Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 220

by Theodore Daniels

  - You will be informed, Lieutenant. - Shepard saluted and stepped over the threshold, "Purgatory", heading toward reduces the flyer. We had to return to headquarters to work again in the Hall of crisis management. Hardly around the perimeter of the town to the exec, there is at least one place where he felt as important and necessary as in this room. So there, in the room and had to go back as soon as possible.

  - John. - To communicate with the captain, has undertaken the management of aircraft coming from the square in front of the club flyer, came Alix. - I received information from my mother about your conversation with Lieutenant James Vega. To prepare a preliminary information package handed to its members Command Council. My personal opinion, if I may ... Vega deserves acceptance. I do not see any problems in its settings.

  - I'm also inclined to think that it can become a member of the Corps, Ali. - Said the first mate, and steered the car into the overall flow of traffic. - But to solve still be commanders. Thank you.

  - It was good to help, John. And my mother ... happy to be able to stay so long next to Jeff. - Said kiborgessa before switching channels.

  Planting machine in front of the main entrance to the campus perimeter headquarters, Shepard did not doubt that James will become a regular at gyms and appreciate their equipment and facilities. Yes, after the events at Fel-Prime, James became a little more reckless, he quite possibly smaller values his life, but he remains a soldier, with a good soldier of the Alliance. Perhaps he liked that Shepard did not come to the bar and order a drink, did not order a drink for all Alliance soldiers who were present while in the bar. May be. And maybe he knew that Shepard anyone not inclined to read any morality, in response to the not entirely plausible actions of others. For the program "En-Seven" Vega is also quite acceptable candidate and the fact that now there is a war against the Reapers, According to the captain did not affect the way to select the most deserving for training under this program. Learn commandos highest level should be in the real world and the war against the Reapers provided for this maximum capacity. James Vega fought, actually fought, occupied and lost, shoot, defend, deciding to make a choice sometimes - a very thorny. Which polygon was able to provide this level of capability in peacetime? Yes, no. Because it was obvious for Shepard - James Vega is well suited for most of the parameters, opening the way for higher grade readiness among earthlings special forces. James Vega fought, actually fought, occupied and lost, shoot, defend, deciding to make a choice sometimes - a very thorny. Which polygon was able to provide this level of capability in peacetime? Yes, no. Because it was obvious for Shepard - James Vega is well suited for most of the parameters, opening the way for higher grade readiness among earthlings special forces. James Vega fought, actually fought, occupied and lost, shoot, defend, deciding to make a choice sometimes - a very thorny. Which polygon was able to provide this level of capability in peacetime? Yes, no. Because it was obvious for Shepard - James Vega is well suited for most of the parameters, opening the way for higher grade readiness among earthlings special forces.

  Citadel. Fragments Reaper code

  "During the trip geta patriots server ...". It turned out that it is run hither by the virtual world of one of the central servers, geta patriots were busy not only him, Shepard, support and protection, but also their duties - they studied the code of the old machine, Reapers code, subjected themselves to the risk of infection.

  Shepard shook his head, driving away immediately come thoughts of worst-case scenarios. By the time the geth patriots were not new to the confrontation with the woozy Code Reaper-geth heretics, then the probability of intoxication for them in the absence of direct effect is still declining significantly. Reapers code was important still - it remained the basis of the impact. Encoding behavior, converting organic or Synthet in Servant Reapers ... Legion was right - one sign after the eighth decimal place changes only by one in either direction to the field of organic and gets het-enemy instead of geta other. Roughly the same thing happens with reasonable organics. Once there the classics? It's one step from love to hatred? It - one step.

  Change. Global change behavior. Global in scale separate organics, which has just wish you well and happy, and now ... now do anything to kill you. In the best case, of course, if it can be called the best case, it will do everything for you to become one such as he. He became a servant of the Reapers, was the executor of their will.

  Shepard stopped and slowly walked over to the railing of the balcony, looked around. Another walk on the Citadel was delayed, but ... it was very necessary for the exec. It was impossible to be at headquarters in this polurazobrannom state. You can not. Chakwas quickly will lock it in isolation and umuchaet investigations and inspections with analyzes.

  Shepard grabbed pipe railing fingers, looked at askance Panoramic view from the place where he had to stop. Panorama of the Citadel at war. A few petals, but how their views differ on the type of pre-war peaceful plant petals. Although the station, the station before the war, like ... like in another life, which really want to go back, but not He, Shepard knows prewar Citadel. Now the way to the station is through a peaceful war against the Reapers, which ... that continues. Continuing for several months. Several. Months. Because of this war, he, Commander Shepard, can not now be calm. And if not ... He's Legion, Number frigate, cruiser would for the first time acknowledged that the powerless. Although it would seem, for such recognition was not the slightest reason. For others it was not, and for him? For him - it was.

  This asari strategist ... Morning jogging Shepard on the Citadel. Thirty kilometers of light. Typically, such training is charged as it could have been possible now, in wartime, vigor and health, his senior officer of the frigate "Normandy" and one of the senior officers of the headquarters of the Corps. Morning jogging, during which he habitually listened to the conversations of organic, highlighting their flow problems and challenges that detachment could work during the stay. I could work. And could - form a regular item Flight Plan Flight regular job.

  Military asari strategy that Shepard saw something very briefly, running through the area of the Citadel Embassies, needed pieces of code Reaper. Until now, the Reapers somehow managed to remain malopoznavaemymi for the Resistance Forces. Huge resources are spent on the resistance to the military forces to confront the Reapers and their accomplices. But the fact to learn all sorts of modifications that Reapers, as it turned out, was introduced almost continuously, from the resistance forces are chronically lacking. Because had to beat "the tail", to allocate resources only if without it normal, in general, move, could not do without risking to get in the near future a huge problem.

  Because Shepard and drew attention to this in the field draped formёnku asari. Yes, it is blue-skinned virgin is the right of the elevator, right next to the benches sit raznorasovye reasonable. But his voice sounded asari strategist is concern that the captain, turning to the stairs and getting ready to push to run up successively by three flights of stairs and listened to her talk on the communicator more closely, distracted from thinking about the plans for the middle of the day.

  It turned out that due to poor understanding of the thought processes of the Reapers, the effectiveness of tactical units asari was once again significantly reduced. Therefore, all the inevitable errors in this situation have to bathe again and again heavy losses among sentient organics.

  The PHONES Speaker XO short piliknul signal - it instrumentron recorded all the necessary data, creating another interesting tasks in the database. Information immediately went to Synthetic Detachment for processing.

  Run up the stairs, Shepard moved to the memory possible solutions to the problem. Well there is some asari says excitedly with his command, but he somehow still have to put emotions aside and engage in the practical solution of the problem. Passing through the corridor, leaving the descent ramp leading to the area after mansions, Shepard involuntarily slowed down. Azari-strategist is clearly needed is not any, and specific pieces of code Reaper. And as far as he c
ould judge Shepard moved to the memory of all operations Troop, in which crews and team members faced with Reapers, such codes at the disposal of the Troop, is now stationed at the Citadel, was not. That was not all.

  With difficulty maintaining emotional balance, Shepard ran down the street past a dozen villas, replied respectful nod to the affectional silent greeting the Ambassador of the Russian Empire, which appeared to clean the track in front of the house, turned toward the stairs leading to the Flower Street, goes to the Ring.

  There was no such codes at the disposal of the Troop. Did not have. And as far as understood at the time Shepard, such codes Reaper was not available tsitadeltsev.

  It turned out that the military strategist asari had all the opportunities and all the right to be very concerned, worried and irritated, though like servicewoman its status and rank it was, in general, not particularly to-face. Of course, she had a right.

  While the XO reached the headquarters, several times he went through all the available opportunities Squad. And I came to the unequivocal conclusion - it is essential to talk with the Legion. Only to it. No one else could have helped in this case: the specific areas needed Reaper code, and - svezhemodifitsirovannye. It is unlikely that such organic tracked changes in the code too quickly and the more fully, but the geth, armed not just the AI, but the online version of the AI could do it all the time. The specificity of interaction.

  Good thing he knew immediately who to contact and when entering the Hall of Communications headquarters already know what and how to speak.

  Audio channel:

  - Legion welcome. - Shepard caught flashing stable connection indicator.

  - Glad to hear you, Commander Shepard. - I responded het.

  - We have a problem we can not on their own solve. - XO short, remembering the encryption and backup of a multi-layer, outlined the essence - In general, that's it.

  - Good. - A few seconds of silence. - Shepard Commander, I will consult with my colleagues, and he'll get back to you. In the next few days.

  - I'll wait for the Legion. - Shepard clicks rebound sensor connection, noting the appearance of the indicator icons successful encryption. All. Now - just wait.

  Yes, Synthetic Corps already checked all the possible solutions to the problem without resorting to getam patriots. Alas. Only geth have access to such codes. And they share them, for obvious reasons, with organic ... Do not rush, in short. And hardly asari strategy that here and so just puzzled her commanders, who would have access to the communications network and the geth-patriots would be able to at least ask them a question regarding the Code.

  While awaiting a response, Shepard worked in the Hall of Crisis Management, spoke with Svetlana, convinced that she had more or less everything is normal.

  Finally the officer headquarters invited XO Communications Hall.

  Legion was already waiting.

  - Commander Shepard. We have these codes. Remember your trip to the server? - I asked het.

  - Yes, the Legion. - This time the exec did not want to use the abbreviated name - the situation was too serious.

  - Well. We saved lives when the Prime, who wished to go over to our side, the side of the geth-patriots ... copied abound Reapers codes, those "sequences" in which you have to "shoot". Among these codes, we found the desired.

  - And ... - Shepard's voice cuts through the sharp impatience.

  - We pereshlёm this code, to be exact - a snippet of code. Fully forward, we can not - it is, as it turned out, has the effect of "extraction" if it forward fully. So - just a fragment. - Het was sure that the rest of Shepard understand correctly without verbal explanations. - Instead of the complete code, we will give you information about what is contained in nepereslannyh fragments. Community believes geth, Shepard Commander, that this information will be sufficient for most applications.

  - I see. - Shepard involuntarily bent over the microphone. - Thank you for the Legion.

  - You're welcome, Commander Shepard. One thing to do. - Said het. - We begin the transfer of the fragment. Before connection.

  - Before connection. - Number One looked at the channel interrupt indicator blinked and zazhёgshiysya encoded data transmission indicator. - Olivi?

  - I agree, Captain. - Otogzvalas kiborgessa. - On a standalone server. An hour after the end of the complete control procedure I will be ready to transfer packet fragment you to instrumentron.

  - No, Olivia. It would be better if you pass the name of a fragment of the Troop. Impersonal.

  - This is your desire? - A surprise in his voice sounded kiborgessy.

  - Yes. I do not cope with the task alone, but she coped Legion Squad member. Because ... it is fair, if not revealing the Legion as the main protagonist, which decided this issue, we will give asari-communication strategies and fragment on behalf of the Troop. Perhaps ... - Shepard paused. - Perhaps, after the victory we can say about it ever more ... frankly, if the necessary prerequisites and conditions will be created for this purpose. Please, Olivia, to do so. On behalf of the Troop.

  - I'll do, Captain. - Kiborgessa was clearly pleased. - Thank you. We have always believed, believe and assume Legion member of our Board of Synthetic and even more so - a member of the Troop. I am satisfied, John. Thanks again.

  Shepard switched channels, looked at the fading lights, stood up, nodded specialist communications Hall, heading for the exit. If they otryadovtsy, could not find a solution to this problem ... weakness Wave could cover the Resistance. Reapers were and remained the main opponents did not find a justice on which every single point in time, resistance would be risky to take the path that leads to the guaranteed defeat - or rather, to the success of the Harvest. And then ... Why are there ... then it is clear that while organics ... and not only ... they would have fared badly. Reapers would use this weakening resistance immediately and fully.

  Coming out of the room Links captain went up to his apartment, went to the window, climbed bronezaslonkoy, stood for a long time, staring unfocused gaze at his reflection. Reaper code. One small detail that can jeopardize the preservation of the Resistance forces. A small detail, able to break the resistance to the Reapers. And condemn the intelligent races of the galaxy on the assured destruction. A few minutes spent on the XO to bring their feelings in some norm. Ahead was the planning and implementation of a visit to the Citadel Archives. But now ... now it was necessary to wait until the asari strategist receives Reaper fragment of code and does not understand, read the accompanying documents, this code should be used.

  Finally piliknuvshy instrumentron Shepard notified about the reception expected message. Opening the small screen, the XO read on the situation summary: Asari-strategies to get the code snippet Reaper received supporting documentation, calmly reacted to the fact that in the "sender" is "detachment" without specifying the identity of a particular member of the Troop. Information is already a thing of the Research Center azariyskogo military command at the Citadel. It is possible that work on the fragment Implemented spices asari, will increase the force of the Second Fleet Azari performing forwarding tasks for the protection and defense azariyskih colonies, far from the maternal system. For the command of this fleet is critical to have accurate predictions on the movement of the Reapers and their fleets and squadrons.

  After confirming that the information has been obtained and delivered for processing, Shepard slammed his instrumentrona screen. AI, who lives in the captain instrumentrone, has certainly managed to back up the latest piece of data. Someday in the future on the basis of these records it, John Shepard, writes documentary book of memories. The main thing - to defeat the Reapers. And today he is Commander Shepard, convinced that they are members of the Squad and soldiers of the Resistance Forces of the galaxy, did the right thing. Fighting with the enemy, as the Reapers, you only need the combined efforts. Otherwise, it turns into a guaranteed win of organic lesion reasonable.

  Archive Citadel. A few days alone with ancient history

  The first day

  After solving the problem with the code fragment Reapers took several days. During this time, Shepard was able to calm down a bit, which greatly contributed to the hard work in the Hall of crisis management. Again, a few days of continuous voltage when there is no time to think about anything other than the bare necessities. Perhaps it is possible to exec to convince himself that the problem with the code fragment Reaper does not necessarily mean the defeat of the Resistance Forces of the Galaxy, if the problem is not resolved.

  - John, you are firmly decided a few days ... - in a conversation with Shepard Anderson once again mentioned his desire for a few days to dive into the archives of the Citadel, and, if possible, alone. - Same...

  - It Prorva materials, David, I understand and fully aware. - Shepard confirmed. - But I now it is most needed. I do not know how to say it out loud, but ... my essence so requests.

  - One you definitely will not go there, John. - Slashed Anderson. - For many reasons.

  - I understand, David. - Shepard looked at sat in his desk chair commander slightly askew. - So - I do not insist.

  At this point in the commander's cabin came Alix. In her mind it was impossible to know whether she had heard anything of the conversation which took place between senior officers of the ship, but also Anderson and Shepard knew kiborgessa kept command of the situation with detachment under strict control. And if so, then, of course, I hear.

  - If you will, Commander. - Alix stopped at the desktop Anderson. - I could make the company Captain Shepard. I was all the more necessary to understand how the information was used by the Archives during this time. And Mark and his mother is to take my part to ensure the needs of the Troop. However, you know that I'll still be in touch.

  - I do not mind, Alix. - Anderson said, confirming his consent vigorous nod. - Agreed and - success. - A gesture he dismissed the two visitors.


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