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Every Tongue Got to Confess: Negro Folk-Tales From the Gulf States

Page 21

by Zora Neale Hurston

Mrs. Sally Boles: Age 50. Born in Florida. Housewife.

  Bunkie Rolls: Age 50. Truck gardener.

  Horace Sharp: Age 55. Small shop-keeper.

  * Hurston’s list of 122 sources originally appeared at the front of her manuscript. Joe L. Wiley is not included on this list but is credited with many tales published here (and elsewhere) by Hurston.

  Appendix 3

  Stories Kossula Told Me*

  Free men ain’t got [illegible]

  Four men who betrayed dey friend

  The Monkey and the Camel

  The Lion and the Rabbit

  The Orphan Boy and Girl and the Witches

  The Six Fools

  The Man, the Woman and the Ready-to-Tame

  The Devil and the Rabbit

  Why the Bear Has No Tail Long Poem

  Have you heard about the wreck?

  I seen a man so black

  I seen a man so ugly

  I seen a man so ugly he didn’t die

  I saw a man so ugly till at night

  I seen a railroad so crooked

  I saw a country so hilly

  I saw a country so hilly till they shoot the corn

  I saw a man shoot another with a gun

  I saw a man so ugly

  Once there was a rabbit and uh bear

  A man and his wife had a colt

  A man had a wife and she was so small

  A man went hunting

  The First Man

  In slavery time there was a man by the name of Tom

  There wuz a man in slavery time always meddling

  Once there was an old man, woman and boy

  Once there was a man and the preacher came to his house

  Man who stole hogs

  The mule had sprouted little jackasses

  Man who didn’t know what corn was

  “Son step on the zillerator!”

  Saving for Mr. Hard Time

  Old man, wife and hogs

  Burning creek and trout

  Man who bradded mosquito bills

  I seen a man so ugly

  ′ ′ ′

  I seen a horse so poor

  I seen a horse so poor

  I seen a mule so poor

  I saw a horse so poor

  Once I was an engineer on train

  Rockefeller and Ford was woofing

  There was a man so stingy

  I knowed a man and he was formen and he was so stingy

  Man so smart he had the 7 year itch

  Once there was a man had a daughter

  Sellin’ roasting ears in heaven

  Barrel swell up and burst wid rain

  Once there wuz a boiler across de river

  De Lawd is Comin’ By

  Mississippi River and de punkin tree

  On hobo trip in Texas

  Hard Wind

  Juice of watermelon caused de rain flood

  Moon toting a light for de sun

  Fish came swimming up the road

  Once I wuz out batching

  De little black gnat

  Paul and de ½ pint shinny

  Ole colored man and de gold watch

  Ant Dinah on de Coolin Board

  De man who heard Gabriel and cussed

  De men who beat dere shadders

  Catfish who drowned in sweat

  John, Bill, and de ole Master

  Snail crossing the road

  Story of de Jonah

  How Disa Abraham, Fadda de Faithful

  “Got 1000 tongues”

  Rev. Full Bosom and the mourners

  It taken 9 partridges to holler Bob White

  2 revival preachers and “the doleful sound”

  Man who wanted to catchup with his wife

  Little boy who raised hell in basket

  “I am snake bit”

  The butt head cow’s horns

  I have seen it so cold

  “I tole you to notice hogs—”

  “Your breath smells mighty dam bad”

  In Miss. a black horse run away with white lady

  Steam from locomotive wuz milkin’ cows”—

  Train in N. Orleans

  Ala. River running so fast

  “I done set de world on fire” (fox)

  Five men want six orders

  Car, mosquito, and flea

  “Can’t you tell a white man from a Negro”

  “Shoot the gas to her son, I got the steering gear”

  Ole Master and John and God dam

  Colored man and billy goat

  John and Ole Massa and lightnin

  The boy and the cow

  3 girls, judge, and rabbit

  The meanest man

  Fishing on Sunday

  Why Negroes are black

  “God ain’t worth a dam when a bear”—

  Man who stole oil from heaven’s lamps

  Preacher and de lamp eel

  Why Americans are not in war

  Hen who gave rooster the blues

  “Oh hell, I’ll steal Thou”

  Dady so small, bedbug pitcher

  “Baa, ba”

  Why all lady people got devil in them

  “Boots or no boots”

  Once there was a man so lazy

  Took 1 match sit the river on fire

  “I wanted you to work on my wife’s teeth”

  Lady and bad polly

  The Tall Man

  When he want it to rain

  “God grant it”—“God dam it”

  De witch who stole boy’s money

  John and Massa and whut’s under de wash pot

  John, Massa and swimming bluff

  Rabbit, elephant, fox frolic

  “Stay on board lil childen”

  The Shortest Man

  The Biggest Cabbage

  The Hanted House

  An dey all got different daddies

  Ole Massa and nigger deer-hunting

  Niggers is so skeered uh white folks

  Uncle and heavenly blackboard

  The seed-tick

  Why Negroes Have Nothing

  Mosquito bills

  Tin suits tuh keep de skeeters off

  De White Man’s Prayer

  What is the biggest chickens you ever saw

  Uh sweet potato so big

  “If Thou be God…Youse cholkin me tuh death”

  Boll Weevil

  5 gallon demijohn—uh goody, goody, goody

  The little boy and his grandma

  Why de Gator Got No Tongue

  Why de Gator is Black

  Two men out huntin de little dog an de rabbit

  Man and girl and picked chickens

  Ole massa and nigger visitin’ girl

  Tarrypin an’ fox run race for girl

  The Boy from Hell

  Why God Made Adam Last

  Ole Massa and John an’ de bear

  Goat an’ tobacco truck

  If dat my child, where…gold teeth

  Man went huntin’ wid one uh dese muzzle-loaders

  Cat an’ de liver an’ de gizzard

  “I lends an’ borries, too”

  De Reason de Woodpecker Got Uh Red Head

  De sworn hunter buddies an’ de deer liver

  “Yuh got tuh gum it lak hell”

  De men dat melted in Miami

  De devil don’t do everything they say

  De Hongry Bear

  De Preacher an de Sheep’s Tails

  De bullet from de 44–40 an’ de echo

  Skeeter an’ de Hominy Pot

  De tallest man

  “Stick uh needle up in de ground”—

  There wuz uh man so ugly

  [not legible in the original manuscript]

  De Flyin’ Negro

  Why a parrot drops dead

  Big Talk

  The man who forgot God’s name

  “If you take up time…you won’t be nothin.”

  I’d go some here and keep books for somebody

nbsp; 4 niggers and de blacksmith shop

  “Papa’s head so lousy”

  3 bluebirds

  Why they use raw hide on mules

  Monkey and dog

  [not legible in the original manuscript]


  Jesus Christ and de $98

  “Don’t send dat boy Jesus”

  [not legible in the original manuscript]

  Free slave and de panter

  So dey had de picnic and not de wimming match

  The Bull and God

  Everytime ma cook eggs, pa cuts de Damn fool

  “You kin have it I don’t need it”

  “Hold ’im Ned”

  “6 months for yo’ skillet”

  “Squealin’ Jenny”

  2 boys and de biggest lie

  Cryin’ for stale biscuit

  Two mens and de bear

  Why we Squinch (Screech) Owls

  Ole Marster, corn field, and bear

  John an’ Massa’s ridin’ horse

  Brer Rabbit and Brer Dog and Convention

  ′ ′ ′ ′ ′

  Ole woman (Scat you rascal!)

  Monkey: My people, my people”

  “Tongue brought me here”—

  From Pine to Pine

  De brothers an’ de persimmons

  “Long as dere’s limb, dere’s ropes”

  It wuz so hot once a cake of ice…”

  It wuz de moon changin’

  De Gopher in Court

  When de weather gits hot de gopher—

  Poor Land

  Rich Land

  De peas grunting trying to git out de ground—

  A Hunter

  A lady so cross-eyed

  A woman so black

  He’d shoot and den put up a target—

  De honey sweetened de river

  “Found dead in de woods—bit by a r. Snake”

  Hog in de Cradle

  I seen a man so black

  I seen a man so tough

  How come de gator hate de dog

  Cat and dog race

  Why we have Thanksgiving

  The long horse and pig that died from old age

  Lady with donkey, cat, rooster

  Grandmother with large family

  Beans and the Girl

  [not legible in the original manuscript]

  Cheap groceries in hell

  Girl and mother and man who stole food

  Little country boy and blessing

  Why the ole man liked the camel best

  Ole man and snake: “Oh, it is so hot”

  Blind man, naked man, armless man on rock

  Red bug had lost his eye and wrecked train

  Lazy boy, smart boy, and bear

  He saw sadness and joy

  I’ve seen the wind blow so hard

  Why we have kings and queens

  Man and devil’s daughter

  Hairy man, little boy and little girl

  Runaway slave and snake

  Poor varmints don’t rest on Monday

  Devil, lil girl, lil boy, and her mother

  Alligator and rabbit’s squabble

  Mosquito and monkey wrench

  Lazy husband and woman and cake

  Bear, woman and her baby

  Woman and daughter and Devil

  I seen it rain so hard

  “My belly ake,” etc.

  Two preacher brothers

  I seed de coachwhip behind de race runner, etc.

  2 blocks of ice gatherin’ li’dard knots—

  “I don’t lak dat red-eyed ’gator”

  Why the Donkey has long ears

  “Lordy, make my bottom wider”

  Baptist and Methodist deacons in sinking boat

  Methodist and Baptist preacher

  Good Time Willie

  Long, long boy

  3 dogs, Thunder, Lightning, and Jack

  Wolf at rabbit’s funeral.

  Difference in de climate—cucumber 4 ft. long

  Fine Foot, Big Head, Big Gut, and apple tree

  Sweet Papa Black

  Wedding night

  I’m the biggest liar you ever met

  Buzzard and Hawk

  “Job ain’t never had a pair of britches”—

  Preacher and woman making date

  Brer Rabbit and Brer Frog

  Johnny and the 7-headed lady

  Brer Rabbit and de pea patch

  Cleanest white woman in U.S.A.

  Massa and Jack and fortune telling (variant)

  Isaac and Daphne and grocery order for Lord

  Dat dog dat eat out dat pan up in Canada

  Negro, devil, bet of $1,000

  De longest bullet and de deer

  3 sons: naked, blind, armless

  Muskeeter and railroad track

  Massa Martin and Ike and watermelon patch

  Stingy man in heaven

  White man and nigger shooting crap in heaven

  Christopher spreading his mess

  [not legible in the original manuscript]

  Nigger and son and 200 lashes

  ’Tater house

  Bale of hay and a jack

  “You mustn’t say hide you must say skin”

  Ole John and Massa’s hogs

  John in the Smoke-House

  Jack and Massa’s wife

  Jack and de devil

  John and de Horse

  Ole Massa and John and groceries in sycamore tree

  Bear in de cane-patch

  Sheep in de cradle

  Man with three coughs

  2 Boys, a Sweet Potato and God


  Ole Massa’s Gun


  “Didn’t dat nigger fly”

  The Running Death

  Too many folks is preachin’ dese days

  Why women folks always poke in de fire

  The Blacksmith

  The Carpenter

  My father made a boiler so big

  I seen uh man so stingy

  “He ain’t worth uh damn in uh bear fight”

  Spell: (clucking tongue & teeth sound used to urge mules)

  Brother wuz de head fireman

  Nigger and Pres. Harding at Heaven

  “God, don’t stand no jokin’ dese days”

  Dis punkin wuz raised offa mosquito dust

  Buzzard in Charleston

  Tell Aunt Jane to tell Uncle Tom to tell de cow

  I seed uh man running so fast

  I seen a man so stingy

  I seen a man so stingy

  I know a man who wouldn’t walk—

  I know a man so stingy

  I know a man so big

  Man and 7 sons and daughter and eagle

  Mosquito and engineer

  De poorest horse

  Hosses: Three Color and Changeable

  I seen a man so low

  De train ran so fass

  I’m uh walkin on de water, oh be baptized

  Cruel Wife

  I seen it so cold

  Have you ever called a train

  De workinest pill

  The poorest ground I ever did see

  De darkest night

  Run so hard we lost our feets in de mud wash

  Jordan Car

  Whammer G. Martin’s dogs, sparro, bon bon Pree

  I seen ground so rich

  Once it wuz so cold

  “Chris’mus gift”

  Father, John, Frank, and $5,000

  Who had de right to meet de girl?

  “A gander can pick it just close as a goose”

  What is the hardest wind you ever seen

  Best trained mule

  Man so dangerous

  Lady, husband, and hoodoo

  “Clunk…think I’m goin’ pay you”

  Massa and John and ketchin’ de devil

  “Dat’s too d. much pepper”

  De crane, eel

  Lil cussin’ boy and de coffin
br />   Let the Holy Ghost ride—walk

  Cross-eyed gnat

  “Done make me open my mouf wide”

  One day the wind blowed so hard

  Another time it blowed so hard

  Another time it blowed so hard

  A punkin so big

  School boy and “Mo” on ’lasses

  De biggest apple

  Platform under de calf

  Gun shoot so far

  Fastest colt

  Why there ain’t no women in the army

  De brother in black is lak de monkey

  Why geese holler “Ketch him”

  Red bug, rail, trash in tick’s eyes

  John and de Devil and de Girl

  Why possum ain’t got no hair on his tail

  Rabbit and Fox and same girl

  Ole man, ole woman, and bear in loft

  I know man so hungry

  Down in Ga. ain’t no brooms

  Man with gold penis

  Jack and Mary and father in tree

  Preacher and boys and dirty under hat

  Brother Rabbit and Brother Fox and piece of ham

  “The fun is all over now”

  I was a flying fool

  Lil boy travelling, old man and woman and lil girl and Peas

  Want to be buried in rubber coffin

  I saw a man so ugly

  Man falling on white woman

  Country man and oxen

  Man who fished alligator and took him home

  My brother was so swift

  Sugar cane so large

  Bow-legged biscuits (I saw a man so hongry)

  De biggest cabbage

  Huntin’ rabbit (fast bullet)

  Man and hardheaded son ghost

  Man, son, 2 dogs on coon hunt

  Newlyweds and corn and rooster

  Grandmother, lil boy on train

  Old man and woman and girl and pillow

  How cold have you known it

  3 boys going with same girl and dynamite

  Lil boy and preacher and bear

  Sawing down the big tree

  “What angel need with ladder?”

  Preacher had his congregation

  “Naw, I ain’t whistlin’—I’m pizen—”

  Woman describing the fiddle

  Woman and ginny-blue calico dress

  Devil, man and gun

  Why wimmen ain’t had no whiskers

  Why woman’s vagina was moved

  “Whut did he die wid Elder,”—

  White man, son and nigger

  How the gopher was created

  Why churches are split today

  Uh hard wind

  Two hoboes and pigeons

  Hawg Under de House

  Uncle Ike in de Judgement

  Uncle Jeff and the Church

  Pig in de Poke

  Gabriel’s trumpet

  The Monticello Legend

  Moufy Emma

  De Animal Congress

  Every Friday…mocking birds

  De Rabbit Wants Uh Tail

  Why de buzzard has no home

  Dirt dauber and bee

  Massa and Jack and rooster

  Prayin’ woman an de banjo man

  God an de devil in de cemetery


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