Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 259

by Theodore Daniels

  - John, but as soon as I hinted at planёrke that ended a few minutes ago about such a possibility - I almost broke. The second took away all the material immediately arranged a brainstorm. And fingers proved that Alix, if we agree, to get their children's body as soon as possible. Yet we have not wasted so much time at the Citadel loaded with everything you need. By the way, John, as I understand it, Karin too excited even from the external data our future junior kiborgess. Just imagine Alix, on which the sides are two such beauty! - Engineer clearly did not hide his joy and satisfaction. - Yes, I am ready to shake the old days, but these two kiborgessy are truly unique! If Alix Olivia cooperate, then they, the girls will receive comprehensive training. You know, I'm trying to get used to the idea that we are, detachment, It gave rise to a whole really special race Synthetic. Intelligent Synthetic be tailored to the individual consciousness. With a fair admixture of collectivity, of course, where do without it, but still - very individual. Different, different.

  Trill instrumentrona Adams interrupted speech. After reading the message, the on-screen table, the chief engineer of the screen turned to Shepard to exec could also get acquainted with the contents of the received file.

  - You see. Previously, we had hoped that we will solve this problem of engineering service forces, and now ... now have to arrange shift work as Gabriella came loose everything that is possible among the ladies, and they therefore did not fail to supply us, "technicians" ultimatum. Say, you give us any work on the bodies of the first-born Alix, or ... - Adams paused, looked at John, then continued, - you know, what can uchudit an angry woman.

  - Many things. But, perhaps even better. - Shepard said, rereading the message. - Let the bodies in the creation of the twins to attend the entire crew and the whole team of the frigate. I think Anderson ...

  New instrumentrona trill and a new message, which now read both Adams and Shepard.

  - Karin has prevailed upon David. - Adams said quietly. - So, we have nowhere to retreat. Kenneth. - He called.

  The young man drew in the doorway instantly.

  - Develop a schedule of shifts, utryasi all with Gabriella. - Ordered the chief engineer, without specifying the details out loud.

  - Yes, we understand. - Donnelly nodded and vanished, do not forget to close the door tightly to his study.

  - To eavesdrop. How to drink to eavesdropping. - Adams said softly. - However, I had not offended. Himself would have grown big ears, if only felt that it smells like ... such action - he stood up, walked over to a series of wall-mounted screens. - Although the war ... this circle, but apparently all is not lost if we got such wonderful job here. Do not kill anyone there or spray it, but rather to create a multi-dimensional ... and beautiful. And most importantly - almost eternal.

  Shepard nodded.

  - We'll have to think about the delivery room. This time I Chakwas this honor will not give up. - Strictly said Adams, whose eyes danced merry imps. - Alix tells me herself, where and how it wants to create new AI. And I listen to her only recommendation. And I will consider it only solutions. - He lowered his splayed his fingers of his right hand on the countertop. - Resolved, John. Hmm, I even look younger, when I feel that decide such - he has done a good companion for a significant emphasis, - task. Two kiborgessy! Two new beautiful and intelligent kiborgessy! I hope that with Olivia Alix agreement will give them the right and the opportunity to generate new AI. And both bring up their two kiborgessy at its best! Well. We will not hesitate, will act! - he got up. - Let's take counsel with Alix and Olivia. And we get down to the real work! - He led the way to the office door.

  - Glad to see you. - Older kiborgessa met them at the entrance to the Hall of Information. - While Alix ... charged and checked ...

  - Tx-m. - Adams coughed. - A...

  - No. - Olivia waited until the men sit in the chair, then he sat down in his chair. - It is - not in a hurry. It just makes everything that we had most of opportunities long before these opportunities, we need realistic.

  - Chief, deki newborn kiborgess ready and tested. - I came into the speaker Adams Kenneth voice. - Forward additional information to your instrumentron. I am waiting for a confirmation.

  - Kenneth in his repertoire. - Adams growled, apologetically maznuv on Olivia's face. - I apologize. - He opened instrumentron, careful reading of the texts. - What to do something with them ?! How broken loose. - He signed several files waveguide-kodatorom pressed PTT Speaker PHONES. - Kenneth, proceed with the certification.

  - Yes, boss. - Donnelly switched channels.

  - Wow, youth. - Quite a chuckle, Adams said. - Indeed, I too young when I work with them, this pair of technical magicians. Together, they are strong and terribly effective. Excellent tandem! - Proudly told the chief engineer. - Well, Olivia. I do not mind if deki really ready, then, at least in the first hours nskolko children Alix will house. And the bodies, as you already know, we will try to resolve the issue quickly.

  - I know. - Olivia smiled. - And very grateful for the fact that their creation will take all normandovtsy part.

  - Well, it's not me, it is necessary to thank Gabriella. - Embarrassed Adams said. - She told her friends, well, there ... in the normal way.

  - Maybe it was necessary to do so, the engineer? - I asked the elder kiborgessa looking at Adams thoughtfully and very kindly. - Provide all normandovtsam right to make a personal choice? And then - to combine these personal choices in the selection of the collective?

  - Hmm. - Adams a bit confused. - May be. But I am not...

  - I know you did not prohibit any of his colleagues make this information beyond the engineering compartment. - Continued the elder kiborgessa. - Perhaps it is born and the whole synthetic race. Gradually, little by little.

  - I do not know ... hmm. - Adams looked down. - We do not know how it was in reality. Even Yavika information refers to ... a very late times, when it came to a confrontation with Synthetic and not tracking their racial development and strengthening.

  - Maybe we can avoid a lot of mistakes ... - Shepard said. - And, of course, made his own, who will consider others.

  They have long, a few tens of minutes talking about what we have learned from the tales of synthetic Yavika races, who lived more than fifty thousand years ago in the same galaxy. Perhaps the situation is repeated, it might be repeated because of its potential has not been fully exhausted.

  - I thank you that you came to us. - Alix entered the hall. - I am very glad to see you here. - Young kiborgessa village in the empty chair. - I do preparatory work and now I'm ready for activation slipway center. All information and data is already loaded. Within a few days remain full readiness mode.

  - We would like Alix, clarify your wishes regarding the process. - Adams said. - Time, as I understand it, either, and the place?

  - Mom, we can use one of the backup Halls Information. There's room enough ... I know that many will want to see this process with my own eyes, and not just on the screen.

  - Well, Alix. - Olivia pereschёlknula several sensors instrumentrona your desktop. - I think you're right. It is better to reserve a place at the Hall of Information frigate difficult to specify. Engineer?

  - I've already got the information. - Adams stared at the screen of his instrumentrona. - I agree. And my colleagues are already working there. With the room clear. Alix, can you better ...

  - No. I at this time should be in an upright position. - Said the young kiborgessa. - Horizontal position - only for lack of energy.

  - With energy problems will not be. - Adams made changes to the text on the screen instrumentrona pressed file sending sensor, waited a few seconds, a short answer. - Yes. The hall stretched reserve lines. Energy will be provided.

  - Glad. Deki newborns with AI should also be installed in this room. - Alix continued. - Transfer them anywhere - not desirable.

  - Good. - Adams concentrated pressed sensors on its wrist instrumentrone, briefly glancing at the screen. - This is what we provide. Time?

- Two hours minimum on the formation of both the AI, at least an hour - on the hour and the initial programming on stabilization. Plus an hour - to prepare for the transfer to deki. - Clearly and simply said Alix. Olivia, agreeing with the opinion of the daughter, acknowledging nod. - Not the whole process will go with open wings capsule slipway center - a warning notice young kiborgessa. - Need extra protection and insulation, which can only provide a completely closed and locked the capsule wall.

  - Do not worry about, Alix. - Adams nodded. - Everything will be the way you want.

  - John himself would get the control centers of both AI and he will transfer them to deki. Hands. - Alix said quietly, looking at the Shepard - it is necessary to know the daughter of his father.

  - I'll do it, Alix. - Firmly but softly said Mate. - I'll do. - He confirmed, after a moment.

  - I know, and very happy about it. - I nodded younger kiborgessa.

  "Squadron" approach to the repeater. Predpryzhkovaya readiness "- a message vahtsluzhby frigate for handsfree come in time.

  - Now, we have - at least three hours of transition. - Adams said. Olivia nodded, having verified with your instrumentronom. - Managed the same.

  - Yes. There were no clashes. - Shepard said. - Let's discuss the details of colleagues.

  Forty minutes later, Adams and Shepard left the Hall of Information. Mate and Chief Engineer visited the reserve room, made sure that everything is prepared for an unusual process.

  - It will be a real sacrament, John. - Adams said, leaving the hall. - We have not seen, as it was done tserberovtsy, we have not seen the conversion of VI to the AI on the moon, but we can see many details, not all, of course, but many of the details of the action here ... and very soon.

  Shepard nodded. Just turned thirty years since the release of humanity in the Great Space, but thirty years - and while it started off at a gallop. Citadel Council, a journey through the galaxy on dozens of worlds, fighting with collectors and tserberovtsami, assistance and getam quarians ... And the arrival of the Reapers, who want to fulfill their mission, wanting to destroy organic life in the galaxy. Reasonable organic life.

  Coming to the flight of stairs, engineer and first mate went in different directions. Work and service continued. It was necessary to prepare for a lot of surprises and troubles, as well as enable Alix tune in such an important and difficult process, as the new generation of artificial intelligence.

  The news that one of the greatest of the sacraments, of course, spread on the frigate wildfire Information will soon be implemented in the backup Hall. But outwardly it looked typically - no one interrupted the work, no one did not express excessive curiosity. Information about the action on the left and "Volga".

  Kiborgessa Alix. The birth of the firstborn

  One hour of three o'clock in the transition through the tunnel between repeaters crew of "Normandy" has spent preparing for unprecedented action. Engineers compartment appeared blocked from associates was not hanging up, changing components in heated arguments and endless negotiation. In the office of the Adams lined up wanting to prove that they are something more than just drive a nail into a wall with a hammer.

  In standby Hall Information ended with the final preparations: through the efforts of Kenneth Gabriella and there erected a sort of alcove, who wished to form a children standing Alyx felt no additional loads. Olivia personally controlled everything, shuttling between the engineering compartment, where the work was going on over the bodies of the two new young kiborgess and Information Hall, where should soon settle her daughter.

  Hastily prepared closed and encrypted communication channels, the entire process was supposed to shoot at the maximum fullness. The navigators and pilots decide the question of when to begin the process to allow Alix - during the passage through the tunnel between repeaters or during the passage from one relay to another in ordinary space.

  Finally everything went into the rhythm and when the squadron the next time out in the usual space, Olivia and Alix said at a meeting with Anderson, that they are completely satisfied with the conducted training and understand that newborns AI will have to spend a few hours to several days in the decks - though the engineers frigate, cruiser and added enough skilled assistants, they flatly refused to hurry, hurry and in any way to violate the order of creation of bodies. To avoid any trouble, it was decided to carry out the sacrament of the tunnel mezhretranslyatornogo transition.

  - John, I have no doubt that on the way we have another pair. - Anderson said that after the meeting, they were left alone in the commander's cabin. - You're right. - Anderson confirmed. - This is - our couple of technical magicians. It is foolish to keep them at a distance, all the same, they are each other by fate or by the fact that we tend to call fate. - Commander of the frigate, cruiser was unusually thoughtful. - Svetlana law - when she give birth - and soon on troop ships will nursery, and there to kindergarten can deal very quickly reached.

  - We will try all the same, David, our children went to kindergarten in normal conditions and extra-vehicular necessary - after the final victory over the Reapers. - Shepard said, watching as the master cabin paces it perimeter. - To do this, some nothing at all - to end the war with the Reapers our victory over them for two - a maximum of three years.

  - Needless to say out loud, John, that we will do everything possible for that. With such a strong crew and the team can do wonders not as a reality. - Anderson said, stopping at your desktop. - It turns out that the act of creation of a new race ... this is a very responsible and multifaceted affair. In vain many of organic reasonably related to such cases much too lightly.

  - Each of his acts to the extent of preparedness, David. - Shepard said. - Will be able to enter the ships ...

  - High alert for the duration of the process? - Anderson looked at his deputy. - Able. We do not just be able to - have a responsibility to manage. And Alyx should give birth. Yes, I know, we humans tend to define these processes so. But it will really give birth, give rise to a new substance. The platform is also important, I will not argue, but the main thing - that directs, manages this platform. The soul, the essence, the control center, if you will.

  - Probably, Alix happy. - Shepard leaned back in his chair, - her dream come true. It is now also will not be alone. She will have children. And, at least in the next decade she will not be able to leave the board of the frigate to participate in the next landing.

  - And how happy Olivia ... - Anderson grinned. - She first gained a daughter, and now soon will gain granddaughters. What is it, I am sure, not only to tales to tell.

  - May be. - Shepard looked at the wall screen. - We're ready ...

  - Captain, the ship is included in the relay. - Moreau reported. - Transit time - eight hours. Everything is okay.

  - Accepted. - Anderson released the sensor. - Everything, John. Need to go.

  The two of them left the cabin and went to the reserve Hall Information.

  - Attention on the ship. The combat readiness of the number two. - Anderson did not enter the BIC, up the stairs, he gave the order, using the PHONES Speaker. Short roar of sirens has confirmed receipt of the order for execution.

  - Alix is still not in the hall. - Shepard looked doubtfully at the small screen instrumentrona.

  - She wants you led her to the alcove, John. - Anderson's way behind on the XO, coming to the door of the hall, two or three steps.

  Folds parted to the side and out of the darkness waiting room made Alyx. Stopping in front of Shepard, she turned on her visor strip of yellow light lit up further weakening the gloom:

  - John. - Kiborgessy quiet voice was melodious and gentle. - I want you to take me to the alcove. Everyone should see the father of my children. All otryadovtsy. - She said, looking straight at John.

  Shepard nodded, taking her by the arm. Immediately it began to slowly disperse towards the inside of the door waiting room - a kind of insulating vestibule, hall clipping from the rest of the internal space of the ship.

  In t
he alcove younger kiborgessa stopped, turned to Shepard:

  - Shoulder pads, lining the chest lining the stomach. They are, John, you can just remove you. - Alix straightened. - Do not worry, everything that is not necessary to remove - will not be removed. But the locks will accept only your touch. - She put her hands along the body, he entered the alcove, she turned back to his wall. - Come on, John. Take off.

  Under his fingers Shepard fasteners locks detachable with a barely audible whisper, not like the usual clicks clamps. Alix was right - pads were removed easily. Adams, who was standing nearby, collecting plates in the package.

  - Thanks, John. This part of the program - performed normally. - Alix said softly when Adams went away to the table to put a package with a container lining. - I'm ready. - Kiborgessa little tightly against the wall of the alcove, and froze. According to buckle, running from the neck to the navel area lights ran and sash capsule slipway center slowly began to open. On the inner walls of the capsules have darted sparks.

  - Everything OK, John. Pre-readiness. - Alix said quietly, wrapping translucent mist. - Run the program was successful.

  In the depths of the capsule were the finest blue-green lightning, began to weave a pattern. kiborgessy eyes slowly closed.

  - Do not be afraid, John. I can explain to you what is happening. - Alix whispered. - There is a start forming pulse sequences. A few minutes later, this pattern will be divided in two, and each of the new designs will acquire its center. This will start the process of formation of the AI. Like I said - it will take at least two hours. You will see only the initial and final phase of the process. The average phase requires the closure of the valves and their locking and sealing of the capsule. - Almost apologetically he added Alix. -

  Blue-green thin lightning really began to fork and soon as Alyx warned, in the depths of the capsule, in its central part is formed by two blobs, taking a tips coming from the walls of the capsule thinnest thread fasteners. The sight was breathtaking. Alyx, feeling shocked it had seen Shepard, Anderson and Adams, quite calm and smiling smooth smile. kiborgessy eyes were still closed.


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