Paul Revere's Ride

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Paul Revere's Ride Page 57

by David Hackett Fischer

  orders for, 85

  importance of bridges, 127

  training exercises, 86, 186, 385

  advance patrol, 185, 324

  departs Boston, 113–14

  crosses Charles River, 115–17

  lands near Lechmere Point, 115

  mired in Cambridge marshes, 117–23

  marches toward Lexington, 123–28

  order to load, 187, 399

  approaches Lexington, 181–88

  impact of Revere’s capture, 184–86, 399

  fight at Lexington, 188–201

  approaches Concord, 204

  searches town, 404

  destroys liberty pole, 404

  destroys munitions, 404

  accidentally sets fire to town house, 404

  Regulars and town join to fight fire, 404

  fight at North Bridge, 214

  Regulars broken at North Bridge, 214

  Smith leads reinforcements to North Bridge, 215

  British companies retreat from Barrett’s Mill, 216

  retreat from Concord begins, 219

  flanking parties, 219

  fight at Meriam’s Corner, 221

  fight at Bloody Curve, 227

  fight at Brooks Hill and Brooks Tavern, 224

  fight at Hartwell

  Farms, 227

  fight at Granite Pasture, 228

  fight at Parker’s Revenge, 229

  fight at the Bluff, 229

  fight at Fiske’s Hill, 229

  Regulars broken again after Fiske Hill, 230, 231

  forms under fire at Concord Hill, 231

  rescued by Percy at Lexington, 232, 242

  casualties, 229, 230

  strength, 114, 313, 314

  inexperience of troops, 186

  ammunition, 118

  supplies, 118

  chronology, 315

  time, distance, speed, 126, 317, 414

  maps, 116, 217, 223

  historians, xvi, 315

  Concord Hill (Lexington), 231, 411

  Concord Inn, 287

  Condon, Lorna, 424

  Condy, James Foster, 303

  Coney, John, 374

  Congregational churches, 40, 60, 158, 159, 179, 375

  Continental Congress, 26, 46, 185, 267

  Contingency and choice in history, xvii, xviii, xix, 374, 423

  BRITISH: George III, and imperial policy, 40–41, 50

  Gage: and Whig-imperial dilemma, 37, 41, 58, 64, 76, 85, 265, 379

  and Boston massacre, 38

  and coercive acts, 39–41

  and powder missions, 43–45

  and shift to defensive, 48

  Leslie, and Salem alarm, 62–64

  Gage: plans and micro-manages Concord expedition, 80–85

  choice of crossing point, 113–14

  choice of landing place, 115–16

  Smith: holds troops in Cambridge

  marshes, 123, 263

  detaches Pitcairn at Menotomy, 127

  Pitcairn: puts Adair in van, 127

  orders troops to load before entering Lexington, 187

  loses control of column, 187–88

  Adair: decides to turn right at Lexington, 189–190

  circumstances of first shot, 196–94

  Pitcairn loses control of men at Lexington, 196–98

  Smith: recovers control at Lexington 199

  decides to continue march, 199

  Laurie, decisions at North Bridge, 211–12

  Smith, delay in reinforcing Laurie, 263

  Gage: obsession with secrecy delays march of Percy, 233–35

  Percy decides to march without ammunition wagons, 242–43

  choice of tactics in retreat, 245, 413

  choice of Kent Lane route, 259, 414

  Gage, loses battle for public opinion, 276–79

  inevitability, as an act of choice, 65–77

  AMERICAN: Mass. Provincial Congress, decides to establish alarm and muster system, 51, 152

  Revere, Paul, “spirit”

  and “means”

  of resistance 48

  organizes intelligence gathering, 51

  organizes alarm system, 87–89, 99, 148

  advance plans for lantern signals 89, 99

  advance plans for escape from Boston by boat, 103–5

  Warren, Joseph, decides to trigger alarm system, 94–96

  Revere, Paul, designs and executes failsafe alarm procedures, 88, 98–99, 128–29

  Adams, Samuel, and policy of “putting

  enemy in the wrong.” 79

  Revere helps concert this policy, 210

  Parker executes policy at Lexington, 188–89, 210, 400–401

  Barrett executes policy at Concord, 210

  White, Ammi, murder of wounded Regular changes tone of engagement, 215–18, 406–7

  Heath: and choice of American tactics, 247–50

  command and control, 250–55

  Committee of Safety, wins contest for

  public opinion, 269–76

  Revere assists in this process, 267–69


  tides, 313

  Cook, Samuel, 320

  Coolidge, Calvin, 337

  Coolidge, Joseph, 169, 321

  Cooper, Benjamin, 257

  Cooper, Rachel, 257

  Cooper, Samuel, 144, 168, 303, 376

  Cooper, William, 303, 376

  Cooper Tavern, 108, 169, 257

  Copley, John Singleton, 2–4, 14, 35, 37, 95, 176, 177, 178, 293

  Cornwall, 76

  Cotins, Lt. Henry, 310

  Counter-intelligence, British, 89, 104, 273

  Covenant, idea of, 12, 28, 153

  Cox, Joseph, 286

  Cox, Lt. Thomas, 322

  Crafts, Thomas, 303, 382

  Craig, Capt. Thomas Henry, 323

  Crandall, Ralph, 424

  Crane, John, 303

  Craven, Catherine, 424

  Cressy, Lee, 424

  Cressy, Mary, 424

  Cromwell, Oliver, 162, 163

  Cromwell’s Head Tavern, Boston, 20, 302, 377, 382

  Crosbie, Capt. William, 323

  Crossley, Jack, 343

  Crown Point, 19, 152

  “Cuckolds Come Dig.” 71

  Cudworth, Capt. Nathaniel, 222, 409

  Culloden, battle of, 34

  Cumine, Lt. George, 324

  Cumming, Thomas, 398

  Curtis, Judith M., 423

  Cutler, Timothy, 12

  Cutter, Ammi, 412

  Cutts, Samuel, 54, 381

  Dabney, Virginius, 343

  Daland, Benjamin, 63

  Dallin, Cyrus, 334, 338

  Dana, Elizabeth Ellery, 336

  Danforth, Susan, 423

  Dann, John, 423

  Danvers, Mass., 63, 64, 140, 163, 172, 256, 266, 320

  Dartmouth, Earl of, 76–78, 80, 86, 264

  Daughters of the American Revolution, 334

  Davis, Caleb, 303

  Davis, Edward, 303

  Davis, Hannah, 165, 166

  Davis, Capt. Isaac, 145, 155, 165, 166, 209, 212, 320, 406

  Davis, Maj. Robert, 303

  Davis, William, 303

  Davison, Capt. William, 323

  Dawes, Charles, 337

  Dawes, Thomas, 303, 376

  Dawes, William, 97, 129, 130, 131, 151, 180, 287, 332, 336, 337, 386, 392, 395

  midnight ride, 97–98; 110–12; 141–43, 393

  historians, 394

  illus., 98

  Dawson, Lt. George, 310

  De Berniere, Ens. Henry, 81, 83, 84, 208, 222, 231, 262, 263, 290, 294

  De Lancey, Capt. Oliver, 75, 80, 308

  De Witt, William, 340

  Debunkers, 336

  H. L. Mencken, 338

  Helen More, 338

  American Mercury, 338

  Boston Globe, 337

  errors of, 337

  debunk Paul Revere’s horse, 337, 389r />
  compared with iconoclasts, 340

  Dedham, Mass., 147, 156, 158, 311, 320

  Deland, Benjamin, 320

  Democracy, 39

  Dennie, William, 301, 303

  Depositions, American on battle, 275

  Derby, Capt. John, 275

  Deshon, Moses, 303

  Despard, Lt. Andrew, 324

  Deutsch, Sanna, 423

  Devens, Richard, 90, 105, 106, 130, 141, 330, 389

  Devon, 76

  Dexter, Samuel, 303, 376

  Diamond, William, 181, 188, 319, 398

  Disease: camp fever, 269, 286, 287

  canker rash, 166

  malignant spotted fever, 66

  throat distemper, 66

  tuberculosis, 149

  yellow fever, 376

  Disorders, Britain and Ireland, 77

  Ditson, Thomas, 70, 73, 220

  Dodge, William, 391

  Dodge, William III, 320

  Doescher, Russell L., 312, 313

  Dolbear, Edward, 303

  Donahue, Brian, 424

  Donkin, Capt. Robert, 323

  Doolittle, Amos, 418

  Dorchester Heights, 282

  Dorr, Ebenezer, 388

  Douglass, Joseph, 298

  Dover, Mass., 121

  Dover, N.H., 311

  Dover Farms, 147

  Downer, Eliphalet, 256

  Doyle, Capt. Peter, 303

  Dracut, Mass., 139

  Drummers, 69, 181, 199, 298, 399, 403

  Drummey, Peter, 424

  Dumfries, Va., 325

  Dunkerly, Joseph, 18

  Dunmore, Gov. Lord (Va.), 277

  Dunster, Henry, 396

  Durham, N.H., 55

  Dyer, Samuel, 41, 42, 377, 380

  Dyert, John, 375

  Eames, Capt. Jesse, 222

  Earl, Ralph, 196, 213, 328, 418

  East Anglia, 77, 98, 99, 106, 399

  East Cambridge, Mass., 124

  East Guilford, Conn., 325

  East Sudbury, Mass., 83, 159, 160

  see also Sudbury


  Eastman, Jane, 423

  Eaton, Capt. Joseph, 303

  Eaton, Noah, 230

  Eayres, Joseph, 301, 303

  Eayres, Thomas Stephens, 297

  Eckley, 304

  Edenton, N.C., 325

  Edes, Benjamin, 20, 24, 304, 382

  Edes, John, 20

  Edes, Peter, 273

  Edgell, Capt. Simon, 170, 222

  Edinburgh, University of, 298

  Edison, Thomas, xvi, 333, 407

  Edwards, Sally, 297

  Eight Bell Church, see Old North Church

  Elizabeth, N.J., 325

  Elizabeth I, 32

  Elm Brook, 407

  Ely, Carol, 424

  Emerson, Frank, 168, 406

  Emerson, Phebe Bliss, 168, 169

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 289, 332

  Emerson, Rev. William, 168, 203–5, 213, 218, 273, 286, 289, 394, 404

  Emmes, Samuel, 304

  England, Lt. Pook, 323

  England, Capt. Richard, 323

  English Bill of Rights, 21

  English opposition ideology, xix Estabrook, Prince, 286, 320

  Etheridge, William, 304

  Eton, 80

  Evelyn, Lt. William, 126, 262

  Everett, Israel, 320

  Everett, Mass., 331

  Exeter, N.H., 27

  Fadree, Isannah, 300

  Fairbanks, Joseph, 423

  Fairfield, Conn., 325

  Fallick, Bernice H., 423

  Falmouth, Me., 284

  Fanueil Hall, 41

  Farmer, Nathaniel, 320

  Farny, Michael, 424

  Farrington, Capt. Anthony, 308

  Fast days, 42, 70

  Faulkner, Maj. Francis, 145, 250

  Federalist party, 288, 293

  Felt, Joseph, 320

  Fenno, Samuel, 304

  Fenwick, Capt. Lt. Robert, 308

  Ferrell, Capt. Ambrose, 304

  Fessenden, Thomas, 196

  Field, Capt. Joseph, 304

  Fifers, 156, 211, 230

  Filiopietists, xvi, 389

  Films: of midnight ride, Lexington, Concord, 333, 336, 407, 419, 420

  Finney, Lt. William, 324

  Firearms, range of, 407

  see also Musketry

  British army, arms and equipment

  Militia, arms and equipment

  Firle Place, Sussex, 32, 378

  Fischer, Anne Whitmore, 424

  Fischer, John Anderson, 424

  Fischer, John Henry, 424

  Fischer, Judith, 424

  Fischer, Kate, 424

  Fischer, Miles Pennington, 424

  Fischer, Norma, 424

  Fischer, Susanna, 424

  Fischer, William Pennington, 424

  Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, 339

  Fisher, Keri, 424

  Fiske Farm, 230

  Fiske Hill, fight at, 221, 229, 231, 410

  Fitch Tavern, 227

  Fitzgerald, Capt. Edward, 323

  Flagg, Bartholemew, 375

  Flagg, Josiah, 304, 375

  Flags, 162

  Bedford, 163, 397

  Concord, 204, 403

  New England, 403

  Sons of Liberty, 403

  British regts. carry “colours”

  on marches, 385

  Fleet, Thomas, 304, 376

  Flint, William, 320

  Flucker, Thomas, 58, 382

  Fontenoy, battle of, 34

  Food, scarcity of, in Boston, 65, 262

  Foot of Rocks, 125, 181

  Forbes, Esther, 301, 338, 339, 344, 376, 382, 413

  Ford, Pres. Gerald, 342

  Ford, Sgt. John, 158, 224, 409

  Fort Ticonderoga, 34

  Fort William and Mary, N.H., 52, 54, 55, 381

  Fosdick, Thomas, 19, 300

  Foster, Bos., 304

  Foster, Edmund, 224, 225, 410

  Foster, Jacob, 391

  Foster, Capt. Samuel, 304

  Fowle, Jacob, 328

  Fowle, Joshua, 388

  Framingham, 147, 168–70, 220, 222, 230, 287, 320, 409

  Franklin, Benjamin, 16, 45, 280

  Fredericksburg, Va., 325

  Freedom, ideas of, xix, 28, 128, 153, 163, 374

  hegemonic, 374

  natural, 374

  ordered, 374

  reciprocal, 374

  British imperial elites, 33, 374

  Revere’s, xix, 28, 384

  “publick liberty.” 384

  “English” liberties, 33

  iconography of, 72

  Freedom Trail, Boston, 343

  Freemasonry, 19, 22, 344, 378, 302

  French, Allen, xvi, 221, 283

  French, Wilfred, 101

  French and Indian War, 62, 114, 150, 152, 154, 165, 224

  French Reformed churches, 375

  Friedman, Ruth, 424

  Fritz, Jean, 339

  Frost, Capt. Ephraim, 244

  Frost, Samuel, 320

  Frothingham, Nathaniel, 304

  Frothingham, Richard, 330, 331, 388

  Gage, Sir John of Firle, 378

  Gage, Lady Elizabeth, 32

  Gage, Margaret Kemble, 31, 35, 37, 75, 80, 290

  as Whig informer, 386, 387

  divided loyalties, 96

  historians and, 387

  probable American informant, 96

  Gage, Gen. Thomas, 30, 43, 44, 239, 261, 264, 271, 288

  ancestry, 32–33

  early life, 33–34

  marriage, 35

  wealth, 36–37

  military career, 34–35, 379

  apptd. col., 22d Foot, 308

  apptd. Royal

  governor (Mass.), 379

  summers at Hooper mansion, 382

  speech, 33


  moderation, 37<
br />
  conservatism, 35

  PRINCIPLES OF: “common rights of mankind.” 31

  liberty, xvii, 31, 33, 36

  rule of law, 58, 64, 76, 85, 265, 379

  hostility to “democracy.” 39

  hostility to New England institutions, 39–40

  REPUTATION OF: condemned as tyrant in America, 162, 276

  condemned for weakness in London, 276

  accused of popery and pederasty, 74

  COLONIAL UNREST: Stamp Act, 37, 38

  Boston Massacre, 38

  proposes Coercive Acts, 40–41 380

  advice followed by George III and Lord North, 41

  proposes mercenaries to control colonies, 381

  RETURNS TO BOSTON: plans Powder Alarm, 48

  plans Salem Alarm, 58

  mounting tensions in Boston, 65

  intelligence activities, 51

  secrecy, 233, 234, 276

  and Adm. Graves, 68

  CONCORD EXPEDITION: plans, 78, 85, 86, 186

  drafts orders for Concord, 85

  expects resistance, 86

  betrayal of plans, 97

  sends patrol to stop alarm riders, 89

  orders followed at Concord, 206


  alerts Percy’s 1st Brigade, 411

  orders 1st Brigade to march, 233–34

  orders resupply, 243

  receives news of fighting from Percy, 244

  alerts 2d Brigade, 244, 245

  orders 2d Brigade to Charlestown, 262

  reports battles to London, 273

  courts public opinion after battle, 277

  subsequent career, 290

  historians and, xvii

  illus., 379

  Gage, Thomas, of Sherburne, 32

  Gage, Sir William, 32

  Gage’s Light Armed Infantry, 34

  Gagetown, New Brunswick, 36

  Gainsborough, Thomas, 120

  Galvin, Gen. John, 203, 250, 339, 340

  Gammell, John, 304

  Gardner, Isaac, 320

  Gay, Ebenezer, 311

  Gay, Jacob, 162

  Gentleman, idea of, 376

  George II, 239

  George III, 30, 35, 40, 41, 50, 72, 73, 76, 236, 244

  Georgetown, S.C., 325

  Gergen, David, 373

  Germain, Lord George, 275, 276

  Gerry, Elbridge, 90, 125, 248, 288, 386, 391

  Gettysburg, 298

  Gibbings, Lt. Thomas, 323

  Gibson, Marjorie Hubbell, 423

  Gill, John, 20, 273

  Gill, Moses, 304

  Gironde estuary (France), 6

  Gleason, Capt. Micajeh, 222

  Glorious Revolution, 32

  Glover, John, 300

  Goeselt, Elizabeth Garside, 418, 424

  Goeselt, Laura, 424

  Golden Ball Tavern, illus., 83

  Golledge, Robert W., 423

  Golwait, Ebenezer, 320

  Goodhue, Timothy, 424

  Gooding, Thomas, 302

  Goodwin, Lydia Lebaron, 298

  Gordon, Cpl., 407

  Gordon, Lt. William, 324

  Gordon, William, 96, 327, 399

  Gore, Samuel, 304

  Goss, Elbridge Henry, 334, 335

  Gould, Harry, 205

  Gould, Lt. Edward, 193, 241, 322


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