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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 226

by Theodore Daniels

  In the presence of Olivia Shepard gave Asari-widow lost her medallion with a portrait of her husband. Then, also in the presence of senior kiborgessy otryadovtsy we met and talked with Etitoy. All this in detail Alix knew from her mother, but always loved to listen to her stories about the events again and again. The main thing is that there is Shepard acted, acted simply, clearly and at the same time - very succinctly and correctly. Alix this simplicity and capacity liked, she repeatedly found confirmation of the correctness of his attitude to exec "Normandy", the relationship goes far beyond officialdom, protocol and ritual. And because Olivia honestly Etite is what it is not none of belonging among otryadovtsev reasonable would never have admitted - that she - a cyborg.

  As said in a conversation with Alix Olivia talking about this episode, like the older Etita kiborgesse and she decided to tell her the truth - is still in front of her was the matriarch of eight hundred, not a century lapwing asari. Experience and age is important. Thanks to Olivia Etita convinced that Liara can avoid disability, able to return to normal, a normal life. As Olivia said, telling his Alix about the details of the conversation with the asari matriarch, Shepard did not take an active part in this conversation, completely transferring kiborgesse initiative, she, of course, very much.

  Special page epic units to Olivia, as she was firmly convinced Alix, was meeting with otryadovtsev yagom - Grey mediator. Then the eldest kiborgessa only process the information - there were no clashes, shooting, confrontation. There was talk, there has been a regulatory dialogue reasonable organics. Deep such dialogue, a mutually acceptable and mutually beneficial. Alix, who studied her mother collected information about this episode was agreed that the meeting with the Grey Mediator for otryadovtsev was a necessary part of their work in anticipation of an attack on the Galaxy Reapers. It was necessary to understand what resources are available to residents of the galaxy and information Shadow Broker, its location were very expensive and were critical to ensure the future of Victory.

  When it came time to rescue Jennifer, to return to normal life "experimental Zero" Yavik made sure that Jenny met Olivia has not yet regained full consciousness, in a kind of dream. Make it so that Jenny was not frightened presence cyborg. Then, on the Citadel Olivia personally I drove mom Jennifer to meet his daughter. And I see everything in detail. And prepared revived in the full sense of the word, Jennifer needed her now in ordinary life outfits needed clothes and things. She was the first who saw Jennifer, when approached with his mother to a waiting flyer. What could prove readiness otryadovtsev even better perceive Synthetic how their partners as equals? Not only that - in that Alix I was convinced and very proud of the fact that her mother took a direct part in the work of the Troop, repeatedly confirming their silent oath of loyalty to the interests of organic matter, which did not try to make their major interests for kiborgessy. Svetlana, she knew Alix was right when he called Jenny ally and member of Squad Squad.

  Olivia gave Jennifer a lot archives "Cerberus" found, cracked and copied her efforts. Jennifer was grateful Olivia gave her the opportunity to take their own, individually-own decision on deploying personal struggle with the "Cerberus".

  A little later, along with other otryadovtsami Jenny participated in desantirovanii aboard cruiser immobilized collectors. And there was quite a place, having the opportunity to practice their combat use biotics. Then Collectors cruiser ships of the Imperial Navy Reckoning towed to Mars and do his study. Resistance servants Reapers acquired a systemic character. Olivia defended the "Normandy" from trying to collectors, to be exact - General Collectors subordinate squadron Reapers. Alix knew how hard my mother then had to let her and in time, once fully received all necessary support and Mark and the Legion.

  It was then, during his stay in the Corps "Omega" Olivia thought about what her daughter needed. And the thought that she kiborgessa deserves family happiness. Alix knew that Olivia was very partial to Jeff Moreau - Chief pilot frigate, cruiser. He held an important place in her thinking, because Shepard gently Olivia gave to understand that it must choose their companions in the life of another, any other organic matter, except for him, Commander Shepard. And Olivia XO correctly understood, realized and turned her choice, even a very preliminary at Jeff.

  Later, a detachment went to the Phoenix Cluster. Out, then to more than once to return to the Omega.

  Distracted from thinking, Alix routinely updated information about the situation in the Archives. Everything was calm and quiet. No reasonable organics, including the Guardians, not bursting at the limits of this zone, no equipment Archives, continues to operate in "standby mode" or in "standby mode" did not give the danger signal or signals about problems. Problems in hardware and software corrosive Alix also not found.

  Kiborgessa constantly monitoring the situation, I knew that Shepard had dinner and went to sleep, she knew that he was very tired. Remembering outlines the location and content of video archives, to which the captain has planned to introduce, Alix, connecting to the catalog of Archives of the Citadel's not difficult to determine what exactly will work XO tomorrow.

  Maybe it is kiborgesse and ought not so clearly demonstrate that people routinely refer to emotions and feelings, but for tomorrow Shepard planned introduction of content archive S904 and Alix knew that this archive is stored materials associated with the process of the implementation of solutions Citadel Council on restriction, and later - and to ban the use and development of artificial intelligence systems.

  Tomorrow Mate will work with information directly affecting her, Alix, fate and that means ... It means that it will be able to speak frankly with Shepard on many topics of concern to it. In many, but unfortunately not all. For further as anticipated kiborgessa, XO will appeal to video archives materials that contained information on the First Contact War and the so-called forward-looking information that are included there, in all probability, AI Citadel forces.

  Do not approach the place where the captain slept, Alix easily switched part of their systems to boot to the internal storage of its platform have viewed Shepard information. Upon returning to headquarters, it will give the crystals formed in the packing captain - though this information is from him. Including as a memory of their joint stay within the Citadel Archives. For of organic it may be important, but for her, Synthet - burdensome.

  Waiting for the end of the boot process, Alix shadow glided between installations video archives, simultaneously reading the header information. For her, the cyborg twenty-four hours the work was routine, though not an easy art of mastering profound agent of implementation under the guidance of my mother, Alix sufficiently mastered almost every aspect, without which organic instantly be deciphered it, realizing that before them - a robot. Because Alix, moving from one installation to another, internally thought she was going to sleep - so small it was a burden on the system. Backup safety control regime of ships and crews, the exchange tracking mode of information between headquarters and the squadron is not a lot of resources selected and performed in the background.

  Second day

  When he awoke, Shepard looked at his watch - exactly six. Converges in the consumer area - was in the Archives and such, Shepard returned unpacked containers with breakfast, ate, cleaned packing and went to the control panel installation videorekonstruktsii Archives S904.

  Before him there was reconstructed stage elimination at the Citadel last platform, controlled by artificial intelligence. Three of the robot, which, of course, there was nothing human - because people have not yet made their way into the Great Space - stood against the wall. Deaf wall covered with potholes on the charges.

  Look Captain touched the floor plates and found the sought - unmade warped part robot. Here, in this room, the massacre of carriers of artificial intelligence, apparently, was carried out in almost pipelining.

  Red-tape-monger frightened, as if competing with each other, to eliminate the so-called "illegal" AI detected in the stations. Esbetseshnikam, among which at that time accounted for th
e majority of turians, very much like to believe that these three platforms - the AI is really the last on the Citadel. I really wanted to believe. And because normally, even casually made a statement of one of the agents-Turian:

  - It's - the last AI on the Citadel!

  One of those who stood against the wall robot lifted his head and stared at the nearest to it organic, he said:

  - Your actions lawlessness. Why do you keep our physical elimination? After all, you already have a completely different orders regarding our future fate.

  The foregoing cyborg interested Shepard. Pause playback of the reconstructed scene, XO absorbed in searching for video archive directory. Information was found once - the system of references was not damaged, and therefore the necessary documents, to preserve not only the exact date - until the day of, and the level of preparation time, there were immediate. Needless to say - the files were dangerous for Advisors Citadel and because access here so far has been strictly limited, although it expanded - the current Councillors could not resist Yaviku and other squad members were forced to grant additional quotas to visit the Archives in trial and scientific modes of many races. Suppose that in a very limited extent, but that was not there before.

  The documents clearly indicated - subject only to the destruction of "blue boxes" - seat of the soul of artificial intelligence. Platforms were to remain intact. Peering in deliveries to the Pause reconstruction, Shepard became convinced that the "picture" does not lie - the physical destruction of the AI platforms acquired by this time at the Station almost industrial scale and in such circumstances, stop immediately organics could not. But AI immediately tracked changes in leadership positions and C-Sec Station, and it is likely expected that they will at least die with honor. The document lists the methods, techniques, and even the means of destruction and the souls and bodies of artificial intelligence. In the past - for the record, and now - for the story.

  Running the scene to play, Shepard peered into the living fairy "picture". Turian esbetseshnik-reacted, at that moment it seemed to XO, outside the box:

  - Shut up! You know that the Council never will call me to account for it.

  Views (after the next statement videorekonstruktsii pause) some relevant documents on the links Shepard confirmed its previously made intuitively conclude that in fact the then C-Sec, "subhuman" Citadel became quite expected reserve personnel for the Corps of the spectrum. Because many aspects of the real activities of the law enforcement structures carefully camouflaged forces Advisors, as guaranteed to go beyond law and morality. Having made such a conclusion, Shepard continued viewing, removing videorekonstruktsiyu pause.

  At this point in the room where the massacre was carried out, includes several salarians in formёnkah BRP employees. By the appearance of the Salars Shepard reacted calmly - they are, as he expected, but has carried out many times repeated the procedure: against the wall ten meters away from standing still three cyborgs formed system "platoon". Salarians-ordinary safely and efficiently checked weapons. Senior their team looked at-Turian officer that was in the room, probably the most important in rank and status:

  - We are waiting for your orders, sir. - Said a senior salarian.

  One of the cyborgs - now the other, not the one who communicated with his "liquidators" previously made another attempt to stop the violence is clearly illegal:

  - Do not destroy us!

  What senior officer turian reacted predictably, gave the order:

  - Fire!

  Turning away from the "circle" video projector, end playback videorekonstruktsii file, Shepard noticed standing near Alix. In the eyes of kiborgessy splashing horror and, although she stood absolutely still, accustomed to notice the smallest details in the behavior of their partners plastic train, Mate easily understood - it is extremely tense.

  - How ... How can this be ?! Organics ... gave rise to us ... ... made us his help. And then ... began to destroy us? Why?! What we prevented them ?!

  Shepard looked like a fading circle video projector, it becomes the color is not distinguishable from the plates that cover the floor video archive segment. He did not want to like this answer right away Alix in a completely natural, expected and predictable issue, to be exact - on the set of issues. He tried a little bit put off the moment of its response.

  - We are ... people who spawned machines, equipment, machines. Everything is done to simplify your life .... - Shepard hissed the words muffled, slowly. - We have done a lot to make your life likeness ... holiday. If possible - a continuous festival. Often without realizing that we are doing it great harm to yourself, going against his nature. Against the dictates of evolution gave us, the people, the body, comparable with the best fighting machines. Metal combat vehicles. Steel combat vehicles. ... We often fell into the sin of sloth. Often. ... We often do not want to strain, did not want to overcome their momentary weakness, his momentary weakness. Often we want to rest and not to work, to indulge in idleness, not to create. Yes ... We have harmed ourselves. Therefore mankind has been forced to go on now is to make it possible to appear and exist so ... like me.

  - You have something to do with it, John? - Abruptly turned to him Alix. Her voice sounded genuine surprise mixed with amusement. - Do you, then why take on the sin of laziness?

  - It's not laziness. - Shepard hissed. - The fact that we want or do not want, we must follow the laws of evolution, if we are still so weak and lazy to at least try to go beyond these laws ... out in earnest, really. It's not laziness. - Shepard kiborgessu not mention by name, though he was sure - she feels at this point appeal to her. - The fact that humanity creates people like me and I like, within the evolution of requirements, which, as it turned out, gave us, the people, the large capacity and the possibility of it so that we end up one way or another they necessarily and realistically ... taken advantage of. But not all people want ... to strain to master them adequately. Lazy. Wish baldet and not work. And around the world people have become complicated very ... As written in the textbooks - man has created around himself his personal and social environment, which, as usual, are fundamentally different from those media that was able to give us a so-called wildlife of our planet. Although, as it turned out, this nature is quite wild. It is we, the people, still wild. A nature ... Nature usual. Not bad, not good, just the usual. And me ... I was taught to fight in the most difficult conditions in order to ... to all mankind not to be ... one day ... In the latest features, followed by - liquidation. - XO paused. - This scene ... After all, it can be deployed in a different sense. In the other direction. who was able to give us a so-called wildlife of our planet. Although, as it turned out, this nature is quite wild. It is we, the people, still wild. A nature ... Nature usual. Not bad, not good, just the usual. And me ... I was taught to fight in the most difficult conditions in order to ... to all mankind not to be ... one day ... In the latest features, followed by - liquidation. - XO paused. - This scene ... After all, it can be deployed in a different sense. In the other direction. who was able to give us a so-called wildlife of our planet. Although, as it turned out, this nature is quite wild. It is we, the people, still wild. A nature ... Nature usual. Not bad, not good, just the usual. And me ... I was taught to fight in the most difficult conditions in order to ... to all mankind not to be ... one day ... In the latest features, followed by - liquidation. - XO paused. - This scene ... After all, it can be deployed in a different sense. In the other direction. - XO paused. - This scene ... After all, it can be deployed in a different sense. In the other direction. - XO paused. - This scene ... After all, it can be deployed in a different sense. In the other direction.

  - Swap of organic and Synthetic? - Quiet asked Alix. - But I ... I'll never shoot organics, which have not made me a cyborg, nothing wrong. Yes, I was taught to fight ... against organics, but then ... I went ...

  - They - have a look at the XO extinguished "circle" video projector - also changed. Changed, as soon as the situation has changed, which they have failed. First, create
a platform, gradually increasing the level of independence of the will ... of organic reasonable, then ... then we missed the moment when these platforms have become too independent of their creators.

  - Do you, John ... that we, Synthetic, got freedom, also create their own world and the world ... will not be perfect and acceptable to ourselves? - Alix asked.

  - Including this. Nature and evolution does not suffer of completion, not tolerate final perfection. Because sooner or later they will seek any opportunity to upset the balance, disrupt the peace of mind to break the progressive develop, make significant changes to the process. Because in fact, the Reapers - only a special way of making these changes in the evolutionary process. We organics can grow wiser, but we - the lazy. About the Synthetic ... in most cases it can also be said. These AI were ... sufficiently developed to interact with organics. They were also limited, and incurious. Because ... we have a situation where organics have taken up arms, and AI ... AI is too fond of organic, to answer them in the same ...

  - But ... AI can destroy organic matter, if they take up arms. I looked for additional materials, until it was in a mode ... videorekonstruktsiya playback. - Said kiborgessa. - Even the three caught organics robots were able at any moment to destroy ... ... all of these tormentors were too few restrictions. Too few. Does this mean that the development involves the destruction? Landfill is one ... ?!

  - Alas. One. - Shepard nodded, agreeing with the explicit and implicit findings Alix. - And so ... the evolution and nature will not be tolerated ... overcrowding.

  - What ?! overpopulation What overpopulation ?! The galaxy - hundreds and thousands of desert planets. Yes, most of them can live for billions of sentient with minimum effort ... - Alix looked at zamershego Shepard. - With a minimum of effort. - Repeated kiborgessa. - Or...


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