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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 271

by Theodore Daniels

  Is the way of life may be punished, if he really does not cause appreciable harm to another partner, belonging to a different race? After the connection, generate new asari - Liara specifically tested it on a variety of sources - the majority, in most cases, was natural, based on mutual consent and unconditional preparedness partners. Yes, there were violations were curvatures were perversion, but that asari never positioned themselves as holy and sinless bodily substance. They themselves have suffered - Protheans started their transformation, intervened in the development of ...

  Yes, Protheans is now clearly and fully known Liara, asari saved from death, stalling their development and being able to keep a race of blue-skinned beauties from processing into a paste. Then, fifty thousand years ago, in the vastness of the galaxy did not come out a two-kilometer heavy Reaper, made of young and, of course, promising not only because of the efforts of Protheans race.

  Azari managed to escape destruction. And Protheans left their space race gave freedom and giving particular future. Azari slowly, it is not always true, not always confident going on my way. Yes, they do not take into account many, many do not know much allowed to take their course, wrong in many ways. But they were able to develop and become one of the best races of the galaxy today. Race storing in itself influence, which became heritage Prothean race.

  And now asari Liara T'Soni almost the only blue-skinned virgins knew fully and accurately that Protheans - back that Yavik - not only proteanin now known that he - married, he has a wife, who commands the ship and manages Protheans populous Prothean colony. Supervises professionally storing tradition, faith, morality, ethics and practices proeanskoy race.

  None of this would have happened if on Eden Prime has not appeared Shepard. Nothing would be unable to oppose the Reapers and their accomplices current race, steeped in petty disassembly and inevitable, but it turned out to be quite easy to overcome contradictions.

  Imagine that Reaper, who visited Eden Prime, would be taken away from a Prothean beacon, and then would have given the command to disclose the Citadel into a giant relay, Liara involuntarily shivered. It is not whether Shepard, she would have remained forever in this Kiselny field, not giving her anything to do, except that subtle pomargivaniya centuries. Liara would perish in the Binding field, and then would happen eruption and no one would know where to look for traces of her archaeological expedition. If not for Shepard, the Galaxy would not be a single real chance at least to withstand the first blow of the Reapers.

  Only with the advent of John, but with the advent of "Normandy" on Eden Prime, the Galaxy inhabitants had a chance. The chance to survive and survive. Yes, for ensuring that the chance to keep, every day killed dozens, if not hundreds of thousands of organic reasonable. But they die in battle. In the battle to the strong, resourceful, experienced and professionally oriented total sweep of the Galaxy from any traces of intelligent organic life enemy. They did not back down, they do not give up, they do not ask for mercy. They fight. Because they all have a chance to survive and win. To stop this destructive, this giant wheel Cycles, finish the story polumashin race final, irrevocable, indisputable victory. And this gave them hope Shepard. He did not become the Messiah, did not become the leader of the galactic-official, did not become the leader. He was convinced how Liara, simply prompted a great many of organic carefully and strictly look inside ourselves and ask ourselves the very few very uncomfortable, but it is extremely important issues. Each organic was free to answer these questions or evade answers. The war with the enemy, how were the Reapers, in no way resembled a fireworks display for the majority of the inhabitants of the galaxy or parade. Rather, it was a very difficult, bloody, hard work. Do not make this work, it was hard to expect not only to win - survive under the continuous attacks of the Reapers and their accomplices. in no way resembled a fireworks display for the majority of the inhabitants of the galaxy or parade. Rather, it was a very difficult, bloody, hard work. Do not make this work, it was hard to expect not only to win - survive under the continuous attacks of the Reapers and their accomplices. in no way resembled a fireworks display for the majority of the inhabitants of the galaxy or parade. Rather, it was a very difficult, bloody, hard work. Do not make this work, it was hard to expect not only to win - survive under the continuous attacks of the Reapers and their accomplices.

  Shepard returned Protheans galaxy. Now he took the next step - denied one of the basic tenets of Leviathans. Yes, the same postulate of the imminence of a military clash between the rational and reasonable Synthetic organics, where it is the latter, and will belong to the final and imminent victory. Shepard became a man of reasonable Synthet, who managed to become a legend, and the legend of the Citadel Tess. And born to a parent star system of people.

  Many races worked on the problems of artificial intelligence, many large and very significant results have been achieved. But none of the old, not older, namely the old races did what he did Earthman John Shepard. Briton John Shepard. He gave cyborgs, platforms, armed with artificial intelligence, citizenship rights, thus confirming that it is - real, real, real spectrum. No spectrum of a Citadel Council, and the spectrum of the galaxy. Overall, multicolored, varied, but at the same time - a single and holistic spectrum. He, John Shepard, not only became a man of reasonable Synthet, but also became the father of her children - the new artificial intelligence that is now since birth have all the rights, which have recently been characterized only reasonable organics.

  Now on board the squadron is not four, but five of artificial intelligence, with four of them have committed, based on the best standards of female human bodies. All Synthetic Corps - warriors, but they are deprived of militaristic limitations, they work with the information and have not only military assistance to all Otryadovtsam, which, incidentally, did not burn with the desire and do not seek to expose its iron-steel-plastic counterparts danger of injury from fire or danger death by bombing.

  Through detachment, thanks to its enhanced control over the information space of the galaxy, for continuing to operate despite the war against the Reapers, Extranet, thanks to the attention otryadovtsev and especially its Synthetic to detail has prevented a real catastrophe on Tess. If Tevosov Reapers managed to convey information about the "Swords asari" ... Tess would become a dead planet, revealing a list of non-performing permanent loss asari, loss of living space. The death of Tessa, the death of its population would be for the blue-skinned maidens heavy blow, which might well, so that there could be guaranteed to undermine the will of the asari resistance, the will to win.

  And instead betrayed his race asari Tevosov Advisor Azariyskomu space becomes asari Liara T'Soni. If not for the squad, she would have had no chance ever, even after eight hundred years of life come to this position, to take this height. It simply would not have survived if a massive orbital bombardment. And she would have died, and her parents, who just recently believed in the fact that no matter how much they were not destined to live, they will live these days, months and years together and together.

  Is it Liara T'Soni wants much? She loves John. He loves sincerely, totally. She wants to be his shadow, she wants to stand next to him, stand up, helping him, supporting him, wishing him nothing but good. She - organic because it is obliged to fulfill the requirements for the evolution of organic and she wants her children were from John. As many will be - they will all be it and, of course, John loved. She believes John and hoped that John believes her.

  She knows that John will not be able to live a thousand years. For her, fell in love with a person, earthling, saved her from death, from death to Terrume it - a heavy understanding. John was able to do a lot of what the majority of organic reasonably attributed to the ideal, or, more rarely, in fact - is that the heroes of legends and fairy tales. And she sees in John is not only a hero, not only the spectrum, not just a soldier, not just the senior assistant of the legendary commander without any discounts and conventions frigate "Normandie". She sees in John a person, a real person, a real person
with a complex and heavy fate. And she wants to help John everything they could. Because John has not only helped her, he helped directly or indirectly to so many other sentient organics.

  She was happy with John and will be happy with it when the time comes and it will be able to stand next to him. And now she is at least happy that John knows and remembers much fuller, better and deeper than most of the inhabitants of the Milky Way.

  It is no accident, it is not accidentally left Protheans asari unique ability - "Unity of minds." The people have a saying: "the main thing - when you understand." A union of minds worked, always helpful and will help blue-skinned virgins deeper understanding of interlocutors and partners, conscious approach to procreation. Yes, asari are able to generate only asari, but this is natural. And Liara knows that John is first and foremost - a free, independent and self-worth individual, not just a woman's body, especially sexually attractive.

  Liara knows that in the tradition of the people, in the tradition of earthlings is a rule according to which women are always dugout continued life of the best men in their children, they gave birth to these the best, most decent men. The same rule is, and asari. Yes, it is not the only or even dominant, but it is impossible to understand what is good, not understanding, not having experienced, not realizing what is bad.

  John saved the life of Liara. He brought her out of the coma he regained it from oblivion. He almost saved the second time the very essence of Liara T'Soni. And I did not do it personally, but through an intermediary - through the presence and assistance of Svetlana Strel'tsova, bride, and later - a legitimate wife she Shepard, Liara T'Soni gained a chance to return to a normal life.

  John Shepard not only saved itself Liara, he saved her parents, giving them the opportunity to live a full family where a father, a mother and have a child. What Liara already more than a hundred years, little change, because she will not live one hundred years, and nearly a thousand. Living next to her mother, affectionately called her almost every day and the wings close to the Pope, a rebellious matriarch, whereby Liara became a professional fighter azariyskogo militia. Maybe Tessie became a legend. Maybe - for her the most it does not matter. The main thing that asari Tess survived and survived to the planet, the parent planet Azari race in the future for thousands of years has continued its flight in orbit, giving life to new generations of blue-skinned maidens.

  Liara should the requirements of nature and evolution. She knows - John is worthy of her love, her trust worthy and deserves to be the father of her children. Thanks to him, thanks to its invisible, and, unfortunately, very rarely visible and tangible presence, Liara saved the lives of two babies asari. And I believe in what it is a lot of what nature allows even very few blue-skinned beauties. Very few.

  Liara knows, knows it, and not just knows that John is - personality. Yes, she is beautiful, physically attractive, intelligent, and may not be fully developed by age. And yet, John does not hurry with the implementation of its well-known script. It does not press on it, not to abandon the usual causes for her way of life, from work in the laboratory, to work in the company, to serve in the militia, finally. He believes Liara and believes that the most important thing T'Soni in it. He believes and is able to wait, when there will be an opportunity to see again, to feel each other again, to hear the beating of hearts, hear the breathing. Not for audio communication without video - directly: touch, hugs.

  Liara realizes that John is consistent and strict. Probably, no, not just probably, and probably both of them will continue to be a very long time miss hugs and kisses. Simple stay close. After all, they feel so good, so good feel for each other - Liara herself repeatedly in the already convinced. Because she often dreams of the time, it again anywhere, ever left alone with John, just to freely embrace it, caress, kiss. I feel his presence in a number of all possible fullness.

  Stay on Ilos helped Liara to understand one important thing: John gives her the right to choose, it retains that right, does not insist on anything, and above all - on his candidacy. She - native of, a native of Tess and can choose a husband any tessiytsa any race and either sex. This will be her only choice. Even if it is, Liara T'Soni prefer John Shepard another earthling, he will not be offended, angry and indignant. He just takes it as a given choice. Because it is - its free choice, which is to influence it will not in any way.

  Liara remembered staring at herself in the mirror there, in the hospital, when solved for uniform adventure, trying to avoid the prospect of real disability perspective. And now it is not very well - the consequences of wounds continue to affect and will affect for a long time.

  It looks like it's time again so little or so to look at yourself in the mirror and ask myself another question - whether it is ready to become a lawful wife of another earthling? Another man. Not John Shepard. Is it ready to become the mother of his children, to understand that it will never again become the firstborn children of John Shepard? Is it ready to be faithful and love of two men, two earthlings? Ready to Do it honestly that other earthling that she has always loved, love and will love except him more and so unique and without any discounts legendary personality, which became British, Earthman John Shepard?

  The day and Liara could for a few tens of minutes to stay in his room in the apartment of the parents alone. Everything happened as it was then understood younger T'Soni, on full automatic: she stood before the mirror in her new green suit with white stripes - white suit with blue stripes is not specially dressed, because he was firmly linked in her mind only John Shepard . So she arose in this new green with white stripes suit before the mirror, turned half-turned to him and a little bent, and his head turned toward the mirror plate, looked at his reflection directly and demanding, silently asking myself the most important questions that she formulated a long time ago and now I have the opportunity to ask. Not someone else, and herself.

  How much she had spent time in front of a mirror - younger T'Soni subsequently always difficult to answer. Benešov and Liara Etita understood without words, therefore, most likely, never entered her room, and she spent in front of the mirror a few tens of minutes, then just lay down on the bed and immediately harsh asleep - in the morning it was waiting for work in the town councilors. The answers to the questions it has received complete and accurate. Yes, it is hard she were given the answers, because most of the issues involves the implementation of a complex selection and demanded the maximum honesty and readiness to the maximum liability for a lie.




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