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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 186

by Theodore Daniels

  - John, welcome. - Garrus was clearly in a good mood. - You are so quickly flew back to the frigate, that I did not have time to ask you. In general, so I'm getting married. And while it did not come to the ceremonial clarification, I invite you to sit in a cafe. Except for me and you will be just Chloe and Lerin. Cabinet I ordered the menu, too. All taken into account, John, I beg you, do not give up. We all want to celebrate this event with you.

  - Garrus ... I agree. Let the coordinates, I just go back to the station. Already in the hangar am. - Shepard nodded technique goes into his cubicle, gave the driver on duty, already up to his cabin in the shuttle, the key-code permission to take off. - All I have on the boat.

  - Well, finally you with something agreed not related to service and performance. - Garrus chuckled. - Send. - Trenknul signal receiving files. - Ready to send to the platform flyer.

  - No, Gard. I'll get on a normal wage-. And that in fact once prishlёsh duty car Headquarters BRP. I'm you know ... - Shepard watched as the shuttle leaves the hangar space and overcomes the protective field frigate-cruiser. - I'm happy for you. I will soon.

  - Come on, come on. - Garrus hesitated a few seconds, cut the connection.

  - We will be in twenty minutes, captain. - The driver reported. - Earlier will not work.

  - No need to prioritize, Bill. In the usual manner. - Shepard said, taking a more comfortable position in the chair.

  - Good. - The driver disappeared from the interior wall of the screen. The shuttle slowly inserted into the shuttle thread to the next station on the outer road. Twenty minutes Shepard worked usual and necessary thing - the documentation work. Successfully engaged. But when the car began to overcome the last ten meters of space in front of the landing area - unusual in itself sharply slammed the screen instrumentrona and stood up.

  Warned of his professors at the Academy of Al-seven. We talked. Will "playground". When all will seem unnecessary, programmed, stupid. Not worthy of attention and understanding. And now he Shepard got into a situation when I had to feel the charm of this "site". Yes, he had seen and felt covers this "playground" other reasonable. He knew he could clearly say that this is a "playground" and not something else. And now he has come under this condition as at any train ... Sensations - could not be worse, even if it has nothing to do with a wound or injury. It is fortunate that it has covered SWAT captain right now, rather than during the combat landing somewhere on the planet attacked by Reapers.

  Sitting for the management hired flyer arrived, Shepard sleepy eyes watched a few minutes, as the shuttle, where he arrived sent to a group of technicians from the frigate. They leave is over, and now they are in a hurry to get back on board the "Normandy". Discipline. Service. Probably, it should be to concentrate on the affairs and not to allow themselves to the will of uncontrolled feelings. Well, that Garrus himself called himself invited. The reason, of course. Let Vakarian this time will develop a complete good family and always will be children.

  Otpyhnuv from the first wave of "covering," Shepard turned on the autopilot and set the small screen on the destination. While flyer got to the cafe, Shepard tried more or less to clean up. Not enough yet to Chloe reported Chakwas about his problems ...

  Garrus mentioned Lerin. Yes, Shepard knew that at Vakarian Jr. appeared girlfriend, which had the potential to become his wife. Synthetic, of course, tracked the situation as usual, in the details and the captain was glad for his friend - Lerin not impressed "vremenschitsy" or "predator". So Garrus did not have then, a few months later suffer. He now and so full of problems and affairs, but that is also a first mate he carries two things. No, of course Vakarian will not be personally engaged in the extraction from the warehouses and distribution of documentation and equipment, but still, all the same.

  Flyer fell softly, coming in to land on the parking lot near a small cafe. The captain said that no cars BRP near there - regular cars, civil, without covert and overt special "bells and whistles".

  - Waiting for you, Captain. - Waiter turian Shepard nodded in greeting. - I spend.

  The XO nodded, glancing briefly. It looks like Garrus is not the first time been here: the usual cafe, a small but very cozy. Immediately evident - decorated unconventionally, very home-like.

  - John. - Director of BRP rose from the table. - Greetings. - He shook hands with Shepard. - I am glad that we managed to invite you and you did not have any urgent matters. In our work is - a rarity. - He waited until the captain takes the free chair. - Lerin - he looked at turianku - Captain obviously brought me a regular documents exciting and scary scary secret, so a few minutes, and maybe - even tens of minutes we will have to retreat to work with them.

  - Good. - Five minutes to wife nodded slightly, causing her head cape - unconventionally-transparent - repeatedly flashed in the rays of ceiling spotlights. - Work is work. Just Gar ... Not for long, please ...

  - Not for long, long. - Garrus muttered something wondering at instrumentrone. - I'll try, Lerin.

  - Try, try, Gard. - Assented bride surprisingly soft and quite irritated tone. Shepard again happy for each other - it seems he managed to find the one who will not be infinitely jealous of his work. Michel at this time quietly absorbed some salad vegetables and, in all probability, was almost completely dominated by gastronomic pleasures. Shepard noted that it is not tensed when he heard the answer Garrus girlfriend, then Lerin does not play a role, but acts in a familiar, ordinary manner for itself.

  - Do not be surprised, John. - Garrus looked up from the screen and keyboard, looked at Shepard, in a low voice ordering logged in office turian-waiter your menu. - Lerin all Extranet turned to make of you the most complete impression of what is possible.

  - But that does not mean the captain, - continued turianka - that I do not have a question for you and I really just burning with curiosity, waiting for your responses to them.

  - Ask your questions, Lerin. - Shepard nodded, accepting for the salad and sipping iced tea. - What I can - I will answer.

  - Glad to hear it, Captain. - Turianka smiled.

  - John. - Shepard said.

  - Thank you. So, John ...

  Questions, as it turned out, was able to set Lerin. But even better she was able to listen to and, more importantly, hear and understand the answers to their questions, encourage the interlocutor to speak fully, clearly and specifically. Shepard liked the conversation with the bride Garrus was nothing like an interview or interrogation.

  Garrus and Chloe sometimes inserted his lines and refinement, Lerin gently Shepard drew attention to the need to eat, so the conversation at the table lasted for several tens of minutes to the satisfaction of all gathered in the office of the company of good friends.

  Having waited until the waiter priberёt dishes and bring some new dishes, Garrus stood:

  - Lerin, we have a few minutes to move to a nearby office.

  - Well, Gard. - Satisfaction conversation with Shepard, turianka smiled softly. - Come back soon.

  - Absolutely. - Director of BRP missed Shepard forward to the cubicle door. Soon, they really got into one of the neighboring rooms.

  - Come on, John. I already called Anderson warned about something-anything, so I kind of know. - Turian stood at the table, waiting for the Number One pick up on his instrumentrone decoded sequence. - What is it?

  - Codes. - Shepard sent to instrumentron Vakarian files with the strings and files with explanatory notes.

  Garrus, including instrumentrone suppressor and jammers, familiarized himself with the file.

  - Hmm. Let's try to organize production, but ... We'll have to carry the components. Although ... wait ... - He read into the document. - It's ... it's fine, John. If so ... then we can help so many tsitadeltsam not only to residents of the station, but also the inhabitants of the nearby worlds ... And throw tankers postal service and the drug and where required away ... Well, there we have it stored, if necessary, to reliable warehouses, John, and this one did not know better ... - he prolistnul multiple files.
- Good news, John. Very good. With the destination I will speak personally, I have to do it on the special procedures, but it all goes according to plan and the status of his laboratory is not only saved, but improved and upgraded. Unless, of course, he will cope with this task quickly and completely. - Cautious Garrus did not want to fall into gullibility and euphoria, but Shepard had seen him, Director of the largest security services of the central station of the galaxy like a little to believe in the possibility of another miracle. - Pharmacists, chemists and medical technology BRP puzzle. - He waited until Shepard has not sent all the files of the second portion. - And this work, we are also very help - geeks will be happy to try it to perform. - Refrained from voicing essentially a second "gift" the highest C-Sec officer. - Surprised, convinced and perplexed, John. Thank you. - Garrus closed instrumentron. - I sent a reliable orientation to colleagues. They immediately will be engaged in the preliminary stages. And we have to go back to her friends ... You have some gloomy walk? "Area"? Shepard is not sent all the files of the second portion. - And this work, we are also very help - geeks will be happy to try it to perform. - Refrained from voicing essentially a second "gift" the highest C-Sec officer. - Surprised, convinced and perplexed, John. Thank you. - Garrus closed instrumentron. - I sent a reliable orientation to colleagues. They immediately will be engaged in the preliminary stages. And we have to go back to her friends ... You have some gloomy walk? "Area"? Shepard is not sent all the files of the second portion. - And this work, we are also very help - geeks will be happy to try it to perform. - Refrained from voicing essentially a second "gift" the highest C-Sec officer. - Surprised, convinced and perplexed, John. Thank you. - Garrus closed instrumentron. - I sent a reliable orientation to colleagues. They immediately will be engaged in the preliminary stages. And we have to go back to her friends ... You have some gloomy walk? "Area"? And we have to go back to her friends ... You have some gloomy walk? "Area"? And we have to go back to her friends ... You have some gloomy walk? "Area"?

  - She is, Gard. Here are a few minutes ago and just let go. Warn said - I did not believe. And how has covered ... Such thoughts climbed into his head ... - Shepard said quietly, wondering sagacity other. - I'm happy for you, Gard.

  - You know, the appearance of Lerin for myself - a big surprise. After all, we met here in this cafe. A few tens of minutes of conversation ...

  - Oh, she convinced you to talk to a few tens of minutes? - Shepard was surprised.

  - I was surprised at his vocal activity, John. And she listened! Calmly, carefully, with interest, without it tries to roll call or transfer it to the interview or interrogation.

  - That's it, Gar. When she asked me to answer questions, I do an interview or interrogation thought. - Shepard said.

  - She's a local militia - high rank. Details you know, I will not specify aloud. - Again showed caution Garrus. - And a true professional. But with me it is - the usual turianka not kitsch position, status, abilities ... With it I, John, for the first time it was so easy and I, no matter how I try, I can not smell any task, no plan ... It is very natural to lead yourself ... You know, I was afraid that she was my bachelor den turns into something like that ... with decorations. No, she was able to create the comfort of home without it ryushek-pillows. A few strokes - and how nice everything has changed ... - Garrus said admiringly.

  - And she ... Michelle?

  - Here, John, the main issue of this situation. I thought she was ... well, you know how it usually happens, will be against the person's presence, the women in my personal space. Alas ... - he did not articulate well-known idea that "people are too little known and so - young civilization, and we turians have two or three thousand years of development in more space and because even in these relations earthlings have nothing to rely on a a priority...". - She got me once again surprised. For Michelle it was the girlfriend, and - a good friend, as, of course, I like a man, to judge. In my presence, they do not pretend to make friends and feel affection for each other - they really get along. Chloe ... I'm nowhere near the first day, so somehow, but her mood and state, I learned to understand, John. Now, Chloe does not feel the slightest discomfort. For her Lerin - not a threat and not a problem ... Perfume, do I failed chance in a billion that two of my favorite women are not encouraged me to intervene and stop their conflicts and contradictions ?! ... It is the best gift, John, which I received in the last few decades! To tell the truth, I'm afraid ... of known scenarios. Well there ... Chloe care or ... break with Lerin on the grounds of incompatibility turianki and humans. Psychological, I note, John. - Garrus paused. - No incompatibility! No, John! I do not know how they do it to do, but I come home after work is now ... and I feel quite happy. And in the morning ... In the morning I go to work rested, knowing that I had a strong rear. I was waiting for the two popular and expensive women ... And I know, even if Chloe once again will go in flight on board the frigate, Lerin does not use it in the absence of the Citadel to try to become only my wife ... She, as it turned out, it is not even against coexistence. And, it seems to me, is able to carry out this coexistence ... very safe and without conflict ... I am happy, John. And glad that Chloe ... I do not feel any discomfort. I know that she would not remain silent, would not indulge in wishful thinking. She has character, thanks to Karin change becomes too hard and very persistent ... if, of course, so to speak ... Well, she did not get along with Lerin career and not necessarily ... - Garrus stood. - Come on, I know, Lerin want to ask you a lot more, a lot of questions. What are your plans? to try to become only my wife ... She, as it turned out, is not even against coexistence. And, it seems to me, is able to carry out this coexistence ... very safe and without conflict ... I am happy, John. And glad that Chloe ... I do not feel any discomfort. I know that she would not remain silent, would not indulge in wishful thinking. She has character, thanks to Karin change becomes too hard and very persistent ... if, of course, so to speak ... Well, she did not get along with Lerin career and not necessarily ... - Garrus stood. - Come on, I know, Lerin want to ask you a lot more, a lot of questions. What are your plans? to try to become only my wife ... She, as it turned out, is not even against coexistence. And, it seems to me, is able to carry out this coexistence ... very safe and without conflict ... I am happy, John. And glad that Chloe ... I do not feel any discomfort. I know that she would not remain silent, would not indulge in wishful thinking. She has character, thanks to Karin change becomes too hard and very persistent ... if, of course, so to speak ... Well, she did not get along with Lerin career and not necessarily ... - Garrus stood. - Come on, I know, Lerin want to ask you a lot more, a lot of questions. What are your plans? extremely safe and without conflict ... I am happy, John. And glad that Chloe ... I do not feel any discomfort. I know that she would not remain silent, would not indulge in wishful thinking. She has character, thanks to Karin change becomes too hard and very persistent ... if, of course, so to speak ... Well, she did not get along with Lerin career and not necessarily ... - Garrus stood. - Come on, I know, Lerin want to ask you a lot more, a lot of questions. What are your plans? extremely safe and without conflict ... I am happy, John. And glad that Chloe ... I do not feel any discomfort. I know that she would not remain silent, would not indulge in wishful thinking. She has character, thanks to Karin change becomes too hard and very persistent ... if, of course, so to speak ... Well, she did not get along with Lerin career and not necessarily ... - Garrus stood. - Come on, I know, Lerin want to ask you a lot more, a lot of questions. What are your plans? - Garrus stood. - Come on, I know, Lerin want to ask you a lot more, a lot of questions. What are your plans? - Garrus stood. - Come on, I know, Lerin want to ask you a lot more, a lot of questions. What are your plans?

  - I'll be back at headquarters, and tomorrow ... Tomorrow, perhaps, to the frigate. There is a feeling that we have ahead - sortie ... And - at least two of the planet, where there were serious problems ...

  - Your foresight to be envied, John. - Garrus nodded to the waiter in a low voice telling
him that in a few minutes they released the study, cleaned jammers and lock in the waist styling. - You know, I believe that I will finally own children. Small turians. I very much want to twins - a boy and a girl. It seems Lerin not mind ... And it does not connect ... with the inevitable precedence wedding ... As she trusts me, John! How to trust ... - Garrus stopped at the door of the study. - I did not know that it happens in reality ...

  - I'm happy for you, Gard. - Shepard said quietly, holding the flap. - Everything will be fine.

  - Hope, John.

  Going into the study, where Lerin and Chloe, consuming snacks, talking quietly, Shepard noted that Garrus rights - in relations between the two women, despite raznorasovost, there was no sign of tension, hostility or situational misunderstanding. Conversation resumed and now it participated actively in all the inhabitants of the cabinet.

  Garrus said quietly Lerin that all operational issues with the captain, he decided and now it is ready to relax to the fullest. Turianka smiled, it was evident that she is confident that it will be so, and it should be. Making the next order and waiting, the waiter will bring dishes, Garrus briefly threw off the service "cocoon", which is very pleasant and Lerin and Chloe.

  Late in the evening they said goodbye on the steps of the cafe. For Garrus, Chloe and Lerin arrived Corporate Headquarters car BRP - Vakarian continued to guard very tight and director of BRP rarely could afford to move to the ordinary tsitadelskih transports. Shepard called wage mobility, said goodbye and flew to the headquarters of the first - Garrus took on instrumentron complete summary of events at the station and asked the driver to his custom staff car is not to take a course in a residential neighborhood, which is now housed his private apartment. Lerin and Chloe, take a seat in the cabin staff car, were sympathetic to the delay in flying away and to its cause.

  Shepard went to the apartment in the headquarters. Svetlana was his habit was lost aboard the "Volga", using the fact that the cruiser is drifting and you can do all sorts of routine maintenance. Titov though indignant, but he knew - idly sit kaperang can not and will not be, so it is better not to restrain, not to retain and not to limit.


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