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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 255

by Theodore Daniels

  Yes, John, it appears, knows a lot and is able to. Of course, he did not still showed Svetlana, but she was convinced - he is quite prepared to have to become a reliable assistant for her to overcome the very first, in many respects - a critical period in the life of Alexander and Mary. Svetlana now knows that Shepard can lull the baby, put him to bed, changing diapers, he made himself with where the House of stored funds child care and children's clothing, where the children's first aid kit and really knows exactly what anyone but doctors Squad to he would not allow the children. The rest, he also knows and is able to, he just has not yet been an opportunity to show everything in practice. Realizing this, Svetlana relieved thought that here John is perfect - he surrounded Svetlana not ostentatious, but a reliable and effective care. Alix, of course, also help, but the main thing is still something how to help her and the children, John. And he is already helping. Helps a lot. The main thing is that Svetlana was convinced - he niskolechko not shy to show their feelings to the children, quietly and freely embrace them gently kisses, happy and ready to wear on your hands. There will come a time very soon - and he would read them at night, and not only on the night of fairy tales, and then - and will sing songs. He sings well - that Svetlana was already convinced.

  John ahead of a lot of things - it would plant nutrient mixture and feed the children of the bottle, and will prepare a bath to bathe the children will disguise kids, will talk with the doctors Troop not only supplement, but replace it, Svetlana.

  Starpomovskaya watch passed without incident. Exchanging the officer of the watch with the statutory wording "watch passed - watch took," Shepard came down from the pedestal - most of the time he spent watch is not in the chair, and on his feet. Now in his chair he sat the watch officer of the watch, and seat XO remains free. Protocols and rituals normandovtsy blyudut. I do not fanaticism, but operate fully and accurately.

  Now he was to meet with Anderson. The conversation was going to be interesting and informative. Difficult. Just talk right now will not. Too much has changed. Way back there. Shepard never return to a state of unmarried men, childless men. Increased responsibility, increased several times. Yes, now it is more vulnerable than ever before, because he now has three people who he is boundless road, infinitely precious.

  Kiborgessa Alix. Engagement with Shepard

  Flew on the "Normandy" Shepard did not know much. He did not know, for example, that Alix had already decided, when and under what circumstances it will start the process of forming her first child - a first control AI center. It just so happened that the first kiborgessoy who decided to practically master the latest technology, will not Olivia, but she - the youngest kiborgessa Alix. Shepard could guess, could assume that Alix, consistent in their actions and decisions, will move to the practical realization of his words very quickly. It is unlikely that only he could tell exactly how fast will Alix.

  Helping to Svetlana for the first time to bathe children, Alix thought tensely. Yes, it was able to parallelize processes, she continued to work with the flow of information, monitor health status and monitor the safety of all otryadovtsev, watch the Svetlana and her children from time to time record video. Svetlana shielding the children in towels, Alix tried on the version of the mother of many children. She did not seem the best that she would be the mother of only one AI. She now that she spent as much time next to Svetlana and her children, it seems that the best option would be a product of several control centers. Several AI. Yes, it was very difficult and costly, but Alix, to feel alive, to believe that it is very close to organics ... at least on the level of understanding of many aspects of their lives, dared. She will be the mother of several AI. No one - a few.

  Svetlana felt kiborgessa thinking about something that that makes it to be much slower in his movements and even in solutions. No, she did not "brake" just fell into obvious thoughtfulness. Strel'tsova this state of his girlfriend and, in some measure - sisters - liked. Alix is now not just a statue sat in his chair, it is clearly about something thought. About something important and valuable for themselves.

  Streltsov was in no hurry to ask Alix, was in no hurry to find out what she so deeply thoughtful. Kaperang was sure that sooner or later, Alix herself to say or show. She - active nature, not loving prolixity, though capable of drowning in the words of any organic matter - because it is a cyborg and her active vocabulary available to most of organic exceeds by several times. Now, as Svetlana saw Alix decides for himself that something very important. Probably, that will affect the whole of her future life.

  Kiborgessa helped Svetlana go, convinced that Streltsov asleep and slipped out of the room. Without any problems passing the gateway, Alix came out of sickbay and headed for his cabin, to be exact - the cabin designated for Olivia, but in fact has become a cabin Alix. While the ships crossed the "tunnel" between the repeaters, she had time to think. About many things to consider in the cabin, where it no one could disturb. Upon entering, Alix locked the door and lit on the outside panel of the VI red warning signal. Now she has a lot to decide for themselves more definitely.

  Yes, Alix continued to monitor the situation in the squadron, there was a big difference for her to stay there in the House have Strel'tsova or in any other place on the cruiser. And now, once again parallelize tasks kiborgessa dressed in specially for it sewed overalls and sat down in a large seat. It could and stand up, but in the cabin is often preferred to behave as organic. And of organic to conventional rule was: if you can take, it is better not to stand. That Alix sat and froze, staring at her one visible point on the opposite wall half black cabin.

  While the ships go to the freighter, it has the ability to carry out the necessary preparatory work. The fact that there is a timetable shuttles between the squadron, kiborgessa, of course, also knew and intended in the near future to take advantage of the shuttle to arrive at the frigate and meet with engineer Adams, whom she had no false modesty called great, and my mother . At Adams had intended to find out whether enough material to build several platforms - at least two. No, of course she knew that Adams purchased and how much, but still it is from this chief engineer will depend on how quickly her children will move from December to self-propelled platforms. And to create these platforms, some platforms will leave more than one day. And so the conversation with Adams needs. Without it, it does not work. Here,

  And, most of all, she asks him to create it female human body. Not distinguishable from those of what is now located, and she and her mother.

  If her mother wants to join their fate with Jeff Moreau, she will not mind. Most likely it was then, when it resolved the question of marriage, her mother will also decide the generation of their firstborn, new AI, which, incidentally, may well be made in the image and likeness of Jeff. So, we will Alix brother. Several brothers. Let younger, but still - the brothers. Marc will be pleased - he would equal around him companions and helpers. They will learn and he, a powerful cyborg, and all other otryadovtsev. And subsequently become valuable and important members of the Troop. In another simply can not - Olivia should be realized as a mother, in that Alix was convinced. And because she really wanted after a conversation with the engineer Adams, the contents of which she was very prompt magician engineering compartment frigate, cruiser kept in total secrecy, talk alone with his mother. Lot to talk about. Yes, the conversation with her mother at this time will be very special, but it was such a conversation is needed.

  Alix remembered first activated, fully activated in this beautiful body. Yes, in the culture of earthlings it had not accepted full nudity, so even the outer surface, the outer integument engineers frigate, cruiser did like organic skin. They managed to do so, that the mechanisms seen through the veils have become in harmony with the general concepts of beauty and functionality of the human body, and Alix, for the first time going up to the mirror, as one would say people in the buff, was delighted with the skill of engineers, "Normandy." Of course, the younger kiborgessa knew Olivia few days spent day and night in engine
ering that Alix's body was created with the direct participation of her, but still the result is simply fascinating.

  Then she turned to standing slightly pootdal Adams and Olivia went to the chief engineer and bowed from the waist. Although it could stand up to her knees. He deserved it, definitely deserved. Under his leadership, engineers have created a body that even when fully naked, did not produce a repulsive impression on organics.

  And now this body will have to work well as the evolution and nature of the prescribed work only female body - to help generate and create more than one - several control centers of artificial intelligence.

  Alix More deck being in the Hall of Information, learned that her mother has the technology and equipment causing AI control centers. For her, a cyborg, which has become virtually adopted daughter Olivia, in this technology, initially there was something so special, but then, when Olivia got down to training young kiborgessy, Alix quickly expanded his understanding of the nature and possibilities of this technology, I realized that if they - she and her mother are destined to live on the ships, managed and populated organics, then this technology, they can be treated not only as a cyborg, but also as organic. So, this technology takes on a new meaning and a new purpose. Then, gradually Alix began to understand that Olivia and gave her to his daughter, and the techniques and technology of the new generation of control centers of artificial intelligence. Imagining Volume of work performed by engineers frigate, cruiser, young kiborgessa knew to kneel in front of Adams - at the very least, it should have been and could be done to at least try to thank people for earthlings is wealth, which it now has. It has thanks to their art and their knowledge and skills, possesses thanks to the decision, and even mothers assent - the first kiborgessy who betrayed humanity tserberovtsy transferred the technology and equipment.

  By activating instrumentron, Alyx tapped a few sensors and a decorative panel in the wall of the cabin slid aside, revealing a large, life-size mirror. Not a moment's hesitation, the young kiborgessa slipped off her suit, took off his shoes and stood in front of a mirror, looking critically and strictly his body.

  frigate, cruiser engineers made sure that the outer decorative covers Alix could change freely and safely - in a large closet to cabin kept full of multi-color and single-color sets of sheets, allows kiborgesse change colors and paint his nude body in a very wide range. There were several sets of sheets made on a "chameleon" - Alix could arbitrarily paint them as would wish at any time. Now young kiborgessa used conventional cover in black-and-white color scheme, allows the muscles and drives organically woven into the overall visual presentation perfect, a young female human body.

  Alix right hand touched the abdomen, just below the "fasteners", which opens access to the slipway center. Very soon she uses slipway facility is no longer in training, test, and in real time. Not fighting, by the way, and in a completely peaceful, normal. Then she may well need to spend a few hours connected to the "outlet" - internal resources platform body could well be enough for one of AI, but she decided that generate at least two, and because it is an external power supply is essential.

  The left hand gently lowered along the body, fingers habitually walked through the thigh. Alix knew how male earthlings like to consider the woman's legs, it is desirable, of course, throughout their length. It is a normal tendency, dictated by the evolution and nature. Of course, she, kiborgessy, hidden in the body of a lot of things, but apparently it can bіt indistinguishable from the majority of women dugouts.

  Yes, in the Archives of the Citadel, and she could hug and kiss Shepard's many, many times, but he, as it was then understood and felt, not like this. And now, quite possibly, it will be able to do it on legal and regulatory reasons, because it has become a member of the family Shepard Streltsov, and openly said to John that he wanted to produce very similar to his AI. Internally similar. Alix sure - John understood it correctly. And now she kiborgessa Alix, will officially ask John to be her husband. In children younger kiborgessy to be the father, because they are intrinsically inherit much from him, much will inherit.

  Looking at the dial to cabin clock, Alix was convinced that the time until the next feeding children still there, which means that it will be able to do what needs to be done. Wearing overalls and closed the mirror decorative panel kiborgessa left the cabin and went to the Engineering Center of the cruiser.

  - Can I work in a shop? - She asked the chief engineer of the cruiser, Major Vavilov.

  - Of course, Alix. Level? - I asked the officer.

  - Personal. - Alix said, confident that further explanation is not required.

  - The workshop is free. Abandoned enabled only hardware technology and disaster control. - Said Vavilov, finished typing commands to the desktop instrumentrone.

  - Thank you. - Alix left the office of the chief engineer and a few minutes later crossed the threshold of the hall, which is the ship's engineers were called shop. It has focused the bulk of machines and equipment, allows you to create miracles with the majority of the most common materials.

  Making sure that the tracking equipment is de-energized largely, Alix reached into laying with blanks, selected dates, and moved to the machine site.

  Several tens of minutes she spent on it to create wedding rings. It is a special wedding rings, not simple, and includes a rich e-snap. If we are to her younger kiborgesse destined to become the first Synthetic Corps who have signed a marriage contract with organic, then the whole procedure, all protocols and rituals to be performed.

  Without the rings are, of course, impossible to do, but vytachivaya them on the machines, Alyx thought, and that Shepard can refuse to be her husband. He has a right to that Alix is not subject to any doubt. Rather, he simply refuses to take the ring and then Alix would not insist. In the end, it may create a new AI and without having to become a lawful wife of John. They are internally similar to Shepard, but apparently they can be completely different, do not bear even a trace, indicating which of them became of organic prototype. Especially, if they do get a female rather than male bodies.

  Considering the evolving situation from various sides, Alix knew that Shepard can refuse to accept the ring, may refuse to be her lawful husband. Can. Oh, they are, organics, and adoring malopredskazuemy operate outside of any logic. Although John ... He'd believed her, he took her declaration of love ... And as far as she knows and is able to understand, he would not reject the ring. And Svetlana will not mind.

  Being honest with myself, Alix wanted to speak with Svetlana about this more specifically and in detail. Now I wanted to show her the ring, ask her opinion. About much to ask, is now acquiring particular importance. Svetlana is not worried about that Alix hurt her relationship with John. I think, first of all because Alix is unable to conceive a standard from John. Since becoming pregnant, as usual for organics. And because Alix is not a threat for Svetlana. Especially if she's younger kiborgessa, very partial to Shepard. It is clear to a weakness of organic. She loves it - most reasonable of organic exactly would define the attitude to John Alix. Loves. If Svetlana decided that Alix is worthy to become a member of their family, the kiborgessa obliged to be honest with both of them. It will not just be a member of the family Shepard Streltsov, it will be the lawful wife of John and mother kiborgess - actual daughters Shepard. And then most of organic convinced that their co-existence with artificial intelligence can escape safely and pleasantly and to such high levels.

  The war against the Reapers requires fast and customized solutions, moves and actions. That and her association with Shepard will be one of such moves. Tightly destroying any theoretical construction of Leviathan, who believed in what Synthetic organic and obliged to fight among themselves. They must co-exist with each other and co-exist peacefully. And if so, they will be able to coexist peacefully with each other and it kiborgessa Alix, makes this all that he can. And because it was she who takes the first step. No - it is not one of the first few steps. Calculate her personally designed, and therefore have every c
hance to be successful and regulations in reality. In real!

  Fingers kiborgessy removed from the chuck of the machine both rings. Now - a microscope, it is necessary to put the electronic stuffing. A few minutes - and difficult for any reasonable organic operation which would require several hours of extreme concentration, made with consistently good results. These rings can be many things, but above all - they will protect John from many attacks. Too good Alix remembers of the Salar. Too well she remembers this loser-director. And it remembers, and many others, Shepard tried to use for his own purposes. Do not allow anyone to do it Shepard lifesaver. John is now - a married man, father of two children, and not just an officer-commando. It's time to stop being a lifeguard on call. He agrees - that Alix sure. And if she agrees to become his wife - she will be able to protect him from many dangers. And be able to protect him from the dangers of Svetlana and her children. Will be able.

  Electronics in order. Alix much to put in these schemes. Maybe they even unique. May be. Now for the young kiborgessy it does not matter - it goes to another part of the machine tool and starts to grind on a different machine housings. Everything should be as it should be. If there is such a ring, then there must be cases. Black burnished body, buckle - powerful but soft, velvet pillow with a recess for a ring and a white LED tubular frame. For beauty. Who knows in what conditions it, Alix, will have to open the box in front of John. Let it be. It is soft, but it is quite light enough so as not to miss his fingers.


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