Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 219

by Theodore Daniels

  This is where the headquarters staff took on the asari - military instructor to order texts from the library in Asha. Transfer of materials is, of course, took place not in the club, in a more appropriate setting for such an action, but the main thing - the asari instructor was completely satisfied. And not only it, but also those who have received some of the information from the library. From gratitude to the Troop Synthetic bursting a few dozen readers and accolades continued to flow to this day. So library materials fully worked for the victory over the Reapers and provided real help to the inhabitants of the galaxy.

  Here, the duty officer of the Corps took ElKor order for removal from Dekuuny Code of the Ancients. ElKor contracting authority was, of course, annoyed, even angry, but Shepard understood it - it's hard to accept the fact that you and your race could not save this relic on their own and are forced to seek the help of the wise, which, moreover, is not so your racial language are well aware and know how to use its features to the fullest. But the message of salvation to the Code of the Ancients spread like wildfire among ElKor and now the Giants met otryadovtsev always kindly, trying to help them with whatever they could. Contact ElKor race for the squad was full and mutually beneficial - that no doubt remained.

  To the left of the small Vi- ah-pee zone was located the so-called regulars Bottom Bar. Looking around the visitors, Shepard can easily distinguish among them Lieutenant James Vega. Now the officer was busy right up and completely absorbed in the process of drinking, so that the appearance on the stairs of the Lower Bar XO "Normandy", he did not react. Somehow Shepard doubted that Vega will not change his habit to find a companion and a bypass for this purpose almost all available to ordinary visitors clubhouse.

  At the opposite end of the bottom view bar Shepard said two familiar figures - Jeff and Olivia. Kiborgessa and chief pilot sat at the table and about something in a low voice talking. The captain had no doubt - Olivia already knows that he is near, however, does not interrupt a conversation with Jeff. And Jeff is filled nightingale, he was pleased to society kiborgessy, pleased him that she listens to it carefully inserts interested replica asks clarifying questions and does it not of necessity, but completely natural. Yes, otryadovtsy knew that Olivia is even indifferent to Jeff and treated it calmly - they are both reasonable and the adults will understand in their mutual relations, will establish acceptable for themselves their level. While that interfere there was no need - under the protection and conservation of kiborgessy Jeff could consider themselves safe. Now the pilot told Olivia's another story of his life and with interest listened to Olivia, played a light smile on her face. Before her stood a glass of wine and it is occasionally quite unnoticed prihlёbyvala from it without taking a careful look to the interlocutor. And Olivia and Jeff did not come here to formёnkah normandovtsev, but Shepard already knew - many visitors have identified this pair correctly. Because around the table - free. Both of them, and no one bothers to not even try to stop. without taking a careful look to the interlocutor. And Olivia and Jeff did not come here to formёnkah normandovtsev, but Shepard already knew - many visitors have identified this pair correctly. Because around the table - free. Both of them, and no one bothers to not even try to stop. without taking a careful look to the interlocutor. And Olivia and Jeff did not come here to formёnkah normandovtsev, but Shepard already knew - many visitors have identified this pair correctly. Because around the table - free. Both of them, and no one bothers to not even try to stop.

  Turning to the stairs leading to the upper large dance floor, Shepard already knew - Olivia and Jeff necessarily Dance together. Later. And then Jeff will return to the bar, and Olivia will be on the perimeter of the dance floor - she loved to watch the organics, loved to study them here so quietly and unobtrusively. Jeff like nobody knew and understood, so never let. Shepard was convinced - Olivia and Jeff fit together and it can form a family in which all will be based on love, harmony and mutual respect. But as long as Jeff and Olivia did not hurry with the establishment of the marital status of their relationship - they just met, we talked to, were together a long time, not only during work, but also during off-duty setting. Everything else, he understood the XO and kiborgessa and chief pilot on the delayed post-war period, firmly believing that this time will come after the victory over the reapers, and hence over their minions. Be sure to come.

  Climbing the stairs to the upper dance floor, Shepard said changes occurred - now here on the perimeter there were tables, but before that there was usually a free band for dancing not reasonable could watch the dancers.

  - We did this in order to reduce the load on the dance floor, the captain. - Shepard woman came in formёnke bar staff club. - I apologize.

  - Nothing. - Shepard nodded politely. - With whom do I have the honor?

  - I - Alison, a technician of the club. - The woman said. They went to the staircase railing. - I have a problem, Captain. We need to somehow improve the power grid of the club. Old does not cope with the load. Well, you know, the number of such institutions is constantly decreasing, visitors come from other points of the closed, not yet closed, and we ... have problems. Including such.

  Past passed several Turian, one of which is enthusiastically told colleagues about how ancient relic was returned - the flag of the First Regiment. Carried away by hearing the story, we did not notice any turians Alison nor Shepard and went to the dance floor, which occupied the table, continuing to listen to the story of a colleague.

  - Do you have a utility room or something like that from space, where we could calmly discuss the problem? - Shepard said, ending scanned the dancers and spectators of the dance floor.

  - Of course, Captain. - Woman nodded and headed for the door at the back of an unmarked dance space. - Follow me, please.

  In a small room she offered Shepard a seat in the old chair, pulled instrumentron, including wall screen, brought him the club circuit power.

  - Who is here and here and here - svetopero in hand machinery touched several points on the circuit, to impose on the club's plan - the power consumption we just rolls over. Blue light, which we have tried to ensure that all, now we have become less available. The club informed and already worried about falling attendance - yet this light is difficult to implement and requires a steady supply, and due to the fact that many units of service the club is now overwhelmed with orders ... In general, captain, unless urgent action is taken ... We will not be able to perform its functions properly.

  Shepard was silent for a few minutes, recalling that of the findings could be used to solve this problem. He knew that Alix, track safety and whereabouts of the Troop leadership, is already aware of the problem, but it is likely to slow the release of the connection, allowing the captain to find a solution to the problem.

  - On one of the planets we have found this scheme, Alison. - Shepard activated his instrumentron, brought to the big screen several of his pictures. - Take a look. She is old, I will not argue, but I think that adapt it to suit your needs can be a minimal cost, and most importantly - very quickly over time.

  The technician stared at the diagram, with the tacit permission of the copied it to his instrumentron, he took up calculations. Shepard did not hurry companion, looking stern decoration of the back room. Rows of racks with containers, where, in all probability, were parts and components to the equipment of the club, a chair, if necessary, is converted into a narrow harsh bed, a table - an old, shabby, used for eating and for repair and adjustment of devices and equipment, chair, who knew better times, a refrigerator, a cooler with water.

  - It is suitable, Captain. - Alison looked up from his screen instrumentrona. - Thank you. You helped me a lot. All of us, the staff of the club very helpful. Thanks again. I'll immediately purchase the necessary components, I think that by tomorrow morning we can finally get rid of the flicker and stroboscopic effect. ... He scares many reasonable. Now we will be able to eliminate this irritant effect. - The technician is definitely lost in thinking about how and what should be
done as soon as possible and Shepard tried to stop her.

  He got up, slapped a courteous farewell bow and left the back room. The dance floor was living their normal lives. Yes, stroboscopic effect was, but the DJ's dancefloor skillfully used its display, making part of the visual representations correspond to sounding melodies and dance rhythms.

  Olivia and Jeff continued to talk at his table. Now he says kiborgessa and Jeff listened intently, nodding his head and keeping his admiring glances with a companion. It is possible, they soon move on the dance floor together.

  At the bar there was Steven Cortez - the driver of the shuttle to the frigate-cruiser. He nodded affably Shepard, passing on the stairs. Shepard nodded, thinking that Jennifer did not refuse to dance this dance floor - it was incredibly groovy, unless, of course, let go of themselves "at will", and this is the place to fully contribute to behold this "letting go." Now Jennifer taught biotics station Grisomskoy Academy. Yes, she regularly wrote letters otryadovtsam those written response letters were even a few sessions audio communication. She, as always a lot of work, a lot of worries and a lot of problems. Children, young people. She had a new full meaning of his life, he found himself.

  The bar-club it was decided to have a drink, but learned Shepard, bartenders stopped any attempt to attract a new visitor to the standard ritual. They knew that Shepard does not drink a lot and is now likely to drink at all is not.

  Citadel. "Purgatory". Lieutenant James Vega

  - I apologize. Allow me to address, sir. - Descended to the platform at the output portal XO club increased the figure of James Vega. - Lieutenant James Vega, sir.

  - I know who you are, Lieutenant. - Shepard responded to statutory greeting junior officer. - So?

  - Captain. - James involuntarily drawn to attention. - I ask you to enroll a team, "Normandy."

  - Otoydёm. - Shepard stepped away from the portal, enabling multiple Turian and three salarians who followed him, free to go to the exit. - And how do you picture it?

  - I have no doubt, Captain, that you are able to quickly learn enough about me. - Said the lieutenant. - But still considered the best way to ask you personally.

  - You're right. - XO nodded. - We do not really take much to get to you, James, the maximum information. But, as I understand it, you are already serving in the NATO videoconferencing. Why do you want it to us?

  - You ... You are the ones who stand on the edge, sir. And I want to be with someone who is just on the edge.

  - Hmm. - Shepard looked quick and attentive look beefy figure of an officer. - James. You - strong, good-natured, I also know that sometimes you adore teasing colleagues and senior officers often do you come damn foolish, but absolutely loyal to the Alliance. You - a hot guy, you exuberant temper and you prefer the words of action. Also, James, I know you're a gambler, often visit the refugees at the Docks Citadel, where cards are winning regularly in local and not just "for fun". You do not like to remember the names of other people, you close association, so every colleague eventually gets you to the nickname. I enjoy sports, exercise regularly, your appearance is an involuntary respect for not only the people but also the aliens. You're a good Melee, has significant experience dealing with a variety of small arms. Your tattoos are mostly done during your eventful life in the Alliance.

  - Hmm. - Stricken James only now dare to insert a replica. - Where did you all that you know about me, sir ?!

  - I'm not the first time at the Citadel, Lieutenant. And usually I'm interested in those who see in places like this. And you, I said as soon as entered. While I was doing their own thing, I forwarded to you on the information that I have read. It did not take long.

  - Impressive. - Said the lieutenant. - And ...

  - Your basic sports equipment - horizontal bar, dumbbells and punching bag. - Shepard continued, allowing himself an easy smile, nor in any way resembled a smile. - You're not a big fan of changing your wardrobe, so is his suit your usual clothes - standard camouflage pants fighters alliance and boots, but you break form adopted among employees of the Alliance that wear no uniform jacket and white T-shirt with the symbol of the Alliance, which you come with the approval of his uncle, in two thousand one hundred and seventy-sixth year. Your joining the Marines was confirmed. - Shepard said it so that James understood - the captain of the incident known drug in the package. - Unfortunately, then you have lost contact with his father and uncle, still you have no precise information about their fate. You have become a lieutenant, a member of the squad "Delta"

  - It was recently. - He forced a James.

  Shepard nodded:

  - I agree. And so it is - more valuable. You have tried to prolong the life of his captain, Tony, you have challenged the leader of the mercenaries, saying it will give him a fight. You, James, did not think of all krogan enemies, so do not try to kill all the dinosaurs indiscriminately.

  - I ask you, Captain ... I'm pretty sure ... - James softly squeezed.

  - I will not. Although, I will not deny the relationship you, James, and a scientific one asari-me too much is known. - Shepard confirmed. - You had contact with Liara T'Soni on the collection of information about one of the artifacts.

  - That's when I realized that she is familiar ... with you, Captain. - Almost in a whisper said Vega. - And it's ... not easy familiarity. Azari-scientists do not denied, nor confirmed the level of your love and the daughter of two asari matriarchs. For me ... it was a common thing, but I know it's not for everyone ... - Vega stopped short, catching sight of captain. - Sorry.

  - Then-Prime Fel colony collapses cruiser collectors. - Shepard continued. - Many of the colonists were then ... paralyzed. You, unfortunately, James could do nothing to help people who were in the Collectors induced stasis, but tried at least to identify the resistance of the collector.

  - Unsuccessfully. - James said, looking down.

  - If everything in our lives to be successful ... - said the captain. - Nevertheless, you say that your kosmopehi not throw. From Messner you get some information about a collector, although already know that Messner is an agent of "Cerberus" and can therefore be insincere in dealing with you.

  - Then I was crushed by that and learned what had happened. - Says Vega. - I then helped Tria. Azari ... are able to alleviate the suffering. Mental and physical.

  - We then decided to get on board ... Collectors ... "battering ram". I agree with the part of the plan looks like madness, but we had to try to rescue the colonists. Otherwise ... - James's voice loses volume even more. Now a huge kosmopeh whispered almost inaudibly, but Shepard easily singled out his voice in the din of the other voices of visitors and employees, "Purgatory". - And then because of the treachery Messner we were captured by the collector. We were stung and loaded into stasis. Good thing I believed then that medicine stasis sooner or later will work. And I...

  - Stop, James. - Shepard, knowing what the source wants to say, even raises his hand at shoulder level. - You did the right thing. One life is sometimes not less expensive than the lives of many reasonable ...

  - But ... I did not save the colonists and the ship had started to burn. They waited for death. All ... I ... - whisper Vega weakened and the lieutenant's voice was trembling. - In my eyes the ship crashed on the planet's surface, burying hundreds of colonists. I then tried to reward even nominated for the candidate in the program "Al-seven." Captain, honestly, I did not want any awards or candidacy ... I was not myself ... because I ... could not save colonists. Yes, Tria survived. I did not feel like a hero, and if I do not feel like a hero right now. - The officer stopped.

  Shepard did not look at him, clearly feeling like it at this moment seriously. Yes, it was necessary to conduct a conversation in the place at all, it would seem, not intended for just such conversations, but ... James invited directly into a meeting room headquarters ... while Shepard was not ready for such a step. He did not like encouraging lieutenant. Wasted encouraging, because the decision on admission of a member of the squad did not depend only on him
, senior assistant, but from Titov, from Svetlana, from Anderson finally. Yes, he had the right to recommend James Troop and he is likely to recommend it. If we human admirals recommended for the program "En-Seven", it means that he is worthy and deserving. Anyway before I was worthy and deserved earlier. And now? It's too much has changed.

  Yes, then after the ceremony, Vega arrived at Fel-Prime, visited the ruins of the colony. There was a monument to the victims of the incident. Shepard knew that he Vega did not understand then, why I save it asari Triyu. He just swore not to forget and to avenge collectors.

  - I knew then ... like you, Captain, ... acted on the asteroid within batarian Hegemony. - I heard a muffled, but got stronger voice Vega. The captain looked at him - a pause went clearly to his advantage - now he is no longer whisper barely audible, and spoke in a low voice. He said simply, clearly, if not always confident, but carefully holding back emotions and feelings, trying to stay within the officer's status and propriety. - Then I was assigned to the unit, where I fought against the Reapers and the Collectors ... We often hear about you and your orders, Captain. Extranet, news portals, eyewitness. So I decided to try ... I understand that the program "En-Seven" is now can not be realized by conventional methods. But I want to understand themselves and to know their limits, and therefore I ask you, Captain, do not deny my request.

  - All right, Lieutenant. - Make sure that the source is quite mastered himself, Shepard moved to the official tone. - I'll pass your request to Captain Anderson. He will raise the question about your admission to the squad before the Council of Troop Command. Greater promise - not in my power.

  - I ... I understand, Captain. - Vega is clearly excited again, but tried to keep myself within. - Here are my coordinates.


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