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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 218

by Theodore Daniels

  - But still. - Shepard stood up, walked around the room, he returned to his chair, leaned his hands on his back.

  - I had to go out to arrest Tevosov, John. And isolated, of course, as without it. - Said Yavik. - Shut off because it hurt, this asari became ... more than the safe limit. Although there is a safe ?! Advisor to the Citadel, Asari, charged for a thousand years, by type - matron on the way to the status of the matriarch, and mad ...

  - Trying to bite off more than can chew? - Said the first mate.

  - How to evaluate differently her work, John? - Proteanin attentive gaze slid across the face of the interlocutor. - Nadzakonny housing spectrum. Nadzakonny, John! Standing above any law and above all morality. Created originally to counter the krogan, which are the same salarians simply and elegantly, this does not take away from them, orientated to the fact that with their help to defeat rachni. Of course Tevosov afraid. She was afraid of what you are carrying with you, people, humans, humanity. You, in particular, carry within themselves the capacity for effective, imperceptible to the unification of communities is so extreme that any asari any dipranga dipstatusa and just shoot from the service pistol, and as closer to such a level of perfection can not. You, the people, John, became dangerous for asari because of their own diplomacy over and over again only it leads to complacency. And that Asari began to maneuver, trying to like you, people often put it, do not sit on two, and once on three chairs, trying to reach the extreme - and very bad and very good and no. Tevosov turned in office is not a leader, and if I may say so, using your, human concepts, marshes keeper, John. I saw it and felt ...

  - I also. - Captain said, sitting down in a chair.

  - It is unlikely that any of this really sensible of organic would not understand, I do not see or feel. Keeper of the Swamp. Not Advisor capable of giving really wise, skilled, competent advice, becoming with time decisions and laws for the inhabitants of the Galaxy Space and only Marshes Keeper. It is fortunate that the law is not reasonable Diversity organic and all reasonable Synthetic began to dance to the tune of the Citadel Council. And saved, among other things, not fearing the wrath of deprofessionaliziruyuschegosya with each new decade more and more of the Council, development and production of VI, AI, ships and engines, allowing even today in conditions of severe resource constraints, to successfully overcome huge distances without repeaters system. - Yavik bowed his head, then returned it to its former position. - A short memory has appeared at many asari. Very short, John. We Protheans guilty. We needed to do more to catch more. And we ... - he started up. - It is clear that the asari not control even their own, the parent space to the full, it can not do so with the necessary completeness, none of the existing races of intelligent organic.

  - It's hard to control what you do not know the ropes. - Shepard said it quietly. - We, the people were able - or rather, had to understand it, with varying degrees of completeness scalding repeatedly. But probably still do not understand it the way we should understand.

  - It is unlikely that this can be understood completely. - Thinking, said Yavik. - Then violated many important relationships and most importantly - no need to strain to look for something to improve.

  - So ... - Shepard said more quietly.

  - If not for the Reapers ... So this too is a normal situation in the upper echelons of the Galaxy control system the situation would still be assumed normative less reasonable development community. - Prostrekotal proteanin. - And, because the Reapers have already come ... We must make sure that they are no longer coming. "Deleting" Tevosov was just purports to remove the influence of the Reapers on too many things. Tevosov - a pawn, but Matriarchy - gadyushnik still that. - Yavik tried to use the vernacular expression, clear Shepard, avoiding excessive formalization of scientism and frank statements. - Because ... Tevosov will be replaced. And replace it with Liara.

  - Yavik ... - Shepard said reproachfully. - Of course, I understand, but ...

  - Liara will not sit on the Citadel, John. I took into account everything that is possible. It will be a ... belligerent Advisor. Yes, I understand, it is rarely used status, but this status has been mastered innusanontsami. Our ancestors. We Protheans, for various reasons its use is not fully succeeded, John, concentrating all the guidance on the Citadel and simultaneously deprived of it, it was worth the Reapers to turn the station into a giant relay ...

  - A Tevosov? - John looked at strained proteanina, it seems to imply that question and have already prepared the appropriate response.

  - Tevosov will sit in Prison spectrum. In a separate, fully insulated capsule. By the end of the war. There, after the war, could not be immediately after the war, but the court is bound to be ... and she will receive an aggregate. We finally decide her fate only after defeating the Reapers, John. I managed to stop its activity on the rise to the heights of harmfulness. - Yavik not become more distributed, as clearly seen - Shepard correctly understood that what he was silent. - Good enough. We can assume that the arrival of the Reapers only accelerated Tevosov initiated in the pre-war period of destructive processes. Yes, John. You're right, the Reapers have appeared in our galaxy long before here come the first ship-Reaper does not perform the function of a scout observer. I do not know whether it would be correct to formulate, but perhaps what we, reasonable organics We tend to define as evil is always present with us. That Tevosov began to pay too much attention to the needs of evil is not kept on the Middle Way. Is not she the first, is not she be the last. Without her and others like her ... - Yavik paused. - Would hardly Reapers were able to score so many minions. It turns out that even with the supreme power in the relative integrity of the outer ... Okay. - Cut proteanin their reasoning. - I will say this, John. Tevosov the post of Counsellor will not come back. It is - it is solved. Now while it replaces one of the matrons of roughly equal age and about equal status and position. I control the work of all Advisors and their staffs. It will take a little more time, so that the situation finally stabilized. Liara, John, did not immediately fall into place Advisor Azari, so that there is no hurry, I will not let no crudity. Whatever it was, the disclosure of our strategic plans, and even more so - the strategic and tactical possibilities avoided. Now we cut the last thread which connects Tevosov with its agents. While Reapers will be able to oppose something, we are also prepared. Liara reliable protection at Tess - this is what I, too, take care. In general, I have enough here affairs, so I temporarily stop work on the contents of the obelisks that still lie in the hold of the "Volga". We have also prepared. Liara reliable protection at Tess - this is what I, too, take care. In general, I have enough here affairs, so I temporarily stop work on the contents of the obelisks that still lie in the hold of the "Volga". We have also prepared. Liara reliable protection at Tess - this is what I, too, take care. In general, I have enough here affairs, so I temporarily stop work on the contents of the obelisks that still lie in the hold of the "Volga".

  - Well, we have time. - Shepard stood up, knowing that the break is over and it is time to return to work in the Hall.

  - So far we have had enough, John. I'll have to catch a lot more. - Yavik rose behind. - Sorry. I'm very difficult to articulate everything that had to understand and grasp over the last decade. Because of what happened at the Station from the fact that due to the Tevosov and its activities. As usual, and malware. About many things I was thinking all the time, but my thoughts only at the very beginning ... I understand that we have a chance to defeat the Reapers ... But ... this chance - the only one. If we miss it ... Everything starts over again. It is no longer with us. Painfully, John. It hurts to wake up in fifty thousand years and understand that any particular development and was not. - Having said that, Yavik quickly left the rest room, and then aggravated hearing Shepard certified that proteanin and left outside the hall.

  Returning to work, Mate tried to send the details of the conversation with the soldier ancient race into the subconscious - it was necessary to quickly take a lot of information packets to update its
understanding of the situation in the galaxy, and many, many details.

  The next few days and had to spend within the Hall, pausing only for a very short and very light sleeper and even trying to take food directly from consoles and tablets.

  Citadel. series Troubleshooting Force Detachment - 2

  Decade vigils on tablets and screens in the Hall of crisis management was completed for Shepard's direct order Anderson - take a break from work. Yes, Number One broke all possible deadlines work - usually people and other reasonable organic matter worked in the Hall of no more than five consecutive days, then followed a mandatory two-day break, during which categorically forbidden to work in the Hall or in such units. Shepard survived a double life, after which Anderson gave the order and the captain was forced to submit.

  Hall doors closed for the spectrum and Shepard decided at the time to leave the headquarters. If he had not left the perimeter, then, of course, I would quickly find another job. Citadel fought and fought over the Head Office units. There was no difference - you reasonable civilian, militia or the more warrior. "All - for the front, everything - for Victory" was the immutable law.

  Walking through the streets of the Citadel and trying to figure out how to spend these two days of rest, Shepard knew that even decommissioned in sickbay Alla Svetlana overlaid readers and not for days off instrumentron. He advises, encourages, predicts, warns. Yes, she is the adviser and not a commander. Formally. And in fact it was and is the commander. And only difference is that it is not in the control room and in the commander's cabin remains twenty-four hours a day.

  A decade and really stood out hard. Reapers tried to keep its position in a number of captured their star systems. They had to knock out in the front-line operations, which, as usual, took part in the ships and crews many races within the Resistance Forces system. Citadel has a coordinating role and because Head Office does not remain on the sidelines - duty specialists long ago ceased to wear a training and test character. Only concerted efforts only managed to contain the constant voltage Reapers in their quest to reduce the Harvest to the pre-programmed and only acceptable for these polumashin result. Every day the Citadel came to the attention of the fallen defenders, on the destruction of the ships and stations of destroyed and filled with liquid fire colonies.

  Coming out of the Hall of crisis management, Shepherd briefly went to their apartment, where contacted with Svetlana. Yes, she was delighted with the opportunity to communicate it, but ... too short this time was their conversation. It's too short. It is understandable - the war, and Svetlana - the commander of the cruiser. Yes, it is now formally - the adviser, but in fact - the commander. It is impossible to make it impossible to command his ship and his men. Now - it is impossible. And in the near future, measured in months - too. Although ... It is very tired and only the efforts of Alla and Karin advice helps her to stay.

  Yes, and regular communication, even if only for audio - with parents, brothers and sisters. Volgovtsy made by today's wartime real miracle and give your commander this rare opportunity for most reasonable - almost constantly to be able to hear the voices of their loved ones. Videophone ... yes, much less, but audio communication - almost constantly and for long periods. Shepard knew - Svetlana to their volgovtsami in debt remain not want to and because she is now working for wear, not wanting to languish in inaction, although none of volgovtsev in any way would not be against it, if it reduced the level of its participation in crew matters and ship to the possible and the necessary minimum.

  Svetlana is still for all of them was not only the commander, but also a mother. And even more so - today. Volgovtsy saw it as their mothers, wives, sisters, brides ... seen and treated accordingly. And she ... She sought his commander's authority and using his commanding any way possible in order to give their volgovtsam opportunity to hear, and if it is possible - and see their most expensive ... She, in spite of the secrecy, much focus and rigor career, it had a lot of friends in a variety of subdivisions videoconferencing Empire, and not only there.

  Because it is often ignored fatigue, weakness, frazzled, and continued to work at full capacity. Allah, of course, outraged, indignant, but ... knowing Svetlana not only as commander-officer, but as a friend, with a long and close, helped her to cope with fatigue as she could regulate the mode of the day, often flying in hell because of the categorical unwillingness Svetlana interrupted, and give a decision in the direction of another problem.

  Good thing she was now calmed down relatively Shepard ... Regarding his relationship with the other contenders for his feelings ... and on his heart and hand. At least said so and so said Selezneva Chakwas. Do not trust the two main doctors Squad was unthinkable for Shepard, and he has seen a lot, confirming their words. At least from this side it was more or less normal.

  Certain decisions as to where to go to rest, Shepard never took, but he certainly enjoyed a walk through the Citadel, though this walk and take a few hours. Just crossed the threshold of the popular dance bar-club "Purgatory", Number One came out of thought and looked around. No, I just need to go fast was not - many reasonable knew that Shepard does not drink too much, and even more so - not dance with anyone other than their legitimate spouses. So the attacks from this side it was long gone. Once the club has not been registered in the central database VI "Avina" and not to recommend formally to tourists arriving at the Citadel. Now, of course, A lot has changed - and the club are constantly worried about the next serious checks and controls, and the tourists on the Citadel will not appear for several months. They may well have replaced the local people and fighters and militia stationed at the station military contingents many races. Now here come the representatives of all the known races in the space of the galaxy, to drink, to dance, to escape from the war against the Reapers.

  Captain rarely visited these places, except that only out of necessity, but now in this elite club were plenty of signs, unequivocally confirms - and the war affected him. Once bluish and a bluish light was one of the "chips" of this institution, working at constant guaranteed to attract old and new customers, but now it is once again reminded of the need to be careful not to lose vigilance. In some races, blue and bluish light lamps and panels served as camouflage lighting.

  The club often went beyond military units - platoons, companies. They gave forth commanders order subordinates assigned control time and warned that at any time the men must be ready to leave in an organized institution to carry out combat missions. For a long time there was a club of mass brawls, especially - stabbing and shooting. Yes, BRP patrols and military patrols often came to the club, took on all its premises, making it impossible harboring or concealment of problems or violations. But the visitors were themselves sufficiently satisfied the military and military reality, to drag her, yet this reality and here, in a place of rest and relaxation. Yes, talk of war, discussing the events of the war were common here. Yes, often got drunk soldiers and officers reasoned with themselves on military topics. This was considered in the order of things. Nevertheless,

  Walking up the narrow stairs, Shepard looked to the right - there was a small playground Vi Ai Pi zone. Grinning with his lips, the captain thought that this platform would fit very Arias. But asari matriarch, underworld queen Traverse Terminus is dead and held "Omega" and was not going to leave the station, survived for more than a dozen attacks Reapers and their henchmen. Yes, it is, in a short letter to the captain noted that very well could use the club as a basis for planning and carrying out its operations, but immediately called "Purgatory" is only a parody of "omegovskuyu" "Afterlife." Wise matriarch had no illusions - it was clear that it is ready to be used internally, "Purgatory" at least to lead from here to the restoration of his power "

  "Purgatory" - a popular dance club bar on the Citadel, the database Avinu does not appear as registered and officially recommended to visiting tourists. Here come the representatives of all races, to drink and dance, apart from the war with the Reapers. If Shepard gets drunk in Purgatory, then it
wakes up next to Aria in the area for the guests of honor. If Shepard gets drunk again, it wakes up outside the club near the elevators. In this case, he (she) is not able to return to the club until leaves the location and back again.

  As elsewhere in the station, where he collected a lot of reasonable, the club was the hum of many voices. Acute hearing the captain identified a conversation between two Turian, dissatisfied with their next appointment, it is expected soon departure from the station on one of the remote turian colonies. Yes, this dissatisfaction also occurred quite often. Fear, apprehension and fear have not gone away. Living remained alive and no one wanted to change the solid wall protected by strong multi-fleets and powerful military forces in the thin walls of the Citadel Balkov base somewhere on slabozaschischёnnoy colony on a forgotten planet, often not having even intelligible name, registration number only.

  Monotonous buzz ElKor, once again heavily peppered his speech with updates your mood and attitude to the interlocutor, not alarmed Shepard - ElKor here in "Purgatory" were frequent visitors and they ... are used to. Captain remembered how the club has put in front of the headquarters of the question of how to right here on the bottom of the institutions allocate space for parking of two mobiles and flyers for rapid delivery to the docks crews squadron. Anderson and Titov then were surprised as the avant-garde idea of the club owners, but had to refuse - too, this idea was not supported for otryadovtsev. So now the lower area and used as a dance floor, and as a meeting place of the club regulars to those who categorically unwilling to enter into the main room places.


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