Star Wars - Tales of the Black Curs 2 - Big Quince

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Star Wars - Tales of the Black Curs 2 - Big Quince Page 1

by Peter Schweighofer

  “I still can’t believe you could change so much,” Starter said, stumbling out of Gorkin’s Rest and leaning on Platt to keep his balance. “I mean, who thought grouchy old Dirk Harkness could ever fall in love or even smile?”

  “Do you not believe crisis can change people so quickly?” Tru’eb asked.

  “I’m sure fly-boy here has always been his usual cocky self.” Platt said, removing Starters hand from her shoulder.

  Tru’eb turned to Starter and gave him a sly look. “Would such a young boy as yourself believe I was once chief servant to a slave lord, and before that I stood to inherit a position as head-clan member in a city on Ryloth?” Tru’eb asked.

  “I would,” Platt said.

  Tru’eb glared at her. “No fair, Platt. You already know the story.”

  “What story?” Starter cried.

  “Many years ago, before I began my career as an ordnance entrepreneur, I was a young and idealistic youth in my home city of Kala’uun on Ryloth,” Tru’eb began. “I stood to inherit my father’s office as head-clan member of the city. My sly cousin, Ku’amar, aspired to ascend to the same position, so he conspired to have me kidnapped and given to slavers. And I soon found myself as an unwilling personal servant to the infamous slaver Big Quince …”

  Big Quince sat on his command couch on the bridge of Quincey’s Girl, the immense slave ship which plied the Outer Rim Territories, collecting and selling its live cargo. The Sludir’s legs dangled off the couch, his torso leaning against the force pike he carried. The denizens of the bridge scurried around, preparing for the jump to hyperspace.

  “Twi’lek!” he called. Tru’eb stepped forward. As Quince’s personal servant, he was the only slave allowed to remain in the master’s presence, and was never confined to the slave pens in the holds below.

  “Yes, oh gracious one …”

  “We are meeting our old friend Moff Jellrek again.” Big Quince said. “Go down to the slave pens and choose a slave-woman — not one of the Twi’lek girls — to give the good Moff. Someone who won’t scratch his eyes out.”

  Tru’eb glanced at the other mercenaries on the bridge. Several wore eye patches …

  “Take her to my quarters, clean her up, and have her ready by the docking hangar in two hours.” Quince ordered.

  “As you wish, master,” he said, bowing as he backed away from the Sludir.

  They proceeded up to Big Quince’s cabin. Tru’eb entered with the woman, the two slavers standing guard outside the door. The quarters were adorned with treasures stolen from several worlds. An Andalian tapestry covered one wall, several trophy heads adorned another, and two fancy lamps framed a large viewport. Several metal crates were piled in front of the bar near another Sludir-sized couch.

  Tru’eb motioned for the woman to step toward the immense bath which normally accommodated Big Quince’s massive body.

  She held her bound wrists up for Tru’eb to see. He stepped forward and gingerly removed the expensive strip of cloth.

  “Do you have a name?”

  “What’s it to you?” she replied.

  “Do you have some term by which I can refer to you?” Tru’eb asked. “Something other than slave girl …”

  She raised an eyebrow. “You can call me Oakie.”

  “Very well, Oakie. There is a bath drawn for you. Please bathe and attire yourself in the clothes provided.”

  While Oakie bathed. Tru’eb examined the four metal crates near Quince’s bar. He unlatched one and ran his fingers through the blue-white powder inside. Ryll. Probably part of the graft Quince paid Moff Jellrek to leave his slaving operation alone. Tru’eb shut the crate. He stared at the riches adorning the room until Oakie stepped out of the bath.

  “So, why do you work for that Sludir anyway?” Oakie asked, drying herself off and dressing behind an ornately decorated panel in one corner.

  “I am a slave.” Tru’eb replied. “He offered me work as his servant, and I knew I would not survive long in the slave pens. I accepted, until an opportunity arises for me to seek freedom.”

  “Well, from one slave to another, how’s about we try to escape?” Oakie stepped out from behind the screen wearing a fashionable dress. Tru’eb found her attractive, for a Human woman.

  “We will not get far,” Tru’eb said. “There are two guards outside the door, and …”

  “I don’t mean now.” Oakie said, heading straight past Tru’eb and directly for the crates of ryll. “What’re Quince’s plans for me?”

  “You are to be given to Moff Jellrek, along with those crates of ryll, as graft to tame the Moff’s interest in Quince’s slaving operations.”

  “Where am I being bartered, in the local market square?”

  “Once you have bathed and suitably prepared yourself. I am to escort you to the landing bay where we will meet Moff Jellrek.” Tru’eb explained. “No doubt the guards will take these crates of ryll as well.”

  “Hmm …” Oakie stared thoughtfully at the crates of ryll, then her eyes began to wander among the riches scattered about the room. They settled on the carved liquor cabinet next to the large Sludir couch.

  She began rummaging through the cabinet, and finally withdrew an oddly-shaped bottle of Gruvian Tovash. Oakie set the full bottle on top of one of the ryll crates, then disappeared to the bath. After running the water for a moment, she returned with a large gray, gooey lump.

  “It’s Sludir soap,” she explained. “No doubt Quince uses it to keep his skin tough. When wet, it’s pliable and sticky. You mind opening that crate of ryll?”

  Tru’eb opened the crate, then watched Oakie plaster the pasty soap wad to the crate’s hinged top. Oakie took the bottle of Gruvian Tovash, took a generous swig, then eased the cork into place and pressed the bottle into the wad of Sludir soap. After a moment, the soap held the bottle in place.

  “Now close the lid slowly, but leave enough room for me to get the cork off before it’s shut.” Oakie said. Tru’eb complied, allowing just enough room for her nimble fingers to remove the cork. The bottle was placed so none of the alcohol would spill out until the crate’s lid was opened.

  “Thanks,” Oakie said. “Does this mean you’ll help me escape?”

  “I still do not understand your plan,” Tru’eb said. “But I will assist you if your plan includes freeing me as well.” “Trust me, it does.”

  The door to Big Quince’s quarters opened and one of the slavers stepped in. “Hurry up. he grunted. “We re coming out of hyperspace soon.”

  Tru’eb looked to Oakie, who went off to the bath to wash the remnants of the Sludir soap from her hands. More slavers entered to remove the crates of ryll. Tru’eb noted the markings on the one with the bottle. He still had no idea what Oakie planned.

  The woman returned. “Don’t worry,” she whispered. “The crate will provide a diversion. When you see smoke, run for the Moff’s shuttle.”

  Tru’eb bound her hands with the expensive sash, but used a knot which could easily be undone. When the door opened again, several slavers arrived to usher Tru’eb and Oakie to the docking bay. Others came to bring along the crates of ryll.

  Big Quince and several slavers were lined up in the docking bay when Tru’eb, Oakie and the slavers bearing the ryll crates arrived. The boarding ramp of the recently arrived Imperial shuttle was lowering, and Tru’eb could see the feet of stormtroopers waiting to disembark. When the ramp thumped against the deck, a squad of stormtroopers emerged, followed by Moff Jellrek. a gaunt man with an evil-looking beard.

  Big Quince lumbered forward, still leaning on his force pike. “Greetings, good Moff,” he bellowed. �
�We have brought you some treats from our plunder.” He motioned to the slavers with the crates, who set them at Moff Jellrek’s feet. “The best blue ryll from Ryloth.” Quince explained. “And a slave girl.”

  Tru’eb knew his cue. He led Oakie forward by the sash binding her hands.

  Moff Jellrek looked her over, smiled wryly, then turned to the crates of ryll. “Open it,” he ordered one stormtrooper.

  Tru’eb saw it was the crate with the Gruvian Tovash. He looked to Oakie, who glanced nervously toward the shuttle’s boarding ramp.

  “Quick, jam communications,” Oakie ordered.

  Tru’eb fumbled with some controls and managed to power up the shuttle’s weapons before Oakie reached over and flipped the correct switch.

  “You’ve never flown a starship, have you?” Oakie asked.

  “You are very observant.”

  “When we get out of this. I’ll have to teach you about starships.” She pulled back on the throttle, and the shuttle veered away from the Star Destroyer. “Give me a minute and I’ll have some astrogation coordinates to get us out of here,” she said.

  A turbolaser blast rocked the shuttle. “I thought we had jammed their communications,” Tru’eb said.

  Oakie glanced out the viewport. Quincey’s Girl was giving chase, her turbolaser batteries blazing. “I guess Quince is smarter than I thought. Raise the aft shields … the control panel on the right.”

  Tru’eb figured out the controls just before another blast hit the shuttle. “You are certainly cutting this close.”

  “Hey, this is only my second time flying one of these things.” Oakie spat. “Give me another second and … there!” Green lights lit on Oakie’s control panel. She pulled back on several levers, the stars grew long, and the shuttle disappeared into hyperspace.

  “But I don’t understand,”

  Starter said, stumbling down the street. “Why did the crate of ryll explode?”

  “It didn’t explode.” Platt explained. “Ryll reacts violently when mixed with certain chemicals, including Gruvian Tovash. The result is a blue smoke. In small quantities it’s not harmful. In fact. I know ryll addicts who drink shots of Tovash after ingesting a small quantity of ryll. They burp up puffs of blue smoke. In larger quantities, the blue smoke might seem like it came from a fire or explosion.”

  “So, did Oakie teach you any-thing about starships?” Jai asked.

  “Everything I know,” Tru’eb replied, flashing a pointy grin at Platt. “I must admit. Platt, you did make a rather alluring slave girl.”

  “Thanks,” she replied. “Never again …”

  Character Profiles

  Tru’eb Chofakk

  (At the time of “Big Quince”)

  Type: Twi’lek Gunrunner


  Dodge 3D, pick pocket 3D+2, running 3D


  Alien species 4D, bureaucracy 4D+2, languages 3D+1, willpower 4D



  Bargain 4D, con 4D+1, persuasion 5D


  Stamina 4D+2


  Special Abilities:

  Tentacles (see Star Wars: The Role playing Game, Second Edition, page 137).

  Force Points: 1

  Character Points: 5

  Move: 10

  Equipment: Datapad

  (Three years after the Battle of Endor)

  Blaster 6D+2, dodge 5D, pick pocket 6D+2, running 4D

  Alien species 5D+2, bureaucracy 5D+2, business: weapons 7D+2, cultures 5D+1, languages 5D, planetary systems 7D+1, streetwise 6D+2, value: weapons 6D+2, willpower 5D

  Astrogation 6D, communications 4D+2, sensors 5D, space transports: Ghtroc freighter 7D, starship gunnery 6D+2, starship shields 6D

  Bargain 8D, con 7D+1, forgery 5D+1, hide 6D, persuasion 5D+2, search 4D+2, sneak 6D+2

  Stamina 5D

  Blaster repair 5D, first aid 5D, security 6D+1, space transports repair: Ghtroc freighter 6D

  Force Points: 1

  Dark Side Points: 1

  Character Points: 15

  Equipment: Datapad, heavy blaster pistol (5D), Luudrian Star

  Capsule: Tru’eb Cholakk was the son of a head-clan member of his home city of Kala’uun on Ryloth. His dreams of someday claiming that position and leading his people were destroyed by his cousin, Ku’amar, who kidnapped Tru’eb and gave him to slavers. He fell into the hands of Big Quince, an infamous Sludir slaver from the Outer Rim Territories. He took Tru’eb from the slave pens and made him his personal servant.

  Tru’eb served his master faithfully, always scheming to escape. When a young slave sought his help. Tru’eb knew it was time to act. There are various tales of how they actually escaped — some say Tru’eb and the young woman destroyed Big Quince’s ship, others say he murdered an Imperial Moff during the escape attempt. Only Tru’eb and smuggler Platt Okeefe, the slave girl, know the true story.

  Okeefe rewarded Tru’eb for his assistance, taught him how to make a living among the stars, and helped him buy a Ghtroc freighter, the Luudrian Star.

  After his escape, he turned to gunrunning. He supplied several fledgling Rebel groups with arms, and continued to support the Alliance up to the Battle of Endor.

  In the time of the New Republic. Tru’eb has continued his gunrunning efforts, helping to supply Rebel groups on Imperially-held planets. He has been known to work with Dirk Harkness and the Black Curs, a mercenary group specializing in commando raids and intelligence operations.

  Tru’eb is a tall and very stoic Twi’lek who dresses in gray and black tunics. His voice is deep and resonant, and his speech always seems proud.

  Luudrian Star

  Craft: Ghtroc Industries class 729 freighter

  Type: Modified stock light freighter

  Scale: Starfighter

  Length: 35 meters

  Skill: Space transports: Ghtroc freighter

  Crew: 1

  Crew Skill: See Tru’eb Cholakk

  Passengers: 10

  Cargo Capacity: 135 metric tons

  Consumables: 2 months

  Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2

  Hyperdrive Backup: x15

  Nav Computer: Yes

  Maneuverability: 1D

  Space: 3

  Atmosphere: 260: 750 kmh

  Hull: 3D+2

  Shields: 2D


  Passive: 15/0D

  Scan: 30/1D

  Search: 50/3D

  Focus: 2/4D


  2 Mass Drive Cannons (fire linked)

  Fire Arc: Front

  Skill: Starship gunnery

  Fire Control: 2D

  Space Range: 1-2/8/15

  Atmosphere Range: 100-200/800/1.5 km

  Damage: 5D

  Oakie (Platt Okeefe)

  (At the time of “Big Quince”)

  Type: Smuggler


  Blaster 6D, dodge 1D, running 5D


  Alien species 4D+1, languages 4D, languages: Sullustan 6D, planetary systems 7D, streetwise 6D


  Astrogation 5D, sensors 4D+2, space transports 6D+2, starship gunnery 5D


  Bargain 5D, con 4D, sneak 4D+2


  Brawling 4D+2, climbing/jumping 4D+2, stamina 4D


  Space transport repair 5D, starship weapon repair 4D

  Force Points: 3

  Character Points: 8

  Move: 10

  (Three years after the Battle of Endor)

  Blaster 8D, brawling parry 4D+1, dodge 5D+2, grenade 4D+1, running 5D+2

  Alien species 6D, bureaucracy 4D, cultures 5D, languages 5D+1, languages: Sullustan 6D+1, planetary systems 8D+2, streetwise 7D, value 4D+1

  Astrogation 6D, communications 4D+2, repulsorlift operation 5D+1, sensors 5D+2, space transports 7D, starship gunner
y 6D

  Bargain 6D, con 5D+2, hide 4D, persuasion 4D+2, sneak 5D+2

  Brawling 5D+1, climbing/jumping 5D, stamina 4D+2

  Computer program/repair 4D+2, demolition 5D, first aid 4D+1, security 5D+1, space transport repair 6D, starship weapon repair 5D

  Force Points: 5

  Character Points: 12

  Equipment: Comlink, datapad, heavy blaster pistol (5D), modified YT-1300 freighter

  Capsule: Platt Okeefe (or Oakie. as she is known to certain close friends) is a well-traveled smuggler who fancies herself an authority on the profession.

  She ran away from her home planet of Brentaal at an early age, and joined the crew of a Sullustan starliner as a cabin steward. She later joined a tramp freighter crew plying the Anarid Cluster, and soon earned enough to invest in her first ship, a freighter called Platt’s Dream.

  But Platt soon ran into financial trouble after several cargo deals went bad. She turned to a crime lord for a loan. When she failed to pay up, her ship was taken, and she was sold into slavery to Big Quince.

  She didn’t spend long in Big Quince’s slave pens. With the help of an enterprising Twi’lek named Tru’eb, she managed to escape.

  Since then she has been an independent smuggler, preferring to work on her own. Platt is known for her willingness to aid other smugglers — as long as such aid doesn’t compromise her own operations. She has run cargoes for the Rebel Alliance and now occasionally ships cargo for the New Republic, charging her usual fees. Platt has no love for the Empire, but wishes to keep her relationship with the New Republic based strictly in business, not political ideals.

  The most distinguishing features about Platt are her attractive smile and her platinum blonde hair. She often dresses in a red vest and wears a sash around her head.

  Big Quince

  Type: Sludir Slave Lord DEXTERITY 4D+2


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