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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 196

by Theodore Daniels

  - Who is a senior at the bottom? - Asked Alenko.

  - A kind of Riley. Senior engineer and technical units of the Alliance troops Systems. - Said Anderson, passing peer instrumentrony additional information. - You will need to own to solve all the problems and issues. In Riley's little hope - they are geeks, there are fighting in almost completely encircled. The last few days, including those for which we get here. All information given to you. Let us act.

  And normandovtsy volgovtsami to take effect. In less than a few tens of minutes volgovtsev amphibious landing units provided normandovtsev units to safely land within one of the shops

  - Captain Shepard? - Tall woman in a lightly-suit covered with scale, went to the captain who left hook.

  - He is. And you - Riley? - Shepard saluted, adjusted shturmvintovku in dorsal mounts his suit.

  - Yes. - The woman said. - You're on time.

  - I know that in time. Let us pass, and we'll start.

  - You are fast. - Riley poskuchnela. - I have...

  - We are aware of. Nevertheless - open the passage. - Shepard felt like the right and left of it stood turians spectrum. - We need to revive the plant and freed from the Reaper Works servants.

  - I have a feeling that you know what's inside. - Riley said, picking at his instrumentrone code. The door leaf behind her began to move, freeing up the passage.

  - I have a need to solve the problem. - Shepard, accompanied Turian stepped inside, turned right, walked up to the crane console. Display lit, slightly dispersed the gloom, broken only by the flashes of warning emergency lights and "disturbing" beacons. Footsteps - are members of the landing party sent to the passages, staircases and passages. They had to take up positions to reflect the husks attacks.

  - Drag and drop two containers. - Shepard said holding arms, he quickly mastered the management of portal crane, picked up first one container, and then the second.

  As soon as the last container has taken up intended for him a place in the liberated passage immediately passed Richard Jenkins and his ten-cops paratroopers. Shepard spent his peripheral vision - to distract it was impossible. We had to rearrange two more container.

  Listening to the negotiations on a common channel, Shepard moved to the desired location, first one, then a second container, sensing the presence of both the Turian and hiding in stealth Yavika. By tacit agreement they were guarding the Captain three, giving Mordin able to stay on board the frigate, and the cyborg and kiborgessam ready to participate in the planting as part of a second, back-up group.

  Needless to say, such a guardianship did not like the XO, but it was an order Chakwas, which, when it came to medical specifics, not even ventured to argue Anderson. And both of Turian and Yavik generally worshiped Karin how to polubozhestvom - they are in a different time anyway visited her patients and could fully appreciate her knowledge of alien physiology and psychology, as well as anatomy, not to mention its ability to cope with very specific injuries and wounds.

  - We're done here. - Shepard said, releasing levers and tracking instrumentronu on where and how busy his teammate. - Now we do not climb down and go and look for the remote-table with two black-and-white monitors, and then forced to manually activate the purging sector "as one".

  - It is necessary to go here and here. - Nodded Nihlus on middle screen of instrumentrona. - Desk-console - here. - Claw-Turian Spectre rested in the upper right edge of the screen.

  - Follow. - Briefly ordered Shepard. - We still need to be and then work with depth control input of the fuel rod. And no one - at least ten. - Said the first mate, moving away from the console and heading to one of the passages, which he personally delivered by crane from the containers. Turians proteanin and went after him, carefully looking around - in the shop still was dim.

  - Would not want to stay ahead of the bad events, but the Huskies on the way. - Yavik said. - Recently I was their gut feel. - Proteanin still did not take off the invisibility field, but the audio-his voice with a distinct strёkotom that always betrayed his discontent, and now - and the desire to get involved in a fight.

  - I suspect that once we begin to successfully deal with the fuel rods, they will organize a massive attack. - Nihlus said. - I've warned all otryadovtsev captain.

  - Welcome. - Shepard had already seen a few hundred meters in front of two little flickers of the screen. Surprisingly, here in this shop is still used anachronistic black and white flat screens, in principle, are not intended to reproduce color images. If the color screen you can easily get to transfer the image in black and white spectrum, these screens are, for obvious reasons, did not have such an opportunity. Now it was important to understand whether in black-and-white scheme succeed anything.

  - Hmm. Antiques. - Shepard said, looking around the console. - Not many screens as control himself. - He turned a few plastic - not plastic, namely plastic handles. - I did not know that such an important company still operates a junk. - He consulted with one derived from the black-and-white screens scheme. - Activate the purging sector "as one".

  - Purging activated. - Confirmed Nihlus, not taking his eyes from the second screen. - There is a signal. The process of normalization of the parameters of the medium.

  - Accepted. - Shepard looked at instrumentron. - The speed of the normalization of the environment is close to the calculated parameters. - He looked at Saren, who was standing a little behind and holding her at gunpoint assault rifle nearby dimly lighted cavern space, where there was the old-fashioned, but reliable control. - Sar?

  - Yavik rights. - Said a senior Spectrum turian. - Now I have them, these husks, gut feel. Bad feeling. Very bad. Tense battle ahead of us, John.

  Shepard said nothing. For a long time he did not feel the need to cheerfulness in such moments. The war has become not just a job, but exhausting and devastating work. If not ... Svetlana He'd long since could not resist. Any training, even en-seventh levels are often insufficient when dealing with such an opponent as the Reapers and their accomplices. And only now Resistance forces acquire a sufficient strength for the organization really effective, efficient, steady resistance. The center fuel reactors had to be saved and skhlёstyvaniya opposing sides on the planet to avoid there was no conceivable possibility.

  - Moving to the control panel, the fuel rods. - Shepard finished to manipulate the arms, resist the realization of the desire again to stroke a warmer nice plastic handle discreetly shining black faces in the twilight cavern.

  Again passages, stairs, passages and tunnels.

  - Wave husks closer to the perimeter of the plant. - To no turning, Nihlus said. - The first images from external sensors. - He showed his companions instrumentron tuned to the small screen.

  - Rarely has such a wave can be seen. - Saren said, glancing at the screen instrumentrona tribesman. - Apparently, it is very necessary to the plant and especially - its fuel reactors. They want to take us by the throat. Very want a little so gently and confidently to take over the soft spot. - His voice was heard Saren carefully restrained anger. - Turian clearly boil.

  - Remote front, left, ten, one hundred and thirty meters. - Said Yavik audio-linking all four teammate.

  - Check and reload. How to arrive to the place - take the defensive. - Shepard said, deliberately mundane voice. Indeed, what is there to bark orders at the leave-taking mode, or even more so - orders, when they are two days to do everything incite semi, having worked hundreds of times, these actions virtsrede on the frigate.

  Nevertheless, both man and turians proteanin and checked all the weapons, do a full recharge, closed the space suits in total isolation mode. Pre-battle readiness. Yes, they are not alone here in this shop, but such a wave husks quickly break through the perimeter and the battle will be hot - there is no doubt, and therefore the number of accidents should be kept to a minimum.

  Going to the bar, Shepard was in no hurry to take up arms. He looked around the boards, got acquainted with inscriptions - which are, of course, remained: control was far from new and u
sed extensively. Yes, the Reapers attacked suddenly. However, everything in this galaxy intelligent beings may be perceived as such that there is no other way than suddenly.

  Not wanting to be distracted by these thoughts unclear, Mate again looked panel. Arms control rods there were newer, more familiar.

  - The Group has transferred the agreed drop-off ready signal, Captain. - Saren reported this himself, although the first information received Nihlus, and perhaps more quickly and completely the four - Yavik. - You can activate. All are ready for battle.

  - Activate. - Shepard turned first lever switch and saw on the screen, one of the rods began to sink in the work area. - The power is growing.

  - The attack began. - Prostrekotal Yavik in audio channel speakers Quartet reasonable. Strёkot was clearly - proteanin burning thirst for battle, and he was not interested in what the Huskies will see it out of the protective field of invisibility. - You're right, John, I'm not going to hide.

  Shepard said nothing, sequentially activating more and more cores. Finally the mechanical voice announced that the fuel rods are activated in dostatochnomi amount. The speaker immediately heard the staccato reports that swarms husks crossed the perimeter of the plant. Heard breaks - this orbit opened fire on the advancing haskolyudam Reapers cruiser and frigate. Wrap a fire deep inside the artillery detachment in no hurry - it was important to deprive haskolyudov possible reinforcements. And, it could seem. In any case, the panic in the notes of the reports, Shepard intercepted by the Speaker, has not sounded for several tens of minutes.

  - They set up barriers and concentrating on them. - Nihlus reported. - Will destroy the barriers generators. - Turian replaced assault rifle sniper. Several shots and the cloth barriers began to fade. - As long as they have not installed the new - I keep shooting.

  Saren worked silently, without wasting time on explanations. Assault rifle in his hands and time is quickly replaced by a sniper. Therefore lezshie to the location at the control panel of the fuel rods of a small group of intelligent Huskies did not get the opportunity to move in and dotted repeatedly bodies shop space, stairs and passages with the devices.

  - The reactor is automatically deactivated. - Reported by Alenko conferencing units. - To enable it, it will be necessary to close the two processing tanks. Manually - there is only mechanical steering wheels. No motor drive or automation. - Said the lieutenant.

  - I am afraid that is suitable to combine the perimeter of the second wave is precisely synchronized with the moment of restarting the reactor. Huskies do not want to lose control of the plant. - Nihlus said.

  - So far we have managed to weaken the enemy on the way. - Shepard said, chafing at the next floor slab haskolyuda, zalezshego on technological bridges and intends for him to go to the rear of the group. - Probably, the frigate and cruiser see how suitable this second wave.

  - See. - Confirmed Saren. - There is no doubt. - And they will act accordingly. Shootout subsides. - He was replaced by a sniper on an assault rifle. - We have to go, the tanks - in our shop and we will have to do them: We closest. And also have to restart the reactor to us. The fuel must be accumulated in underground storage, process - continuous. - Turian reloaded the rifle. - John?

  - Forward. - Shepard introduced the blocking sequence in the remote control, reloaded his rifle and pistols, checked the number of grenades in the installation. - Moving.

  The first tank shut Saren - Turian went before and this was the nearest tank. Haskolyudy almost no resistance, seeking to roll back beyond the perimeter of the plant.

  Leaned on the steering wheel, the Spectrum-Turian cranked it and sated chavknula tank seals. The small remote lighted signals indicating the normalization parameters.

  - From this tank - the norm. - Saren gasped, picking up his rifle. - But the bar ... as always at the far tank. It is necessary to move.

  Shepard nodded and the group rushed to move down the aisle to the back tank. Its closed and Nihlus Shepard and Saren Yavikom were shot with retreating from the shop haskolyudov.

  - The second wave - near the perimeter. - Reported Nihlus looked at instrumentron. - Looks like it's time to choose a place for firing positions.

  - They're ready. - Saren put the rifle in the back wraps of fastening and activated his instrumentron. - I see no reason to separate, but this place - he jabbed a claw at the screen. - We are quite suitable.

  No objection was not found. Divide was really dangerous - ships have already started pounding so haskolyudy flowed through the dilapidated wall perimeter multiple threads and one thread confidently held a course on the department in which entrenched Shepard teammate.

  - Posted. - Said the captain, taking a fancy to the place. Right and left turians took their places behind the habitually went to comfortably invisibility intercepting his rifle Yavik. It seems that despite the communication excellence, their accomplices Reapers expect a big surprise.

  The speaker heard reports and team - a group of landing Squad was made to repel the attack. Scum got on otryadovtsev of all possible slots, often heard the reports about the transition to all-round defense. Grenades had to act cautiously - could it shandarahnut - poltseha a language slizhet. So basically they fired in short bursts, trying to get exactly the sighting.

  Shepard did not activate the reactor - judging by the data received on its instrumentron, it was the last wave of the Reapers servants. More from the shrimp in the area so there was no considerable forces, so then, later, after the destruction of waves of attackers, could activate the reactor and pass into the hands of the Resistance Plant Protection Force who were here to establish a perfect system of anti-space and ground defense. But before that, it was necessary to survive.

  Haskolyudy attacked the shop. Barked sniper rifles. Grabbed two assault rifles, Yavik made them almost snapping at haskolyudov evil fire in short bursts. It is, of course, save battery, but even more he wanted to follow the principle - "every shot on target."

  - Force Protection on the way. Troop ships opened fire on the rear guard of the wave. - I reported Nihlus, momentarily activate your instrumentron.

  Shepard nodded. Nihlus only accelerated rifle overcharging and short pomargivaniem limited. Yavik generally did not come out of invisibility and somehow comment on the message heard.

  - Riley requires support. - I listened to the cacophony of Saren reports and commands konferentskanale audiocommunication Squad. - What could happen there with her.

  - We take part in strengthening can not. - Shepard scored on the keyboard instrumentrona a series of commands, sent their desired destinations. - Help her to be provided, but not by us. it will be left without help. - Turning the screen, he took a rifle and put off the ground two more haskolyudov. - Security forces deploy operaptsiyu by dropping on the planet. It looks like we have time.

  - Maybe. - Saren, making sure that there are no more goals for his sniper rifle, put it in the back of mounting and picked up an assault rifle. - How long do we ...

  - Less. Total four wounded. Two - easy and two medium. Heavy there. Two Marines were wounded easy with "Volga", we have two moderate severity. - Shepard said. - Medical Service Corps ships already know. The wounded were evacuated to the planet in the first place.

  - I hope that Riley there without any problems. - Said Nihlus, making sure that there are no new attacking his enemies position. - Looks like we all opponents ended. - He reloaded his rifle. - Reactor ...

  - Restart. - Shepard gently moved to the reactor control panel. Pressing the desired key, he listened as the buzz grows deep voice drives. - The reaction has gone. - He looked at the small screen instrumentrona. - The remaining reactors are also activated in the normal mode. It seems that we really have time.

  - Captain, there is a connection with the frigate. - Yavik reported. - Turn.

  - John, the operation is completed. - Anderson said. - Come on just send you the route. Talk to Riley. Shuttles already sent. Squad in full back to the Citadel. As with the search?

  - Found a commander
. - Shepard saw proteanin delves into the box from the reactor control panel. - Yavik thanks to its ability calculated position reader placement. Security documentation. - He saw five readers proteanin hides under the armor of his spacesuit. - All at Yavika. We're moving to the Rileys.

  - Accepted. Good. I am waiting for you in his cabin. All the officers. - Said Anderson, pereklyuchapya channels.

  After ten minutes Shepard, shortly after talking with Riley, had seen through the open gate, both on the ground in front of two shuttle go shop "Normandy". Gesture allowing companions landing Shepard engineer saluted and went after him. The operation was successful and is now ahead of the Citadel Corps was.

  Sitting in the canoe, Shepard read with instrumentrona summary. Detailed summary of the progress and results of operations conducted. Synthetic Corps did their best.

  Greg picked up the shuttle commander in the air and after a little more than eight minutes the car entered the hangar frigate. As soon as on board ships Squad all shuttles have been taken, cruiser and frigate deployed, taking departure orientation to the Citadel. It had three days to get to the main station - Anderson nastrogo ordered troops to avoid the concentration of areas of the Reapers and their supporters, so again it was necessary to go to the Citadel in a roundabout way.

  This time, Svetlana was more quiet for Shepard. Still, the fight in the room is not a fight in the open, when there may be snipers and bombings. Nevertheless, she was glad when John came out with her on video. She looked him over carefully and breathe freely. It does not hurt, do not hurt. A fatigue - Chakwas orders and John a rest. Otospitsya.

  They spoke aloud this time is very short. More time looked at each other. Words were not needed. Ahead was parking on the Citadel, and there they will meet, and saying plenty. To work, of course, also have to first of all - in the headquarters, but still - the station has a station. Huge train staleplastikovy island better ship. Sustainability. To some extent even - more reliable.


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