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Renegade (Bad Blooded Rebel Series)

Page 2

by George, Mellie

  Everleigh nodded and panted, “Yes.”

  The corner of my mouth turned up into a smile and I said, “Then take what you want, baby,” I said, shifting her hips and gently pushing inside of her.

  She screamed out in pleasure as she slid down my cock until I was deep inside her. She shifted her hips to get comfortable and when she started to move I almost blacked out. “God, Ryder! You feel so good!” she yelled.

  “That’s right, baby, ride it,” I growled and guided her hips faster as she moved around on my dick. “You love fucking me, don’t you?”

  “Yes!” she screamed.

  “Tell me you love it,” I said, my teeth gritted. Fuck she felt good.

  “I love fucking you, Ryder!” she cried out. In the past three weeks I’d gotten Everleigh to open herself up so much more when it came to sex and I finally got her to start being more vocal of what she liked and didn’t like. I almost blew my load too soon the first time she told me to fuck her hard. It was the hottest thing I’d ever heard her say.

  She continued to rock her hips into me and I felt her start to clench around my cock…she was close. “Oh God, keep going, Ryder! I’m going to come!”

  “Come on my dick, baby,” I growled out and released one hand that was gripping her ass and gave her a hard smack. Her eyes went wide and looked into mine and for a moment I thought she might be upset but she wasn’t. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she cried out in pleasure.

  “Oh God, I’m coming!” She threw her head back and I sucked on her neck while her body was shaking from her orgasm.

  “Fuck yes,” I moaned, “That’s right baby, I want it all.” I was close to my own orgasm and seeing her moaning and panting from riding me that’s when I completely lost it and exploded.

  “Ryder, yes,” she whispered as I came hard inside her. “I love when you come inside me.”

  Breathing heavily I said, “Me too, baby. I love you so much.”

  Her deep whiskey colored eyes locked with mine and she said, “I love you too, Ryder.” She kissed me passionately for several moments, showing me the depth of her love for me. “This was so amazing.”

  “Never had sex in a chair I take it?” I asked, smiling.

  She grinned at me. “You know I haven’t. There are a lot of things I haven’t tried until I met you,” Everleigh said.

  “Trust me, baby, there’s so much more I want to show you.”

  “Oh yeah? Like what?” she asked, smiling.

  I had already planned on taking her out and showing her some fun but I actually had a surprise for her and I wasn’t sure how she was going to react. I guess there was only one way to find out. “Well, would you be up for going out with me tonight?”

  Her face lit up. “Of course I would! Where did you want to go?”

  “Actually, I remember something about you wanting a tattoo…” I started and I never got to finish my sentence because she gasped loudly and leaned in to kiss me.

  “Really? Did you make an appointment?”

  “Hell yes I did. This guy has done most of the memorial tattoos I have for my parents so I knew he was the only guy that would get your tattoo right,” I said. Just after we came to New York, Everleigh had mentioned to me that she wanted to get a tattoo and she wanted her first one to be a memorial piece for her father Max. She’d mentioned maybe having his first guitar he played in high school on her right hip with a saying around it. When I took the idea to my guy he nailed it right away.

  “Oh my god, I’m so excited! When is the appointment?”

  I looked at the clock on the wall. “In about forty minutes,” I told her.

  “Shit! Let me go get cleaned up and I’ll be right back,” she said, standing up slowly. Before she went to our room to get changed she leaned down to me and said, “Thanks, rock star,” and kissed me before she excitedly ran down the hallway.

  I smiled and ran my hands through my hair. As I stood up I took in the sight of the mess I’d made of all the dishes and left over food. My instinct was to clean it up but seeing how excited Everleigh was to get her first tattoo made me shake my head and say, “Fuck it, it can wait,” as I followed her down the hall to get some clothes and grab a quick shower myself.

  An hour later Everleigh and I were at Ink Dungeon waiting for Jake Riggins, a bad ass tattoo artist and a good friend, to come out and take us back. I had made the appointment for Everleigh but I didn’t tell her I’d made one for myself as well. I really hoped she wasn’t going to freak out but I planned on getting “rock star”, her nickname for me, tattooed across my knuckles and her name tattooed on the inside of my left ring finger. Everleigh was my heart and soul and even though I told her often enough how much I loved her hopefully this would show her.

  Everleigh was bouncing back and forth in anticipation. “You okay?” I asked her, smiling.

  She nodded. “I am more than okay. I know this is going to hurt but I am just so freaking excited,” she said, grinning like I’d never seen her grin. “This was something Daddy and I always joked about doing together. I always complained about the needles but he told me to stop being such a baby about it. He would have been so proud of me right now,” she said with a nostalgic look on her beautiful face.

  “He is proud of you, Evie,” I said.

  “I hope so. You know what the best part of all this is?” she asked.

  “What, baby?”

  “I get to pay for it,” she said, grinning.

  I cocked an eyebrow at her. “You think so, huh?”

  “Oh, I know so. I got a thousand dollar tip at my job about a month ago from this really hot lead singer in a pretty famous rock band so I can definitely afford it,” she said, grinning.

  I smiled at her. “Shit…I was hoping you’d forgotten about that,” I said, referring to the first day I showed up in Muncie and left her a one thousand dollar tip with my phone number tucked inside the money as a way to get her to call me.

  “I’m a girl, Ryder. I don’t forget,” she said, smiling.

  “Come on Evie. You hardly ever let me buy you anything. Let me do this for you,’ I said.

  “Think of it this way. Whether it’s this money or not, either way you are paying for it, rock star.”

  I grinned. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Well played, Miss Stone,” I said, giving her a quick kiss.

  Just then the curtain pulled back and Jake came walking toward us, a big goofy smile on his face. “Well if it isn’t the second sexiest motherfucker in the world!” he shouted. “What is up, man? How the hell have you been?” Jake was a good looking guy and got about as much action as I used to and was giving Jude a run for his money. He had jet black hair that he wore kind of long and shaggy (I loved to tease him and call him an Emo bitch boy with a tattoo gun), really blue eyes, and an eyebrow and lip ring like I did. In addition he also had a bull ring through his nose along with two dermal piercings in his cheeks.

  “I’ve been good, bro, I’ve been really good,” I said, shaking his hand and pulling him into a back pounding hug.

  As soon as Jake released me his eyes flicked to Everleigh and he gave her a quick once-over before he turned his eyes to mine. “Yeah, I can see that,” he said, a big smile on his face. “So, this must be your girl, huh?” He cocked his eyebrow and stared at her like she was the hottest thing he’d ever seen.

  “Eyes in your head, tattoo boy,” I said, slapping the back of his head and he laughed. “Jake, this is my girlfriend Everleigh Stone. Evie, this is Jake Riggins. He’s the one that’s doing your tattoo tonight. That is if I don’t break his fingers.”

  Jake laughed and held his hand out to Everleigh. “It’s nice to meet you Everleigh. Sorry to hear about your dad,” he said and Everleigh smiled sadly. “I’m actually really honored Ryder asked me to draw this up for you.”

  “Well, I am glad that you are willing to do it. I’ve seen Ryder’s tattoos and they are really beautiful. I can’t wait to see what you came up with.”

  Jake held his hand
out and pointed to the curtain. “Well, step into my office and let’s take a look,” he said, showing us the way. Everleigh went first and I heard Jake whisper to me, “Damn dude! How did a shithead like you get a smoking hot chick like her?”

  I grinned at him and whispered back, “Easy. I have a monster sized cock,” I joked, and he laughed.

  “Seriously, man, she’s fucking killer. Hang on to her because I might snatch her up if you two ever hit the skids.”

  “Okay, joke time is over. You are about to tattoo her naked hip. I was serious about breaking your fingers, dude,” I said, patting him on the arm a little harder than I probably should have.

  “I’m just messing around. Come on, let’s look at the drawing,” Jake said and we all went back to his tattoo room.

  Chapter 2


  Once we were back in Jake’s room, he wasted no time in showing me the picture he drew up of my tattoo. When my eyes landed on the intricate picture he’d drawn of my dad’s old guitar surrounded by clouds with the words “Love Is The Most Important Thing” above the clouds I started to cry. I can’t believe Ryder remembered one of the last things my Dad said to both of us and the fact that he made sure that Jake got the design just right…I loved this man beyond words.

  “So, I take it the tears are a good sign?” Jake asked me.

  Ryder put his arm around my shoulders and I said, “It’s beautiful, Jake. It’s exactly what I wanted.”

  “Great. Ryder said you thought about getting it on your hip?”

  I nodded. “That’s right. I was thinking about maybe having it here,” I said, lifting my sweater and tugging on my jeans to show the spot barely on the front of my right hip where I wanted the tattoo.

  “Nice placement, Everleigh. It’s going to look awesome when we’re finished. Plus, you’re pretty fair skinned so your skin will take this like a dream,” he said. “Why don’t you lie down on the chair while I get set up?”

  “Okay,” I said, suddenly getting nervous. God this was going to hurt. Thank God Ryder was with me otherwise I’d be chickening out.

  I took my place in the chair and Ryder sat in a chair next to me. “You nervous?” he asked me, smiling.

  “Just a little bit. Can you hand me my cell phone? I want to call Danni really quick.”

  “Sure thing, Evie,” he said to me and gave me my phone. I quickly dialed Danni’s number and she picked up on the second ring.

  “Ev? Hey girl, what’s up?”

  “Oh, I’m just chilling. Guess where I am right now?”

  “In bed with Ryder’s dick in you?”

  I scoffed and laughed. “God, Danni, no. I’m at a tattoo parlor.”

  She gasped. “Shut the fuck up! You are not!”

  “I am. I’m losing my tattoo virginity,” I said, smiling.

  “I promise I’ll be gentle,” I heard Jake call over his shoulder and I giggled.

  “Shut the hell up, dude,” Ryder said.

  “Who was that?” Danni asked.

  “That was the tattoo artist. His name is Jake.”

  “Is he hot?” she asked, and I rolled my eyes.

  “I guess so,” I answered, “but he’s no Beau.”

  She sighed. “Ev-”

  “He misses you, Danni. Why are you two being so stubborn?” When we all came to New York I had assumed Danni would be coming with us but to my surprise she decided to stay behind. She told me that since this was a just a fling with Beau that she didn’t want to be too clingy so she stayed in Muncie while we all left for New York. I know that Beau was being just as stupid when it came to Danni…they both missed each other and neither of them was going to be the first to budge. It was irritating.

  Ryder had convinced her to come and spend the last few weeks here in New York City with all of us and I was so happy. He said he wanted her here so I wouldn’t be alone but the truth of the matter was we were all sick of Beau’s mood swings. Hopefully seeing Danni would make them both snap out of their self inflicted grouchiness and they would be together again.

  “Because this thing between us was just a week long no strings deal, Ev. We both knew that. I bet he doesn’t miss me like you think,” she said, sounding like she was trying her hardest to be defiant.

  “I bet you’re wrong. I see him all the time, Danni. He’s been moping around and being kind of a dick to the guys. I am the only one he seems to be nice to.”

  “I doubt it has to do with me. I’m just some girl from Indiana and he’s a sexy rock star. There is no way he’d give that all up for a small town girl like me.”

  “Daniella Elizabeth Sharpe!” I yelled. “How can you say that about yourself? You are so beautiful and funny and smart…Beau’s an idiot if he doesn’t fly back to Muncie and bring you here.”

  “I appreciate all of that, Ev, but it is what it is. I’m fine, really. I’m okay being his friend. So, enough about me. What is your tattoo going to look like?” she asked, effectively changing the subject.

  I sighed. “You know what? I am going to make you wait until you get here this weekend to see it since you are being a brat.”

  “Hey, I’m ready whenever you are,” said Jake and he lightly tapped me on the arm.

  “Okay. Danni, listen, Jake’s ready to get started so I have to go. I’ll see you soon,” I said.

  “Good luck, Ev! I’ll see you Friday! Love you, babe!” she said.

  “Love you too, girl,” and I hung up the phone. I had never gone this long without talking to Danni and I couldn’t wait to see her.

  As soon as I put my phone away Jake immediately got to work and rubbed something that looked like an antiperspirant stick on my hip. Next he placed a piece of what looked like tissue paper on my right hip and asked, “Is this where you want it?”

  I nodded at where he put the paper and said, “Yes, right there.”

  “Okay then, let me just get this on here,” he said, and after about twenty seconds he pulled the paper away and I saw what looked like a temporary tattoo on my hip. Jake held up a mirror to show me the design on my hip. “Do you like the placement?”

  I looked at the temporary tattoo and got misty eyed…this was going to be beautiful. Nodding, I said, “It’s perfect.”

  He picked up his tattoo gun in one hand and held a wet folded paper towel in the other. “You ready, Everleigh?”

  I took a nervous deep breath. I grabbed Ryder’s hand and looked into his gorgeous blue eyes. “I’m ready.”

  Ryder smiled at me and said, “Just squeeze my hand when it hurts, okay baby?”

  I nodded and quickly squeezed my eyes shut as I heard the buzzing of the tattoo gun. Jake stretched my skin slightly and said, “Here we go,” and I felt the first sting of the needles as they touched my skin. It burned and stung but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.

  I opened one eye and looked at Ryder, who was smiling wider at me. “What is it?”

  “I was just thinking I hope I can still play my guitar tomorrow after this,” he laughed, and I opened my other eye and looked at the hand I was holding. My knuckles were white and his fingertips almost looked purple from how hard I was squeezing him.

  I released my hand and said, “Oh, Ryder, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I was squeezing you that hard.”

  He leaned in and kissed my forehead. “It’s okay, gorgeous. How are you doing? Does it hurt?”

  “Hell yes it does,” I said, laughing and he and Jake chuckled. “But it’s not as bad as I expected.”

  “Well Jake’s the best around and he’s pretty quick which is a good thing for him right now because he can’t stop peeking at your rack,” Ryder said, shooting a playful look at Jake. I felt heat rise in my cheeks as I heard Jake laugh.

  “I’d deny it, Everleigh, but who the hell am I kidding? My eyes have a mind of their own. Nice, by the way,” he said, laughing. I knew that Jake must be harmless because Ryder hadn’t punched him but I still felt a little uncomfortable at the fact that the guy tattooing my bare hip
had been staring at my tits.

  “Dude, knock it off,” Ryder said, flipping him off.

  Jake shook his head and laughed as he kept working on my tattoo. I found myself chuckling at the two of them…they really had a strange friendship.

  About two hours later the tattoo was finally finished and I was thanking every God there was that it was over. Jake had just finished wiping the leftover ink and blood from my skin before he and Ryder helped me stand up. “Okay, Everleigh, you’re all finished. Go take a look and tell me what you think,” he said.

  I stood in front of the full length mirror in Jake’s room and once my eyes landed on my new tattoo, I broke down in tears. The tattoo was breathtaking…it was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. It was done in all black and gray and a little bit of white. My dad’s guitar was perfect right down to the last detail, the clouds looked strikingly real, and the words stood out so perfectly that it made my chest ache to look at it.

  “J-Jake…this is…p-perfect,” I said and before I could stop myself I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. “Thank you so much.”

  He hugged me back for a minute and laughing he said, “You’re welcome, beautiful.”

  I released him and fell into Ryder’s arms. “Thank you for bringing me here Ryder. I love you so much,” I said, crying hard. I hadn’t really cried like this since the day of my dad’s funeral but seeing this tattoo in all its perfection had made something shake loose.

  He held me tight as I cried for what felt like forever. I cried for my dad and for what we’d never get to do together…giving me away at my wedding, dancing with me at my reception, becoming a grandfather for the first time, watching my babies grow…it all hit me in that moment.

  After I cried out everything I had been bottling up, I pulled away from Ryder’s tear soaked shirt and looked at him. “I’m so sorry, I ruined your shirt.”

  “You didn’t Evie. Don’t apologize. And I love you too, gorgeous,” he said, and he kissed me.


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