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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 194

by Theodore Daniels

  After working with documents Mate walked ship now - slowly and thoroughly, thoroughly acquainted with the state of affairs at the positions and in the compartments. . Almost everything was ready for the test output. But most of all concerned with the future goal Shepard sorties, which, no doubt, have been associated with difficult landing on the planet.

  Yes, with the support of several dozen paratroopers cruiser makes it easier to perform, sometimes - quite substantially, but Shepard was driving on my own any semblance of complacency - the war against the Reapers, the confrontation with the Reapers entered a phase when any error is too expensive cost. We had to get ready and prepare seriously.

  H7 - Communication Center. Preventing capture of the planet with a large and powerful force communications center "Cerberus"

  The situation demanded direct intervention Troop soon. Reapers and their henchmen, gaining access to the most populated worlds, tried his best to fix though temporary, but the advantage is achieved at the expense of the ruthless destruction of a reasonable population of many star systems. Further retreat Resistance considered inadmissible and therefore it was decided to carry out transactions to increase the security and protection of key reference points, yet remain under the control of the Resistance.

  - One of these points is the command center on Ontarome colleagues. - Anderson held a meeting of commanders "Normandy" in the CIC. - We have received information that in the near future - up to two or three days inclusive "Cerberus" is planning to attack the command center for the purpose of gaining control of the access points located there. Ontario, colleagues, is only the first point of the plan of our next combat flight company officer. The second point of the plan is to protect against the Reapers attack the planet, where the fuel reactors. - Anderson, this time without naming the second destination aloud, silently pointed svetoperom on the screen, where the light of the galaxy map. - We will actively accompany and cover the landing the crew of the cruiser. Squadron during landing on Ontarome group will conduct patrolling the area of the planet, and if necessary - to fire large accumulations of cosmic and terrestrial forces "Cerberus". It is expected that Cerberus will throw in the command center large forces of infantry and a few dozen engineers with turrets. Once we knock out power "Cerberus" from the planet, there to dropship arrives additional troops who will take command center under heavy guard, out LTE there additional tools space defense and generally make the task of taking this center Reapers control extremely exigeant. I assume that the landing should be carried out in this order ... that Cerberus will throw in the command center large forces of infantry and a few dozen engineers with turrets. Once we knock out power "Cerberus" from the planet, there to dropship arrives additional troops who will take command center under heavy guard, out LTE there additional tools space defense and generally make the task of taking this center Reapers control extremely exigeant. I assume that the landing should be carried out in this order ... that Cerberus will throw in the command center large forces of infantry and a few dozen engineers with turrets. Once we knock out power "Cerberus" from the planet, there to dropship arrives additional troops who will take command center under heavy guard, out LTE there additional tools space defense and generally make the task of taking this center Reapers control extremely exigeant. I assume that the landing should be carried out in this order ... there be deployed in additional tools and space defense as a whole will make the task of taking this Reapers center under the control of an extremely exigeant. I assume that the landing should be carried out in this order ... there be deployed in additional tools and space defense as a whole will make the task of taking this Reapers center under the control of an extremely exigeant. I assume that the landing should be carried out in this order ...

  Then the commander of the frigate, cruiser clearly outlined the stages of landing, named specific order engagement units Troop and marked on the map Plan command center locations, which were subject to stripping from the Cerberus troops in the first place.

  Two days spent in the squadron is to get to Ontaroma. The pilots tried to hold a "Volga" and "Normandy" the safest route to avoid having to engage in battle with the fleets of the Reapers and their accomplices. Anderson and Titov banned navigators and navigators plotted through areas where the probability of meeting with the departments of the Reapers and their assistants was above a certain limit and because two days Troop ships were moving carefully but quickly.

  On the approach to the planet, and spec-lokatorschiki skanerschiki determine the presence of orbiting landing ships "Cerberus" and three cruisers. "Volga", pulling guns in firing position, prepare to fire. Moreau agreed with the pilots cruisers, ordered to prepare to open fire twelve "Taniksov". The signalers Detachment received a report that the end of the day running to a planet suitable landing transport ships, which arrive reinforcements and troops, who ordered to take the Communication Center Ontaroma custody.

  - They were there very much. - Said Anderson, considering a switch to display the results of the scan of the planet of the Star map details of the situation. - Looks like Titov rights. We will need to strengthen, John.

  - Ready to give. - XO responded "Volga", appeared on the screen side. - Four heavily armed shuttle cruisers are now cut through the anti-aircraft defense tserberovtsev, transport and passenger - six units - will take our troops to the surface. We plan - Stanislaw lit side of the screen, which was highlighted the refined map of the Center of Communication - create several centers of concentration of our forces from which begin the liberation of the Centre. There is information about how to install diversionary devices, there are several. - Stanislav said their location on the map. - But they can do much harm to the Centre solidly. So what do they have in the first place.

  - Staff? - Anderson asked.

  - As you already know, Captain, those who survived, had taken refuge in protective structures and fire back, but tserberovtsy them little attention. For them the main thing - destroy the Communication Center, or take control of them. We take into account the combat capabilities of local specialists, but we'll have to decide for themselves most of the tasks.

  - I agree. - Anderson nodded. - Then - ready.

  - Preparing. - Echoed Titov, disappearing from the screen.

  - Unusually ... - Shepard said quietly.

  - Working time, John. No more. - Anderson sat in a chair, motioned XO sit next to another seat. Shepard obeyed. - I understand that you do not want to come back over and over again on the same footholds, but the polygon we have - one. The entire galaxy. Another landfill, we simply do not have. - Thoughtfully said the commander of the cruiser frigate. If we knock out of here now! "Cerberus", it just means that the three-headed dog servants will lose the opportunity in the near future to rely on this facility in their own plans. So, we weaken and their owners - the Reapers and their accomplices. Discover, John. Our second task - the planet to fuel reactors. Once in Ontario reinforcements arrive - we urgently fly away to the other planet. Yes, you have to get two days-plus, but if we did not have time - Resistance fleets lose valuable fuel base, the largest in the area. - Anderson struck on the surface of the protective layer to Shepard Card reader. - And yet, John. It should be carefully otsmotret this complex reactors. According to unconfirmed reports there somewhere there is a hidden documents on the new technology of treatment of chemical burns. How it got there - it is another question, but take otttuda it we must - base staff can not leave the planet, and we have to return to the Citadel trёhsutochny. There's this documentation, - Anderson paused, pondering something - very handy. The wounded, especially heavy - a lot. And, unfortunately, not only on the Citadel. It should be carefully otsmotret this complex reactors. According to unconfirmed reports there somewhere there is a hidden documents on the new technology of treatment of chemical burns. How it got there - it is another question, but take otttuda it we must - base staff can not leave the planet, and we have to return to the Citadel trёhsutochny. There's this documentation, - Anderson paused, pondering so
mething - very handy. The wounded, especially heavy - a lot. And, unfortunately, not only on the Citadel. It should be carefully otsmotret this complex reactors. According to unconfirmed reports there somewhere there is a hidden documents on the new technology of treatment of chemical burns. How it got there - it is another question, but take otttuda it we must - base staff can not leave the planet, and we have to return to the Citadel trёhsutochny. There's this documentation, - Anderson paused, pondering something - very handy. The wounded, especially heavy - a lot. And, unfortunately, not only on the Citadel. - Very handy. The wounded, especially heavy - a lot. And, unfortunately, not only on the Citadel. - Very handy. The wounded, especially heavy - a lot. And, unfortunately, not only on the Citadel.

  - All right, David. - Shepard, noting that after the way Ontaroma Squad lies in Selianskuyu nebula Kipladon system on the planet Zion, skim the contents of the reader, put the device in the waist styling, slightly bowed his head, - I do not know.

  - I know, John, what you mean. But this - the disposal of the Medical Service Corps. Alla and Karin's skin will tear off any otryadovtsa who violate this order. You are well aware that our chief doctors will be able to do it efficiently and quickly. So you'll go there only under protection.

  - Well, that is not under guard. - Shepard chuckled. - I do not like it.

  - And I do not like it, John, if you there anything happens. Do not Mess with the medicine. Doctors Squad shows how you recovered.

  - I will not. - Shepard stood up. - Let go?

  - Go on, John. The landing - allow. - Anderson stood up, gave statutory salute, took the mirrored response Exec. - Good luck.

  Started the first on board the cruiser Intelligence shuttles really cut a quarter of an hour "window" in the system tserberovtsev defense. Finally in the air were heard three clicks, after which the shuttle drivers "Normandy" brought their cars outside the protective field of the frigate, already destroys its "Taniksami" another cruiser "Cerberus". "Volga" unseat the orbit almost all dropships servants three-headed dog and now its gunners excitedly finished off the remnants of the landing fleet "Cerberus", dared to come to Ontario. Two cruisers "Cerberus" of the three already chadili and turned into ruins. Haskotserby habitually did not use an escape pod.

  Command specific need was not - all normandovtsy volgovtsy and know their plans of action and strictly adhere to them. Through the "window" formed in the "umbrella" of the planet slid the first three shuttle paratroopers-volgovtsami, at a height of fifteen meters above the surface of the planet with the shuttles were launched halyards, which, opened fire on tserberovtsam starts shooting for newcomers, began to descend on planet imperial Marines. Only after both had cleared the perimeter of the Center for Communication is one of the landing sites, on board shuttles normandovskih entered prearranged signal - two clicks. Drivers-normandovtsy brought all six fregatskih shuttles at the agreed point.

  - Kaidan, Yavik, Nihlus. - Shepard said, activating the audio channel. - Proceed.

  - Yes, Captain. - For all proteanin he said. - Kicking them.

  - Kicking. - Shepard said, seeing the commander's shuttle, which he was, stuck in fifteen meters above the surface Ontaroma as the driver activates the door opening. - Saren ... - reproachfully said Mate.

  - John, I - order the medical service. Below you will find the Five paratroopers "Volga". I'll be there with you. And do not make excuses. - Turian-Spectrum said. - While Anderson coordinating strikes against ships "Cerberus" in orbit, we have time to put things in order here. Do not heroism.

  - I'll try, but I can not promise, Sar. - Shepard said, taking hold of the rope and pulled throwing his body out of the cabin.

  - Try. - Captain Turian repeated the maneuver, using another halyard.

  - He's trying to posvoevolnichat again. - Svetlana said softly, gently sinking into starpomovskoe chair in the control room of the cruiser and keeping his eyes on the big screens nadpultovyh. - Again ...

  -Saren not allow John to go beyond safe limits. - Titov, ordered the artillery fire of the cruiser move backup skorostrelok three amphibious transport tserberovskih, glanced at Streltsov. - It will be necessary - he did pull out in time. Turians tasted what war really Saren and among the best tasted.

  -I very much want to believe it, Glory. - Svetlana said quietly, joining in a common communication network and the central post pristёgivayas to the chair, trying not to disturb the stomach and chest. - We must finish these ships.

  -Will finish. - Titov glanced at the screen, briefly ordered. - Surface units tserberovtsev not receive reinforcements from orbit. I deduce cruiser patrols the area of the planet.

  On the ground, Shepard once surrounded the five paratroopers. Senior group - Rajewski sergeant saluted the captain, said that on the orders of katreranga Titova, he and his men will be accompanied by the captain during his tenure Ontarome. Shepard retaliatory saluted, nodded, resigned to the fact that now he could not posamovolnichat.

  Long expected response from tserberovtsev did not have to - one of them legkopehotnyh units tried to attack the landed group of Commander Shepard, but continues to hang over normandovtsami and volgovtsami shuttle spat in the direction of advancing servants three-headed dog portion of the charge of skorostrelok and added a few more shots of the on-board instruments . At the site, which has just got out of the shelters were located haskotserby blossomed mushrooms breaks.

  - Forward. We act. - Briefly ordered the first mate, no doubt that the rest of his companions, and now even the guards are well known. And so it happened. After taking shelter haskotserbami left, the group prepared to repel the attacks.

  - On the upper floors of the body - hands, and in the yard - engineers with turrets. - I reported one of volgovtsev observer.

  - Snipers - destroy engineers. With turrets will understand granatomёtchiki. - Taking on board the frigate instrumentron with the refined and updated map, Shepard sent her to instrumentrony group members. Saren nodded, taking his sniper rifle. A few minutes - and from engineers, how to convince the captain, raising cautious over the sill periscope was gone - explosive armor-piercing incendiary charges haskotserbam have left no chance to survive. Turrets one by one disappeared in the flames of outbursts: granatomёtchiki definitely caught a buzz, glad to spend with benefit charges and wisely.

  - Moving. It is necessary to clean the upper floors. - I ordered the XO. A few minutes - and the band crosses the yard space, several paratroopers carefully look around the cup and the plate of transmission systems for the presence there of snipers and shooters.

  - While the top - clean. - Sounds in the earpiece speaker of the report of the observer. Shepherd does not answer - is not necessary. Everyone has heard. Everything can change at any moment.

  - Round Room. Caution. - Sounds report sentinel front. Timely warning - here under the fields of invisibility may be lurking phantoms and avengers with swords, able to cut slices of even average broneskafandry. We must be careful. Several of inserted inside spetsgranat room "display" environment - clean. None of tserberovtsev opponents is not in the perimeter of the room and artist Shepard gently enters inside, taking in the sights of outlets in other parts of the body.

  - Moving to the second floor. - Ordered the captain, consulting the map and looking around the room.

  - The second wave. - Sounds the report of the observer.

  - They intend to knock us out of the housing. - Saren says, picking up his assault rifle and hiding in the wall between the windows. - Grenades - fire!

  Order Spectrum was performed immediately and several haskotserbov-foot and one centurion disappear in flashes breaks. There have retaliatory shots otryadovtsy bend down, but do not stop firing.

  - Moving to a spiked tower - communicator number two. Right. - I ordered Shepard. - It is necessary to strengthen the flank of the third group. They've got hot soon will be.

  Going down to the first floor and left inside the body more wary of explosive "Presents", a group of XO carefully and quickly crosses the space between two su
pports, bearing the chalice of transmission systems, fixed on a metal transition. Attack haskotserbov not zastaёt them by surprise.

  - Done. The third group is directed to the next step of his plan. We also have to hurry. - Shepard checked himself one of the terminals found in the technical room tower communicator. - Hmm. Good. Ciphers come in handy. - Removing the crystal in the stacking, the XO running routed after leaving to the location of the first device sabotage teammate.

  - Hell, they were waiting for us. - Heard the cry of one of the paratroopers, a run was in a position to fire prone. - Do not want to be deprived of this instrument. - He adds, well-aimed shots from shturmvintovki destroying several haskotserbov-marines. - And if we disable the device, we are waiting for a fight with another wave. Direction - three-three-two-six and eight to twelve.

  - Accepted. - Shepard, take one of the shelters, leaned for a moment, looked around. - It's like that. We burst and deactivate equipment. - I ordered the XO.

  Twenty minutes went battle with division haskotserbov, left next to the diversionary device. Finally, the last centurion was destroyed and Saren leaned over the box.

  - An interesting scheme, John. - Turian said.

  - No doubt. It is necessary to disable them to the bowl does not posshibat. - Shepard said, quickly understood the points that were connected channels sabotage device.

  - I'll be off. - Saren miserly gesture beckoned to one of volgovtsev and the two of them began to cast over the screen and remote control. - More than three minutes should be the captain. - Turian said, when opened the first line of defense.

  - Do you they will. - Shepard signs distributed normandovtsev and volgovtsev on shelters so that they formed a perimeter protection. - Watch for air!


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