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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 205

by Theodore Daniels

  Twenty minutes later, the first cargo probes flew into the mouth of the cave, and quickly began to clean the shelves of the crystals. Small probes fixed characteristics and the location of each of the crystal evacuated, at the exit of the cave was already under the first heavy load shuttle. Work started.

  While the main part of the landing party worked in the Hall, Shepard and Jenkins found a place where the probes started information. A small cave. Dim lighting. And the ranks of the launch complexes, combined with the repair and refueling systems. Many complexes were empty - their drones probes were either destroyed or simply could not go back.

  - Mark, check them out. This is your part. - Shepard reached out and the same probe as usual clasped her with his tubular manipulators. - I doubt that we evacuated the library, have the right to leave them there to die. They also carry information, which should not get all the Reapers and their henchmen.

  - Acknowledged, Captain. - Cyborg habitually connected backup power. - Quarter of an hour.

  - Come on. We have here inspection, outline the scope of work. Evacuate and have drones and their equipment. At least the one that still has its owners host.

  The whole quarter of an hour, a cyborg requested to prepare everything necessary for evacuation - well, not rescue - operations, Shepard and Jenkins spent in the cave. Studied in the first approximation, all the cash system, something made clear that some have suggested.

  - John. - To communicate audio-Shepard went Svetlana. - I'm sending to you in this cave for twenty-five probes. They cope with gentle dronozondov evacuation and try to evacuate more equipment. Titov insisted that Alix and Olivia now moved to the side of "Volga" and I am inclined to agree with him. So that...

  - Good. Here Mark will send the test results. I agree with Anderson. - First mate said, watching his companion drone moved to its launch pad, is likely to charge. - What situation?

  - While silent, but this silence ... is that it thins. Slowly but thinner. - Streltsov said, knowing that Shepard will understand the subtext correctly.

  - Okay, try to accelerate. - First mate took instrumentron data verification. - Mark sent. So be consistent. I am waiting for your probes.

  - Shuttles for probes and their complexes, as well as their equipment has already sent on board the cruiser, John. Podlёtnoe time - forty minutes.

  - Okay. - Shepard tried to hide displeasure, but he did not succeed.

  - I understand, John. But the evacuation will be as fast as possible and these shuttles go to the cruiser in the foreground. In a separate hangar, as you know yourself. - Svetlana as always quickly read the mood of its main friend.

  - Good. - Shepard received a message that the probes are already approaching the planet. - We will work to make it.

  - We will, John. - With these words Svetlana switched channels.

  The following hours were held for the entire landing party at a frenetic pace. Roy drone probes removed crystals in batches from the upper levels, and the lower ruled people and turians. Mordin evaporated placing equipment for the removal of the set of indicators and parameters, and then further evaporated, removing the data on your once again extremely advanced instrumentron. On the face of the elderly, not the old, namely elderly salarian played smile researcher, greedily to this Information Niagara. Glancing at him several times captain believed that someone who really, and Mordin now sleep is not about food, and almost forget, but the information gathered in this unique hall will process in full and as soon as possible.

  - John, I hosted on board the cruiser both kiborgess, posted and explained to them the situation with the forthcoming information processing shaft. - To communicate audio-Svetlana came back. - So that part of the problem is solved.

  - We also sixty percent made the task of evacuation crystals. Some, as planned, be sent to the frigate, and the main - on the cruiser.

  - Hangar almost scored, but I guess that was not enough, and ordered the release of all that is possible, the second. - Svetlana gave some orders in a low voice. - So, forty percent with a stock take.

  - Glad to hear it. As of locating? - Asked the XO.

  - Reapers Exploration on the way, fleets and squadrons are not near. - Said Streltsov.

  - Hmm. We'll have to accelerate even more.

  - We'll have to, John. Before connection.

  - Before connection.

  As has always been at critical moments, the entire command of the landing party connected to the implementation of the basic work. A few hours - and in the hall, not a single crystal. Probes with a frigate and cruiser flew on his ships, shuttles - except those who brought the landing party - went after him, and Shepard, Alenko, Jenkins and Mordin with turians stood in the center of the hall of the library, looking around the empty shelves and thinking about her every.

  - It is good that we had to evacuate, and crystals, and those who do it all the time berёg. - Said Richard unusually low voice, as if afraid to break the fragile quiet in this room. Despite almost semidesyatigradusnuyu heat on the exposed surface of the planet, the cave - the room was cool enough - barely twenty degrees Celsius recruited. So it suits the system working under normal load. - Time and again, dying civilization left, perhaps, that such meetings. We hoped ...

  - At this time, this information is not lost and not lost. - As quietly said Mate. - And the rest ... We will do everything to defeat the Reapers. And here such facilities, we also create. Alas. We need to cover the whole range of possibilities. All. - He said he posurovevshim tone of voice. - Let's loaded. And come back. Nay, you filmed it?

  - All. - Turian did not nod, but pulled mandibles. - But I could not keep up with our luminary of science. He filmed much more.

  - Any information is valuable. And this - especially. - Solus said. - I've already made arrangements with Synthetic - some of the information from the crystals, they will overtake me. I am very interested to take part in its decipherment. I ... it will keep the sharpness of perception and, of course, give a lot of new research and development. New in many ways.

  - Georgia. - Summed up Shepard. - We were able to, among other things to photograph the fullest palace hall and the pit was located where once beautiful lake. Perhaps in time we vdohnёm life in this planet, but first it is necessary to defeat the Reapers.

  The return trip to the frigate took less than half an hour and twenty minutes more on the ships detachment voice reverberated officer of the watch to inform the staff of that detachment that leaves the star system and sent to Messana and Cullin.

  Defending usual starpomovskuyu watch Shepard retired to his cabin. So, what had detachment to meet a few days the way is the latest weapons of the Resistance. Perhaps the most powerful and the most unexpected. Psychotronic weapons. Yes, it can not be here right now to use for the defense of Tess, but in the future, when the time of Reckoning, it will play a role. By the time Ardath-yakshas distributed throughout the galaxy and then waits for the Reapers are very large and even very unpleasant surprise. A squad is to be at Messana and Cullin for normal operation - interaction. And not only on the problems of telepaths and mentalists. We'll have to deal with, and many others. At least now there is resistance in storage is something very powerful and effective. The main thing - to use it correctly and on time.

  Priority - the asari. Messana and Cullin - two monasteries Ardath-yakshas. Transformation Ardath

  Located in a cluster of Nimba star system Kallin was small - it has only three planets. It is unlikely that the Reapers could assume that on several space stations, which were delivered to the orbit of each of the three planets of available here, the former live-yakshas Ardath, and now - a powerful telepaths-psionic. Program "Transfiguration Ardath" just assumed the training of former killers subtleties of camouflage among many reasonable of organic and above all - of organic their race. Azari-pupils at the stations worked in any office, no one knew except curators, what special gift each of them possesses.

  Near the first planet star system - it was arranged intron research stations
. Intron surface covered with a thick layer of ash, which is released into the atmosphere numerous volcanoes. Under the layer of soot was bark intron, abundantly rich in cobalt. On the few - a little less than a dozen - research stations worked only now volunteers, among whom were embedded in groups Razumnikov former Ardath-yakshas. The staff knew that if something happens to run will be nowhere and assistance may not be able to come in time, but the workers did not know that already are under heavy guard and protection program participants "Transfiguration Ardath" capable on equal compete even with the Reapers Class " Lord ", not to mention the teams and crews of smaller zhnecheskih and auxiliary ships.

  The second planet star system - Pania was densely covered by automatic mines. Here, in control of their work space stations inhabited many asari and here the main part was posted actually well disguised zalegendirovannyh and ex-Ardath yakshas now - powerful telepaths and psionic.

  It was believed that Pania got its name after the legendary heroine races Azari. The music played pany on a variety of musical instruments, was so gentle that the goddess granted Atama Company's fulfillment of all desires. Further development of the legendary events on the Company's show in different ways. According to one version Pania became the first ruler of Armand, but on the other - Pania ascended to the stars to the most Atama. It is possible that the activation plan "Vengeance" when the punishment will join former occupiers Ardath-yakshas, will be the third version of the legend: Pania his music make the Reapers and their minions disappear from the galaxy.

  Meanwhile, orbital stations, automatic control on the Company's mines, looked quite peaceful and even more defenseless. Few of them inmates knew that the situation in this sector follow the three commanders azariyskih fleets, supported by three Imperial Navy and navies of the three Third Ring Earth Resistance forces. In general, it turned out that the star system and was closely monitored and under heavy guard.

  Third Planet - leading to issue before the war had been a haven for miners and miners. At the orbit of the planet tens of orbital control systems have been installed, controls the automatic operation of mines leading to issue. These mines extracted valuable transuranic elements. The local miners have always kept quite openly and Reapers, quite possibly believed that the destruction of infrastructure and the planet orbital space and infrastructure for their troops will not make any significant problems. They did not know that a significant part of the miners are now are former Ardath-yakshas, and the rest - well zalegendirovannye and clandestine desantnitsy asari.

  All three planets were part of a "resource necklaces Azari" therefore their protection, security and defense remain important tasks of the fleets of the Resistance, which included both azariyskie and human squadron. Placement of the stations of the former Ardath-yakshas allows you to create area, virtually impregnable and extremely dangerous, even for the largest ships zhnecheskih covered with actually existing fleets and squadrons.

  Ardath-yakshas remained a kind of "ace in the hole", which is planned to enter into force only in the most critical moment, and until that time, with the task of destroying the fleets of the Reapers and their minions have quite successfully coped existing conventional forces of the Resistance.

  Troop went Cullin system without stopping. Only Synthetic removed all possible information from the drive and from the air, and then plunged into her treatment. Brief landmark reports regularly sent Synthetic Corps command, but still a few days spent in ships Cullin system, going through paths on the very low speed.

  It does not take a lot of time on the current military standards Troop stay in Cullin system allowed volgovtsam normandovtsam and be better prepared to work in the MESA system.

  - John, it is supposed landing. - Anderson said, when once again met with Shepard in the dining room, taking in the tray with a standard Gardner rationed dinner. - Rila and Falera are ready to accept us and tell us a lot. However, you and all of us were able to understand more and more to see the passage of Cullin system.

  - I agree, David. - Shepard coped with the first dish, and, armed with a knife and fork, cut into pieces cutlet, mashed potatoes Gulf cream sauce. - We are preparing for the implementation of the plan "Retribution" and prepare, in my opinion, not bad.

  - I appreciate your restraint in assessments, John. - He nodded to the commander of the cruiser frigate, rubbing a piece of bread and a plate of glass othlёbyvaya compote. - I am, to my shame, that I understand little in Synthetic materials provided, but ...

  - I, too, David. - Shepard chewed a piece of cutlet, mashed with a fork portion teased. - Maybe it's good.

  - More as well. - Anderson agreed. - Taken together, it is - a new weapon of victory. Our victory.

  The XO nodded. Officers finished dinner about the same time and moved to a more detailed discussion in the commander's cabin.

  After passing the hydrogen-methane gas giant Vilius, troop ships have become closer to the luminary Mesa system. The aim was the planet Lessus, located closest to the sun system. But before she had to go a few days.

  - Do not be surprised, John. - Anderson turned to the man sitting in the chair next to him at the Star XO card. - We take on board Yavika obtain the latest information on the situation on the Citadel - then we can go to Lessusu quickly. Moreover, the Rila and Falera can better prepare for our relatively short stay on this planet, and we, in turn, will be able to collect more relevant data on the situation in this star system.

  - Now I understand a lot, David. - Shepard shifted several sensors, looked at indicators. - And then I wondered why we polzёm snail.

  - Including, in order not to attract attention, John. - Anderson adopted the report watch officer of the frigate. - Yavik already on the way. Take it into the hangar - and go further.

  The XO nodded, some of what-guessing. On climate control screen has long loomed mail frigate, which went across the path of the exchange rate frigate, cruiser. Most likely, proteanin took them behind the scenes and now it is able to "move" on the "Normandy", as soon as the two ships will be in the best position.

  There was no push, no cotton, but in the doorway of the entrance portal CIC appeared a familiar figure normandovtsam proteanina to combat red armor. Team members and the crew of the cruiser and frigate volgovtsy know proteanina and other clothes, but now his view clearly said - on the Citadel and complexities abound warrior Elder race had no time to use their military skills and weapons, to resolve a difficult situation.

  - Welcome back, Yavik. - Anderson nodded. Shepard answered handshake proteanina, stopped next to the Star card. - You're on time.

  - I tried. - Prostrekotal proteanin, otpyhivaya from stress, who owned them all the way. - I'm a little annoyed ... but it will pass. I am also glad to be on board the ship familiar to me. Postal frigate and his team completed the task brilliantly and deserve encouragement. Frigate receive extraordinary repairs, and the team - two-night vacation at the Citadel. - Said Yavik. - As our sisters telepaths?

  - They are all normal, Yavik. - Anderson pulled to proteaninu reader. He grabbed the device turned on and plunged into reading. In principle, it could be considered the information and their own means, but in an environment familiar to his colleagues preferred to use the conventional and familiar to them.

  - Clear. I am glad that they have everything to normal. I - to himself. - Proteanin came down from the pedestal stellar card, shook hands with the officer of the watch and went to the flight of stairs.

  After half a day of cautious promotion squad passed by Shastessii - hydrogen-helium gas giant. Shepard had to defend another starpomovskuyu watch, take a tour of the ship, to speak by video link with Titov, Svetlana and Alla and visit the cabin in Yavika and learn the latest news from the most important of the Citadel. Talk about what happened with the counselor Tevosov he agreed with proteaninom decided to leave at a later time.

  Half a day took the path to Medokosu - even one gas giant system. As the ship was announced just a retreat for all personnel, except, of course, vahtsluzhby duty and guard un
its and defense frigate, cruiser. So that the passage Medokosa took place during the night rest normandovtsev. Volgovtsy Medokos scanned, checked the data from the archive and identified changes that had to investigate and clarify.

  All this time the two kiborgessy worked on deciphering information from the crystal library Asha. Alix and Olivia scanned the contents of all the crystals to stand out among the entire array of those on initial estimates contain the most important information and distribute the work so as to have time to make the most of the moment of arrival to the Citadel.

  The last planet to become Lessusom Limetis - a desert planet with a thin atmosphere. There is still working mining equipment, and more recently it is ground-based and orbital control systems with several residential and industrial orbital stations have become a testing ground for training Ardath-yakshas complete the course of training and education. Not wanting to disturb the camouflage and carry out decoding, Troop ships were held at a considerable distance from the Limetisa immediately navigate the drift orbit Lessusa, which had to go at least another two days.

  Stay on the landing party Lessuse no longer be visited monastery. Arriving shuttles and shuttles were immediately transmitted to the automatic probe-pilots in the underground shelter where all normandovtsev on the metro train was taken to the underground city, which is now moved asari-mentor, Asari-educator and a large part of the former Ardath-yakshas.

  Shepard, the first left the cozy insides shuttle commander, met Falera - the youngest daughter of Samara. She warmly welcomed all who came, immediately apologized, explaining that Rila very busy now with the pupils of-Ardath, so will approach later. In the meantime, it is proposed to go through the underground city to the guests themselves seen and heard a lot.


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