the results of your work and think about how you can take part in the work on the adaptation of the biotic interfaces under the asari needs. - Researcher faintly smiled, noting the confusion guests. - Yes Yes. Exactly. The three of you will be able to take part in this most directly involved, and your colleagues, remaining at the station Grisoma - will be able to help you in the audio communication session. Unfortunately, the video we problematic, so most of the information will have to pass on the audio channels. Yes, slowly, but - not too optimal, but - war. - She paused. - And I will say at once - in this work is very interested Matriarchy Azari. And personally - Etita matriarch.

  - Father Liara T'Soni? - Sean diffidently clarified.

  - Exactly. As you can see, your job is very important not only for people but also for the asari. The fact that continue to occur burnout of the models and modifications of biotic interfaces. Headlights hubs biotic energy - passive, but the interfaces are active systems, and in the course of clashes with the new creatures they Reaper husks are often melt than do great harm to defenders and soldiers of our galaxy. Long clashes with the old interface modifications are impossible - and so our slight advantage quickly lost. What it was found in a warehouse Grissom Academy ...

  - In the back room. - Evil Rodriguez clarified. - Under deryuzhkoy.

  - I agree, but it is now no longer so important. So, what was found in a warehouse Grissom Academy, it became a real salvation for the asari. We could, of course, is only using virtual environments to test a variety of options for adaptation found biotic interfaces to the needs of the soldiers of our race, but what made you practically grants the Academy Grisoma absolute priority as the owners and managers of this technology.

  - And you will not be ... - Sean asked suspiciously.

  - No, we will not. - Confirmed the asari. - That is unnecessary. Now there is a war, and all the debate about copyright, priority and appropriate compensation and payments should be deferred to the post-war period. We must defeat the Reapers and their minions, using any and all possibilities. Otherwise, our work will only delay our inevitable defeat, which we can not afford. So, if you have no objection, we shall now move on to the laboratory complex and get to work.

  Objections were not students.

  Barely having time to have a meal in the dining room of the main body headquarters, they plunged into work on an adaptation of the biotic interfaces to asari needs. Regular audosvyaz with colleagues who stayed on the academic stations, allowed three students of the Academy does not feel abandoned and lonely and hard work does not leave time for the fears and concerns.

  Five days passed completely unnoticed. Students are fully accustomed to the headquarters, they are no longer treated as vremennnym guests and visitors, they were able to perform most of the orders of their colleagues from the Academy. The girls returned to live in the "Volga", almost did not get out of the hangars, working with Yavikom on removing more and more new information packages. Prengli plunged into work on the "Normandy", trained with Alenko in the gym, working with Olivier and Alix to decipher the information received from Yavikom "obelisks". Normandovtsy and volgovtsy organized for students short and succinct cultural programs, not forgetting to give young people an opportunity to walk around the station.

  On the sixth day of the Citadel came Streltsov, Titov, Shepard and Anderson. In the presence of Garrus Vakarian Sean Rodriguez and Jason received letters of acknowledgment and honorary badges, as well as documents that established their most direct and significant contribution to the improvement of an important battle in military technology. Kits diplomas, honorary signs and documents were passed and for all other students Jennifer group remaining on academic Station.

  - You did a good job. - Shepard said, when all three students after the ceremony came to his office in the main headquarters. - Now you have five days of free graphics. Citadel and squadron waiting for you. Exactly five days later comes a frigate Corps spectrum on which you will go back to the academic station. Questions?

  - No problem, Captain. - Jason said.

  - Then - you are free. - Shepard waited until the students leave the room and went back to her desk. Preparing for departure at the request of batarians continued.

  Liara. The path through the war -1

  Bach sounded. He sounded in the speaker helmet young asari. The first decade of war against the Reapers made Liara much overestimated, rethink and revise. And his own life. And the lives of their parents. And the life of his race, in particular - life tessiytsev, its c
losest compatriots and countrymen.

  It is to get used to the idea that her destiny is now owned by much more than Tessiyskoe space. It is quite unexpected for myself have understood, what prepared her, a young asari, archeology lessons, classes Prothean history. Of course, it was difficult to move to formulate clearly, correctly and, most importantly, comprehensive, but now Liara almost every day at least a few minutes thinking about it has paid.

  Tess was burning, the war against the Reapers gathered momentum, unfolded. Extranet, it still works segments were filled with information about the success of shrimp and their accomplices. Yes, success. Yes, victories. The enemy, even this, should be respected. Because objectively the enemy was strong. And smart. And developed. All this, and not some mythical and fabulous quality provided Reapers victory over and over again for thousands of years.

  Millennium ... For asari they were never abstract. It was clear the time intervals are measured the lifetime of each blue-skinned beauty. Strange, but before meeting with Shepard Liara I never considered myself particularly beautiful. And before meeting earthlings with "Normandy" is generally paid little attention to their appearance. There is a regulatory framework and must adhere to, because they are ... because they give comfort in the community asari. But when she looked at Shepard. Looked at simply, without all sorts of thoughts ... She felt her self-esteem has risen sharply. Yes, in the community asari it can be, and have a consistent appearance and not much different in appearance from the tribeswoman, but in the eyes of the man flashed, as it seemed to Liara, something that once allocated from the host of her compatriots. The attitude teammate Shepard to her and to her mother ... only confirmed the sense of self-worth. Approved, broadened and deepened.

  Now Liara knew that she has a reasonable, for which it is important, valuable ... maybe even loved. She was afraid to present themselves next to Shepard, and at the same time - very much like this. Not only in dreams, but in reality. No, of course she had seen and felt understood that Svetlana Streltsov aims to stay with John near as long as possible - all these hundred years. Liara was not going to interfere with Svetlana - no matter how different moral values and asari earthlings, it is a personal relationship remained closed, isolated and protected. Intervention punished them. And moral, and ethical, and legal statutes and standards.

  Liara felt that Shepard ... treats her young asari ... indifferent. No, of course, Svetlana for him, for John - in the first place, and its significance for Shepard can not be subject to the slightest doubt or, especially, revisions, but Shepard was possible for other reasonable, even inorasovym, treated so that they immediately felt and his specialness, and its uniqueness, and its value? This was Liara believes, can not be taught, it is also almost impossible to learn. It is - or is, or - no. How could an orphan who grew up in an orphanage, with its very harsh manners, at once gone into the army, became an officer in videoconferencing, passed Akuzu, save yourself a wealth of heart and soul? Liara herself did not know the answer to this question is, yes, to be honest, and did not try to answer it, knowing his weakness and inexperience in such matters.

  She knew how gently, carefully and slowly been building relationships with Svetlana Shepard. Of course, not everything she knew and did not fully, but the legend of the squadron and their ekiazhah ... gave her much food for thought. Shepard was working, serving, acted, directed. And the work was the basis of being and existence for him. It was given to her with all the certainty and completeness of which only one could imagine. Maybe Shepard confirmed this rule is that for a man of his business is including the main raison d'être? May be. After all, John ... he went at once to the army, did not spend a few years in the civilian world. He quickly moved into the army at the forefront, it is no wonder that he was chosen a candidate, and then - did the listener unique courses - Academy of Al-seven.

  He passed Akuzu caught under the threshers, even if provoked by someone unknown, and no one knows how to not become embittered, did not take revenge on someone else ... At least the same thresher. At least those commanders who virtually abandoned his unit in a meat grinder, from which he emerged only by miracle, John Shepard. Perhaps he, too, were lost in nightmares while colleagues. Probably. He must understand, realize and recognize the stupidity of officers, not all, but some are forced to give up a detachment at the time of John, when the giant worms attacked by combining their efforts. Quit squad ... Leave without support, without assistance.

  John returned to Akuzy ... Returned in many others. Matured, pomudrevshim. He returned, but did not write resignation. I do not retreat. I do not left the VCS. Passed training at the Academy, received as Liara was convinced, quite rightly, the highest grade-level. Such experts at what became Shepard, the people were very much appreciated. And, of course, used. It may not always be honest and clean, but used. As earthlings was said to be a man, and there is always the case for him.

  And it was found for John. Perhaps, indeed, the fate of organic matter undergoes a reasonable strength? May be. John was called on board the frigate "Normandie" by the order, which was issued as an order in wartime. Now Liara knew that such orders could not be ignored in principle - since it was decided in humans. If the peacetime order could still somehow ignore, although it seemed strange and impossible, to ignore the order of war was impossible - for it immediately followed fierce retribution.

  John, it is likely not to distinguish the orders of military and peacetime. For him, this order was not a criminal or reprehensible - there is only contained in the appointment of the ship. Yes, in two positions at once, yes, on a ship, not formally included into the videoconferencing only assigned to the fleet. All this was so. Perhaps al-sevens taught to act in such circumstances, and taught the conscience. Probably they learned to act in a much worse condition. Because John did not mind and look for an opportunity to prove the crime of this order - in fact on the two posts just appointed a person is extremely rare. Even more so - in such a situation, which then evolved.

  John accepted the assignment, carried out the order, became a senior, first deputy commander of the frigate prototype. Perhaps every reasonable playing their toys and all reasonable playing some common game. Yes, people in all three decades, both went to the Great Cosmos, joined, if somewhat formal, to the number of races Space Citadel. Yes, their appearance in more space not all races, old-timers was perceived unambiguously positive. Nevertheless, all the more acute today Liara knew: people have made so many new and valuable life in the Citadel races that probably Higher Powers were once again right when humanity included in the general scope of the galaxy as a cosmic race. And even more, they were right, giving John zagalakticheskoe power. Dove, never doubting that John Shepard will not use this power for personal purposes,

  Liara acutely aware that John did not consider it necessary to apply their new skills anywhere and everywhere - and it is within the normal set of abilities was able to do the maximum possible and to achieve results worthy of wonder and amazement, and at times - respect and even worship. For him, perhaps waking up zagalakticheskih features become a kind of test of the maturity. And after him at that time as "Normandy" has left in its flight to Eden Prime was not forty years. He was too young, very young. Almost all life was in front of him ... and he had trained himself to live a full measure to the full.

  Yes, with the help of these features zagalakticheskih John saved the life itself and its identity, Liara, mom. Even for this alone act, when Shepard risked himself and his personality, Liara was the rest of my life grateful to John and always felt multifaceted obliged him, though he Shepard - she clearly felt - never focused on some debt Liara before it is likely not thinking that has done something really quite special. It can be internally realized what makes Shepard, saving it from the fate of mother plants from becoming impersonal shell Liara felt it necessary to fall in love with John? Is it possible to clearly answer these questions, the main thing that Liara is now close to both parents - and mom and dad, and she does not feel any "it", and one hundred percent, "she

  A wholly-owned "it." How to say people - "when we are changing - changing the world." Liara always felt, remembered, celebrated, how it has changed already after return from the monastery as was the deal with the problems Beacon Protheans Tess, information problems. It is almost always felt very different from the same age, in most cases is either desantnitsami asari, or dancers. Everything is sharper than she had realized that she is now - a completely different way. Always has been, is and will be different, because it's fifty years of his short life spent on the study Protheans race, he made this a name for himself in academia and unexpectedly found a new level of perception of reality in the face of a living proteaninom. Warrior Elder Race returned by Shepard to life. Then,

  Yeah, maybe, and maybe not possible, and indeed, she had been dumb, stupid and too self-confident and arrogant. Youth, it's not only a sober calculation, but also impulsiveness and the desire to try everything, to learn all the options that are available only. It was only later, when Liara buried in the Extranet to find materials about "Normandy" of Shepard and his teammate, she began to understand many things, not only sensory, emotional, and logical. And then ... Then she just felt like she changed and at the same time changed the whole surrounding her young and inexperienced asari world.

  I have changed from the time when she found the lost fifty years my mother. Shepard saved. Lyubivshuyu this strict and unapproachable captain. Owe him not only life, but also the inner world, saved intact, saved from disintegration under the influence of intoxication. Yes, my mother then came to her, Liara, severe, and can be - even cruel, but now Liara knew - too much time has changed, not only in her life but also her mother's life to continue to perceive the surrounding reality, as before in much like a child. Leaving the monastery, Liara stepped onto the path that allowed her to learn, to understand, to feel more and deeper and sharper and better than it was available most of her contemporaries and contemporaries.


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