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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 257

by Theodore Daniels

  By the way, the route has changed and now, if it is time to fly to the frigate, she will be all about all no more than three hours before the release of the next zaretranslyatornoe space. Not more than three hours. Unless, of course, it decides otherwise, and does not remain on board the "Normandy" for another shift. Customarily quickly and having considered options otranzhirovav tasks Alyx thought. Maybe it should be the product of the first-born to do it on the "Normandy"?

  - Think of the children, Alix? - Next stops Selezneva. Kiborgessa nods silently.

  - Then it will be better for you to do it on the frigate, cruiser. - Says the doctor. - And I do help Svetlana cope with all the troubles.

  - Thank you, Alla. - Alix nods. - Can i ask you?

  - About that, where I learned that you fly on the "Normandy" to be a mother? So we Svetlana old friend and she told me that a lot. And the rest is to think out - not too hard, it really is. If you really become a John and his wife, the children certainly you of it should be. And you have to bear it on the frigate. In it, John's ship. At the very frigate, cruiser, where he - XO. And to deal with those, what do you want to see their children in the form of autonomous mobile platform is best to start on a frigate, and not on the cruiser. I'm sure Adams would be pleased and proud to help you at the beginning of the selection process. And there it will go - and join volgovskih engineers and technicians. So that your children will have a unique body. No less unique than the way in which you are located or your mother. - The doctor said.

  - Thank you, Alla. - Alix bowed before the cruiser in polite doctor bowed. - I'll try to get back as quickly as possible.

  - Come back. And - do not hurry. Talk, stay with my mother. You, and it is needed now. Very necessary. Stay next to John. And it will be good if you allow him to be present when spawning. I think it would be important and valuable for him.

  - I'm sure of it, Alla. - Alix nods and heads for the hangar cruiser. Transport hangar.

  A few minutes ago the cruiser fell out of the repeater, and now he goes after "Normandy" in ordinary space. Yes, kiborgessa Alix tracked in the background, this process, but now it is more interested in someone who arrived on the cruiser with the first hook. It turned out Yavik.

  - Greetings. - Proteanin nods included in the hangar kiborgesse. - You fly?

  - Yes. I think it will stay there ...

  - Non-binding. - Proteanin warning just raises his right hand. - Be there as much as you want. For you ... now it is important not to hurry. - He turns and walks out of the hangar. Without turning around.

  Alyx climbs the ladder into the canoe. A regular, normal. The driver nods - he learned kiborgessu gesture indicating a chair, but Alix sits on the bench, she was so familiar and even ordinary. The driver hiding in his cabin. This time she is flying frigate only remaining volgovtsy do not yet have a particularly urgent cases requiring their visit to the "Normandy". At the appointed time schedule cruiser launches the shuttle beyond its protective field.

  Sitting on the bench, the usual harsh plastic, wooden bench, Alix decided for themselves a difficult question - immediately go to John, or maybe still do by "independence" option, that is, to not just to John but to Adams. Ultimately, if she decided to give birth to two AI, what is the difference in principle whether or not directly involved in the John Shepard. Newborn AI will still receive the body. If this requires a visit to the Anderson - she would do it if it will take to go to the Titov - she, too, would do it. She decided that she will be a mother - and time for the implementation of this decision has come. Whatever it was, her children will receive the body - from the hands of any engineer "Normandy" or "Volga", engineers, or of both. And they will like AI Shepard internally - that's just her decide. Maybe she did not want John to present at the process of birth. He has every right to do so.

  All that she has thought for a few minutes and the remaining time just sitting, looking at the wall panoramic screen, to broadcast the image of the approaching frigate, cruiser. The ship was going at slow speed and the shuttle is almost caught up with him. At small distances, such a boat is quite capable, especially the arrival of the shuttle agreed and carried out within the approved schedule.

  Soft touch and legs clamps slimming ship inside a hangar. Minute - and the salon door slowly goes up. At this time, Anderson does not meet the shuttle is not in the hangar, how quickly convinced Alix, and Shepard. Because kiborgessa comes to the plate deck hangar, he nods to know her techniques, hlopochuschih in machinery and out of the hangar, standing up to the deck, where there is access to the cockpit.

  Well, she has locators - Shepard walked toward her. And Alix hesitated for a few seconds.

  - Greetings, Ali. - Shepard stopped.

  - Hello, John. - Alix coped with little confusion - admitted the same information overload, a little, but in a normal, non-combat mode, she made her slow down. - I'd like to meet you to talk.

  - Good. How to free yourself - will go to me. I spent the next few hours will be in his cabin. - Shepard throws and passes Alix, heading for the elevator trunks.

  Alix makes a hesitant first step, which is not hiding from the attentive gaze Exec. He stops, turns and looks, looks after leaving kiborgesse. She feels the this view and realize that John understood something.

  Kiborgessa goes to the stairs. Locator reports that John went into the technical hangar. Now he says with a procurement officer, a quartermaster. Normal service call. You never know what may be required when working at the repeater. And even later, when comes the turn of the two "cute" planets.

  That's the entrance to the engineering bay. Remote Engineer Adams. Engineer Sam conjures above the keyboard. It is almost always busy, but felt that someone entered the compartment, turns around:

  - Alix, glad to see you. - Says Earthman and friendly nods.

  Alix nods, stops a few steps away from the console:

  - I'm sorry to tear off. - She sees that Adams returned to the magic of the keyboard.

  - Nothing, I can well work and listen to you, Alix. So, as they say, what can I do ...

  - I would like to talk with you in your office. - Alix his whole appearance shows that more here, in the open part of the engineering compartment is nothing elaborate in any way will not be.

  - Good. - Anderson graduated enter commands, turned off the keyboard. - Come on.

  In a small working office Adams nods kiborgesse on a chair and she sits down. Armchair in his office frigate chief engineer does not hold, though occasionally use them in the mood. Closed the door on the latch, Adams goes to his chair at his desk, sits down. Alix puts the reader in front of him.

  - I do not want everything to sound in words. - She explains.

  Adams takes the reader turns it deep into reading. He reads quickly, but carefully, that Alix enjoy.

  - The Lord Almighty ... - softly exclaimed Adams. - Well, I took stock of materials. - He paused again re-read some of the files. - Do you have specific requirements?

  - There is. - Alix nods and puts on the table in front of Adams, the second reader. Engineer takes it comprises several seconds looking at the image.

  - They're ... better than you, Alix.

  - As it should be. Children need to be better parents. - Kiborgessa sitting on a chair straight back straight up to the limit. - I very much hope that they will help detachment more than I can help.

  - You already are helping and have helped detachment, Alix. - He speaks softly, but at the same time adamantly Adams. Alix nods - she need not argue. - And, I am sure, will help even more.

  - Maybe. - Says kiborgessa. Of course, I'll help any way I can - help. But hardly'll be able to do more than my children, unless, of course ...

  - I'll take the case. As long as we go to the freighter, we have at least four days. I was just thinking over what useful and capacious should take engineers and technicians, and now I see - it is beautiful in its complexity and importance of the task. And it is I already like. I am sure that she will like it, and my colleagues.

Good. - Alix calm. In any emotions she did not see the need, therefore, is in no hurry to show them and demonstrate. Adams looks at her with understanding and kiborgessa lowers his eyes - he saw it more as a control center, so that it pass in front of her. All the usual - she wants to have her future children had normal body. And Adams does what knows and loves best - solve interesting and complex problem. - Readers I leave to you. If anything...

  - As soon as - so soon, Alix. - Adams nodded, standing up to indicate that the meeting came to an end. Alix got up and immediately headed for the door. Now it was more interested in how and what should be said to John. With her mother she will talk later.

  Before she reached the cabin XO fast enough. The door was half open: John definitely come back to the old practice - he was always open to dialogue, it could apply to any normandovets and Door Ajar is a sufficient signal to anybody especially did not hesitate to communicate with the senior deputy commander of the frigate, cruiser.

  - Glad I came, Ali. Come on. - Shepard turned, got up from the desk chair, gesturing at the empty chair beside her.

  - I'm glad, too, John. - Kiborgessa tightly closed the door on that Shepard reacted very calmly: if he had a visitor in the cabin, the door could be closed - this practice all normandovtsy accustomed to quickly enough. - John, you're not too busy?

  - No, Alix. Says. - Shepard knew kiborgessa does not want to sit down in a chair while and it took the decision calmly. - So?

  - John. - Alix hesitated. - You know that Svetlana said about me?

  - I know, of course, Ali. And fully supports her decision. You are a part of my family.

  - I would like to precisely determine its status in your family, John.

  - What is the status, Ali? - Shepard did not take a step to kiborgesse with difficulty restrained from being able to do it. - You're us - native. I remember that you told me then, in the Archives of the Citadel. AND...

  - And I remember that, and most importantly, you have answered me. And because I want to take the next step, John. - With these words, Alix took a case with rings and habitual movement opened it. - I ask you to be my husband.

  A few seconds Shepard looked at the ring, then glanced at Alix. Kiborgessa continued to stand still, waiting for an answer she clearly was not going to leave without getting it. The captain realized that it was his habit to calculate the most options

  - I agree. - Simply and briefly Shepard said, taking the ring out of the case more and putting yourself on the ring finger of his right hand. - Allow?

  - With pleasure, John. - Kiborgessa waited until he would get out of the case ring smaller, removed pouch waist styling and extended his right hand. The captain put on her ring finger ring and Alix smiled her full smile.

  - Sit down, Ali. - He waited delighted kiborgessa sits down in a chair, pulled the second chair closer, sat down and took over the hands of the younger kiborgessy. - I'm glad you decided. AND...

  - John. I said that I want my firstborn was like you, if not outwardly, at least internally. - Alix said, enjoying the proximity to Shepard, enjoying the fact that her hands are in his hands and he was not in a hurry to leave. - I would like to clarify, John, I want my first-born were similar to you at least internally. I have decided that there will be two. At least two. - She smiled somewhat sheepishly. - And I want to be like their mother as soon as possible.

  - Keep your decision, Ali. A...

  - With my mother, I'll talk. Required. Maybe - even today. - Alix said. - I ... she got up abruptly, seeing rises from his chair Shepard ... It is very important that you ... agree, John, to be my friend ... mostly. - She stepped to Shepard, and embracing him, umostila head on his right shoulder, pressed against him and closed his eyes. - I ... I feel now very lively and very happy to feel that I'm not alone ... ... - she paused for a few seconds, feeling like John easily priobnimaet her waist. - Thank you, John ... - visor Alix became almost transparent and bought an ordinary blue and white color.

  Minute - and she pulls away, opens his arms, he stands back.

  - John, I know that my hair is standard. And now I want to briefly transform it for you to know - I really appreciate your attitude towards me. - Alix shakes his head, a few seconds - and her hair become normal for women and girls of organic shape and form, nothing resembling a strict polushlem with an almost smooth surface. - It is - only the first phase of changes. Over time, I'll try to show you, John, and other phases. - Says kiborgessa.

  - Looks great, Alix. - Shepard did not reach out to the hair kiborgessy, knowing that now it would be very much against.

  - I'm glad you liked it, John. - Slight tilt of the head to the right, turn the face slightly to the left - and instead of a strict and aloof robot before the captain is an ordinary girl, a little younger than him. - Alone with you if you do not mind, of course, I would like to dissolve the hair in the usual for terrestrial female hairstyle.

  - I'm not against.

  - Then I'll go. I want to see my mother. - A little sheepishly said Alix. Second - and hairstyle gets old form polushlema. - It was nice to be alone with you, John. - She stepped to the door and turned around. - When I'm ready, you are sure to see the entire process.

  Shepard nodded, watching as it clearly turned to the door and crosses the threshold, quickly clearing the latch and covering for him, almost completely covering the flap.

  More Information approaching the hall, Alix was surprised to realize that my mother is waiting for her. In the hall she alone - Mark went into the hold, there is something he needed. Just changing the color to yellow visor, Alix came to the door of the hall, knocked.

  - Come on, Alix. - Olivia's voice. Younger kiborgessa crossed the threshold, felt the door leaf gets into place. - You look ... - smiled senior kiborgessa, sitting in a desk chair in front of a dozen screens. - Come on, tell me.

  - Mom ... I'm getting married. For John Shepard. - Alix snapped and smiled shyly. - Here. - She showed Olivia's ring on his finger. - We got engaged with him and not against Svetlana. You already know ...

  - I know. - Confirmed Olivia, standing up and hugging daughter. - You have me very, very adult became. Well. As they say the people, advice and love you. Children...

  - I have decided - at least two. And John ... - Alix hesitated. - He sees the whole process. I trust him.

  - Keep your decision, Alix. AND...

  - Girls, Mom. I spoke with Adams, gave him the project materials. He promised to connect its engineers. For four days, I think govern. And yet ... While the girls, I pray in the decks. - Alix paused, then looked at her mother. - I would like to see you, too, took part, large and significant part in their birth and upbringing. And I would like you to be offered for them names. I will be very valuable ... your participation and your opinion.

  - Well, Alix. I agree. And very happy for you. Fair. - My mother hugged her daughter Alix stronger and disappeared into these open arms. - Let's talk about everything that happened. And let's talk about what we should do next.

  They talked a few tens of minutes. Alix sat on the banquette and looked at my mother, who did not even sit on the chairs, and not that of the chair. Olivia walked around the room and talking, talking, talking. She spoke softly - kiborgessy communicate on their own, encrypted communication channels. Personal communication, reliably protected from listening. They said they are really a lot. The past, present and future.

  - Alix, I will ask you one thing. - He said ending the conversation, Olivia. - It is simple and at the same time - it is very difficult. - Older kiborgessa paused, Alix all addressed in the hearing. - John Preserve, Svetlana and their children. ... They must live up to the victory over the Reapers. And John ... I think that only shortly before the victory he will finally be able to find out what happened to Dana. It's "Cerberus", I'm sure.

  - All right, Mom. - Alix stood. - I understand and I will do everything I can. - She paused. - I'm sure John will find Dana. And I will help him in his quest to help ... in every way.

  - I'm glad Alix. - Olivia looked
at poserёznevshuyu daughter even more. - When planning to finalize the working main inclusion slipway center?

  - Tomorrow at noon, Mom. Not earlier. I do not want to rush. They - my firstborn, and I will do everything to be the best.

  - Understand and support. - Olivia handed her daughter a stack of readers. - Here, you collected some data array. It is useful.

  - All right, Mom. I will go. ... I need to be alone. About many things to consider and many decide. Thank you. - With these words, Alix came out of the Hall of the information transmitted in the undivided use kiborgessam.

  In his fregatskoy cabin - very small in size, but cozy and is now immersed in a pleasant shade, Alyx put a stack of readers for desktop and wondered, looking at the closed window bronezaslonkoy. Everything, like, develops standard, but why not the desired calm, why continue to boil information flows, pumped between virtual processors?

  Hands clasped under the breast, Alix leaned back against the wall, his head tilted slightly to the left and to the side and stopped, transferring more energy to find the problems and questions that remain without solution and therefore probably causes the control circuit to signal instability.

  Very soon, she realized that it would be better to go and pay off all the lights in the cabin. Silence, darkness and the horizontal position it will save more energy, so that it can quickly find the cause of anxiety. If you find, of course. Or at least will understand what this reason may be the most likely. Soffits slowly but steadily faded, but Alix was lying on his back on a rigid shelf - in his small cabin she did not put a normal bed with semi-rigid mattress. Now we have to wait until the system got more energy, do their work.


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