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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 203

by Theodore Daniels

More information about the first appearance in service with the Reapers special kind of class "destroyer" (destroyer) vessels have recently been obtained. They were anti-aircraft guns "Hades" - heavy, referring to a class "surface-to-air", the largest unit of land Reaper technology. The inhabitants of the Milky Way had to get used to the fact that when the Reapers capture the planet, they are doing their utmost to keep them and that "Hades" plays an important role in protecting the planet from attempts to release as the population of these planets should be exterminated, and then - processed.

  Anti-aircraft guns "Hades" is easily destroyed shuttles, cruisers, frigates, who tried to free the planet from the presence of the invaders. A volley of such tools has been proven measurement, I was able to penetrate most solid armor of most ships of the Resistance Forces. Therefore, the captured planets rarely managed to get rescue and deblokatsionnym forces, without receiving multiple injuries involved ships.

  Such tools have Reapers became more and they usually were placed within a kilometer of each other. Having a standard Destroyer armor, as which he Shepard convinced from their own experience, "Hades" became low vulnerability from the air and from long distances.

  Less than a few days ago about the important disadvantages of this new generation zhnecheskogo technical genius was obtained. "Hades" was not able to move around during the firing, he could not, as it turned out, and shoot the infantry - one powerful tool takes all the cash accumulated energy, so the "Hades" was not even armed with lasers capable chop advancing enemy infantry. Each "Hades" because guarded by many soldiers Huskies and processed to at least try to protect the first and sometimes - for the last enemy defense of self-propelled anti-aircraft gun huge power line.

  Robot researchers controlled remotely, is now penetrated durable outer housing in those places where it was assumed that there are important systems of half-dead destroyer. Shepard knew and partially understand what the load is now lying in the Marche - he almost single-handedly kept on all the control channels research robots, putting firewalls at a maximum and applying multiple shielding and backup their systems. He categorically refused to trust the work or Olivia Alix kiborgessam or both at once, so they were forced to turn to other tasks, not daring to insist on their right to share the burden and to substitute itself under attack.

  The BMD of both the squadron on duty shifts professionals who in parallel to monitor the situation with the robots and were ready to seize control from them Synthetic. Channels of communication and information transmission were closed additional redundancy, encryption, equipped with screens and are connected to blocks of the latest anti-virus systems.

  So completely unnoticed cruiser scientific Resistance fleet appeared in back-up mode and backup of the research process. While robots using cash hardware, opened in the pre-defined locations and armor plating poluumershego destroyer, on board all ships was hard work - had to accept a connection to the robot's internal systems and subsystems of the modernized destroyer Reapers. The slightest failure - and the consequences could be truly catastrophic.

  - Shepard, come to me. - To communicate through audio channel speaker PHONES starpomovskogo left Anderson. - There is an urgent information. We - complexity.

  Sending a receipt in the receipt of the order for execution, Shepard rushed to the commander's quarters. Upon entering, he once said - there was something extraordinary.

  - Sit down, John. - Anderson said. - Go straight to the point, because we could have been five minutes as the dead.

  Shepard looked at Anderson, who continued to sit motionless, long questioning look. The commander of the frigate, cruiser was calm, although it is not easy to give him peace of mind.

  - A few minutes ago, the destroyer was to blow himself up. Explosion ... according to our calculations had to affect all of us in a radius sufficient to assured destruction farthest from this destroyer ship.

  - And ...

  - Yavik left us at the Citadel, three minutes ago arrested Tevosov counselor. Azari transmitted in solitary confinement prisons spectrum and subjected to enhanced interrogation by our colleague. - Anderson moved on the table top towards Shepard reader. - I say out loud will not do anything. - He grimaced. - Reading - annoying, but still - read. I did not have the courage to reproduce all of this voice ... without a special need.

  Mate took the reader, and turned it on for a few tens of minutes fell out of reality. Counselor Tevosov facing the death penalty under martial law. Yavik got out of her memory such information, which is almost guaranteed death sentence.

  - This is ... - Shepard asked.

  Anderson nodded sharply and clearly as cyber:

  - Exactly. Councilor tried to cash in on the fact of destruction of the destroyer. Yavik managed to stop this feeble effort. In addition, Councilor able to sniff out that Tess is preparing a surprise for the Reaper fleet, will in the near future - in the area of two three decades - attack the mother planet asari. As a result ... it's frightening to say - we could lose Tess as a planet on which at least something remained of the architecture and infrastructure. I'm not talking about the fact that there would be no single living prudent organic. The obtained by us during the interrogation according to the type of attack is assumed to be the general offensive. The threat of the parent planet asari was very real.

  - Information ... - Shepard said. He had great difficulty to maintain his composure - he immediately thought of Liara and Benešov with Etitoy.

  - Do not go above and beyond. But azariysky Advisor is now suspended from official duties. Yavik led the investigation and cleaning apparatus is that the responsibilities of the adviser performs under the full control of our colleagues is one of the matriarchs, who worked in the Office of Tevosov. - Anderson said curtly. - So, John, we look forward to connecting robots to the internal subsystem, strengthen the protection of our Synthetic across the board, collect and process all the available information, peredaёm sources and processed materials on the server cruisers scientific squadron - let them continue to understand - and then immediately follow in accumulation of Nimba. - The commander looked at Shepard. - John, the work will take a maximum of two days. Then we fly to Nimbus. There is quiet a lot of work for the Citadel. Have you heard about the library Asha?

  - Yes, David. - Shepard barely nodded - he overcame foreboding regarding Tess.

  - That's it, and will do. And now - go to her and be prepared to be on duty in the CIC. Home, John, we have been able to grab the snake before it struck. The rest - clean procedure. - Firmly Anderson said.

  The XO nodded, crossed the threshold of the commander's cabin and shut the door behind him.

  Everything turned out the way, and said Anderson. An hour later, with a small robots managed by Mark and specialists of both CIC Troop ships half-dead body to break the destroyer in the right places, connected to the inner subsystem and passed the ready signal to the opening of channels of communication. Brand Protection, made the decision to cope with the information from the modified shaft destroyer, it has been strengthened so that even with Olivia Alix marveled multilevel and complexity barriers erected. However, the service both CIC Troop ships were put on alert again and again to complete verification server isolation were carried out, which was supposed to download the information, taken from the destroyer, checked the inability to connect to systems and networks frigates and cruisers. All these works were carried out otryadovtsami for some two hours of exhausting fast pace, followed by scoring an agreed disposition of both captains for the opening of data channels. Mark tensed, but the defense was built quite professional and special dangers and problems were noted, and those that were found were eliminated quickly and completely.

  Collection and processing of all the available received information from the bowels of the destroyer equipment took more than three hours. Finally robots disconnected from the destroyer moved to a safe distance and hove - if necessary nauchnikov, they come back into the body of the destroyer. While that should protect against accidents in the period the change ho
st information side.

  Sources and processed materials on board the cruiser fleet Resistance Research were transferred only after all three Synthetic thoroughly tested system of all three ships and original certificates of compliance issued the most stringent safety requirements. Rested Olivia and Alix were truly unrelenting and extremely suspicious that revealed a number of problems in the hardware and software protection tools that were in service with the crews of the cruisers. While problems persist kiborgessy did not give permission for the transfer of information. And any reference to the fact that time is precious no effect.

  Information transfer took less than twenty minutes and was held under the supervision of associate otryadovtsev and nauchnikov.

  - Stand by. Drift completed. - Systems handsfree frigate and cruiser sounded normal messages, anticipating a departure detachment from this star system.

  Ahead was the accumulation of Nimba, which was to save the most valuable library from non-Asha.

  Azari strategist. Accumulation of Nimba. Library Asha

  While the frigate and cruiser crossed the distance to the destination point, Shepard familiarized with reports on Synthetic destroyer Reapers and engaged in clarification of the features of the work.

  Azari instructor landing came to Headquarters Troop on the Citadel to the duty officer. In conversation with him, she said that when asari scientists evacuated from the planet Karkoza, drones discovered and were able to identify some data warehouse. The expedition, organized and Implemented asari forces, denied the theory that argues that Karkoza located in Agaiu system in the cluster Nimbus has always been a hot planet. On quite a desolate planet's surface under a layer of small pebbles were found the ruins of the palace, whose age asari scientists have identified as greater than two and a half million years. Further studies have convincingly suggest that the palace ruins were previously part of the huge city.

  Azari instructor claimed that scientists were able to prove her race - people Karkozy polluted planet to uninhabitable condition, run an irreversible greenhouse effect and destroying fresh water reserves on the planet.

  The information came to Yaviku and he confirmed - in its time it was the natural ending of many civilizations and many inhabited worlds, and therefore need to find this information store and take out its contents in a safe place for a more detailed and complete study. Taking into account the fact that some of the resources of the Resistance forces had by then already directed on realization of "News from the past" program, information asari instructor considered important and worthy of attention, and therefore decided to study the issue of implementation of special flight squadron to the planet Agaiu.

  And now we followed the squadron to the planet. XO thumbed on a large wall screen, a file containing all the collected Synthetic information on this star system, the planet and the excavations, Implemented restless asari. One thing was clear - with the approach of the fleets of the Reapers studies were interrupted, scientists evacuated from the planet, and there remained only information drones, which, as experts assumed Troop could tell a lot about the discoveries made in the world. The main thing is that this information did not get the Reapers and their henchmen.

  Yavik many would suggest, but now ... now he was engaged in much more important. And the rest of them ... otryadovtsam was to meet with a repository of information accumulated by the lost of their choice civilization of intelligent beings. And save this information on the death.

  According to the data transmitted Synthetic XO, it appeared that the asari strategist expects not only that the squad will be able to save the library in Ashe, but also the fact that even before the return to the Citadel volgovtsy and normandovtsy will be able to decipher and sort through a lot of data volumes . Of course, this would require almost round the clock work of crews and teams of both ships, but what else do you want to engage in long, reaching for the duration of the last several days transitions. Previously, such a distance squadron slipped not really even noticing, and now ... Yes, even if you have to take out all the information on the ships, setting himself the goal is not to leave anything to reproach Reapers ... Shepard doubted - and Anderson and Titov have calculated such variant of work orders.

  - John. - I went to the cabin the captain. - I knew that you are now busy watching and deliberation, so come. The fact that it is time to inspect Messana and Cullin - two planets with the monasteries, where they were imprisoned strongest Ardath-yakshas. Rila and Falera reported that they have completed work on transforming Ardath-yakshas normal asari possess powerful telepathic and mental potential. I do not know how to call it a gift ... It is difficult all this. Pioneer direction. Well, that Tevosov has not got wind of it and it is good that we stopped in the bud its attempt to trumpet about the Reapers "installations".

  - Strange name for such a weapon system, David. - Shepard waited until Anderson is strategically located in a free chair and walked away from the screens. - Although ... it might work.

  - Even as you can. Liara still fighting off encroachments called these units "Liar." Well, by analogy with well-known to you "Katyusha" and "Big Bertha." - Anderson said. - Select the name of a more general-that is, "Sword Azari", although the data we have at this moment, is the name - temporary. It is, in my opinion, is more appropriate for some supervooruzhёnnoy kosmostantsii not for artustroystva. Perhaps this title will really temporary. Over time, the asari take another name. What ... You choose.

  - We help the best that they have made it possible to survive everything. - Shepard said.

  - That is, John. So I guess then we will be in the priority Tess. I have already contacted Stanislav Imperial Headquarters videoconferencing and received assurances that the imperial squadron will be sent to Tess. Two or three of the fleet will be exactly. The aid, as usual, have volunteered ships VKS the Third Ring. By the way, it is surprising, but not one soldier and a civilian member of the crew and command of the ship does not feel the slightest psychological or other discomfort at the fact that they persistently refer to the third ring and not the second or the first.

  - Because they are better than many realize - we are conducting a war against an enemy who intends to destroy all intelligent organic life in the galaxy. No differences in the rings, ranks, titles, and other classifications. - Softly but distinctly Shepard said, noting the slight nod commander frigate, cruiser. Willing nod. - And they, earthlings, which in space and do not seriously perceived against the background of the Alliance, is now given the opportunity to prevent the implementation of the united ranks of this monstrous scenario. Prevent activities. And do not sit with folded legs and waiting for the end of their own and the public. - First Mate came to pick bronekryshkoy porthole. - My jars, commander of the thought that we find there, on this planet, where the library is located. Terms and conditions - there is ... complicated.

  - With certain amendments, John, you can agree with your assessment. So I ordered that we organized a high-speed search and even more fast evacuation on board the ship Troop entire contents of the library. Technicians have checked and repaired all the shuttles, we are preparing the hangars frigate, cruiser and cruiser under the warehousing of material carriers. We in the "Normandy" the place is small, but on the "Volga" - abound. Although there will have to make room, as I have already convincingly demonstrated Stanislav. So the bulk of the material will settle there. Here, we need speed, speed and quality. Because behind us on the planet come Reapers. Yes, it is possible that these polumashiny will not bombard a planet where already dead organic intelligent life ... died by choice, but ... At this stage of the war, like this ... Reapers can simply tear the planet apart, and who knows how any of this is reasonable of organic appreciate this fact and will carefully treat. I do not give rest to the other, John. Yes, we are then, after Messana and Cullin, return to the Citadel, but now ... Now everything feels stronger interest in the Reapers to our solar system, our common human home, to our world. Sorry, but ... "Retribution" The plan will have to enter into force as soon as poss
ible. Several decades, maximum - a few months. And we, the people, will soon have to defend their own planet's parent system. I have a strong feeling that the Reapers will fall upon the solar system throughout its hitherto untapped power. Coming decade and months of fighting. I do not give rest to the other, John. Yes, we are then, after Messana and Cullin, return to the Citadel, but now ... Now everything feels stronger interest in the Reapers to our solar system, our common human home, to our world. Sorry, but ... "Retribution" The plan will have to enter into force as soon as possible. Several decades, maximum - a few months. And we, the people, will soon have to defend their own planet's parent system. I have a strong feeling that the Reapers will fall upon the solar system throughout its hitherto untapped power. Coming decade and months of fighting. I do not give rest to the other, John. Yes, we are then, after Messana and Cullin, return to the Citadel, but now ... Now everything feels stronger interest in the Reapers to our solar system, our common human home, to our world. Sorry, but ... "Retribution" The plan will have to enter into force as soon as possible. Several decades, maximum - a few months. And we, the people, will soon have to defend their own planet's parent system. I have a strong feeling that the Reapers will fall upon the solar system throughout its hitherto untapped power. Coming decade and months of fighting. "Retribution" The plan will have to enter into force as soon as possible. Several decades, maximum - a few months. And we, the people, will soon have to defend their own planet's parent system. I have a strong feeling that the Reapers will fall upon the solar system throughout its hitherto untapped power. Coming decade and months of fighting. "Retribution" The plan will have to enter into force as soon as possible. Several decades, maximum - a few months. And we, the people, will soon have to defend their own planet's parent system. I have a strong feeling that the Reapers will fall upon the solar system throughout its hitherto untapped power. Coming decade and months of fighting.


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