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Page 6

by Angela Graham

  “I wouldn’t mind seeing a few of those.”

  Seriously! I knew that voice. I knew the masculine fresh scent and I could already visualize the smirk covering his gorgeous lips.

  No, not gorgeous. Not sexy, not even attractive. Ugly! Hideous as a troll living under a rotting bridge.

  Turning slowly, my eyes connected with Logan’s. Damn it, definitely not a troll.

  “Hello, sweetheart.”

  As expected, there was that smirk that made my insides shudder and quake. His eyes raked over my body, ignoring the aggressive glare on my face.

  “I’m not your sweetheart,” I scoffed.

  The corner of his lips turned up even farther as he sipped his drink. Scotch from the look and smell of it. Too close.

  I stepped back.

  “Do you mind not hanging out behind me?” My tone was harsh, just the way it sounded in my head, thankfully. I was not going to fall into his charm and let him watch me get all flustered. He had plenty of other girls to put on that show for him. I tucked my arms across my chest waiting for him to move anywhere but directly behind me.

  My brows rose waiting, but instead he leaned into me, placing his empty hand on my shoulder.

  My breath caught when his thumb rubbed small circles into my blazer. Thank God I wore that. His breath was again caressing the lobe of my ear, his stubble so close it nearly brushed against my cheek. He totally knew what he was doing to me. Damn him!

  “But it’s so lovely back here,” he murmured, his voice gruff, “sweetheart.”

  Before I could retort or slug him, he was turning and walking away.

  I took a deep breath and turned my attention back to Hilary who was now standing in front of Caleb talking, oblivious to my interaction with Logan.

  “Second-grade teacher, really?” Caleb said to Hilary. “Lucky kids.”

  Hilary blushed, looking down at her drink. “I have to admit I was surprised to hear you were back in town, and that you bought this place.”

  “Wasn’t my plan, to be honest. This place ended up in my hands and I decided why not go back to my roots for a while.” He smiled.

  “So you won’t be staying long?”

  “You never know. I was thinking about finding a good manager to take care of things here while I traveled, but then again I might find a reason to hang around a while.”

  “There’s not really much in Harmony worth sticking around for.” She frowned, oblivious to his deeper meaning and hungry eyes.

  Caleb chuckled. “I have a feeling Harmony has a lot to offer this time around.”

  Hilary looked up meeting his eyes and I suddenly felt awkward staring.

  I turned around, surveying the room, and found Logan at the bar ordering another drink. He wore the sexiest pair of black dress pants that hung low on his hips and the grey V-neck tee accentuated his muscles. His arms were not massive but enough to feel safe if they were wrapped around my—. I shook the thought away and choked down a giant gulp of the expensive wine I snatched off a passing tray.

  Only Caleb would serve free wine that tasted this good. I drank the remnants of the liquid and handed it to yet another passing waiter a moment later. The wine alone was worth coming out for and would be my next reason to come back. Delicious.

  “You should come with me,” Caleb said, catching my attention when I noticed Hilary standing motionless, not answering him.

  The beginning of the conversation was lost on me so I had no clue what to say when her eyes flickered in my direction. I smiled, my shoulders rose and fell.

  “Um…yeah. I would love that. I mean…if you want…um…” Hilary’s poise was slipping, time to retreat before she embarrassed herself.

  “We should go say hi to some friends.” I slid my arm through hers. “Congratulations again, Caleb. I’m sure you’ll see us back often.”

  I was certain Hilary would be a regular customer at the establishment when not at school.

  “It was good seeing you again, dancing queen.” He chuckled and returned his gaze to Hilary, his expression soft. “I’ll be in touch with you soon.”

  Hilary said nothing, only nodded with a giant grin as I pulled her away through to crowd.

  She was freaking out on the inside—that much was evident—when we stopped at the end of the bar. I asked for two more glasses of wine, but quickly noticed she had yet to touch the one in her hand.

  More for me.

  Glancing around the room, I felt good. I rarely drank but there was something enticing about the unusual music, the crowded room full of smiling people, and Logan staring at me.

  Logan was staring at me!

  I whipped my head down and focused on the surface of the bar in front of me. Caleb really did do a good job with the renovations. I snuck a quick glance and found Logan with his usual smirk, eyes still locked on me.

  Shooting him an annoyed glare, he only laughed.

  “Can you believe it?” Hilary asked.

  “Hmm?” Had she said something?

  “Caleb invited me to go see the end of summer parade with him next weekend.”

  She was beaming and I couldn’t help but smile. She deserved happiness and ever since we were kids, the only time she lit up like that was when Caleb came around.

  I sometimes wondered if that was the reason she always liked hanging out at my house. Her home was a lot more fun. My dad was long gone and my mother was a workaholic. What was fun about that?

  “I think he has a thing for you,”

  I rolled my eyes when I realized she was staring at Logan.

  Always the hopeful romantic.

  “Not happening,” I snorted. Where were our drinks?

  “Come on, he’s cute, single and lives a few steps away from you. Why not just take a chance?”

  “The list is too long,” I muttered.

  Hilary gave up and dropped the subject, turning away to talk with old friends we went to school with, I chanced another—this time subtle—glance in Logan’s direction.

  Instantly I regretted it. He was no longer looking my way wearing the mysterious smirk I secretly adored, instead I found him leaning against the bar captivated by the familiar raven-haired woman in front of him.

  My head dropped down and I struggled to find my next breath as my stomach began filling with angry fireflies, burning to get out. I snatched the glass from Hilary’s hand and swallowed it with one loud gulp.

  “You all right?” She laughed, surprised by my actions.

  We’d been friends since we were still in diapers. Whatever she saw on my face caused hers to contort in nearly as much panic as I was feeling.

  She turned to see what could have upset me, forehead marred with worry lines.

  “Cassandra.” Her voice was full of the one thing I despised—pity—when she spotted Mackenzie pawing at Logan.

  I shoved past everyone in my way. I needed to get out of there. I felt like a caged animal ready to tear apart anyone that got in my way.

  The sight of Mackenzie was infuriating. It had absolutely nothing to do with the fact she was running her skanky claws up Logan’s arm.

  No, that had nothing at all to do with it.

  My manic wave through the crowd caused me to bump into a man who then stumbled back and bumped into—of all people—Mackenzie, shoving her right into Logan’s open arms.

  Perfect. I just helped her out.

  Logan looked up at me with quizzical eyes but all I could do was keep moving.

  The moment I stepped outside, the warm night air filled my lungs and finally I could breathe.

  “I’ll drive,” Hilary said, appearing out of nowhere.

  I didn’t argue, only pulled out my keys and tossed them in her direction.

  Chapter Six

  Let the Games Begin

  By the time Hilary dropped me off at home, I’d convinced her I was fine and she reluctantly left.

  Tossing my clutch and keys down on the table, I headed straight into my bathroom washing away my makeup, and
threw my hair into a loose bun. I peeled off my outfit and opened my dresser drawer. It was a warm, balmy night so I slithered on a light-creamy slip before retreating to the kitchen for a glass of cold water. It helped squelch the heat burning me from the inside.

  Savoring the cool liquid, I closed my eyes and sighed. Tonight was a disaster. I made a fool of myself and I would hear about it for the next week.

  I peered out the window toward Logan’s house and sighed. The night had immersed us in darkness despite the bright full moon.

  The fact that I let the mere sight of Mackenzie not only ruin my evening, but also bring up insecurities I’d buried deep inside last year, left me furious. I was better than that, stronger. Why did I let that tramp get to me after all this time? The worst part was I still wasn’t sure what bothered me more, seeing her there smiling and giggling happily oblivious to the pain she’d caused, or seeing her with Logan?

  Mackenzie could be with Logan right now, wrapped in his strong arms, lost in his fresh masculine scent and charming voice. I shook my head and groaned. Knowing Mackenzie that’s exactly where I thought they would be.

  So what!

  Okay, there may have been a little sting but it was absurd. I didn’t understand why it bothered me so much. It only added fuel to the raging pit of fire burning wildly inside, seeking revenge on the bitch.

  Logan meant nothing to me. I didn’t even know him. He was nothing but an arrogant player that got off watching me get flustered.

  He was toying with me.

  Why wouldn’t he? I’d given him quite a show so far. For some outlandish reason his actions seemed to lead to that a lot since I’d met him. I’d never gotten worked up by a guy like that before. It had to have been from a lack of a man for so long, nothing more.

  Deciding an internal debate over my feelings would lead me to no real answers, I chose to clear my mind with a peaceful stroll. As I opened my back door, I glanced up at the clock not realizing it was already past eleven. The night felt like a blur, spinning out of control around me.

  Barefoot, I stepped into the warm rough grass and smiled. There was something about nature that always reminded you how small you really were in the big scheme of things.

  Walking leisurely through my backyard, I was somehow pulled toward Logan’s house and decided to take a peek at his pool. They destroyed it in less than a few hours the first day he moved in and I wondered what the destruction encompassed.

  As I grew closer, I gasped. The pool was not only completely restored and expanded upon to include a gentle curve for a cascading waterfall, an attached Jacuzzi, and winding slide, but it was also filled with bright-blue water shimmering in the moonlight.

  Glancing up at the dark house settled behind it, the lights were still out. My eyes shifted between the pool and house as I anxiously kneaded the back of my neck. Damp skin and loose dewy strands of hair met my hands and my resolve faltered.

  A slow, invigorating grin crept over my lips and surged through my nerves.

  There was no one around and the sultry night air was beckoning me toward the cool water.

  It was a dream. The pool was beautiful. I walked toward the edge and dipped my toe in, beaming. The temperature of the water was blissful. Exactly like a perfect bath with a mild chill, which I found calming after the night I had.

  Happily my feet danced around the concrete edge of the pool making my way to the deepest end. Reaching my hands into my hair, I pulled free the elastic band holding it in place, and smiled as golden strands cascaded down around my face.

  Tossing the piece of elastic to the ground, I reached my arms over my head, stretching. Flutters soared through my stomach. The short gown I wore hiked up to my thighs, exposing more skin than appropriate, but nothing about sneaking into your neighbor’s pool was exactly proper. I decided it best to keep the gown on seeing as I was already crossing the invisible line of my moral boundaries just being there.

  Without another thought I dove straight in with a graceful splash, swimming under the water until I reached the other side. After emerging, I ran my fingers through my long wet hair.

  It was then that I noticed the flutter of curtains and a soft dim light in an upstairs window.

  Someone was awake.

  I shuddered. My hands flew to cover the thin fabric clinging to my breast. I wore nothing except panties underneath the now translucent cloth.

  Gazing up at the window, training my eyes to see through the darkness, the curtain pulled open farther revealing the dark familiar eyes staring out, glistening in the shadowy light. Unable to make out anything else, it was enough for my body to shiver at the thought of him watching me. I knew those eyes. Logan’s eyes.

  I was faced with two options. I could do what he expected, which was to scurry around trying to cover myself from the clingy sheer fabric as I scampered home like a fool or…

  Tilting my head softly to the side, I smiled and raised my brows. Slowly I walked up the tiled steps of the pool, fully revealing my wet, barely covered state. My eyes never strayed from that window, from his eyes, as I stood under the moonlight with the most confident poise I’d ever felt in front of him before.

  I was through acting irrational, especially around Logan. He was nothing more than a guy, a neighbor. I had a point to prove not only to him, but also to myself. I was in control.

  His dark eyes grew wider. I could see more of his face as he leaned closer to the window. Fog began to settle in front of him, awakening a need inside me I’d never dreamed existed.

  With an unwavering gaze, I slowly ran my fingers across my stomach and up to the shoulder over my slip. Caressing the silky fabric of the strap, I bit my bottom lip and smoothly slid it over my sun-bronzed shoulder. My lips twitched into a ghost of a smile.

  Tentatively my finger hooked under the second strap, my breath ragged as my body reacted to the sight of his tongue darting out and licking his lips. My confidence grew with every movement he made, and without hesitation, I slid down the strap. I held the gown to my chest, not willing to fully treat him to an undeserving meal as I turned around to face the pool.

  Laughing softly to myself at my brazen actions, I released my hand allowing the slip to fall lasciviously down over my hips and pool at my feet.

  I stood there, facing away, bare before his eyes only in a tiny white lacy thong. Walking around the pool, my back still to him, I glanced over my shoulder and smirked before diving back into the revitalizing water.

  With a deep inhale of fresh air, I looked back up at the window, the curtain was dropped, and the light was out.

  I laughed. A therapeutic, deep laugh, shaking my head.

  My point was made and my body enjoyed the soothing experience, so I stepped out of the water and grabbed my gown, disappearing into my own yard as quickly as my feet could carry me.

  As I opened and stepped through my back door, a light appeared illuminating Logan’s back patio, followed by the faint sound of a sliding door opening.

  I giggled, feeling proud and retreated inside. I felt like my old self. If Logan thought he could intimidate me with his sexy charm he was in for a surprise.

  Two could play that game

  The next day I awoke to my usual internal alarm, bright and early, filled with a newfound energy. By seven thirty, I was dressed in a pair of pale-blue jogging shorts and soft-pink tank top. The most comfortable exercise outfit I owned. I tossed my hair up into a high ponytail and didn’t bother stopping in front of a mirror as I left my room to fill my water bottle.

  I wasn’t going to rearrange my mornings to avoid Logan any longer. I’d never been that girl who got all frazzled around a hot guy and I sure as hell wasn’t going to start now. He’d had his fun but now it was time for him to meet the real Cassandra.

  Leaving my iPod on the foyer table, I took off enjoying the sounds nature had to greet me with. The morning air was fresh and cool with a hint of moisture. Perfect. I inhaled a deep breath as I jogged down my usual direction.

thin minutes, I heard rather than saw someone behind me. I didn’t turn back. I knew who it was and I wondered if he would mention the previous night.

  Half an hour later and not a word out of Logan, I noticed one of the large potholes I regularly ran around to avoid. This morning I was feeling exhilarated and relaxed, so instead of jogging to the side of it, I did my infamous ballerina leap from the other morning. This time however, I followed it up with a dramatic twirl. I smiled, and it felt good.

  I didn’t bother to look back during my twirl so I wasn’t sure if he was laughing at me or not. He didn’t make a sound and I didn’t care either way.

  I was back to my old self.

  The city limits sign came into sight, and as I was about to cross the road to turn back, I heard his smooth voice.

  “You seem to be enjoying your morning.” His tone was soft and lighthearted.

  I could feel his arm brush mine as he came up beside me. He was waiting for the nerve- wracked Cassandra to show.

  Not happening.

  Against the pull of my body enjoying the sensation of his touch so close to me, I was able to keep my head.

  I looked to my right, staring him straight in the face, the bright sun behind him blocking his expression.

  “Yes, I am,” I replied, smiling.

  I heard him chuckling as I raced forward, leaving him in my dust.

  To my surprise and enjoyment, he never said another word although I could feel he was still close behind me. He gave me the peace I treasured on my morning jogs.

  Slowing as I approached my driveway, I smiled.

  “Have a good day, sweetheart,” he called out as I walked up my driveway. My body was surging with electricity and I was pumped to get my day started.

  “Tell Oliver I said hi,” I called back and disappeared inside my house.

  Showered and in my car by noon I stopped by the small grocery store on the edge of town. With school starting in two weeks, I needed to pick up a few last minutes supplies.

  My cart was filled with cheap notepads, pencils, and red pens by the time I made my way down the tissue aisle.


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