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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 199

by Theodore Daniels

  Three days ships search units Resistance Navy traveled to the Citadel to Dekuuny. Hiding behind camouflage fields, several frigates broke into the orbit of the parent planet ElKor, after which the two ships went to the surface Dekuuny to organize the removal of debris from the Holy Places of the most valuable relics ElKor. In agreement with the Council of Elders ElKor Code of the Ancients it was to be delivered by ship search units on the planet, which now had to live ElKor.

  Operation on the search and retrieval of the relics took less than a day, but it was complicated by sharply increased activity Reapers: Dekuuny around space were continuous fights between the Navy and the Third Ring comes to Dekuune fleets and squadrons Reapers and their henchmen. We had to constantly change evacuation plans relics to the vehicle start does not come under the fire of enemy ships. At the same time had to be adjusted, and plans for the evacuation of survivors ElKor.

  Tracking the progress of search and evacuation of relics, Shepard received a report of the Coordinating Centre's headquarters that in a new colony will be evacuated and ElKor from other colonies, not only Dekuuny. ElKor concentration in one place under tight security and protection allows us to hope that the threat of extinction of the race will eventually prevented.

  Several dozen ElKor were at "Omega", where they were to escape the transports, the second largest colony was at the Citadel. Shepard received the "Omega" that ElKor-merchant named Harrot managed not only to survive in the station, but also to reunite with his family. ElKor marketer Petocz, who previously worked at the station "Top-15" on Noverii, also managed to get to the "Omega" and now settled there for permanent residence, finding the station was very suitable for a comfortable life.

  Kalin - ElKor ambassador on the Citadel received from Headquarters Troop most complete information about the fate of their compatriots, which only managed to get spice Crisis Center. His younger colleague - Envoy Zeltan which Shepard helped to solve the problem with a companion, are now closely involved in the affairs of the colony elkorskoy on the Citadel.

  According to the command of the evacuation fleet Resistance largest number of giants managed to take with Dekuuny and with Olt - Dekuuny satellite. Reapers, attacked Dekuunu once again, failed to destroy ElKor ships circuitous path goes under the protection of Navy frigates evacuation to the new colony. Attacking ground ElKor city, the Reapers were convinced that Dekuuna emptied and stopped to keep the system in Fontes significant naval forces.

  From Salahil system located in the cluster of the Phoenix, with Ekuna planet it was reported that there are quite satisfied living ElKor erected quarians and representatives of other key races Space Citadel firewalls and do not feel the need for evacuation. Given that Ekune a total population of more than two hundred million of organic reasonably wide variety of races, resistance has made every effort to ensure that this planet was properly protected against attacks by the Reapers and their accomplices. Organization of evacuation ElKor Dekuuny made with the command of the Resistance Forces to hold another deep inspection Ekuny and again to make sure that the population of the planet is not in danger of being destroyed by the Reapers.

  With located around the gas giant Sangheli mining and residential stations all ElKor were removed. They were given the opportunity to return to the moment of evacuation Dekuunu, where they were taken together with relatives on transports Recovery in a new colony. Reapers, of course, destroyed the entire infrastructure Sangheli, but they failed to find any ElKor.

  With the support of the inhabitants of the station "Omega" continued to be inaccessible to the Reapers and their henchmen and elkorskaya colony on Tunavanuro located in Batalla system in the Omega Nebula. Rich uranium, thorium and gold, as well as the zero element, this planet has long attracted the attention of industrialists. That ElKor on it, too, checked in, creating several large mining and industrial enterprises. ElKor also managed to attract the protection and defense of Tunavanuro largest and strongest mercenary organization, so fleets of the Reapers and their minions in the vicinity of the planet appeared extremely rare, and even if there were, then, tend to be destroyed quickly and completely.

  Finally, it was reported that the Code of the Ancients successfully found and no less successfully evacuated from Dekuuny. It was now possible to start the main phase ElKor evacuation location in the newly built prison, and had to deal with than most of the members of Troop entire next decade. The result of pleased - Giants got a guaranteed protection and safety, and escaped the threat of extinction due to development could Protheans adapt to their new home. Now the Resistance Forces had the opportunity to highlight the need to protect the quality ElKor contingents of troops, while ElKor - establish a system of their practical participation in the defense of the colony - the right to use heavy weapons worn nobody deprived.

  Liara. The path through the war-3

  Decades have passed since that memorable for Liara and her parents the night were filled with work. Many, many were surprised, amazed, seeing how the younger T'Soni, managing to cram four lines a day. Yes, now she did not go on long patrols, did not participate in large clashes with assault Reapers and their accomplices, but she was busy with more important and more necessary thing: at the site has already tested a second sample of the weapons, which once embodied in the sketch. Tens and hundreds of organic reasonable working on the project.

  During the time that has passed since that night, the youngest T'Soni studied Tess much deeper and fuller than before. She had been in the areas of the planet, which previously had only read review materials. But it was not interested in beauty and nature, and that, in such circumstances, will operate its weapons, its "setup", as she called these machines with plates, able to melt the armor impregnable previously shrimp Reapers and make inoperative even the largest ships of their associates .

  Project Security Service committed atrocities, cutting off even hypothetically possible ways of information leakage. I had to get used to the company of guards, which is now everywhere accompanied her on trips and flights at Tess. I had to get used to it free from the smallest everyday problems and issues that they want only one thing - to make it work more effectively on projects. Yes, and I had to fall under the landings of the Reapers, and under the shelling, bombing and under - war anywhere with Tess is gone, she passed in the middle of the phase when done brinkmanship, prefers not to any of the warring parties. And the feeling of the delicate balance of forcing younger T'Soni work on the project even more, even faster, even better and more qualitative.

  Work in the laboratory, work in the company is also partially allowed to perform tasks that affect the promotion of the project to its completion, but the bulk of the work was carried out in an isolated environment, a few underground scientific, industrial and information centers, attracted to participate in the project in the most direct way.

  Looking in virtsrede flows under the influence of radiation units Fleet ships next Reapers and their accomplices, Liara nervous, looking everywhere flaws, imperfections, pitfalls and mistakes, and therefore quite happy another success in the implementation of the Project. Not all reasonable understanding is her mood, but this misunderstanding did not pay any attention. Virtual environment - good, even excellent, but so far Liara did not give consent to the first compound, these armed units, came to fighting the real position and hit the next fleet approached Tess. Hit, eliminating the fleet to full strength as a fighting unit. Several sets of plants were transferred to the warehouses - they might well have been immediately and fully equip eight full-fledged army units. Ground units azariyskih VKS performed endless staff training-and full-scale exercises to full automaticity practicing actions in the most dreadful conditions. Younger T'Soni, inspect the training, always said that as soon as the first shots will sound installations - will be too late to learn. You will need to fight, it is necessary to break to pieces the situation to their advantage by weakening the Reapers have not gradually, but jerks and jumps, not allowing them to recover from the weakness of the attacks.

  Visiting the laboratories involved under the project, it required the employees to achieve the highest rates of accuracy and reliability of the equipment and facilities, to delve into the details, if necessary, connect strangers, proven counselors and testers.

  Her information firm supplied the project profile data packets. This work is considered work on defense, because the staff of the company managed to increase and at the expense and at the expense of the militia soldiers that enlivened and other areas of work.

  Despite the ban to take part in long-distance patrols, Liara could not complain about the fact that it pushed to the rear - the war on Tess was everywhere, and often had to repel the attacks of the paratroopers and saboteurs Reapers and their accomplices, to protect civilians from indoktrinatsionnogo radiation, prevent attempts to capture and withdrawal from Tess unarmed civilians. Rarely are now able to sleep in normal conditions, but Liara did not complain and moan. She was just fighting and doing all that is necessary for victory. Rota protection allocated to it as the convoy became combat unit - it soldatessy and officers received military awards deservedly for the clash with the real powerful enemies, not only for the fact that once again thwarted an attempt to sabotage steal, injure or destroy "the protected person "

  Long nights she spent at hard couch, illumined wrong, restless, weak light batten only. Darkness around the cut only glowing digits flickering display, alarm clock.

  Scientific suit reinforced bronevstavkami - at the insistence of the company commander guard she was forced to wear additional armor, although it very much did not want to become a second skin Liara. "That month, I did not take off tunic .... - asari recalled, once again trying to sleep, or at least to forget in slumber - Which month do not unfasten belts ...". The old Russian song, home-made, but how accurately conveys the atmosphere of a real, real war.

  Liara also not filmed spacesuit decades, allowed to shoot itself only helmet. What to do, it is - the asari, its biotic requires that the head was free of body armor, and now, in this dilapidated shelter can happen and it is on pure reflexes, instinctively, automatically - as you want to define and call it, but uses primarily biotics. And then come all and conventional weapons. Yes, she knows and loves to shoot, especially from a pistol. I learned more in archaeological expeditions, because there was no rifles, pistols only. So I had to learn. So a helmet, of course, there is, but it is close, at arm's length.

  She lay there, felt like an eternity to go another minute in the evening, smoothly passed the night, staring at the flickering display of hours and thought. At such times, she was always very lonely. Yes, she had a job, were the parents, with whom she has always been able to talk freely on the Extranet ... Was the goal - a multi-faceted, large and complex. This what it is, Liara T'Soni, always liked to study more times at the university. And yet, in such minute's evening she felt his loneliness very serious and complete. Loneliness, bordered by the incompleteness of life on a personal level.

  She has matured, grown wiser, maybe even pomudrela. She still kept at high and at times - very high poztsii and in the militia, and in science and information business. But all this - the external and internal she wanted. His, own, deeply personal. She knew that John - far, he - and fighting will not be able to be with her here now and in the coming decades. And I feel that it is ready to give, even temporarily, for a little while, my heart another reasonable. Maybe even a male earthling. Not John, to another. She did not want to approach with any of the asari, with none of the Turian, with none of the krogan, although they also showed her, beautiful and young asari, genuine interest, provided her with all sorts of favors, trying to attract her attention. Standard games, ring games. the evolution of demand,

  Liara felt that very soon the Reapers take a general attack on the mother planet asari. On her dearly beloved Tessa. They will not rest. And when the hour comes this attack, come and detachment. It can not come - Liara too well aware that the squad appears where the war took on a new and important turn in its course and development.

  So there was no time and always come on time squad. He came, of course, not alone, but with the Imperial Navy. And now, on the eve of the general offensive Reapers on Tess, Liara felt with satisfaction that the asari can now meet the Reapers something particularly unpleasant for the invaders. Ten compounds ground units Azariyskogo videoconferencing space, armed with the latest modifications "units" were ready to meet the fleets of the Reapers and their henchmen. Meet the fire, to be carried out in a non-existence. Not in the last journey - right into oblivion.

  Double blow, double blow to the Reapers and their henchmen. Detachment and fleets of the Empire will be supported. Strong support from the planetary resistance. Attack and general assault on the mother planet Reapers asari are suppressed. Choke, has barely begun.

  Otryadovtsy see that their efforts, their work is not in vain. Now, if we fight all turian fleets, even hastily armed civilians turian ships, then it's time to fight and azariyskim fleets. And not only fleets, but also terrestrial connections. Fighting so to show the Reapers - they Azariyskoe way into space is now closed. Forever is securely closed. All of them and their supporters here will just have to wait the death. Inglorious destruction and death. Only oblivion will wait.

  Liara wanted to believe that the first volley of connections "set" by the fleets of the Reapers and their supporters see it, being next to John. She will do everything to be at this point next to it, to exactly the circumstances. That he believed, understood, felt, realized - she Liara T'Soni, can and knows how to fight. To fight and not sit in the rear. Fighting, making azariyskoe resistance stronger, ensuring that asari themselves, their forces and means for hastening the complete and final victory over the invaders - the Reapers and their accomplices - voluntarily or involuntarily. Fighting, approaching the moment when she, the youngest T'Soni, John will be able to admit his love and try to get close to him, to become his wife and the main girlfriend, Svetlana equal.

  Liara knew that now Shepard married, he now owns a personal level only to Svetlana. And yet wanted very much wanted to believe that someday, it would be good - as quickly as possible, it will be able to prove and John and Svetlana that she asari, will not be a hindrance, it would not qualify for something more, would not destroy them, John and Svetlana, personal and family happiness.

  It is in these moments semiconsciousness evening, very much wanted to believe, I believed that John loves her Liara T'Soni. It may be, I was sure even more than all the talents Shepard, who had clearly extraterrestrial and certainly - extragalactic origin.

  How he was able to fully use the standard, usually possible package of data on the nature of each ordinary reasonable organics, in this case - a man, a male earthling. He rarely resorted to of strings - so otryadovtsy, and maybe he was determined Shepard key state, which gives access to these most extragalactic abilities and capabilities.

  When war broke out with the Reapers, both ships Squad disappeared. Disappeared in the depths of space, decades were not shown on the locator in full using Stealth Mode, performed over and over again a challenging task. Very rarely got something to hear, to learn, to understand, from the fact that it was tightly connected with the squad, so - and with John. Both ships belonged to the class of intelligence and, consequently, their share fell out very complex tasks and missions that required anonymity.

  This obscurity heavily influenced Liara. Azari often wake up at night, automatically looks up to the ceiling, where was the space where been continuous, pulsating confrontation between the Reapers and their accomplices and the growing galactic resistance. They burned and exploded planet in the space of many races. They burned and blew up the station, destroyed and deserted the colony. The war, which had no equal in the history of the last ten thousand years obschegalakticheskoy, so - and azariyskoy history.

  There was a war. And Liara keenly felt as it is now is not enough, John. She, a young asari are now at war. Next to the table instrumentronom lying on the bedside table, was fully charged, and curb ass
ault rifle. Weapons for Liara was no less familiar than before - the keypad reader or instrumentrona, brush archaeological research kit and shovel sets of primary development of the planet.

  Liara is often thought that in relation to John she is doing wrong. Do not pair it to him, if to think logically. He - is married with - children, it - an officer and a commander, he was fighting it for weeks stays away from Tessa, which is now Liara will not go under any circumstances. What she has reason to believe to be his wife, and his wife, and not just a good friend, a maximum - girlfriend? Was she exposed once again characteristic of asari desire to get hold of the offspring of such a prominent reasonable of another race? If so, what is the point of this love? Only to generate more asari? But John deserves more! He was married and already have children. Does he agree that Liara had children by him? Maybe because not agree. Can. And then what? After all, without the children, the family is not a family, and so cohabitation.

  Younger T'Soni tormented himself with these thoughts, but I could not tear out of his heart and from his mind the image of John. Man, earthling, who never demanded of it, a hundred asari nothing extraordinary, never considered Liara as a physically attractive female, always which saw her as a person, and therefore - not davivshego on its own path, never commanded both the penny and her Liara, destiny.

  Shepard was in demand, ultimately realized he was living, he served, he worked in his charge was a large and complex ship with a very difficult and a large crew, consisting of, by the way, not only because of the earthlings and not only of the people. Nevertheless, John Shepard was happy and personally. He loved his Svetlana earnest and sacrificial love and loved his children the same love. Sometimes love it, it's likely he did not know and did not accept as something valuable.


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