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Hoop Dreams

Page 10

by Aaliyah Jackson

Her mouth opened as if she was going to say something, but all she did was point along the corridor. It carried on the pretence that she was stunned to see him before she finally started speaking and the lies came out easily.

  “A friend of mine was admitted,” she said. “I just finished visiting her and was on my way home.” She paused before going on. “It really is you. I didn’t think you’d be here anymore.”

  “You knew I was at this hospital?” Darius asked as he frowned.

  “Of course,” Phaedra answered. “It was me that contacted the emergency services that night when… well, you know.”

  “Why didn’t you stay with me?” he asked.

  “It was too risky,” Phaedra said and shrugged her shoulders as she spun out her story. She glanced around to make sure they were alone before going on. “After everything that happened that night, I guessed the police would be looking for someone involved in an accident and thought they would check the hospitals in the area. Considering the state you were in after that truck hit you, there was no choice but to get you here, although I was sure you’d end up getting caught. I came here with you when the paramedics brought you in, but wasn’t about to hang around afterwards and left when I knew you were in safe hands. It’s amazing that you’re on your feet again so quickly.”

  “It needed some pioneering surgery to achieve,” Darius replied, unaware that Phaedra already knew this. “But I’m on my way to full fitness now.”

  “That’s great,” she said. “It’s good to see you up and about.”

  Darius pushed himself away from the wall as the trembling of his legs subsided.

  “Come along to my room,” he told her. “We can talk in private there.”

  “Oh, I shouldn’t,” Phaedra replied in a calculated gamble that Darius wouldn’t just let her walk away and it worked.

  “Please,” he encouraged her. “It’s nice to see a friendly face. All I’ve seen for the last few weeks is medical staff.”

  “Well… OK,” she agreed after further hesitation.

  “It’s along here,” Darius went on and led the way to the room.

  The smile that flashed across Phaedra’s face went unnoticed, but the first step in her scheme to snare Darius was going to plan and the anticipation of being alone with him in his room played on her mind. She remained silent when they walked inside, but was sure she knew the first question he would ask and waited for it.

  “Did you tell my family I was in here?”

  She shook her head and watched as Darius sat down on the edge of the bed.

  “No,” she said and carried on with her lies. “I wanted to… I really did, but Marcus and Kelvin warned me that I better keep my mouth shut about what happened that night. They didn’t want anything leading to them and I took their threats seriously, so I didn’t tell your family.”

  “Did you tell anyone?” Darius went on.

  Phaedra knew who the question was aimed at and carried on with the story she prepared.

  “Well, I…” she started then paused to let him encourage her and make it appear that he was forcing the information from her.

  “Just tell me,” Darius insisted.

  Phaedra let out a sigh as if she was reluctant to go on, although she eventually did.

  “It was easy to keep out of the way of your family,” she said. “But I couldn’t avoid Gemini. I thought she’d be upset and missing you, so I told her where you were.”

  Darius leaned forward as if he was eager for her to go on, and his encouragement came out once more.


  “Well… she wasn’t interested,” Phaedra lied. “She told me the things said in the argument between you two showed that you didn’t care about her, so she wasn’t going to care either.”

  “Oh,” Darius let out and she heard the disappointment in his voice.

  “I’m sorry,” she went on. “But I think she meant what she said. I never asked her, but I’m guessing she didn’t come and visit.”

  “No, she didn’t,” Darius replied.

  “That doesn’t really surprise me,” Phaedra went on as she told the fictitious story she hoped would turn Darius against Gemini. “I got the impression that she was more interested in her studies, to be honest, and I’ve heard that she’s going out a lot more now… as if she wants to move on and look for someone new. I don’t really like being the one to bring you bad news, but I guess you should know. ”

  Darius let out a sigh as thoughts of the angry exchange of words that fateful night came in his head. They said some hurtful things to each other that would have been difficult to get over, but he never imagined they would really split up. It appeared that Gemini didn’t share his view.

  “She really didn’t want to come and visit me?” he asked.

  “No,” Phaedra answered. “She was pretty adamant when I first told her where you were that she wasn’t going to and said some unpleasant things about you, to be honest.”

  “Fucking hell,” Darius let out under his breath.

  “I’m sorry,” Phaedra repeated. “I did try, but…”

  She let her words just trail off and watched as he ran his hand over his head. His palm came away wet with the sweat of his exertions in the physiotherapy treatment room.

  “I need to get cleaned up,” he said as he stood up and removed his t-shirt.

  Phaedra stared at the glisten on his dark skin and the image of them naked in the shower flashed through her head. The longing for it was strong, but she knew it was too early to make a move. It would likely scare off Darius, so she controlled the flush of hungry desire that came over her and held her breath as she moved across the room to leave.

  “Come and visit me again,” Darius blurted out.

  A smile flashed across Phaedra’s face, but she wiped it from her expression before she turned around.

  “Yeah, sure,” she agreed. “I’ll do that if you want me to.”

  She walked to the door to leave and the smile stayed on her face now. Things were going to plan and the fact that Darius asked her to come and see him again gave the impression he was the one making the running to keep them in touch. He likely thought he was taking a risk considering the terms of his contract and the warning that he cut all contact with his friends and family, but Phaedra knew that Kent Carmichael wasn’t going to stop her visiting.

  The agreement that she could was in place already and she planned to be the one person from Darius’s old existence that went on to be a big part of his new life. She went to see him a couple of days later and became a regular visitor during the rest of his stay in the hospital. On one of those occasions, it was set up that Kent Carmichael caught them together and he played out the scene of losing his temper before being calmed down and agreeing that Phaedra could keep in touch.

  It was made clear to Darius that it was his last chance and if he breached the terms of the deal on one more occasion, his contract would be ripped up and the call to the police would be made. This brought him closer to Phaedra, since she was the one link to the life he was leaving behind, and she went out of her way to take full advantage of this. The more she was with him and saw him regaining his strength, the more she wanted him until it was impossible for her resist. She arranged a visit to his room that coincided with one of his very last physiotherapy sessions at the hospital and was waiting when he returned from it.

  “Hey,” he said when he walked in the room. “When did you get here?”

  “I just arrived,” she replied. “How did the exercises go today?”

  “It was good,” he told her. “I’ve been told I’m finally getting out of this place.”

  “That’s fantastic,” Phaedra said. “So… the big time finally beckons for you.”

  “Yeah,” he replied. “I’m going to stay at Kent’s place when I leave here, but we’re heading to Las Vegas almost straight away. He wants me on a court and practicing as soon as possible.”

  “You’ll be a star,” Phaedra said and smiled.

nbsp; She watched as he removed his sweat-stained t-shirt and he didn’t notice as she stared at his gleaming muscles. His physique appeared more pumped up and toned than before and she guessed that the last few weeks of training and physiotherapy was having an effect. The usual rush of longing welled up and she wasn’t just planning to walk out of the room.

  “Thanks,” he said. “Just give me a couple of minutes to have a shower.”

  He grabbed a towel from the chair beside the bed then walked towards the adjoining bathroom. As soon as he went inside, Phaedra moved to the door of the room and flicked the lock to make sure they wouldn’t be disturbed. She was quick to strip down to just her panties then walked to the bathroom. The door was slightly ajar and she smiled when she peeked through the gap.

  Darius was standing in the open shower area facing away from her and the rising steam slightly obscured her view. She still caught glimpses of his broad back and the taut muscles of his buttocks. He was unaware of the door being slowly eased open and it allowed Phaedra to step inside the room and move right behind him. It was only when she brushed her fingers across his smooth skin that he realized she was there and the slight consternation showed on his face when he spun around. His mouth hung open as he stared at her naked breasts and it made her giggle.

  “I thought you might need some help,” she said.

  “You can’t be in here,” Darius replied and used his hands to cover his crotch.

  “Too late for that,” Phaedra teased him. “I already am.”


  “You must be frustrated,” she cut in to stop his words.

  “Huh?” he said as he frowned.

  “Well, the last time you got any action would have been in the alley behind the Shrine Tavern,” Phaedra went on with a cheeky smile. “Do you remember that?”

  She lifted her hand to stroke her fingertips across the smooth skin of her upper chest and was aware that Darius was watching her every move.

  “That was a one off,” he replied when he brought his gaze up to her face.

  “It doesn’t have to be,” she replied immediately and stepped forward.

  Darius moved as well, but his gaze returned to her breasts as the water began to stream over them. Her panties were quickly soaked in the deluge and she knew the white material would become transparent to give a tantalizing glimpse of what was below.

  “We can’t do this,” Darius said as he continued to protest her presence.

  Phaedra wasn’t about to walk away though. She closed her eyes as she turned her face up to the cascade and brushed her fingertips across her mouth. Darius was watching when she looked at him and she could see the building lust that he was unable to contain.

  “I seem to remember you liked my mouth,” she told him with a smirk.

  “Come on, Phaedra,” he said, but she ignored him.

  It reminded her of being in the alley when she dropped to her knees in front of him and his weakness showed in the fact that he didn’t move away. There was no doubt that he was thinking about her touch. She could see it in his eyes as she glanced up to hold his gaze.

  “Don’t hide it from me,” she said as she reached out to him.

  He resisted for a second as she tried to pull his hand away from the front of his body, but she was the more determined of the two of them and she licked her lips when she caught sight of his cock. It was hanging down against his leg, but she could already feel the slight pulse of hot blood stiffening it as she grabbed hold.

  “Oh yeah, there’s my boy,” she let out in a quiet voice as she leaned forward to press her lips on the wet skin of Darius’s midriff.

  She heard his sharp intake of breath and his muscles contracted as she brushed her mouth across them. A glance up showed that his eyes were closed and she saw him reach out a hand to press it on the wall. She squeezed her fingers as tightly as she could around his growing manhood to enjoy the feel of it hardening and continued to slide her lips across the strong muscles of his belly.

  Her pulse raced to make her suck in ragged breaths and her own excitement climbed as they played under the cascade of shower water. It rained down to soak her hair and she swept it back from her forehead when she pulled her mouth from Darius’s skin. His cock was no longer hanging down and she stroked her fingers along it to continue bringing it to life. It was now sticking out from his body towards her, and she leaned forward and flicked out her tongue.

  The heat of desire was making her chest heave and she was so much more turned on than she’d been in the alley. She remembered creaming her panties when she gave him the previous blowjob and it was happening again. This time she wasn’t going to make him finish in her mouth though, and the oral action was simply foreplay to get him ready for more. She could hear Darius’s groans and his hand pressed more firmly on the wall as she worked the tip of her tongue on his cock. Her grip tightened as she dragged her fingers lower to roll the foreskin down and she gave herself some room to enjoy the impressive sight.

  The slick, dark head reached Darius’s navel and his stiff shaft was now proudly erect and pointing towards the ceiling. Phaedra was aware of the throb of hot blood pumping as she tightened her grip even more, and it made her lean forward to get a better view. Her warm breath washed over the thick, mushroom-shaped head and she flicked her tongue out to tease it on sensitive skin. The groans from above got louder as she played and she kept her tongue working as she stroked her fingers up and down an impressively long cock.

  “Fuck,” Darius let out through clenched teeth.

  He was back in the alley behind the Shrine Tavern, where he knew what he was doing was wrong and still found himself unable to stop the action. It was the same again, but the doubts slowly evaporated as the pleasure of the touches drove them away. He was losing himself to the enjoyment of the shower play and it got better still as the head of his cock was engulfed in the slick warmth of Phaedra’s mouth.

  She knew exactly how to tease a man into giving her what she wanted and Darius was definitely falling for it. Her head bobbed to let him enjoy her mouth taking more of his length and his fingers brushed in her wet hair. It was the sign of a man in the grip of emotions he couldn’t control, and she stoked his lust by working her lips along his engorged shaft to a faster rhythm. It made the head of his cock brush on the roof of her mouth and she sensed he was struggling to stay upright as his legs trembled, so she moved away to give him some respite. She looked up at him as she caressed her fingers slowly up and down his length.

  “Do you like me being a bad girl for you?” she teased him.

  He just stared and she held his gaze as she slowly got to her feet. Their wet skin rubbed together as she stood on tiptoes to kiss him and the hardness of his solid shaft was trapped between their bodies.

  “Let’s get you washed,” she said when she reached out to the small bottle of shower cream on the wall shelf.

  “I can...” Darius started to say, but Phaedra lifted a hand to press a finger on his lips.

  “Just relax,” she told him.

  She opened the bottle to squeeze some of the liquid soap in her palm and made him move out from under the water. Her hands were shaking as she placed them on his body, with her offer to wash him being more for her benefit than his. It allowed her to stroke touches over solid muscles and she ran them all over his torso then lower until she was teasing her soapy hand along his erection.

  “You like that, don’t you?” she said when she glanced at his face.

  The soft, silky touch of her fingers was making him tremble, but she let go after a few seconds and made him turn around. He was doing what she told him straight away now and that excited her even more. Her hands went to his shoulders, but her gaze remained on his buttocks as she slowly worked her way down to them.

  “Oh yeah,” she let out as she got hold of them.

  She heard his gasp when she dug her nails in taut muscles to clamp her hands on his ass, but she played with it for only a short while before making him turn
and hauling him under the water to rinse the soap from his skin.

  “Your turn,” she said with a smile when she held out the bottle.

  He hesitated and she thought he was going to refuse, but the rush of exhilaration was strong when he grabbed the bottle from her. She watched expectantly as he poured some of the shower cream in his hands. A shiver trickled all the way down her spine when he rubbed his palms on her shoulders and the heat blossomed to more between her thighs when his soft caresses slid lower. Her nipples stiffened the second they were touched and she couldn’t hold in the low groan as her legs began to shake. It was her turn to reach out to the wall to give herself some support as Darius’s fingers tightened on her breasts, but his grip loosened almost immediately.

  “No… keep doing it,” she let out in a gasp and grabbed at his hands to hold them in place.

  Her knees weakened as she made him grope her and it was even better than she’d imagined as his fingers dug into her soft curves. After a few seconds she was all too aware of the tingling between her thighs and wanted him there, so she dragged his hands lower.

  “Take my panties off,” she told him.

  His fingers slid under the waistband immediately to roll the material down and she turned slightly to let him see the curve of her ass as he dragged her panties lower. He let go when they were only halfway down her thighs to reach for her butt, and she gasped as his touch slid over her smooth skin to cover it with soap. It made her move closer to him, so her hip was rubbing against the hardness of his cock. His fingers gripped on her ass to make her squirm, but her excitement was mounting and she wanted more than just the teasing foreplay they were sharing.

  “Let’s go to the bedroom,” she said and giggled as she pushed on his chest to make him move, so she could step right underneath the showerhead.

  She leaned forward to drag her panties down her legs and kicked them off as the water washed the soap from her body. It left her as naked as him and she raised herself on her tiptoes as she spun around to make the smooth, silky skin of her bottom rub on his erection. He grabbed her hips to hold her close and his lips found the sweet spot on her neck as she tilted her head to the side. She could feel the throb of his cock on her butt as he slid a hand around her body and her gasp was loud when he forced his fingers between her thighs.

  The touch on her pussy set her body alight even more and she closed her eyes as she was swept up in the thrill of the erotic play. Darius’s kisses pressed on the sensitive skin of her neck and the water pounding down on them just made the action all the more sensual. She was now more eager than ever to get to the bedroom and dragged his hand away to step out from under the water.

  Darius switched off the shower before following and Phaedra was ready with the towel when he approached her. He stood still as she ran the material quickly over his body, and she liked the rough touch of it when he did the same to her. A smirk flashed across her face when she reached for his erection and used her grip on it to lead him through to the bedroom.

  “Someone might come in,” Darius said when he looked to the door.

  “It’s locked already,” Phaedra replied. “We won’t be disturbed.”

  She released her hold on his erection when she threw herself down on the bed and she was quick to roll on her back and spread her legs.

  “See anything you want?” she teased him as she slid a hand between her thighs to stroke fingertips along her swollen lips.

  He stood watching for a few seconds before getting on the bed face down to lie between her legs, so his head was right over her pussy. She gave him more of a show by spreading herself open to show him slick, glistening pink skin. Her breath came out in a gasp as she slipped a stiff finger inside to get it wet then held it out to him. He was quick to suck it in his mouth, and the way his tongue rolled around it to get the taste brought out her hunger for more. When she pulled her finger away, he ducked his head down and she squirmed as a slow, sensual lick slid right along the full length of her pussy.

  “Put it inside,” she demanded as she used her fingers to spread herself even wider for him.

  The arching of her body was unstoppable as he gave her what she wanted. The penetration of his stiff tongue set the fire burning hotter between her thighs and her neck stretched out as she forced her head into the pillow.

  “Fuck… fuck,” she gasped as his tongue slipped deeper still.

  Suddenly he was grasping at her thighs as he drove his head further between them and she put a hand on his shoulder as his mounting excitement came out in a probing tongue that rasped on her slick inner skin. Her body arched up even more from the mattress as her muscles contracted, and she needed to bite her top lip to keep from screaming out like she wanted to. Darius was becoming an animal and she knew that giving herself to him was fueling his lust for sex.

  “Do it harder,” she encouraged him as her body responded to the intimate touches to carry her towards an orgasm.

  She slid fingers to her clitoris to rub on the exposed nub and the flush of heat roused her to the point where she was losing all control. It made her squirm and writhe, with the sound of her harsh breathing filling the room as Darius continued to give her the touches she wanted until he needed to pull his tongue out and suck air into his lungs. Phaedra continued to play with herself and she could see his gaze locked on what she was doing.

  “Am I being bad enough for you?’ she said and saw his gaze come to hers. “Maybe you should let me do all the work now… so get on your back.”

  Darius didn’t need to be told twice and as soon as she moved out of the way, he got into position on the bed. Just the act of straddling him was enough to get Phaedra greedy for more and she stared right in his eyes as she sat down to make his erection press against her slick skin. Her mouth opened wide as she wriggled around and rocked her body to rub herself against him. His hands came to her hips to grab hold while she leaned forward to slap her palms on his rock-hard chest muscles.

  “My tight, wet cunt feels good, doesn’t it?” she teased him and suspected that the dirty mouth of a naughty girl was something he wasn’t used to hearing.

  “Yes,” he let out in a hoarse rasp and his grip on her body tightened as she worked her hips to grind herself on him.

  “Are you thinking about me riding your hard cock?” Phaedra went on to drive him crazy. “Will you grope my tits when they’re bouncing as I let you fuck in my pussy until I’m taking all of you deep inside me?”

  Darius just stared at her now and she let out a quiet laugh as his hands slid up her body to clamp on her breasts. She groaned as he squeezed and fondled her soft curves while their bodies continued to grind together. The build up of burning heat was becoming intense and the longing to take him inside her started to become overwhelming until she couldn’t stop herself.

  There was an urgency to her moments as she raised herself up then reached down to grab his erection. It was slippery with her wetness and she stroked her fingers along it then held it in position. Darius tensed when she lowered herself and she heard his gasp when the tip of his shaft pressed on her slick entrance. Her pussy lips spread as she was opened up and her head rocked back at the pure bliss of the penetration.

  His thick girth spread her wide and she let out a squeal as she released her grip and dropped down to sit on him in one swift motion. It fucked his full length inside her and she ran her fingers through her dark hair as she jammed her hips back and forward. The feel of his swollen shaft rubbing on her sensitive inner skin was something special and encouraged her on to more as she succumbed to her craving for his body.

  She dropped her hands from her hair to slap them on his torso as the rocking of her hips became more exuberant. It was making her lose her mind as the pleasure climbed towards an orgasm, and she knew exactly how to get herself there. Darius’s body stretched out as the tension gripped him and he clenched his buttocks tightly when Phaedra slowly lifted her hips up until his cock was almost all the way out of her. The sudden reverse of dir
ection brought her crashing down to take his full length and she let out a loud groan as his hips jerked up.

  The surge of pleasure made her fingers curl and she heard Darius groan as her nails sank into his chest muscles. It made his grip clamp more firmly around her breasts and his back arched as she lifted herself again. This time she slid down slowly and there was suddenly no stopping as she began to build the pressure on them both by riding his cock. Her whimpering moans grew louder as she gradually increased the rhythm of the sex until she was throwing herself down on him to make his stiff shaft drive deep inside her.

  “Wait for me,” she urged him in a gasping voice as her excitement mounted towards the moment she wanted.

  She continued to pound herself down on him and the pure bliss of the hard penetration carried her right to the very cusp of a climax. Just as it was about to overwhelm her, she dropped down to take his full length and brought a hand to her clit as she rocked her hips. The glow of heat started to burn out of control and her muscles stiffened for no more than an instant before the overpowering convulsions wracked her body.

  Phaedra threw herself forward to lie on Darius as the searing orgasm ripped through her. She pressed her mouth on his skin and her whimpering groans were muffled as the hot spasms between her thighs sent waves of shuddering ecstasy through her body. It led all the way up to a shattering high that drained her power and left her lying trembling on top of her new lover as she tried to regain her senses. Things weren’t over though.

  “Finish it,” she told him in a breathless voice as she glanced up.

  She was his to use now and she knew he was going to take full advantage as he grabbed her hips to roll her down onto the mattress. He then used his knee to spread her legs and she gasped as his powerful, gleaming body loomed over her. His eagerness to finish inside her was all too apparent as he fucked his stiff shaft inside her pussy and started to buck his hips straight away. Her body was shaken by the force of the thrusts hammering between her thighs, but she just encouraged Darius on to more by wrapping her arms around his body and clasping her hands on his taut buttocks.

  “Yes… yes…” she groaned over and over as she dug her nails in his ass.

  His thrusts became more frantic as the growing lust powered him on until the building pressure in his balls was too much to hold back. He fucked deep in cunt as the first gushing burst of cum erupted and Phaedra grasped his buttocks tightly to hold him inside as his body bucked around on top of her. She could feel his muscles contracting then relaxing with each strong burst of cum as he flooded her pussy with his seed, but his convulsions gradually died away until he was lying spent on top of her.

  His gasping breaths played on her ear as he calmed down from the exertions, but she clung on to his ass cheeks to hold him inside and closed her eyes as the throbbing on his erection died away. She was aware of the trickle of heat on her thighs when he pulled out to roll to the side and she glanced down to see the creamy white on her brown skin. The fact that it was Darius’s cum brought a smile to her face and she moved close to cuddle up to him. She lifted her head to press a kiss on his lips and their eyes met afterwards.

  “Take me with you,” she said.

  “What?” he replied and she heard the uncertainty in his voice.

  “We’re good together,” she went on. “Don’t you see that now?”

  She bent down to another kiss and smiled at him when it ended.

  “But Kent won’t…”

  “Kent likes me,” Phaedra said and laughed. “He won’t stop me coming to Las Vegas and you need someone there to look after you. I can do that.”

  She lay her head down on his chest and waited for him to say something, but he remained quiet.

  “I love you, Darius,” she said quietly. “I want to be with you.”

  “It would be nice to have you there,” he let out hesitantly. “It might help me settle in better.”

  “It definitely would,” she replied immediately.

  His tentative agreement was all she wanted to hear and she said no more as she relaxed in the afterglow of their first lovemaking. Her plans to get him and everything that went with that were moving forward as she hoped. She was sure that once they were in Las Vegas and far away from the lives they would leave behind it would make them the happiest couple in the world.


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