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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 178

by Theodore Daniels

- Clear. - Anderson scanned files. - In the "Volga" passed?

  - Yes, commander. Within the hourly exchange of information packets. - Kiborgessa already shagnuvshaya to the door, he stopped at the door of the cabin. - If you please, Captain. I think we can save them. They - the high-class specialists. And if you decide to go - went safely and deliberately.

  - May be. - Anderson put off readers. - Good. We will take an informed decision, Olivia.

  - Yes, commander. - John stood, putting readers. The amount of information grew, demanded more and spend more time to get acquainted with a variety of documents on a number of them - to make decisions. It is possible in front of him waiting for the landing, which means that it will be possible to avoid this time the documentary routine, more suction Shepard in his arms. The landing - this action. This strain of a different kind. This is - the real work. A document - a job for an amateur. Shepard never liked to dig in the documents with the head, tried to leave enough time for other activities. And then ... More and more hours out on his practicing endless packets of information. Truly endless. This paper routine he worked on the Citadel and only landing on Benning, ending in a relative success, It became a kind of a break. Now this break can be increased.

  - Commander. - Shepard sat down in the chair, catching the gesture of allowing the cabin owner. - This Taylor again manifested on our horizon?

  - Yes, John. - Anderson nodded, handing exec produced by Olivia readers. - Here, our Synthetic unearthed all of his work after the SU. Encyclopedic coverage. I would even say - academic.

  - Hmm. By Miranda, so he lost interest completely. - Shepard said, getting acquainted with the contents of the first reader. - It is to our advantage. Less uncomfortable questions will be asked.

  - I do not think he has grown cold, John. Rather - it is for him has grown cold. According to the materials of Olivia out that "Cerberus" is running out of people. And this Taylor ... he is still a man. And born in a human. And not as Miranda.

  - Well, Miranda's life can hardly be compared with normative human. - Shepard continued to view reader materials. - A Taylor ... campaigner, former alyansovets, the security chief of one of the stations.

  - If the data are correct Olivia, then they face a very unenviable fate. Everyone. - Anderson did not get up from the table, although Shepard saw how he wants to do it. - I think that the transformation of the conveyor. Ghost used to benefit and profit from everything it touches. And these scientists ... If we do Save the landing of "Cerberus", then they will test. Heavy check. To believe them only minimally. Even if they are - one hundred percent people, what I personally doubt it. I doubt very much. Too, they were oriented on the "Cerberus". Too. If a year or two, and then that Brynn Cole worked in the "Cerberus" ten years. Ten years, John. She saw from prochelovecheskoy organization "Cerberus" turned into anti-human, and did not leave.

  - Scientists are usually of little interest to policy .... - Shepard remarked, taking a second reader.

  - Yeah. We know these songs: science is comprehensive and international. A smart way to get paid for what you are busy, you like it. But that's the result of this umnosti began suffering of thousands of earthlings. Thousands, John. Olivia rights: most likely Jacob rushed into this adventure after Brynn. I admit the existence of the deep relationship between them, but it is - it is two, and by their vanity looks unattractive. Synthetic also managed to dig that this cell "Cerberus" knew something about the weapons used in previous cycles destroyed races against the Reapers.

  - Martian archives? - Shepard looked at the commander, then again looked down at the screen reader, continue reading.

  - Not only. There are earthly sources. You know about the outposts. Analogy.

  - Maybe. - Shepard finished reading, put readers on the countertop. - They can try to find their way to build one of these systems, and require to allocate resources for this case?

  - That is, John. Scientists are very persistent. And now they are easier to shoot than to give them all the required - we are at war, and not deal with nonsense like testproektov on the sand.

  - So ... - Shepard looked at the wall screen, which marked the real exchange rate Troop ships.

  - So, John, what you have in this Gellikse to understand the situation. Will go down only the people. There is no need to show them our capabilities without a special need. I'm not going to risk our Synthetic and Yavikom.

  - I agree. But what to do with then? We've even and return to the Citadel in front, after the mission, but I have a feeling that will have, in addition to this, at least one more mission, associated with landing on the planet. Honestly, David, feel an oracle.

  - We are now in handy any premonition, John. If you have it - it is valuable. So, we can still come in handy. Now I am afraid that our metushnya the Galaxy anyone for the most part is not necessary. Though I know that every now fights in his own way ... - Anderson put the reader in the table. - So - get ready. Before reaching orbit Gelliksa - six hours. We go by a roundabout way.

  - Clear. - Shepard stood up. - Commander, as we would these scientists are not allowed to board the Troop. Many of honor.

  - You can ask one of the freighter to take them closer to the Citadel. And there they will be met and will be engaged. - Anderson said. But first I will ask Yavika interrogate them. Sleepers, of course.

  - I agree. - Shepard came out of the commander's cabin.

  In the hangar, "Normandy" technology already finalized two shuttles. Alenko checked by instrumentronu on average data screen, on the situation on the planet Gelliks transmitted Synthetic.

  - Commander, there is still the blockade. Tserberovtsy took them into the ring. More precisely - in the sphere. - I reported to the lieutenant came up to Shepard. - Olivia is convinced that the station - is very old, it proved to me just that - tools installed on the station can not be enabled. It's full of problems. So I guess - Station unarmed.

  - If they open fire on the shuttle, shuttles and boats - will assault, Kaidan. Very likely the assault. And the fact that the guns are silent - this is our problem with you. - Shepard turned to approach the driver. - Greg, have to eliminate five shuttles and boats. Instruct partner.

  - Make commander. - The driver went up the stairs and disappeared into the hook in the opening the driver's cabin.

  Making sure that all profile information transferred to instrumentrony members of the landing party, Kaidan and Shepard allowed Jenkins to take place in the second shuttle and boarded the first ship. A few minutes later shuttles have left the hangar, leaving the rate of decline.

  - I see Taylor. - Reported to one of the cops-paratroopers, who watched the situation around the base of the screen her instrumentrona. - "Cerberus has already landed troops at the main entrance to the base." Suitable and more new shuttles. Cruiser "Cerberus" is located on the other side of the planet, shuttles on it a lot, almost carrier. Marines, too, seems to be missing there. More significant for the size of the enemy's ships - I do not watch.

  - Marines, then. - Shepard consulted with his instrumentronom. Greg, our ships ready signal is received, you can break through the ring.

  - Acknowledged, Commander. How Let us enter into - landing.

  - Eight meters, less than do not. - Shepard warned about the desired height hang over the roof hook base. - We still have to deal with troops.

  - Acknowledged, Commander.

  The screen instrumentrona was seen as "allowing" cruiser sent to eight more shuttle flights to the paratroopers, "Volga" a few shots of his guns immobilized cruiser and began his finishing. "Normandy" was released in the area over the base and its guns were aimed at boats and shuttles that serve as a cocoon.

  - Support is provided. Getting penetration window. - Greg reported. Both the shuttle began their dance, destroying weapons of combat ships "Cerberus". Frigate-cruiser, meanwhile, accurate shots flak destroyed tempered "Volga" landing shuttles.

  - Over-point commander. - Greg waved his hand at the same time opening the hatches. - The second shuttle ready for landi
ng. Good luck.

  Silent, Shepard first stepped overboard. After a few minutes, gently spring back on bent knees, the captain was already running to the main gate. Several Marines-tserberovtsev had tried to organize a fire barrier to stop, and then destroy normandovtsev, but that they do not - Alenko and Jenkins, distributing its paratroopers-cops at shelters, destroyed the first shuttles "Cerberus", not allowing them to leave to seek cruiser, and then began pressing tserberovtsev from the main gate of the base.

  Stormtroopers and guards "Cerberus", surrounded the main entrance, continued to destroy the scientists who have decided to help protect Jacob base gates. Several policemen got airborne sniper rifle - it was easier to kill the most zealous attackers. The area around the main gate was opened, several remote stations actively used tserberovtsev shuttles to the paratroopers did not have to jump from a great height on the metal surface of the site.

  - Darker visor. - He ordered Shepard, adding that the pressure on the base of the gate tserberovtsev defenders weakened somewhat. Let temporarily, but it will enable civil reload. - Destroy the Generators Cerberus shields. We do not need them, and do not give civil bombard enemies with the required accuracy.

  Noting that his order is made, Shepard moved for another hideout, continuing to fire - shuttles coming from orbit, even if it were the remains, but it was still quite a lot.

  - Commander, two shuttle - piloted by robots. - Alenko reported. - Sending of two with a heavy weapon.

  - Accepted. Proceed. - Shepard saw two heavy hook with fairly large cargo bay. - Let start dropping heavy music.

  - Yes, commander. We destroy them so quickly. - Lieutenant replied in a low voice giving the necessary instructions to his colleagues.

  Jacob was surprised by the unexpected appearance of reinforcements. It seemed to him that none of the opponents of the Reapers can not find them on this planet, especially - do not wish to intervene in a fight with tserberovtsami. Two canoes, suddenly break through the ring of shuttles and boats, there were no signs and symbols, allowing to define their identity. Marines, sprinkle of them also did not have any ID on the spacesuits. Relations with the orbit was not - on the basis of the DCS equipment was in working order. Yes, even those jammers on boats "Cerberus" did their work.

  Jacob was wounded. One of tserberovskih snipers took him when Taylor tried to walk away with an open space seriously wounded Dr. Webber. Maybe I should not have civil so actively trying to shoot, but how they could hold, when they saw the hated marines "Cerberus"?

  Marines arrived, strangers quickly dealt with tserberovtsami, surrounded by the main entrance. Reinforcements them stopped coming and Taylor could not say exactly why - so become familiar endlessly appearing at the main entrance shuttles and boats with the characteristic crystals on the sides.

  Taylor and did not notice that the commander of the group went up to him:

  - Provide to him and to all who need help. Jacob Taylor?

  - Yes. Location ... - through the power of said former head of the guard station.

  - It does not matter. - Cut off the stranger. - Cruiser "Cerberus" destroyed the planet go a few more shuttles to about two dozen, with them and with their passengers, we will look.

  - It's dead. - I reported one of the paratroopers arrived, engaged Dr. Webber.

  - Mike ... - said Taylor. - He was a good chemist.

  - Fatalities - transfer to the gate. - The stranger turned around, assessing the situation at the gate. - I think without your confirmation, the gateway to the database will not open?

  - Yes. We agreed that ... Technical protection. - Said Taylor. - But you ...

  - We can, of course, open - these opportunities we have. - The stranger walked away a few paces from Taylor, allowing his two paratroopers start providing medical assistance to the former head of security service. - Why on the roof of guns is not activated? They're in the auto mode can deal with shuttles.

  - Though we are scientists, but the weapons systems we do not know perfectly. - Said one of the wise men, recharging their civic gun. - You were good and fast. - A little clumsily, he said. - I'm sorry, I talezets and Galax-Lingua began to develop only recently. Where are you from?

  - This - later. If there is a necessity. - Shepard turned to the gate.

  - Captain, I can open the gate. - Olivia reported. - Complexities will arise.

  - Not until this is not necessary. - Shepard avoided to name any names and Marines-cops were well aware of the reason for this tactic - around were fugitives from the "Cerberus", but if they truly wanted to avoid another meeting with his former employers?

  - Acknowledged, Commander. - Olivia switched channels.

  - Thank you. - Taylor, who had the greatest possible assistance in the field, he felt much better and was even able to without much effort to stand up. - Believed to be a new assault?

  - Absolutely. - Shepard nodded. - Organize support. - Ordered the captain came up Alenko. - You're going to partner with ten colleagues inside. I with five colleagues - on the roof.

  - Let me with you? - Jenkins came closer, received the tacit approval of Lieutenant.

  - Permission granted. - Shepard looked around a vertical ladder and finding, became quickly recharge an assault rifle.

  - ... You will not go with us into? - More surprised I asked Taylor.

  - No. He will go with you. - Captain gestured at Alenko. - And my colleagues and I take a walk at the base of the roof. There will have to deal with the remnants of the landing of your former colleagues.

  - They are not colleagues ... more. - Firmly said Taylor.

  - Maybe. Who knows who knows. - Shepard nodded came up senior group of paratroopers-cops. - Come on.

  - Let's signal to those who are inside, Taylor. - Kaidan tried to stay calm, but inwardly stiffened - he did not believe Taylor. It is not believed. And not because he does not believe Shepard, but in a slightly different reason - he did not believe that Taylor broke up with Miranda.

  - Good. - Taylor walked up to the gate, activated his instrumentron. - Brynn, outside everything is clean. We are safe.

  - Webber? - A woman's voice from the speaker beads. - What about him?

  - Died. - Jacob said shortly. - The remaining assistance was provided. - He did not know what to call it unexpected helpers, so it is expected that Brynn understand so impersonal wording right.

  - Good. - Gate slowly began to unfold.

  Brynn could not resist and met Jacob at the threshold. Making sure that appropriate assistance was given, she looked at Alenko.

  - He is the eldest among those who helped us to fight back, Brynn. - Said Taylor. - I'm sorry, I'll go to him. It is necessary to change the armor suit ... and in general ...

  - Okay. - Brynn came to Alenko. - Who are you, sir?

  - Excuse me, ma'am. Now is not the time to talk about it. We look forward to the next landing. Show where you have here is the command center, so we can arrange evacuation.

  - Evacuation? Where? - Brynn pointed to the stairs. - Team - is there. And yet, where?

  - First - to our ship, then - on the Citadel. If it is possible - we will give you a transport frigate, which will take you all ... in a safe and well-protected place.

  - You did not lighten the visor of his helmet? - Brynn asked, rising with Alenko the stairs. - Uncomfortable talking to those whose face you can not see.

  - We currently do not need to talk, but to act. - Said Alenka, entering the control room and approached one of the consoles. - Excuse me, I need to work.

  - Work. - Brynn somewhat confused, moved, watching as the accompanying stranger colleagues disagree on the hall, taking place at the consoles. - Countries are any.

  The fact that the people who assist them, the fugitive scientist, so substantial assistance, and thought Jacob was finishing shift armor plates on the suit, and bewitched as an overlay patch on the damaged plate. As he reported, the bodies of dead scientists were placed in the morgue refrigerator, everything that can be reused - suits and equipment with weapo
ns, already sorted and placed in storage. Gradually, scientists began to understand - they may be evacuated from here, and on the Citadel, if you believe this strange stranger, they hardly would get a bloodhound and the liquidators "Cerberus".

  Former tserberovtsam were interested in people who wandered without verbosity, had risen to the console and start immediately to work professionally. No statements, no talking. Only work. Making sure that strangers cope well independently, scientists began to gather in the way. It was necessary to cease its conduct numerous experiments and studies to pack fragile and precision equipment. Strangers in anything especially did not interfere, but it was clear - they will not tolerate interference in its work.

  In conversations with each other, scientists often remembered the victims, expressing sincere regret, that help arrived so late. Now, how many were convinced, we did not have to be afraid of landing "Cerberus" as might be feared him before - armed strangers and professionalism impressed. And the news that the eldest of the group went to several of his colleagues on the roof allowed to think that the next assault will be repelled with much smaller losses, because now the scientists will not have to risk their lives, trying to resist the paratroopers "Cerberus".

  Climbing to the roof base, Shepard saw the first shuttles "Cerberus", already comes to the target. Accompanied Captain cops, Marines took cover, ready to open fire. Two paratroopers got rocket launchers to shoot down the shuttles themselves, without giving the possibility tserberovtsam leave the base of the roof.

  While two of the shuttle "Cerberus" approached Shepard remembered the circumstances of the meeting with Jacob. Not doubting that Alenko play the role of a stranger to the end and just as it should do, the captain noted that normandovtsam was saved from destruction many scientists. And now ... now it was necessary to do everything to make the evacuation was safe, and for this purpose - to revive a few guns mounted on the roof of the base.

  Realizing that the fugitives be sure to use tools, the remains of Marines who have lost the ability to return to the cruiser, a lifeless lump hanging on the orbit of the planet, trying by all means to quickly be on the roof and give battle suddenly appeared defenders fugitives.


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