Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 260

by Theodore Daniels

  More than twenty minutes normandovtsy could watch the dance of creation forces. Then, the capsule slowly began to close the sash. Several tens of seconds - and buckle slipped from umbilical abdominal area kiborgessy to the base of her neck and stayed there. How Shepard was able to understand, it will return to its former place only when there will come the final phase of the creation of control centers.

  - Come on, John. - Anderson pulled Shepard's hand. - There is a table and chairs, we will wait.

  Only now, Shepard, moving away from the alcove to see that in addition to Olivia Anderson Adams, Chakwas in the hall there are more Yavik both Turian and Mordin. All other otryadovtsy saw the mystery of what was happening on their instrumentronov screens.

  Hands Adams, crouched in a chair at the table, finely trembling. The engineer did not hide his excitement and some upset. What he saw was one of the most advanced technologies of the last decade. Only the strongest, powerful and have a first-class material and technical base of the corporation could afford to at least try to get closer to such a level, but here, on board the "Normandy" kiborgessa carried out this action with minimal outside support. Although, of course, is more like to see whether the minimum.

  Occasionally glancing at the stood in an alcove kiborgessu, Shepard did not look at the clock, experiencing difficult feelings. In the history of mankind there have been times when the presence of a man in childbirth could have been killed or subjected to church discipline, which often is not much different from the delayed death. Some weavers who are accustomed to the fact that their manual labor is one of the most highly paid, though often it was not so, were ready to kill and really physically destroyed the machine, deprives them of the profession and the importance of exclusivity. For a long time people moved to machines capable of collecting himself like machines themselves. Of course, under the full control and sometimes even - under partial control by the people, but still - very few Earthlings could seriously forbidding even hint that

  Alix Now for the first time in the history of Squad has launched this technology in real time. Maybe she did it because she believed maybe - finally believed that gained not just a team, namely the family? Who knows. Who knows.

  Olivia glanced at her rare, but long delayed her eyes, scanning the body Alix from the bottom up and top down, apparently monitoring her condition, and most importantly - the state of the stocks-center nascent AI. The control center is the heart and minds of the AI, a single entity, without which the normal functioning of advanced artificial intelligence became virtually impossible.

  Anderson sat motionless, his hands were on the table and Shepard felt the commander wants to believe in miracles. Miracle, which he witnessed.

  Chakwas put aside instrumentron table, turned off its screen and, without looking at Alix, occasionally wiping tears, stood out in the corners of his eyes. Once again, she witnessed that more needed to be long and hard, deep understanding, of what really happened to her eyes and her direct involvement, the fact that until recently, a few months ago would have been absolutely impossible miracle. Any expert in every conceivable field, dared quite seriously try to prove that such action is not impossible, even in principle, be ostracized or, at least, would be deprived of the right to work in the profession and specialty.

  As a doctor, Karin could convincingly argue that with the help of Alix Adams was able to dramatically improve and enhance the technology generation and generation of control centers of artificial intelligence and now this technology acquires features not only really existing, but also passed the test of practice. Passing here right now check the most brutal practices.

  Look doctor caught when Alix is connected to the side connectors and cables are optional redundant power, secure against the threat of exhaustion of internal resources. Well, now that she did not have to drive the reactor at extreme conditions and straining the resources, creating not one, but two control center at the same time. Alix received reasonable, connecting two cables instead of one. Reasonable and prudently.

  Olivia thought that Tali quarian immediately be sold to anyone's soul to get the slightest opportunity to see what is happening with Alix. And if she could at least come closer to understanding the essence of this process - the price would have been to Tali just astronomically unaffordable. Fortunately, what is now happening to the slipway center, hidden inside the young kiborgessy remain for Tali inaccessible and incomprehensible. The mystery of creation, the mystery of a new generation of intelligence. Two minds. Similar, but not identical.

  Yavik kiborgessu not kept under the watchful gaze of his eyes. In his tenure with Synthetic have widely different artificial intelligence, his race had largely not coexist peacefully, but fight and it was for Synthetic Protheans most terrible enemies. Do not know how to retreat, not knowing what the surrender, that is treason, not willing, and very often - just do not know how to at least temporarily shut down. Yes, it is, a soldier of the imperial race, had to visit the centers of formation - distinctive maternity these synthetic enemies with artificial intelligence is very high grades and levels. These centers Protheans burned so that they can not be restored in principle. Although well aware that to destroy vehicles of one or more of such centers - not a reason to weaken the onslaught.

  And when on the battlefield on dozens of planets converge two avalanches - Synthetic with the AI by themselves Protheans and Synthetic alien alien races - organics better to stay away from such collisions places as far as possible. There are walking death in a variety of their usual and unusual guises. Scorched earth is not limited to - sometimes Synthetic stripped topsoil to a depth of several tens of meters, leading the fighting with each other not only on the ground and in the air, and under the earth, and the case - and under water.

  Somehow, the warrior of the ancient races wanted to believe that if the current descendants of the Goths, and the descendants of the current kiborgess and fight, only on the side of organic reasonable. Reapers plan should not get a chance to revive, he should be deprived of the right to exist, proving that the postulate of the inevitability of war between rational and reasonable Synthetic organics - is wrong and does not have even a shadow of absolute correctness.

  Saren recalled how he visited almost complete skin Synthet. As it was a toy in the hands of the Reaper, a puppet in the hands of the pilot of this huge ship. He has since he was freed from the influence of the Reaper, and embedded in this polumashinoy turian body implants, there was no reason to look at many things too vostorzhёnno.

  Army Reapers supporters continued to attack the planet in Space Turian Hierarchy. For the most part these armies were polusintety and Synthetic. Turians hard, very hard to remember that they - the soldiers not only by status.

  Against Synthetic fight it was very hard, especially when basically had to fight those within the territories of the Hierarchy, which on the Citadel or do not know anything or know very little, or do not want to know anything more or less certain. Maybe even the descendants of Alix and Olivia would really not enemies, but friends of organic reasonable inhabiting the galaxy, though ... Anyway, organics have to learn to deal with many problems, even very complex, exclusively by its own forces. Instead of relying on the power of virtual platforms, and even more so - with artificial intelligence.

  Nihlus remembered as Eden saw Primers Geth. He did not know that it is - a special version of the Goths, made under its control centers Reapers - terrible polumashinam. He remembered that the geth a network artificial intelligence, but to see this intelligence led by Reaper, in the existence and reality of which believe not all employees Corps Spectra ... It was hard. Strained.

  Craik wanted to whisper, and if possible - in a low voice say that now Detachment does something with which to cope not be able to, but somehow even more wanted to believe that victory over the Reapers will make it possible to solve many problems that inevitably exist in the relationship between organics and Synthetic. Not all, of course, a problem, but still ... At least part of it.

rdin recalled how salarians themselves working for a long time to improve artificial intelligence, sometimes were forced to join with them in opposition. And they recognized "smart guy" of the galaxy, it was well known that now and without the power to do it is impossible to AI and scary, very dangerous to weaken the control of this mind ... Against most threats, which, of course, took place and is generated by the very fact of existence, activities and the use of artificial intelligence could be effectively only one, perhaps, means - continuous improvement of organic themselves reasonable, no matter what race they belong to. Perfection, tightly connected with the willingness to overcome more and more difficulties solely on their own, without relying on the power of the virtual and the more - artificial intelligence.

  Mordin knew that everything that happens today in this hall is fixed with a maximum completeness and accuracy, is encrypted, stored. The usual practice, a common phenomenon. The primacy of the information, especially - filed in a timely and complete, no one could deny of organic for more than a hundred years in a row. And now Mordina eyes collapsed Citadel Council monopoly collapsed most dramatically: in the galactic arena went out a second synthetic race, the history of which is now tightly connected with the detachment. Responsibility - a transcendent level. Where there is accountability for genophage ...

  - Formation controlled by AI centers completed. - Alix said quietly, and did not open his eyes. - There is a process of initial programming.

  Shepard could barely bring himself to remain seated and keep almost complete immobility - the primary programming, he was able to understand the basic features and included the recording phase of the personality of each of the two artificial intelligences. Although Alix said about it is quiet enough and very quiet, even though it was Synthetic, machine, robot, mechanism, Now Shepard acutely felt as it is difficult, it is difficult and how is wrong, fundamentally wrong assertion that create new - it is a very simply and easily. Now Alyx stiffened as not strained even grinding huge amounts of information during the hours of crisis on duty in the Halls of the Information. Strain is not only intellectually, but also physically. Almost all of its systems are now working in the interests of the slipway center. She was not happy that creates new life, all for the joy will come later, later. Now she suffered. I suffer because almost completely gave herself to their children being born.

  Immobility Olivia could not deceive Shepard. His mother worried about her daughter. I read her condition in all its fullness and diversity. Standing motionless in the alcove Alix worked at maximum capacity. Yes, she did not move, did not tremble, not to shake, but some feeling prompted Shepard, it was necessary to insist on the fact that Alyx did not risk here so soon produce two control AI center. We had to insist that she gave up a double load. At the same time, XO knew Alix would not have agreed to produce a single center. Maybe the first few minutes, and she would like to restrict the product of a single center, but very quickly came to the conclusion that it is better to generate just two centers. It certainly was in a hurry, in a hurry, I understand that at any time unit may be under fire, be in a battle ... and then still unknown, what will be the outcome of this battle. It is possible that Alix wishing to stand as close as possible to the organics, did not want to die childless. I do not lie to disappear from this, and so too the friendly world, did not realize himself fully.

  Mate knew how she was proud that she got such a perfect body. This combat vehicle, successfully combines the flexibility and power. A constantly improved artificial intelligence Alix gave this fighting machine is incredibly fast response, and many other important and useful qualities and abilities.

  Anderson, Shepard admitted, was right when he said that the presence of Alix near two daughters will be necessary. Together with them, it will be several times more powerful than the best. And in war and in peace. Now Alix did everything they could to shaping, controlling AI centers have not been damaged, to avoid errors and omissions in the incredibly complex programs. Special course on programming artificial intelligence, taught at the Academy Ain Seven was no less difficult than the survival rate in extreme conditions. Shepard recalled this technical special course with a shudder - it was easier for him to "dance" a dozen times with an anaconda than once programmed three hundred branches "selection grid" only one possible course of action or decisions taken by the AI system in a few seconds.

  - The initial programming is complete. Initiation of the process of stabilization. - Alix said softly.

  A sigh of relief swept carefully suppressed in the hall. If Alix saw at least one mistake ... it would have interrupted the process and would not give the ability to manage AI centers to undergo the procedure of stabilization. But now she was calm, so any mistakes were not tolerated.

  It was necessary to wait only an hour, one hour only to Alix announced the launch of procedures to prepare the transfer of newborns control centers of the capsule slipway center in the capsule DEC. Each AI has relied separate DEKA Adams and colleagues surpassed themselves several times, and can be - and in dozens of times - each DEKA cost eight times more expensive than conventional, even the very best, elite-AI DEK storage. To create these two DEC engineers and technicians frigate used the best hardware and the best materials, and even the quality of the work would satisfy the most corrosive supervisor. How Adams managed to rob, otherwise you could not tell, bins Citadel merchants to create such perfect storage for newborns AI probably knew perfectly only himself. And the result is simply spectacular, fascinated. Shepard struggled to hold himself from having to get up, go to the dekam that stood in the far corner of the room, and again touch the side surfaces, and a few rows of sensors, always color screens high resolution.

  Shepard saw in the hall grows impatient. The time is approaching the end of the stabilization procedure. But then we had to wait even an hour, an hour, Alix necessary to prepare a newborn AI to safe transport in deki ... How normandovtsy who were present in the hall, and normandovtsy volgovtsy who saw the procedure and processes on the screen, survive the more hour wait? Endure, of course, Alyx will not hurry up and shorten the waiting time.

  The captain, too, began to worry. Finally, even small voice Alyx broke nearly steady silence in the hall:

  - Stabilization of the procedure is completed. Initiated preparations for the transfer of control of AI centers in deki.

  Tune quickly descended on no hum - many of those who were in the audience dared to move, to change the attitude and generally feel freer to hear that you can now will soon observe the procedure of the birth of two artificial intelligences. Perhaps to a greater extent, as is usual, relaxed, glad feeling of intimacy expectations of the end of those who saw what was happening in the hall on their instrumentronov screens.

  Shepard realized - time is running out. Deadline too fast. A little more - and the buckle make the return journey from the base of the neck to the navel Alix zone diverge leaf capsules slipway center and ... What's next, the XO is now afraid to even imagine. It did not want to think about what would have to climb your hands inside the capsule slipway center. But, apparently, nothing has been provided. Of course, Alix, if necessary, as a first mate knew, would get control centers with their own hands, but now she was not alone, and do it itself will not. Be sure to entrust it to him, to her husband. Yes, they are only engaged, but ... for Alix is too petty refinement - it is already, as I could judge the captain, said his Shepard, her husband. And therefore take from the interior of the capsule AI control centers entrust it only to him.

  would keep them ... Yes, Shepard saw these control centers. I saw more than once. The Academy was the laboratory where work continued on AI. And they wanted to sneeze at any tsitadelskie bans. It is ridiculous even to think and believe that sitting somewhere in the billions of kilometers away from the solar system officials are able to do something, somehow try to punish the human race, dared to violate the prohibition of the Citadel Council to work in the field of artificial intelligence.

  Shepard saw the control of AI centers, seen
and even held it happened in his hands. They were created there by sophisticated technology equipment held huge halls from top to bottom. And there beside him, too control centers. Two control center. It is special, bearing a great deal that Alyx managed to apprehend him, an earthling, Briton John Shepard. And because the situation was completely different. Very close, but different. Suitable only for what he had witnessed the captain a little earlier, when landing the group left the Moon and ball control center, the same center that could accommodate a person now Alix, flickered in the hands of Olivia's calm light. Very calm.

  Guessed he was not given a voice Alix:

  - Preparation for the transfer in deki controlled by AI centers completed. I opened the capsule slipway center.

  He rose from his seat Shepard swallowed sealed throat lump, when he saw how slowly and irresistibly zip down slides and capsules sash disclosed simultaneously slipway center. And in the depths of the capsule, in the middle of the hanging in a cloud of bluish greenish glow of the two ball. Newborn AI.

  Alix does not open his eyes and realize Shepard - it all feels, everything feels and without having to look down through the open sash its slipway center. Slowly Mate makes the table the most difficult first step. Captain Looking tightly focused on two balls, shimmering in the capsule interior. Staying a few steps from Alix, Shepard leans. Balls moving control centers. Moving toward him, moving toward the capsule-opening flaps. Perhaps this is Alix so wished, and now her children fulfill the desire of his mother, preparing to be in the hands of his father ...

  Carefully, very carefully Shepard raises his arms, turning their hands horizontally, palms up, and then a slow, unhurried pace introduces hands capsule slipway center. Balls gently fall on the palm of the captain, freeze and Shepard feels their severity. So it should be. Important and valuable may not be easy.


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