Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 169

by Theodore Daniels

  Immersing "Pillars of Power" in the hangar, "Normandy" has gone from the planet. "Volga" habitually perched behind the frigate detachment and began to make its way back to the Citadel.

  - Third day punching, Captain. - Alenko said when Shepard found a lieutenant in the gym. - Third day. If this thing goes on ...

  - Go, Lieutenant, go. - XO changed, began to do the workout. - Next will be even worse. For weeks, we will break into desired squares and on the dates of our planet. Reapers will throw into battle fresh processed organics. Haskizatsiya - we have seen - is growing.

  - Hmm, yes, a terrible sight. - Alenka came out of the shower, rubbing his head bath towel. - I like and do not like the battery, so very indifferent attitude towards them, but to see that ... go ... submissive stagger like a flock of sheep.

  - And they have, and there is no escape. Those who wish to make other sheep - he even bigger ram. - Shepard said, completing the warm-up and starting the implementation of a core set of exercises. - For decades, we tried to live at the expense of slave labor - and you were the first slave. Resistance Index - the lowest among the known races of the galaxy. Outsiders. What can you expect more from them ...

  - Captain. - Kaidan paused. - Do you believe that we carry, we do something important for the battery ... normal batteries.

  - I? No, Kaidan. This question is not of faith, but a question of expediency. We'll bring just the Citadel something that will perk up the battery. How many of them there will arise - this is the battery for each individual to decide. I do not think that at the Citadel all such ... dusty bag bruised. - Shepard began its push-ups on one hand. - If our students will be able to explain something young and battery batarkam - we can expect something better than the death of one of the races. Yet neighbors and batteries - our neighbors are with you - do not choose. They must live, not to fight. So we try to do for them something ... useful. It is a pity, of course, if you do not get anything worthwhile, but it will not be ours, but their choice ...

  - Captain ...

  - Kaidan, we are in the gym, and not on the parade ground. So - let's names.

  - Yes. John, you ... believe that the Citadel stand?

  - Yes. In it, Kaidan, I believe. Because The Citadel - Capital Station Galaxy. Yes, it was the capital under the plan of the Reapers, but when the Reapers will be cast into oblivion, it will become a metropolitan station of a free and united galaxy. Already on the will of the majority of the races. And to ensure that this majority has taken this decision - it is necessary to protect the station. It is necessary to make this station stood. Than anywhere else to the entire galaxy at war it has always been a place where rational and reasonable Synthetic organic will feel even slightly more secure.

  - Thanks, John. I'm also very ... believe it ... - Kaidan changed. - I'll go, you have to write a letter to Ashley, if you really do not have audio communication. Maybe it will reach in a few hours. Although a roundabout way. - Officer got out of the gym. Shepard graduated push and moved to the working out of techniques of unarmed combat.

  Waiting problems this time not deceived Exec. Reapers had tried to organize a blockade of several star systems, providing a particularly strong resistance to the invaders, because it took another week to round clusters forces minions Reapers.

  Otryadovtsy accustomed to the fact that now the timing of tasks and dramatically increase a lot. The ships are put into effect to adapt the program to the peculiarities of the autonomous long transition under deep disguise in complete radio silence. Passive surveillance and interrogation system were completely unexpected demand - sometimes even formed a queue willing to receive data packets.

  - I do not understand, Commander. - Shepard put away readers. - We're barely able to crawl toward the station, and there are three of our students made a small revolution of consciousness?

  - Well, why not make this revolution, John? - Sitting in his desk chair Anderson put the stylus in the groove canister. - Yes, we have already lived a lot, seen a lot, and they - are just starting and want to live in a world that is much more suited to their needs and requirements. So if our students have found a contact, and, the main thing - understanding among young and batarok battery - it's just a big plus in their karma, as expressed by this day in many forums in the Extranet. We saved for their part batarian shrine from desecration and that it will now be installed on the Citadel - an additional chance for the station and its inhabitants irrespective of race to survive and to survive in this increasingly complex war. It would be very bad if, as before, we would have brought "the Force Columns" on the station, containers pushed quietly with them to the warehouse Corps spectrum and to do their tasks. Battery, no matter how bad they may be, have the right to survive. Of course, for this, they also have to make yourself are now some effort, but, thanks to his own youth, able to understand something much deeper and fuller batarians have all chances to become productive members of the galactic community.

  - Make sure the commander. - Shepard said, nodding. - I, frankly, was afraid that in the course of establishing contact with our studiozusov batarian four-eyed youth in there desire to try our strength during all provocations and clashes.

  - It is good that this has not happened, John. And what they found-biotics batarians, talked, talked with them - it's only extra-base in order to achieve our common success. Now, the arrival of "Pillars of Strength" on Station is not just a routine procedure, and an important event for batarians and for all the other inhabitants of the Citadel. Let's see what our students here offer ...

  Discussion of proposals Grissom Academy students took more than half an hour. Finally on board the frigate took a coded message with the changes, additions and suggestions for the meeting of the "Pillars of Power" on the Citadel. An hour later, the answer came in a roundabout way with a full agreement with the proposals.

  Most otryadovtsev, reading the messages, considered that the students simply did not complicate the situation and put forward some suggestions to improve the program of the meeting, "Pillars of Power." Ultimately, the program proposed originally, and was so very bad.

  Three days and through the mist stood out the contours of the Citadel. Troop ships routinely went to their seats in the outer roads station and hove.

  - Wow! - I could not help admiring exclamation Jeff Moreau. - Our studiozusy sprovorili batarian almost the entire community to come to the Docks.

  - Let. All batteries station have every right and opportunity to welcome rescued from desecration sanctuary. - Kaidan said. - Who will take her gently on the suspension of our shuttles, and it will be installed for a few hours at the docks to any and all local batarians could touch it and make sure it does not daze or a dream, and absolute reality. - Alenko not hide his satisfaction. - See, and in fact our Jason and there is not a miss - as much as three batarok managed to interest her in person! - The officer pointed the stylus on the screen where the broadcast image of what is happening on the landing site.

  - Yes, and the girls also do not let us down - each acquired two battery-cavaliers. - Supported colleague, Cpl. - So, we can assume that here - success.

  Gathered at the landing site batarians vostorzhёnnymi shouts greeted the approaching "The forces of Columns". Shuttles frigate gently lowered to the relic dedicated to her place and several dozen batarians rushed to release the artifact from the transport grid. Including searchlights illuminated the relic from all sides, and a few minutes later began the religious ceremony.

  On board the ship Troop was clearly seen as a lighter person batarians as lost their tension, anger and frustration out. Perhaps for the first time batarian community Citadel could with so much fullness sure other races could be friends and partners batarians and provide them with greater and grant aid.

  - In the slide show and see the ceremony on Grisoma station. - I reported specialist communicator.

  - Welcome. - Anderson nodded. - Olivia, you can amplify the signal that was real-time?

  - Can. - Responded kiborgessa. - I have been inv
olved transmitters and repeaters frigates and cruisers. A minute will be real-time. I also identified several flying cameras crew - they see to our students and their new friends - let on Grisoma station see everything in minute detail.

  - Good. - Anderson bent over the map. - It looks like John, we have achieved great success here.

  - Yes, David. - Shepard confirmed watching, accompanied by his new friends and girlfriends all three Academy students are suitable for the columns and carefully repeating movement batarians express their respect relics. - It's - the first time that in such an important batarian religious ceremony attended by Earthlings.

  - Captain. - I reported to the signalman. - Received message. Batarian Citadel Diaspora expresses deep gratitude to the crews of ships and command a squad of Salvation "Pillars of Power." I transmit the text.

  - Hmm. - Anderson acquainted with the message, allow to hang it on the ship's wall screens. - John?

  - Maybe we need something and managed to do. We must ask, then where to move the relic.

  - Request. - Anderson looked at who was standing behind the board specialist communicator. He nodded and began to pick up on the text keyboard. - We'll wait.

  - Has sent a reply, sir. In agreement with the Council and the Citadel Corps Spectra columns will be installed in one of the hangars station. Moving the relics will be organized forces of the station units. On Grisoma station see everything in real-time mode. Admired and grateful. I will relay the signal from the station to the academic instrumentrony our students.

  - Good. - Anderson ordered to withdraw shuttle frigates had delivered Columns from the station. - We have more medicines to share, so let freight shuttles, I pray while in the hangar.

  The ceremony lasted for about another hour, after which the relics had free access for everyone. Of course, batarians put up around the artifact and its protection, but now did their best to site visitors do not feel in a military camp and not shied away from armed patrol batarians.

  The appearance on the "Pillars of Power 'station played a very positive role in the negotiations batarian delegation and the delegation of the consolidated races Space Citadel.

  Citadel. The war against the Reapers: Military medicine

  The address Command Squad continued to receive commendations from batarians. They generally understood Anderson and Shepard decided to visit sickbay and talk to Karin.

  - Karen, can you? - Captain cautiously opened the door sickbay and looked timidly.

  - For once, you, John, appeared. - Had resulted in the doctor got up from his chair - it was his custom checking expiry dates of medicines and staffing pilings, so over crowded desktop screens with tables and information charts and graphs. - Come on.

  - Karin, if you can ... - Shepard stopped in front of the doctor. - Do not...

  - It is necessary, John, right. - Chakwas removed from the neck stethoscope. - Undress to the waist. Medkontrol again missed, so I at least have a cursory inspection.

  - Ugum. Glance ... - Shepard grinned, taking formёnku and jersey. - Your "fluent" ... It's like medkontrol WCC.

  - What to do, this is my duty, John. - Chakwas put the tip of the stethoscope to his chest captain. - Do not Breathe ... breathe ... Inhale and hold your breath ... So. Good. - She hung a stethoscope around his neck. - In general, so, John, I have, as you know, have accumulated civilian medicine - we are almost never used, but the military fly with a bang. And while we're on the Citadel ... We need military medicine. Yes, some lists already compiled - headquartered in this area has worked quite well. - She pulled up to your desk the second seat. - Sit down, John.

  Shepard is located in the chair, I looked at the screens. Chakwas umostilas on the edge of his chair, and continued:

  - Refugees on the Citadel has already its own leaders. Different, of course. I was advised to go to a certain Taktusu. Turian, hard but fair. I tried to negotiate with him. But he, as I reported to Olivia, tightfisted and because I'd like to clean up its military stocks of medicines to the end.

  - Really, Captain. - In Chakwas he walked in Chloe Michelle. - We have plenty of civilian medicines. And this Taktus - miser of the miser. Can...

  - Yes, John. Talk to him. Well, if we can take away all the military medicine. Any physician will tell you - they are civil to anything. Yes, not harm, but also to use special will not bring.

  - Good. - Shepard took filed Chakwas reader. - As long as we have the Citadel - I'll do it.

  - I think it will be helpful to talk with you, John. Good luck.

  - And you too, Karin, Chloe. - Shepard came out of sickbay, including the Speaker. - Request permission to go down to the station commander.

  - Good. Permission granted. Good luck. On the problem with medicine I know. Karin said. - Said Anderson and switched channels.

  Going down to the hangar, Shepard welcomed the shuttle driver on duty and asked to take him closer to the refugee camps.

  - John! Commander Shepard! - I heard a girl's voice suddenly ringing and someone's arms wrapped around him when spectrum turned departure is to allow the shuttle to the salon openings, already went down to the site of arrival.

  - Talita! - XO turned hugged the girl. - How you've grown!

  - Thanks, John! That's all - thanks to you. Doctors still do not believe that the rest of the brain and neck lumps from the chip do not harm me at all! And I tell them that it is - yours and yours alone merit, John.

  - How are you? Where now? - Shepard was very happy to meet with them rescued dugout.

  - Where there is always, John! Let's sit down in the lounge, or you have to let go of the shuttle?

  - No. We have a little time. - Shepard helped her climb into the boat shop and waited until she sits down in a chair, sat down on the bench. - As?

  - I work with refugees, mainly with people, but also about other intelligent I do not forget. Our multidisciplinary assistance center is open to all in need. Here and now I came here on business - we got a batch of clothes and shoes, we decided to transfer here. It is necessary to clarify requirements. - She looked at the small screen instrumentrona. - Oh ... time ... It's always - as a trouble - so the hours and days lasted, but as a joy - well, if the minutes. - Confused girl.

  - I'll take you. - Shepard turned to the driver. - Thank you. You can take off.

  - Yes captain. - Sergeant shut the parlor door behind them and the shuttle sped to the frigate.

  - I have very few people talk about what happened then, John. - Talita said, as they walked to the entrance of the perimeter, protected by five-turians militias. Learning the master and checking his documents, they saluted and missed Shepard inside. Talita waved ah di card and it, too, quickly passed. - But do not hide from the media? I understand that now need positive examples, inspiring stories, but I also understand that we should not single out themselves. You have to maneuver. Well, now that so many in the station engaged in assistance to refugees, because the amount of indoctrination and narrowly escaped captivity is growing with each passing day. - Talita was easily on a par with Shepard, without worrying about what waiting for her elsewhere. - I am very happy, John, see you. When talking about your work in the Extranet or in the news - it's completely different, but see that's wrong with you ... - that for me is very valuable. - She paused. - I'm sorry, John ...

  - I understand, Talita. Help those in need - especially. - Shepard gently shook hands. - I wish you success.

  - And you, John. Come back alive ... - she turned around, hiding the tears surging eyes and almost ran to the door on the catwalk, going into another sector of the camp.

  Shepard briefly looked after her - he, too, waiting for business. We had to walk to the walkway leading to the desired sector and the captain stepped to the nearest ladder.

  Taktus talked with two refugees-turians. The captain did not stop him from talking, he stopped at one of the empty containers, adapted for housing, spoke with a medical volunteer and repair technician panatselina dispensers.

  - You sent Dr. Chakwas Captain Shepard?
- Turian went quietly. - I know. If you really do come - I agree to give you a complete set of military medicines. And do not ask me why - for many reasons. So right away and not answer. Find you where to ship?

  - You tell me the amount, Taktus, and we plunge and moved.

  - Good. - Turian named volume, Shepard entered number with the keyboard in the form on the screen of instrumentrona:

  - Welcome. We take out this three flights. Location? - He looked at Taktusa.

  - Warehouse sixteen. It is not far from here.

  - Good. - Shepard entered address in the box on the form instrumentrona screen. - In return we will deliver to you a complete set of civil medication. And on top of ...

  - I will be glad. - Taktus smiled. - Reserves and surplus will come in handy. Honestly, I think the Reapers would try more than once to attack the Citadel. So civil reasonably require appropriate medication.

  - Well. - Shepard turian exchanged hands. - Thank you and success to you and your companions.

  - Thank you. The success of all of us really need. - Taktus pressed Speaker claw. - Yes, send two persons, let them look. - I wish you all good Shepard. And your all.

  While Shepard returned to the shuttle, its instrumentron received reports about the arrival of freight shuttles from the frigate. We arrived on the boat all civil medicines which have only been on board the "Normandy". Taktus organized its supporters and those who arrived quickly overloaded medicines to the warehouse, where they began distribution to needy refugees. Noting that Taktus does not limit the distribution of medication only framework turian community Shepard checked the data on receipt and distribution of goods. When he went to the square in front of the docks, he drew attention to a dispute between a man and a woman.

  Citadel. The war against the Reapers: Revenge of Cerberus

  - The fact that its already delayed BRP enough. He will suffer deserved punishment! From BRP just so no one goes, if there are grounds for detention. A relative of his from BRP have orientation - he read on the official website. - Man said.


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