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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 167

by Theodore Daniels

  Shepard was a warrior. This Liara was absolutely convinced. For him, the army was the life he found a family in the army, found his calling. And then ... then he found his love. Love is a woman warrior. Women imperki, women-Russians. I found not only love, though this, as she was convinced Liara, many earthlings would be enough to head for the full, comprehensive happiness, but found and all that is usually attached to the all-consuming, truly supreme earthly sense, earthly passion. He found in Svetlana ashore, found the star to which he will always seek, no matter how many years ahead of him did not lie. Found space, which became for him, John Shepard, extremely attractive and inescapably expensive. He found in Svetlana's sister ... Yes, sister, you always wanted to have, being an orphan. And not once allowed himself to cross the line,

  Liara saw Svetlana proud to overcome all the troubles associated with pregnancy, because she wears under her heart wanted children. We wish not only for her the most, but for the most expensive for her man - its main friend of her husband, her mate. Svetlana decided on something that solved very few women-military men - to remain in the military, remain on the post commander, left to perform its functions and tasks imposed by the service. And Liara knew - she did it for John, because she wanted to be with him always. I wanted to, because he agreed with her desire to have children of her right of hot, frenetic, full of the man she loved. He agreed, and she believed in it. Now Svetlana at will ultimately shorten pregnancy, how to see the children outside as soon as possible, personally, to pass both of them in the hands of her John. Send, knowing that Shepard will be fascinated, shocked and delighted exactly as it should. Send, then together to educate them on the sides of the Troop ships. To educate, to enter into the ocean of life, real life Nonfictional.

  Thinking about Svetlana and John, Liara could not help but think about how it will be able to stand next to them, to become a second wife for Shepard. She did not want to destroy their union, did not want to be the cause of differences between Shepard and Strel'tsova, but she could not help myself, could not give up the desire to become the Shepard's wife and her friend. Of course, it all acutely understood the real association, if any, will have to be postponed until after the war. And while Liara just wanted to keep his love for John, keep the desire to help him with his love, his attitude. Yes, at a distance, even at rare and infrequent meetings, audio and videokontaktah. But still love to help, help in any way only she can.

  Yes, the squad is remembered younger T'Soni again once again returned to the Citadel to its main headquarters. More recently, a few months ago to the Citadel docked frigate prototype "Normandie", which none of the majority of organic inhabiting the galaxy, and is nothing special to say something but could not. Now, time and again come to the Citadel frigate, cruiser, becoming more and more legendary. Acts his crew took dozens of pages of fine print on any of the major languages of the Citadel races Space. Frigate, who gave the key races of the Milky Way's super-power cruiser Protheans, warring against the shrimp are now on an equal footing - one such Prothean cruiser assigned to the Turian Hierarchy, recently killed in battle just three polutorakilometrovy shrimp and received with minimal damage.

  On the cruiser, based on Mars in the Solar System, earthlings, we walked all these legends where he appeared, the Reapers began to panic retreat. This cruiser fought international human crew. There were not only alyansovtsy the Imperials, there were also representatives of the majority of the three hundred countries of the planet Earth. Alyansovtsy and Imperials fought on board, shoulder to shoulder, but gave their less experienced colleagues to show their best qualities and feel the full measure of its strength and importance. Because the cruiser became a messenger of death for the Reapers and their minions wherever neither appeared.

  Prothean cruiser, inherited asari, almost did not come out of the fighting. And now he was fighting on the distant approaches to Tessa, not protecting the capital's parent planet, and the planet is much less significant space Azari, letting them women living in the hope of salvation and survival. "Destination Path" fought side by side, in the same squadron, commander Dreadnought did not consider it shameful to learn from the crew and command of the cruiser Prothean. To get to the number of its crew members for any serviceman Asari was a great honor, but it was not, as practice shows, the crown of her military career. Cruiser perform and function at war the General Staff Academy, preparing cadres azariyskih commanders of the armed forces of cosmic and terrestrial secondary and tertiary level.

  So effectively, efficiently, without mercy to enemies and their minions fought three remaining cruisers, placed at the disposal and Turian salarians to Volusia. Funny balls were shocked when they got their hands on such a powerful and perfect ship. Not surprisingly, Volusia, have become members of the crew and command of the ship, past a severe selection and not less than rigorous training, fought so that it becomes personalized legends. Dreadnought volus "Kwun", his crew and the team considered a great honor to accompany the cruiser in his campaigns and battles, not to mention the fact that to participate in operations conducted by this cruiser among the crews and teams of other volusskih videoconferencing ships was a long queue and went continued fierce competition.

  But any of these cruisers Prothean the inhabitants of the galaxy, and it would not be, if Shepard and his normandovtsy did not dare to storm zaretranslyatornoe space "Omega-fourth." There would be tens, hundreds, Asari, Turian, salarians, quarians, Hanaro, Jagow, who were rescued from prison Collectors station. Taste in captivity servants Reapers, these reasonable organics were put forward in the battle with shrimps on the most complex and heavy posts and positions were for a private personal example rather than mere words flowery. Forced associates and colleagues laid out the full everywhere: on the surface of planets and stations, and in the cabins of ships. How many civilian ships in the shortest time were armed and sent to the front - it was difficult to calculate now. And they became more and more with each passing day.

  We fought all reasonable organics. As Liara read on one of the sites of human "all capable of bearing arms." There was no desire to extol the merits and achievements of earthlings - here Liara was the desire to verify the original "setup" that guided asari with similar installations that guided people. And, as it turned out, the two races were really close, and even similar, remaining unique and original.

  Earthlings is not just exhibited volcanic activity, they ... They united the hitherto disparate and sometimes do not want to even talk among themselves representatives of different races. Batarians, which should have been offended by the annexation Bahaka deeply and just therefore bitterly hated Earthlings, as well as all other tsitadeltsev now at war with the Reapers, knowing that the true enemies batarians are not earthlings, not turians not asari not salarians, which seems to be once again ignored the needs of the battery, namely the Reapers, for which the battery - the same suicide, doomed to death, to oblivion.

  Volusia, forgetting about their vulnerability and that they seem to be intellectuals, CIT, ofisniki, did not stop in front of the mass and individual self-sacrifice - often now Extranet brings news that one or more volus once again blew themselves up in the midst of husks, bringing them to death and become immortal in the memory of the saved sentient organics.

  Salarians not only developed weapons, combat poisons and other "gifts" to the Reapers, they were engaged in fixing the facts and cases of individual and collective self-sacrifice, faith in the victory over the Reapers. Inspiring stories taken salarian hundreds of military and civilian operators, commentators, journalists, helped reasonable organics overcome despair, fear, melancholy, hopelessness and weakness. In these subjects there was only one: the brutal truth of the war. There were no frills, there was no teamwork-affectedness. Salarians refused to shoot feature films - they loved the documentary with all the ardor and with all the speed that were able.

  Turians went into battle under the banner, who saw more days of colonization waves. Liara looked in underground cinema, along with other militias a documentary
"The Banner of the First Regiment" and was pleased to hear the voice of the commentator, known to viewers of the tape that it was returned to Banner turian forces soldiers Troop ships crews. How about it, T'Soni younger colleagues looked at that moment ... It was indescribably pleasant and at the same time - very obliging.

  The hospital, which is now Liara came to preventive procedures, finally moved into the ground and became the military. It saw Liara heroism of his compatriots who did not take into the hands of military weapons, they did not go to the attack, but, nevertheless, fought. They fought to save the lives of their tribeswoman. They fought with the main enemy of any reasonable organic - biological death, with the death. Fought, forgetting about themselves, their needs, their needs, about their safety.

  Of course, in a military hospital primarily treated soldiers, militia, all workers of military enterprises, institutions and organizations. At the same time military doctors did not refuse to help physicians civil, treated, and returned to the life of the asari who never connected his life with some army structures. Here Liara saw physicians effectively help normandovtsy - it turns out, were sent to hospitals captured from the Reapers and their henchmen medicines, equipment, medmaterialy, making no distinction between races, against whom it was directed life-giving wealth. On the recommendation of normandovtsev involved in heavy fighting with the Reapers, develop new medical preparations, new equipment back to life and active regulatory activity in patients previously considered hopeless.

  At the same time as firmly he understood and knew the younger T'Soni, normandovtsy carefully obscures its importance and its role in all this. Although the Liara often found direct evidence of active work Solus Mordina Karin Chakwas Michelle and Chloe. Of course, normandovtsy and volgovtsy not personified their role in the supply of doctors, who do not even know that there appeared otryadovtsy and Liara was very nice and it is important to know that in this area of her friends are on strong and important positions, their role and here is great and high. Younger T'Soni was sure that they did it before, do now and will do in the future.

  Svetlana Streltsov. Understanding the meaning of

  Secluded cabin, Svetlana Jennifer reread the letter. Great, surprisingly warm and soft. As Jenny it appeared as an entirely different: a mature, responsible, but at the same time - a very sensitive and discerning. She wrote a little about myself - more and more of their pupils. Details characterized each, expressed cautious assumptions about their future life path. It is thanks to the letter Jenny Svetlana was able to build relationships with newcomers in the "Volga" students optimally. Of course, she did know a lot, and could know how, but Jenny knew their students better than anyone, except maybe their parents and relatives.

  Now, when three students were free days and they spend most of their time on the Citadel, Svetlana keenly felt before childbirth remains very little time. There may be several decades, maximum - a month. Hardly much more. Allah made her stick to the regime and frowned when Streltsov has paid too much attention to the service and communicate with the guests.

  All or almost all Svetlana passed like a textbook. Alla and I marveled at double and triple energy looking for the catch. And Svetlana gradually acquired the former appetite got old energy, has reclaimed the old skin in problem for all zones of the pregnant woman. The fourth month is the last month when more dates to somehow comply with the usual and the book, and then ... Then Svetlana has decided to dramatically speed up the process of gestation. And accelerate quite independently, Seleznev plunging into a deep reverie. Children immediately started kicking very noticeable, but Svetlana found a way to calm down for a long time either, and - without any medication - just talk, good music and singing.

  It is very useful lessons on many musical instruments that Streltsov took in his youth, still in high school. Pain in the spine also extinguished without drugs - suggestion, compliance load mode. And natural childbirth program avoids undue stress - usually in this period, the majority of women condition improved to the level that existed prior to pregnancy, so that Svetlana was able to pay more attention to the ship and crew.

  Appetite sometimes, however, tried to be stronger constraints imposed by the will and reason, but here Svetlana was is dead: mindful of the fact that she gives birth to the first-born and also twins, she categorically did not want to go on about the hunger and eat as much as always - no more, no less. So she happily escaped the usual picture - rooms, forced by opening the package with the rations and the table laden with dishes with half-eaten dishes.

  Then came the fatigue. Fatigue from the pregnancy process. Svetlana and could not imagine that it is so frazzled. Yes, the mind she knew that the first-born, which for the first time, then what would probably be easier. But ... the emotions and feelings rebelled and had to exert considerable effort to keep yourself within. Her and so freed from most of the functions and responsibilities of the ship's commander and the head of the crew and command of the cruiser. Retreating further would be foolish and Svetlana kept struggling.

  And then covered her concern for the upcoming birth process. Cover the head. Thus covered, she went to sleep at night just burying his face in the pillow and biting teeth cloth. She was very afraid. What sort of shiver - it was shaking as if it was around minus sixty. Alla frowned and Svetlana felt terrible fear for the children. If it is something screws up ... From here it is very much depends, as well, it is absolutely not ready for anything to it. Yes, it is something they have read, yes, she watched dozens of movies, buried in the manual, but once she tried it all to herself, she felt weaker and as the land out from under the feet. She was very scared, because not only is she waiting children, waiting for them, and her John, her Joe. She's not young ... Why is it so it seemed - she herself was unable to explain. Nasty sticky fear covered, it seemed it all.

  Alla required to care for feeding, prepare it for feeding ... But Svetlana did not believe that it comes to feeding at all. She was all the time it seemed that she would bear children already dead. Or children who require artificial feeding. A cold sweat breaks through Svetlana with the regularity of clockwork. Once every hour, and when every ten minutes.

  Shower in the commander's cabin became a real salvation for Strel'tsova - never more so often she washed and never more so long occupied a booth. Yes, of intelligence cruiser did not exist with the water problems - everything was adapted to long, very long autonomous existence. And, nevertheless, Svetlana forced myself to limit water consumption

  If it was not the habit of regular physical activity, it would have received a full set of skin problems. And so ... I bring myself to use cosmetics, wear tight clothes, do regular exercise, which so stubbornly insisted Alla. And it moved. She had a powerful incentive: she wanted to stay attractive for John to remain the most beautiful and best for John and for their children. If it is the most beautiful of the three of them, it will be the most beautiful and for everyone else. Because she disappeared for hours in the mirror, looking more and more problem areas and making everything that she was available to these areas as quickly as possible to come back to normal.

  Breathing became more difficult at times - Svetlana understands the reasons, so try not to strain, and are increasingly used oxygen tanks, oxygen cocktails and stay in the greenhouse cruiser. It helps to relieve the feeling of lack of air. For hypoxia added physical exhaustion and fatigue. Lying down again on the couch - bed Streltsov tried to use only for a night's sleep - she remembered that Allah has given her a deadline - eight months. And these eight months, Svetlana felt already coming to an end. It turned out that she would never be able to have children. And the first-born - a boy and a girl will be her own children only. From awareness of the inevitability of darkened eyes and hands and feet grew cold.

  Where was her ability to sleep, keeping perfectly still? She spun in bed, not noticing myself that one day wakes up with a sheet, moved down somewhere on the floor and poluvynutym of blanket cover blanket. Somewhere at the back of consciousness loomed the thought that all this -
a consequence of pregnancy. A hard Streltsov scored this idea far away, replacing it with something else: it is home to the last days, as a woman. Then, well, if from her as a woman, able to generate life, will at least something. Only the efforts of will she forced herself to stay in shape and within only need every day to go out of the cabin, making detours commander, to visit the sight of hundreds of people encouraged her to do everything to not unscrew completely.

  There were nights when she was lying flat on his back, throwing a blanket somewhere away and could not fall asleep for hours. In my head I climbed the most unpleasant thoughts and she could hardly restrain their head. It is not always succeeded fully. She fell in love in such a night walk through the corridors of the cruiser. The deck of the deck, the compartment for the compartment.

  Fear for children has become a regular, he was strong. Svetlana knew that John sees and feels its condition and mood. From it did not escape the tense expression Svetlana face. A little more - and he asks Anderson to let him go to the "Volga". Anderson, of course, agree - it is also very deeply understands the situation. How then to explain it to John everything that was happening to her. Many things he understands without words, but the words still have to explain.

  And she had no strength to invest all this into words. She was not used to complain. She was not used to cry, she did not used to cry. She honestly tried to scream a few times, but only briefly terrible grimace contorted his face. Tears - there was no screaming - it was not even a groan - it was not.

  She intelligence knew that if she was childless, that's all, no moaning, no tears this grief already impossible to help. Needless to poison your soul and to tear the soul pieces of John. She considered herself too long Rock and touchy, too much put time and effort in order to reach its present status and position. And what is the result? It ceased to be a woman ... She has grown old she lost her looks ... She suddenly found that she lacks the ability to surrender to his feelings completely ... It was scary, it was frustrating ... this was perceived as impossible. How could she bring up their own children the only remaining such suharkoy? She kept herself so many years in the most severe part of that was fixed in the middle, being unable to go to extremes. And that she found love,


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