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Z.E.D.S. Series (Book 1): Z.E.D.S. Rising

Page 15

by Botts, Bradley

  I handed him my rifle as I searched around inside of the truck. I gripped the visor with my hand and the keys fell onto my lap. I placed them into the ignition and the motor roared to the heavens.

  “Atlas, get in the truck.”

  As I watched him beginning to step towards the door I saw him stop. A bullet entered and exited his chest and he started to fall. I leaped out of the truck as he hit the pavement.

  “No, no, no Atlas, You can’t die here. Not today. Not like this.”

  He looked at me as I gripped his hand.

  “Tell my girls I love them.”

  “I will.”

  “Tell my baby when it’s born that I fought hard to be there. I wish I could be there. Please let them know I tried,” He said as tears came from his eyes.

  “I will let them know everything Atlas, I promise,” I replied back as I began to cry.

  Atlas stared to the sky and he fought to take his last breath. His eyes searched the sky lost in what I could only hope was peace. His body went limp and he died right there at my side. I placed his pistol to his head and pulled the trigger. As blood flowed down my arms from his body I lifted Atlas from the ground and placed him in the back seat. As his body laid there I noticed a weapon appearing from behind the cushion. Bullets were flying past my head as I pulled the weapon from the truck. I saw Riley standing in the doorway of the building staring at me so I made sure to aim for him.

  I walked to the front of the truck, aimed the weapon and yelled, “You all can burn in Hell!”

  The rocket soared from the launcher and headed straight into the building sending soldiers into the air as flaming balls of fire. The ones that didn’t die from the blast were stunned so bad they could raise themselves off of the ground. I dropped the launcher to the ground and saw the devastation I was allowed to leave behind. This place deserved more than what I could, but the only thing that could do was unleash what Penelope had taken credit for. I sat down in the truck and looked at Atlas while he rested in the back seat. He had never looked so peaceful in the past five years when all of this started. I placed it in drive and rammed through the fence letting the dead walk in to devour what was left.

  A Warriors Way Pt.2

  The drive back home was the longest drive I had ever made. The entire time I kept looking at Atlas hoping he would wake up and he would be fine. I knew it wasn’t going to happen but I prayed for it. As I pulled up to the bunker everyone was standing there waiting for our return. I slowly stepped out of the truck covered in Atlas’ blood trying to hold back my tears. Aurora saw what I tried to hide. Her smile quickly faded into a frown. Karmen ran outside the door ready to embrace me but I held my hand up and told her to wait. Sloan, Seth and Brock stepped towards the truck and opened the back door to pull Atlas out. I couldn’t help but bury my head into my hands feeling my tears slide through my fingers. I wiped them away as I saw Sloan and Seth carrying Atlas towards Aurora. Aurora dropped to her knees and Kiere began screaming Atlas’ name. His dad stumbled to Atlas and hovered over him while trying to help his brothers carry him inside. Karmen was standing next to Aurora and Kiere trying to comfort them as Brock grabbed Atlas’ hand once they were carrying him inside. Karmen and Kiere helped Aurora to her feet and walked behind Atlas. He couldn’t bear looking Aurora in the eyes so I stayed outside the bunker staring at the sky searching for an answer from God on why it had to be this way. Screams filled the air and I can still hear the sound in my sleep.

  Atlas always said if there was one way he would like to be buried it wasn’t with dirt. He was a fan of how Vikings and Medieval Times honored their dead. We did exactly what he wanted. We placed his body on a bed of flowers inside of a canoe. We placed his Beretta in one hand and his Winchester Knife in the other while crossing his arms along his chest. We each took turns saying our final goodbyes. Aurora placed a final kiss upon his lips and Kiere hugged him for one last time. Brock smothered the canoe and flowers with gasoline and his brothers pushed it out onto the Cumberland River. Aurora asked me to commence his final farewell with a bow and flaming arrow. I did what she asked. I placed the arrow onto the bow and pulled back as hard as I could. I stared at the canoe as it floated down the river and I released the arrow into the air. As it soared I knew this would be the last time I would ever see my brother, my captain, my best friend.

  Before the arrow hit I said, “Goodbye Atlas. Your job is done. We will take it from here.”

  The arrow instantly burned the canoe and the black smoke surrounded the air. We all stood in silence as we watched him perish down the stream. Karmen, Aurora and Kiere stood next to me placing their hands on my shoulders. With Aurora and Kiere being at my side I knew they forgave me for not bringing him home alive. I felt guilt and anger for not doing what I promised, but they knew he did what he promised. He made sure I got home. Even though I know he didn’t want to leave I couldn’t help thinking to myself he was truly the blessed one for we still have work ahead of us.

  A week has passed since I finished his story. The story of his death and no matter how we tried we couldn’t cope with the loss of Atlas. I guess I wanted to finish his story because if I wrote for him I figured I could keep him alive as well as tell you why he wasn’t here. Little did I know the night I had finished telling you his story Atlas appeared in the bunker with a blinding light piercing my retinas. These were only words he said to me.

  “We have work to do.”

  Table of Contents


  The Beginning

  The Ordinary Life

  The Beginning Cont.

  Search and Rescue

  Coming Together

  The Z.E.D.S. Is Born

  In Order of the ZEDS

  Face With the Voice

  The Reunion

  More Than One Enemy

  A Conspiracy Come True

  No Way in Hell

  This isn’t the end for me


  A Warriors Way

  A Warriors Way Pt.2




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