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Page 4

by Cassandra Curtis

  "Anyway, Aunt Chloe was into a lot of paranormal stuff, like witchcraft. She influenced mom a lot, since it was just the two of them after Aunt Nena moved out. I kind of think Aunt Nena dabbled, too, but before she met Uncle Roanan."

  She blew out a deep breath. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that my mother is a witch. She even has a coven she calls a circle. They get together for other stuff, too. They have bunco nights, nights where they all go to the movies, or get together for fun. But they also do witchy things. Mostly on full moons and on certain holidays.

  "I mean, they're pretty harmless and all, and I know she means well, and always has good intentions. It's a pain in the butt sometimes, you know? And...well, this is going to sound weird, but there are times...all I'm saying is it can get a little freaky."

  "Are you a witch, then, Terri?"

  "No. Mom wanted me to follow in her footsteps, but it's not for me, you know? Not my type of thing."

  "Your mother loves you very much I imagine." He paused and a light entered his eyes. "And your mother has my cap. I begin to see. You think she might try something freaky and this time it might work. I think perhaps we should have brought your Uncle Roanan."

  "Yeah. I think so, too."

  * * * *

  Destin eyed the large water fountain encircled with sea glass and volcanic rock. A sculpture of Neptune, trident in hand, cast his shadow over the playful figures of two frolicking mermaids. He noticed that the mythological King of the Seas bore a striking resemblance to Manannán mac Lir, ruler of the Land Under Wave. One of the mermaids petted a porpoise, who spat water from its mouth in a constant stream.

  He heard Terri knock on the door again. Finally, an older woman wearing a black dress opened the door. He studied her features and decided she could not be Terri's mother.

  He followed, as the woman waved them inside. This house was much bigger than Roanan's old home overlooking the jetties.

  Everywhere he looked he saw symbols of the sea. From the seashell designed tile inlay on the floors, to the ceiling mural in the foyer, to the water fountain he'd been admiring minutes ago in the center of the circular driveway.

  Glass cases displayed large, colorful seashells from all the oceans of the world. The woman opened a set of double doors and bid them enter, then backed away, leaving them alone.

  "You never mentioned your mother's fascination with the sea." His belly tightened.

  "Oh, it's not Mom. It's Dad. He loved the sea. Still does. He has a house in Bermuda. That's where he's originally from, and where he lives now. Mom managed to get this house in the divorce settlement a few years back."

  "They are no longer together? I am sorry. That must have been hard on you."

  "Damn hard on me, too, young man."

  He swung around at the sound of the voice. What he expected, he wasn't sure, but she didn't have the look of an elder, or a witch. She looked, in fact, not much older than Terri. He would have thought her an older sister.

  "Doreen Fletcher. And your name is?" She reached out to shake his hand. When he hesitated, she smiled brightly. The light did not reach her eyes.

  "I see my reputation proceeds me."

  "Forgive me. But you look too young to be Terri's mother. It took me aback. I am Destin MacCodrum of the Shining Seas."

  "A MacCodrum, you say? I once knew a Liam MacCodrum."

  "My father."

  "An excellent warrior. You are forgiven, pup."

  He shot a glance at Terri. Had she heard what her mother called him? Did she understand what it meant? He drew a shaky breath, his belly twisting now in anxiety.

  "Mind telling me what this is all about?" Terri confronted her mother, her hands on her hip in a defiant stance.

  "Your friend Jill, and I use the term lightly, called to tell me all about your latest man. Said she'd found something interesting underneath the steps of the beach house."

  "Where is it?" He took a step forward.

  "In time. I do plan to give it back to you." She paused, tapped her forehead with one finger. "Ah, now where was I?"

  "Mom, I don't think you know what you're dealing with. I can only help you..."

  "No, dear, you are the one who doesn't know what you are involved with." Her mother pointed at him. "Do you think it was a coincidence he washed ashore on your beach?"

  "He was attacked by a shark. He's lucky to be alive."

  "Tell me, young man, did you notice anything unusual about the shark that attacked you?"

  "Nay. But there was a strange storm under the waves. It took me far from my course."

  "The storms were magick. A seek spell to find you."

  "Why? Ye met me but a minute ago?" He fought to control the rising anger and tension that filled him.

  "Not you precisely. My daughter needed a sea warrior, a guardian--better yet if that male is her mate. There is no better warrior or protector than your kind."

  "Then you have a purpose bringing me here, beyond gifting me with your daughter's sweet body?"

  "Destin! That's a private thing supposed to be between us. Besides, I'm nobody's gift!"

  Her mother's lips curved in an amused smile. "I thought the same thing when she turned two and my precious little gift turned into a hellion." She stepped forward, toward him. "She will be your responsibility. To protect, to care for and to love...if you want your cap back?"

  "Mom, have you been drinking? People don't--"

  "I do." He interrupted her, and could only hope she would forgive him.

  "Then you make the vow and know the cost?" Her mother tilted her head, studying him.

  "Aye. I will. By my clan do I pledge, and by Manannán mac Lir, himself! " He looked from the older woman to Terri and saw her stunned look.

  "Then it is done. By the laws of old, you are bound together. Protect her well."

  "Umm, excuse me, but I don't need anyone to take care of me." Terri turned her attention back to her mother. "And you can't just give me away! Don't I get a say in this? What am I saying, this isn't binding. No paperwork, no minister, no wedding."

  "I honor the bargain and the pledge made," Terri's mother said as she walked over to a framed painting of a seascape. She held out her right hand, palm up to the surface and whispered the words:

  "By wind, by rain, by crested wave,

  by sunlight's shining rays,

  I draw forth

  the ocean's mysteries,

  Is ann aig na roin tha brath!"

  Doreen Fletcher reached into the painting, her hand swallowed by cloudy skies and storm tossed seas, and removed a circular pelt of smooth black seal fur.

  He heard a gasp of disbelief come from behind him.

  Cords hung from either side of the pelt. She turned, walked back to him and held it out for him to take.

  "Your cap, Destin MacCodrum."

  "I thank ye, witch."

  "A word of advice before you go. Formorians are plotting against the Undine king. The eldest girl has gone missing, and the high court may think to appease the sharks. A halfling princess would serve their purpose." She watched as her daughter walked past them to touch the painting, wide eyed in disbelief. "The seas near my ex-husband's home are in turmoil."

  He looked at his new mate in awe, even as a healthy dose of fear for her squeezed his heart. "I understand." If they saw a way to use her, the Undine court would happily drag Terri into their mess.

  "I would ask how you came by this news?"

  Doreen Fletcher smiled at him. "A witch has many eyes, pup." She closed the gap between herself and her daughter.

  "Jill is not your friend, Terri. She knew full well what the cap was when she found it. She only brought it to me because she wanted to learn earth magick and thought I would train her in exchange for the seal skin cap.

  "But I knew what she really was. Anyone who looked close enough could see. She had cold, dead eyes. Like a shark."

  "Mom, you know I love you. But I think you need to go back on your medication, because none of this makes
any sense." She lifted the picture off the hanger, rapped on the drywall behind it. "Hell, maybe I'm the one who needs medication."

  "Destin is perfect for you, I hope you realize that." She leaned forward to whisper in her daughter's ear. "He looks like he'd be hot in the sack."

  Heat flushed Terri's cheeks. "Mom!"

  The older woman cackled with glee. "Now you two go on. I need time to make all the arrangements. I think a wedding by the ocean will be lovely!"

  * * * *

  "Well, that was completely surreal."

  She really liked Destin. And now he knew her family tree had nuts. It wasn't fair! This time she hadn't even made it to the relationship stage. He'd obviously been humoring her mother. Even going as far as to agree to marry her daughter. A woman he'd known a smidgeon over twenty-four hours. Totally ludicrous!

  He hadn't said a word since they'd left her mother's house. He'd simply sat there, in obvious shock. She'd already apologized for her mother's strange behavior, and her family in general. What more could she say? She'd grown used to the bizarre three-ring circus that was her family. Thank goodness he'd missed meeting her Aunt Chloe. Time for that later if she could salvage anything from their half-started affair.

  "Look, don't pay attention to what she said. I mean, no one will hold you to any promise made. I know you were just humoring her because she's my mother, and because I helped you out when you were hurt. So, like, we're even. Okay?" She pulled into the drive in front of her house and cut the engine.

  "I made a sacred vow. One I plan to keep."


  "No. I have something I want you to see."

  "Destin, you can't really be serious?"

  He answered by leaning over to kiss her lips. "Come on." He got out, walked around the side of her house, past her deck, and down to the beach below.

  Night hugged the horizon amid a blanket of star. She could hear the waves roll onto the shore in a lullaby. He stopped a few feet in front of her, the odd little fur cap clutched in his hands.

  "No matter what you see, I want you to know that I am real. Magick is real. And what I feel for you is real." Destin placed the cap on top of his head and tied the thin cords like straps, under his chin.

  He looked a little ridiculous. Then he stripped stark naked. Well, that was an improvement. The man had a killer body. He turned to stride bare-assed into the water. Damn, what a sight! So he was a bit eccentric. Liked to skinny dip in the sea. Big deal.

  She watched him stand in the shallows, then he seemed to melt...blur. He ducked his sleek black head of hair under the water...and disappeared. She ran to the water's edge.

  "Destin! It's too dangerous to be in the water at night. Come on out, Destin!"

  She heard a huge splash to her left and swung to see a large black seal slapping at the water. Oh, God, she knew they looked harmless, even cute, but they were wild animals and could be aggressive if provoked.

  "Destin! Please get out of the water!" She tried to spot his head over the small waves. The huge seal surged from the ocean and flopped onto the beach. It shook like a dog, water flying from its big body in every direction.

  The seal moved those powerful neck muscles, looked around, as if searching for something. The thing charged down the hard-packed sand, directly at her! She tried to run, but her slingback heels weren't designed for running in wet sand. She fell and twisted her ankle.

  Where the hell was Destin! Oh, God, she admitted it. Her mother was right...she needed him to protect her. She cried out for help. The seal would attack any minute. Her uncle would probably be the one to find her bitten-up body, lying here dead.

  The animal stopped just shy of her, leaned closer to sniff her head with its whiskered muzzle. They really were beautiful, majestic creatures. Maybe she should play dead?

  She closed her eyes, tried to force her body to relax.

  A flipper pushed on her arm. The massive body pressed next to her. She'd have to crawl away since she couldn't stand. She opened her eyes...and saw the seal's features melt, reshape and reform. Seal fur into tanned flesh, black snout into masculine lips and a long, narrow nose. Only the eyes looked the same. Deep, black, penetrating.

  Tears marked tracks on her cheeks. "Destin?"

  "Are you all right, my sweet? What happened?" He took her in his arms to comfort her.

  "Where did the seal go?"

  He tapped his chest. "Here." He wiped away her tears with his fingers.

  "That can't be! You're--"

  "A selkie. Half-human, half-seal. My people have the gift of transformation."

  "Like in folklore? Myths?"

  He nodded.

  "A selkie..." Her mind whirled. "They are supposed to have incredible stamina, be insatiable lovers."

  "Not all legends are myth. Some are very real." He stroked her face with tender hands and leaned in to take her mouth. Those same gentle hands now moved with increasing speed to remove her clothes. When she lay bare beneath his touch, he rolled on top of her, positioned himself and surged inside her depths.

  Sea mist sprayed them as their bodies joined in a rhythm old as the tides. He angled his thrusts, pounded into her. The lapping waves tickled her toes. She wiggled, arching her hips. He flipped them over so that she was on top, riding him.

  He filled her so completely in this position, her astride him, grinding down on the big cock that impaled her. She slid up and down on that magnificent pole, and cried out when he found her clit with his thumb.

  "Destin, you feel so good inside me...ahh..."

  He met her downward motion with his thrusting hips, one hand cupped a breast, the other buried between her nether lips, stroking her wet clit. She whimpered and then cried out as the orgasm rolled over her. Once more she found herself repositioned, this time on her knees. His hands bit into the globes of her cheeks, holding her steady for his cock. He sank into her pussy, stroked her until the roar of the ocean and his own roar of completion melded into one glorious sound.

  They both collapsed on the wet sand. After their breathing returned to normal, he turned to her. "I vow to love you, protect you, and if need be, give my life for yours. Happily. Willingly. Forever." He looked very solemn and sincere--her man of the sea.

  "You're just saying that 'cause you got some," she teased him, sliding her hand between his legs and fondling the thick shaft already beginning to grow at her touch.

  "Maybe. I suppose then you'll need to always keep me satisfied." He reached up, pulled her mouth down to his for a quick kiss.

  "Sounds like a long-term commitment."

  "It is."

  She tightened her grip. "Lots of hard work." She stroked him from the base of his cock to the glistening wet tip.

  "I can guarantee it'll be hard."

  "Can't wait to get started." She wrapped her left hand in his hair and tugged. Brought his face down to hers. "One thing first. Let's go home. Making love on the beach is sexy and romantic, but the sand--not so much."

  His bark of laughter carried on the waves, to another seal, off in the distance...who grinned, just like a human.

  Cassandra Curtis

  Cassandra Curtis started her writing career in grade school. She would illustrate and write colorful stories using magic markers, crayons and sheets from her alphabet tablet, and sell them to other school kids for a penny. While the venture didn't make a lot of fast money, it did mean she could indulge her love of comic books and not spend summers behind a lemonade stand with her sisters.

  She spent her formative years traveling the globe with her parents, learning a smattering of languages--usually just enough to get her in trouble. After college, she worked as a reporter and photojournalist at a weekly paper, then a daily, while continuing her love of art. Ms. Curtis now writes fiction full-time.

  An avid gardener and wildlife enthusiast, she enjoys the magick found in nature. Her interests include: art, antiques, astronomy, folklore, mythology, genealogy, music, eastern philosophy and collecting magickal artifacts. A mem
ber of both the World Romance Writers, and Romance Divas, Ms. Curtis won the 2006 Amber Quill Press Heat Wave Contest with her story Cup of Fate. She lives in the magickal land of bluegrass known as Kentucky.

  You can learn more about Cassandra by visiting her website:

  * * * *

  Don't miss Cup Of Fate, by Cassandra Curtis,

  available at!

  Can one woman find true love in tea leaves? Or is it a tempest in a teacup?

  Bryn Tuttle lost everything due to her bad taste in men. Now she's starting over fresh. In the misty bluegrass hills of Kentucky, she finds a new job, apartment and friends. When a co-worker invites her yard-sale shopping one weekend, she decides to tag along, never realizing fate has something else in store.

  They discover a rare item--a mysterious, antique, fortune-telling teacup. Bryn never suspects that a single sip from the Cup of Fate will change her life, that her future is actually linked to the tea leaves that cling inside. But when she drinks from the cup and next awakens, she soon comprehends that nothing will ever be the same...

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