Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 170

by Theodore Daniels

  - The maximum that threatens him, the bastard - it is a prison. - Replied the woman. - And it is - a killer. And killing the living organic reasonable he should die himself. While they will arrange a hearing - will take too much time.

  Silent alarm call diverted man from the conversation with his companion:

  - Yes.

  - I took the position and is ready to begin. - I heard a quiet voice.

  Synthetic Corps worked at lightning speed - on display vnutrishlemnom captain broke the inscription: "Captain Aaron Alliance VKS Sommers Location - ... Suspected illegal activity Coordinates of the reference point BRP - ......"

  - Does it still. - Man lowered his hand, which pressed the speaker to your ear. - We wait.

  - We wait. - Echoed the woman and they fell silent.

  Shepard gently walked past them and headed to the coordinates specified Synthetic. Flight of stairs left behind. Passing repair the fence, Shepard went to the entrance to the police station BRP.

  Upon entering, he immediately noticed sitting on the couch semi-rigid middle-aged man in civilian clothes. . "? Hmm Captain videoconferencing Alliance And why in civil and here It is a war, and it should be at the front or in part -? Shepard thought -. We'll have to investigate.".

  - Captain. - Sommers saw logged Shepard, rose, stepped forward. - Well, you've come. Here is the deal. Employees detained BRP BRP officer who worked with the "Cerberus". The fault of the campaigners suffered a lot of people. He faces a firing squad, he's trying to buy his life in exchange for information. I and my people do not like it and we want justice for the culprit of the deaths on the Citadel.

  - And what you'll get, speeding up the execution of a traitor, Captain? - Shepard did not invite the interlocutor to sit, and he did not want to stay here - he remembered the strange pair, are located nearby. - The information we anyway because he shaken out, and is not shaken out - shoot it makes no sense.

  - It makes sense, Captain. He just killed earthlings, killing people and contributed to their killing. He did not care who the Terrans why they were close to him. He just killed them. And even more, he has contributed to their killing. Thirty people on his conscience. Men, women, three young children! And you, too, think that it is necessary to delay his execution?

  - Yes, I do, Captain. You took an oath not to become similar to the subject. You took an oath to adhere to the laws, even if there is a war, and really want to step through the requirements of morality, ethics and law. You officer, Captain. And those wishing to enter illegally? What if you're better off this subject. - Shepard Aaron heavy eyed gaze. - Information received from it will be more useful than its immediate execution. People he killed or contributed to their destruction - is not return, not risen. And he knows a lot. And this information he shared with us. It lays out everything.

  - Shepard. - Hissed Sommers. - You ...

  - Is that you, Sommers, listen to me. One more word and you will be arrested and imprisoned in the spectrum, as well as your two accomplices. - XO handed sergeant came up BRP reader, which siphoned all the information about the strange couple. - They are, incidentally, has already been arrested. - Shepard watched as two hapless conspirators injected into the space reference points, immediately sending in different cameras. - By the way, Sommers, you are arrested on charges of plotting to oppose justice. - Captain Turian nodded to two-esbetseshnikam already had come up close to Aaron. - That the data on it. - First mate gave the senior outfit reader.

  - Thank you, Captain. - He nodded, while his partner handcuffed Sommers. - Get him out of the chamber. We will understand.

  - I have no doubt, Sergeant. - Shepard nodded farewell BRP officer and left the reference point.

  The incident did not like, but he tried to turn away from thinking about what had happened. His attention was drawn to a small cafe sign - if he has brought to the area, a snack and a little rest, he is quite right. Going into a small room, it is customary bartender nodded and sat at a table, pododvinuv to his reader menu.

  The waiter brought the salad, herbal infusion in a bottle and glass, said the rest will submit in the next few minutes. Shepard nodded, turned instrumentron, turned on the virtual keyboard. Looking around, he put on standing in front of a chair a planchette, denoting a place at his table occupied and plunged into the study of transmitted Synthetic Troop new information - Olivia Alix and Marc constantly forwarded Command Troop new data that allows us to keep the situation under control and running . Here and now Shepard began to study the contents of files marked as "important." They demanded an immediate or rapid response, but have priority over other files. Because the captain decided to start with them. Immersed in the work, he stopped specially to monitor what is happening around.

  - You will allow me, John? - I came to the table quarian. Catching sight of Captain question, she smiled and took off her helmet visor. - I hope you do not mind my presence next to you?

  - Valtra? - Shepard stood up, welcoming the guest.

  - I, John. I'm sorry, I guess I should not call you by name. You are used to the fact that you are all called "Commander Shepard."

  - Sit down. - XO removed from the back of his chair the second planchette. - Good to see you, Valtra. You can call me by my name.

  - I'm glad to see you, John. Thank you. - Quarian sat down on a chair, his whole appearance indicating that it is delayed for a short time. - Here, I walked past, looked around. I am here just working in one firm to repair "Repair of fine art Livesey."

  - Yes, conspicuous sign. - Agreed Shepard. - And the company ... not bad. - At this point, he recalled that in View files they contain some information on this company. Enough information is problematic.

  - The company is big, she has a lot of branches all over the station. That I was offered recently to work in one of the branches ... I like that I can benefit. Maybe, John, you got used to it and you will be unhappy, but I will say this: you have twice saved my life. The first time assisted with the wounded and the second - when presented to us quarians, the ability to remove the suits, strengthen the immune system. I hope that these suits are for us now only ceremonial clothing. And for the war and for use in space are we going to use other, more suitable for this shell. Previously, we had to strengthen our ongoing suits, but it has its limits .... Sorry. I guess I talk a lot. - Valtra embarrassed.

  - There is nothing. - Shepard called the waiter. - Order, I'll pay. How is your father? - He gave the waiter a credit chip.

  - Thanks, John. It is in perfect order. It works also as a technician, but in a different company. It was glad when the first time was able to remove the visor. Now he, like many quarians, perked up and got the opportunity to do a lot of things that used to be available to him because of the limitations of the suit. He always tells me that the most pleasant for him was to see my face without that glass ... I ... I can hardly hold back tears at such moments, John. - Valtra ordered a minimally - also some salad and drinks. - Kila, it is so nice to do without all these tubes, filters and other things ... - she began to eat slowly and constantly looking at Shepard, already pododvinuvshego to his plate with the second. - I sometimes wonder much, John. You have done so much for quarians and constantly give up in order to thank you ...

  - Valtra, it's not thanks. But the fact that I'm only doing what I can do. Do is not one, along with my teammate and sootryadovtsami. Thanks me too pleasant, but ...

  - John, your modesty ...

  - My modesty is not going anywhere, Valtra. If you quarians, we had to get the opportunity to live without full protection suits - you got it. The rest - not so important. It will take a little time, and all this will be for your race usual and customary.

  - I do not understand, John. - Valtra some exasperation said, dozhёvyvaya piece casseroles. - Detachment, of course, quite specific organization ...

  - What does the squad, Valtra? - Shepard looked at quarian and she had to move away for a few tens of centimeters from the table. - You quarians got a chance to fix what your predecessors did. Done
wrong, wrong, wrong. But do - themselves. No they are not ordered and not forced to do all done so. It was only their decision. And now with every hour you, quarians again accumulated problems similar to those that already existed previously in your community. Geta do everything quickly, efficiently, and you quarians? Once again you are lazy, Valtra. Again, lazy. Lazy to understand each other, too lazy to take each other for what you are, too lazy to cooperate with each other. Lazy, Valtra. Lazy. And this destroys you too lazy right now, and are guaranteed to ruin, It can kill in the future. God forbid that it is very close, is the future. You are lazy. - Shepard put the spoon on the plate, including its instrumentron, turned the screen to Valtra showed several graphs with tables. - This is objective data on quarian space sector, but - data quarian Citadel sector of the economy. - He waited for her to get a grasp. - As you can see, and here and there the picture is about the same. And it shows clearly: you lazy. A geta work. And it works well. until it get a grasp. - As you can see, and here and there the picture is about the same. And it shows clearly: you lazy. A geta work. And it works well. until it get a grasp. - As you can see, and here and there the picture is about the same. And it shows clearly: you lazy. A geta work. And it works well.

  - But ... - Valtra tried to protest, mind knowing that Shepard rights - its data was unambiguous and extremely unpleasant for quarians. Succumbing to emotions, she had opened her mouth to continue, but Shepard interrupted her:

  - And lazy to realize that your quarian prosperous life here on the station, have repeatedly paid for a dysfunctional life there. Life is not only quarians. Geta are doing everything to normalize the situation in time to the moment of arrival in the space quarian main fleets of the Reapers and their henchmen. And not only the geth. - Shepard pointed somewhere beyond the limited petals Citadel. - Firmly continued the captain. - You quarians, expect again that geth will serve you, even though they themselves fully intraracial problems and issues that require their full attention. They will not be solved only by an infinitely quarian your problems, Valtra. And you, as a proof that the information on this and expect. What will happen when the geth will address only their own problems? What will happen to your race, Valtra?

  - I ... - Valtra outraged that captain ship on it all problems quarians. Intellectually she knew that in another captain can not now, but emotion made her mind, even for a clean feeling, but the mind. Shepard is seen and felt, so continued, interrupting her again:

  - You - quarian, Valtra. And that means you, too, will be a hostage situation created by the collective efforts of the entire community quarian. What does your gratitude detachment or me personally, if your whole race again goes on the standard way of development comes into conflict rather than co-existence with the geth?

  - I came to you ... - Valtra again tried to turn the tide, pushing the feelings and emotions.

  Shepard remained deaf and impervious to it this attempt:

  - Why, Valtra? To thank? You thanked, then what? - He turned off the screen, folded instrumentron, began to eat again. - There is a war against the Reapers, and your race again drawn into the standard "loop", begins to devour itself. And you're living on the Citadel, you think that all will be well because the Reapers will take the station at the very least? You are working in a sector station quarian economy?

  - I ... - Valtra did not see the possibility to argue logically, but the emotions and feelings in it raged and demanded output.

  The captain is seen and felt, because, finishing his glass of herbal infusion, dabbed his lips with a napkin and began to fold it "envelope", without looking at his interlocutor:

  - That's the whole point. - Shepard stood up, paid the waiter had come up. - Usually, such events as the war with the Reapers, cause huge masses of sentient beings change very fundamentally. In your case it did not happen. While I hope that did not happen. - He stepped to the door, turned around. - Maybe our next meeting will be under more favorable circumstances. - He went out and closed the door of the cafe.

  Walking along the street, he considered just said. Yes, he said it on full automatic, because he felt: it is necessary to say right now. And that Valtra. He did not want to talk to anyone, with no one to meet, with no one to see. He only wanted to have a meal alone. Valtra came on their own initiative, started a conversation about gratitude. Yes, the situation is standard: she feels indebted to him. And he does not realize that all of this obligation - in the past and need to solve the current and prevent future issues and concerns.

  A Valtra thought that it must first of all to thank. Even the gratitude she could not put into an acceptable form. Strange situation. Strange. Synthetic materials forwarded to him a lot talked about what is happening right now in quarian Space. A lot of things. Alarming, uncomfortable, thought-provoking, guard. A Valtra ... she enjoys life here at the station, and, most likely, believes that all quarians live so ...

  Maybe everything can be - most, but this is relatively stable and calm, even a safe life can very quickly result in: a few minutes ago, in the next report Synthetic Corps indicated that the fleets of the Reapers have already headed for quarian space. Before the attack on Rannoch left very little time. Several days a week, ten days - at most.

  Geta will do everything they can - they work round the clock, quickly and effectively, but not so on quarians. And not only in the relationship with quarians geth, and that in his community quarians have not changed since the beginning of the war against the Reapers. Not at all. Or the changes are not so significant to prevent the emergence and development of an even more dangerous problems. Synthetic Troop clearly indicated - the problem is not getah problem - in quarians.

  Cursed braking complacency damn, damn obsession with desire to live under the protection, no worries, no hassle, no stress. Tali as Synthetic Corps proved pounding on Rannoch like a fish on the ice, makes all the work, to whom can get through, but it is one and such as it is, on Rannoch - very little. Locomotive able to pull the situation in a normative direction may not be enough.

  When he then dance before the Reaper? When he then risks Synthetic Corps? Yes, Olivia, Marc, Alix saved Legion. This is the only thing that he is now the standard. But her dance before the Reaper ... No, it really could be assessed only hoists and the like. Valtra, mired in complacency, to evaluate the regulatory it could not be.

  She did not appreciate. It is suggested regulations that someone decided obschekvarianskuyu problem without being quarians. As geta quarian solve problems without becoming an integral part of the equal quarian community.

  Shepard did not think that his conversation was held recently with the regulatory and Valtra was the best. He found his torn, crumpled, even sharp, and can be a little - unfair. Fell on quarian all the problems of race ... it was extremely ... or something. But if you are not to blame for one, how this one understands that he can not maintain the pursuit of irresponsibility as an imperative of its own behavior? It can not, because this aspiration is extremely dangerous not only for him but also for his fellow ...

  Turning into the alley, Shepard decided to go to the headquarters of the foot. We had to think about Synthetic Corps sent the materials, giving up the thought of the fate of quarians. Ultimately squad did everything at that time was needed to quarians. Now - their choice.

  Sortie Squad. Benning. Salvation son of the ambassador and his friends from the troops "Cerberus"

  - John, we have a problem at Benning. - These words greeted flown on the "Normandy" Shepard Captain Anderson. - Come to me, you should discuss what should be done.

  - All right, David. Five minutes. Disguise. - First mate said. Anderson nodded, turning into the passage leading to the engineering bay.

  When Shepard came to the cabin commander, he was already in place, sat at the table and looked at the big screen desktop instrumentrona. His face easily read by thoughtful and slight resentment. Shepard umostilsya in his chair and looked at the cabin owner, expressing readiness to listen to the next guidance and considerations for future work. The
fact that the seat of the Citadel station came to an end XO had no doubt - Anderson just would not detract from Shepard's work station, if there were no need to fly somewhere else.

  - We have, as I said, the problem at Benning, John. "Cerberus" rabid completely. According to our Synthetic they gathered people to revenge for all the sins that somehow hurt the interests of the servants of three-headed dog. - Commander of the frigate, cruiser turned the screen of your desktop instrumentrona Shepard. - Take a look.

  Shepard stared at the diagram and the table. Situation appears not too good. Bening was the nearest to the station "Arcturus" green planet, but because he was the main source of food and the basis for the repair and maintenance of ships. If the "Cerberus" will weaken Bening, the whole system will be threatened arrival of the main fleets of the Reapers, and the parish - a direct threat to the station "Arcturus".

  Realizing what they think the senior assistant, Anderson confirmed:

  - According to our data Reapers may well send a small fleet Benning, the purpose of which will be beacons of communication, spaceports and ships. Immobilize people and depriving it of its means of communication, they will move to attack "Arcturus", being confident that they can return to Bening before it is suitable for our reinforcements or its inhabitants will be able to fix anything. So far, the scanning near Benning shows a lack of the Reapers. Exploration notes activation of ships, which, although listed for anyone, obviously under the control of "Cerberus".

  - The purpose of the activity of these vessels? - Shepard asked, wanting to clarify for themselves the preliminary findings and compare notes. Anderson realized the cause of the issue:

  - They continue to take the population to be recycled. Civil segment does not have tools and systems capable of detecting such fraud because many residents Benning believe that arriving ships are taken in refugees from the planet secure systems and areas. In fact, - Anderson stylus on the position indicated in the table. - The ships are taken to the location of processing refugee ships. And then ... come back to Benning for a new party of the future husks.


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