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Dark Desires

Page 15

by Ray Gordon

  'Where to?' Anne asked, clambering to her feet and rubbing her aching neck.

  'I have to go and see someone,' Samantha replied, hearing a distant voice again.

  'You suddenly have to go out?' the girl asked, frowning in puzzlement.

  'I... I'd forgotten that I'd arranged to meet someone. It won't take long. Stay in the flat while I'm out, OK?'

  'OK,' Anne replied. 'I'll dry my clothes and make something to eat.'

  'Yes, yes, you do that. I'll see you later.'

  Leaving the flat, Samantha knew that someone wanted her, needed her. But who? Feeling that she should head for the woods behind the village church at home, she walked briskly down the street to the railway station. The journey to her home village would only take half an hour, she knew as she bought a ticket and waited on the platform for the train. Someone, or something, needed her to go to the woods. She had no idea what she was going to find there. Perhaps she was mistaken, she pondered. But the feeling grew stronger as the train pulled into the station and she knew that this was no mistake.

  Chapter 7

  Standing beneath the trees, Samantha looked around her. Memories flooding back, she thought about Chris, the time they'd made love on the soft grass. She remembered playing in the woods after school, meeting friends there and... But what was she doing there now? Samantha became lost in thought, tramping along a path that took her deeper into the woods. Had she really been called by someone? Perhaps her imagination had played tricks on her.

  'Hi, Sam,' a male voice called from behind.

  'Oh,' she gasped, spinning round on her heels and staring at a grey-haired man.

  'Don't you recognize me?' he asked. 'I recognized you the minute I saw you walking past the church.'

  'No, I'm sorry,' she replied, sure that she knew him from somewhere.

  'I know it's been a long time, but... God, it must be ten years. You've aged well.'

  'Aged?' she echoed, puzzlement reflected in her blue eyes.

  'You're the same age as me,' he said, smiling at her. 'I'm fifty-five this year.'

  'God,' Samantha breathed, looking down at the wrinkled skin on the backs of her hands. 'Fifty-five? I've gone forward,' she murmured, feeling her face.

  'Gone forward? What do you mean?'

  'Sorry, I... I was thinking aloud. Yes, of course I recognize you.'

  There was an air of sadness about him, Samantha reflected. Almost desolation. She thought that he'd probably been deeply hurt, no doubt by a woman. She felt that he needed love, and was tempted to reach out and take him in her arms. But she had no idea who he was. Had she been called to the woods to meet him? she wondered. If so, then why? He was well dressed, she observed. His white shirt was crisp and clean, his trousers pressed. Someone must have been looking after him, although she instinctively knew he was alone in the world.

  'So, how are you?' she asked him, hoping for a clue to his identity.

  'The same as I've always been since we split up. Very sad, still very much in love with you...'

  'Split up? Oh, yes, of course.'

  'Are you still with Sarah?'


  'Your sister.'

  'Oh. Er... yes, yes, I am.'

  'It's funny when I think back. I was all for your sister moving in with us. It seemed like such a good idea at the time. Little did I know that you'd end up... Well, that's history.'

  'What happened?'

  'You know what happened, Sam. I discovered that you were sleeping with your sister. And had been since before we were married.'


  'Are you all right? You don't seem to recall anything about us. Ten years isn't that long.'

  'No, no... I'm fine. I've been having a few problems recently, that's all.'

  'It's great to see you, Sam. I don't think a day goes by without my thinking about you. I remember when we first got together. We bumped into each other in that dreadful pub,' he laughed. 'Do you remember that awful barmaid?'

  'Yes, I remember,' Sam lied, still trying to recall who he was.

  'To think that we were in our early thirties back then. Why did you give up the dancing school?'

  'Well, I thought...'

  'The day I asked you to marry me, you gave it up. You never did tell me why.'

  'Oh, I don't know. I suppose I wanted to move on.'

  'I would have had no trouble competing with the dancing school, Sam. I know it took up a great deal of your time but... You loved it. It was your life, and I would have accepted that. But I could never compete with Sarah. Anyway, you're no longer Mrs Rogers, so it doesn't matter.'

  'Rogers? Oh, er... no, no I'm not.'

  'I fell in love with you when I first set eyes on you in the office. They used to call me John the Prat at the newspaper, do you remember? Dave always called me John the Prat. Shall we sit on that log over there?'

  Following him, Samantha couldn't believe that she'd ended up marrying John. Sitting beside him on the log, she thought how good-looking he was. He seemed so kind, softly spoken, gentle... Perhaps he wasn't such a prat after all, she reflected. Perhaps she'd been the prat. So the dancing school idea had worked, she mused. She'd stayed with Anne, obviously told people that the girl's name was Sarah and that she was her sister and... Wondering why she'd been attracted to the woods, why she'd gone forward in time, she thought that it might be to show her the mistakes she'd made. If she could change the way things had turned out... She'd obviously fallen in love with John. She'd married him and—

  'I saw Barry the other day,' John said. 'I'd like to see more of him but, as he's living up north, it's not easy. He's just like his mother.'

  'Is he?' she asked, wondering who Barry was.

  'He's the image of you, Sam. Both our sons are the image of you. Anyway, Barry's doing well on the newspaper and young Greg seems happy at university.'

  'Greg, yes,' Samantha murmured.

  'I'm hoping that they'll contact you soon. I've done my best to explain that it wasn't your fault, that the end of our marriage... They're pretty headstrong, I'm afraid.'

  'John, if things had been different...'

  'If I could turn back time... I'm still in love with you, Sam. I always will be.'

  'John... I don't think I want to know any more about the future.'

  'The future? What do you mean?'

  'I meant... I'm sorry, but I've had a lot on my mind recently.'

  'People used to think that I'd married you for your money. Some even said as much. Just because you owned the mansion... Are you still living there?'

  'Er, yes, I am,' she sighed, realizing that she must have earned a fortune from the dancing school.

  'I married you because I loved you, Sam. I would have married you if you'd been penniless. Still, there we are. Do you ever hear from Gerry? Since he went to Australia...'

  'No, I don't. We lost touch long ago.'

  'Oh, right. I suppose he's still with Kitty. I didn't know them well but, on the odd occasion I met them, I thought they were made for each other. They were both potty,' he laughed. 'Well suited.'

  'What are you doing here?' she asked. 'In the village, I mean.'

  'I saw no reason to leave the village. When we moved here I fell in love with the place. And when you left to live in the mansion with Sarah... The village is home to me, Sam. It always was and always will be.'

  'I'd better be going,' Samantha sighed.

  'Shall we... Sam, how about us meeting again?'

  'John, I...'

  'It's all right. I'm sorry, I should never have asked you. You were my first love. I was a late starter,' he said, forcing a laugh. 'But you were my first and only love. Just seeing you here... At least I now have a fresh picture of you in my mind. You're as beautiful as ever, Sam. As beautiful as the day I started at the paper and first laid eyes on you.'

  'You could have done better, John. I was never any good for you.'

  'Don't say that, Sam. Whatever your feelings were for Sarah... You had to go with your
feelings, I understand that. I've explained that to the boys.'

  'I was no good, John. Someone like you deserves far better than the likes of me.'

  'You were my life, Sam. You still are. What's that song? "If I could turn back the hands of time..."'

  'It might not come to this, John.'

  'Come to what?'

  'I have to go now. I'll see you... I'll see you again. And this time, I'll get it right.'

  Walking away, tears flooding down her cheeks, Samantha ran back along the lane to the railway station. She was going to fuck her life up, she mused as the train pulled in. Two sons? She thought about that. Two sons who were obviously not speaking to her. And for good reason. But she might have the chance to change things. Anne was going to be the problem, she thought, stepping onto the train and finding an empty seat. The dancing school scam was going to be successful, she'd buy the mansion... Anne had to be out of her life before she married John.

  Reaching home, she found Anne watching television in the lounge. The girl looked so innocent, she thought, eyeing her naked thighs emerging alluringly from beneath her short skirt. Samantha had about ten years before John came into her life. Nothing was going to change during that time, she was sure. The dancing school, the mansion, living with Anne... But the day John asked her to marry him, she'd not only close the dancing school but get Anne out of her life.

  'You were away a long time,' Anne said, looking up from the sofa.

  'Sorry, I was held up. Anne... God, I don't know where to begin. When I get married—'

  'You're getting married?' the teenager trilled excitedly.

  'No... I mean, yes, eventually. Not for about ten years.'

  'Sam, what are you on about? Who is this man? That's a hell of a long time to wait.'

  'You won't understand this now, but... In ten years, you'll understand. When I tell you that I'm getting married, you must get out of my life.'

  'In ten years' time?'


  'OK, whatever you say. Shall we go out to eat? I'm starving.'

  'Anne, I want you to understand that... Oh, never mind. Make something to eat if you're hungry. I'm tired. I'm going to have a lie down for a while and then we'll talk about the future.'

  'OK,' the girl sighed.

  In her bedroom, Samantha locked the door and lay down on top of her quilt. She wasn't tired. She wanted to return to the mansion to discover exactly what Gerry and Kitty were up to. If she was going to own the dancing school, and the mansion, she needed a clue about how she'd end up in that situation. Where would her dancing school be located? In the mansion? Closing her eyes, she concentrated on the mansion, the 'doctor's surgery'. No one would see or hear her, she knew as she felt herself drifting through time. She'd hover and listen, listen and learn...

  'What the hell are you doing here?' Kitty asked, staring hard at Samantha.

  'Oh, I...' Samantha stammered, wondering why the woman could see her.

  'Making out that you wanted me to supply you with girls, stealing Jane's diary...'

  'How do you know that?' Samantha asked, wondering whether she'd travelled forward in time again.

  'I don't like your prying. I don't know who you are or what you want, but... Carl,' she called. 'Come here.'

  'Yes, ma'am,' a young man said, entering the surgery. 'This young lady requires a doctor, Carl. Put her on the couch and give her a damned good examination.'

  'Certainly, ma'am.'

  As the man lifted her off her feet and laid her on the examination couch, Samantha knew that she was in serious trouble. Concentrating on her lounge as the man tore her blouse from her trembling body, she tried to return to her own time to save herself. Again concentrating as her bra was ripped from the firm spheres of her breasts and her hands were cuffed behind her head, she realized that she couldn't return. Her skirt and panties torn from her trembling body, her feet forced wide apart, her ankles cuffed, she lay naked on the couch awaiting her fate as Kitty towered over her.

  'The breast rings,' Kitty ordered the young man. 'Start with the breast rings.' Samantha watched with bated breath as he took two steel rings with screw attachments from a shelf and placed them over her breasts. Tightening the screws, the rings closing, she watched her mammary spheres inflate. Her nipples standing painfully proud from her darkening areolae, she grimaced as the rings tightened further. The pale flesh of her breasts turning blue as Carl continued to turn the screws, she cried out and begged for mercy.

  'And now the nipple clamps,' Kitty chuckled, ignoring Samantha's pleas as she gazed at her ballooning breasts. Pulling two thin chains down from the ceiling, Carl placed the metal clips attached to the ends over her erect nipples and moved to the wall. Turning a handle, he chuckled as the chains tightened, the metal clips pulling on her milk-teats. The pain permeating her mammary globes, Samantha gasped as her nipples stretched into long protrusions of brown flesh. She couldn't take this she knew as the woman ordered Carl to take a speculum from the instrument trolley.

  'Please, no,' she breathed as her vaginal lips were painfully yanked wide open.

  'You came here to nose around,' Kitty said accusingly. 'You came here to pry. And, now that you're here, you're going to find out exactly what we do.'

  'I wasn't nosing around,' Samantha whimpered. 'I came here to see—'

  'Jenny is our mistress of correction,' the woman cut in. 'I'm sure she'll be only too pleased to deal with you. Insert the speculum, Carl,' she ordered the young man as she walked to the door. 'I'll bring Jenny in.'

  Samantha had already witnessed Jenny at work, and she wasn't relishing being on the receiving end of the sadistic woman's cruel attention. The breast rings and nipple clamps were nothing in comparison to what Jenny was going to do to her tethered body, she knew as she felt the cold steel speculum slip deep into the wet sheath of her tightening vagina. As the man squeezed the levers together, stretching her vaginal duct wide open, she tried not to cry out. At least she knew now what the future held, she reflected. But when was the dancing school going to be hers? And when would she buy the mansion? What did the next ten years hold?

  'Ah, we have a specimen,' Jenny chuckled as she walked into the room and stood by the examination couch. 'A very nice specimen, too.'

  'Do your stuff,' Kitty said, standing in the doorway. 'Carl, you come with me.'

  'I'll do my stuff, all right,' Jenny laughed as Carl left the room and closed the door. 'So, where shall I begin?'

  'Please...' Samantha breathed.

  'Please, what? Please torture your pretty little cunt? I don't know who you are or what you're doing here. And I don't really care. I don't know why Kitty wants me to... All I know is that you have a beautiful body.'

  'I came here to ask whether I could work for Kitty,' Samantha said, futilely hoping to be released.

  'Work for Kitty?' the girl laughed. 'You're far too old to work for Kitty, but your arrival is most convenient. We have some new apparatus to try out. Kitty was saying only this morning that we need someone to test the new equipment on.'

  Taking a thin rubber pipe from below the examination couch, Jenny placed the open end over the exposed protrusion of Samantha's sensitive clitoris and flicked a switch below the couch. Samantha could feel the suction building, her clitoris swelling, as a soft buzzing sound emanated from beneath her. Her clitoris becoming painfully hard as the suction increased, she let out a rush of breath. Jenny chuckled as her victim arched her back and grimaced. The sadist had only just begun, Samantha knew as her clitoris swelled to an incredible size.

  'And now for the anal pump,' Jenny murmured, taking something from the trolley. The firm orbs of her buttocks yanked wide apart by the girl's slender fingers, Samantha felt something long and thin slip into her rectum. She dreaded to think what the device was, what horrendous act Jenny was going to commit on her naked body. Her nipples painfully stretched, her clitoris solid as the vacuum continued to build, she gasped as her bowels suddenly flooded with cold liquid.

will be around eight men,' Jenny announced, turning the handle on the wall and watching Samantha's already painfully stretched nipples pull still further away from her ballooning breasts. 'They'll all want to fuck your sweet little bottom-hole. That's why I'm washing you out. And before the men take their pleasure, I'd like to test a new machine. Basically, it's a huge dildo on the end of a piston. The motorized machine thrusts the dildo in and out... Once your tight little arse is cleaned out, I'll give you a demo.'

  Her eyes closed, Samantha breathed unsteadily as her clitoris began to pulsate. The vacuum rapidly rising and falling, her clitoris throbbing, she prayed that she wouldn't come as her vaginal muscles rhythmically contracted around the steel speculum. She didn't want to give Jenny the pleasure of watching her shudder in orgasm and derive sexual gratification from the vacuum hose. She knew that she had to endure the incredible blend of pain and pleasure and... Watching the girl drag a machine across the surgery, she gazed in awe at the huge rubber dildo fixed to the end of a metal rod.

  'God, no,' she murmured.

  'This is the fucking machine,' Jenny enlightened her proudly. 'It fucks.'

  'One day I'll own this place,' Samantha breathed. 'And when I do, you're going to—'

  'Own this place?' the girl laughed. 'Don't talk crap. Anyway, we're not here to have a chat. We're here to test out various devices on you. I design most of the equipment myself and a friend of mine constructs it from my plans. Once I've got the fucking machine operating, I'll show you my latest creation.'

  Sliding the speculum out of Samantha's inflamed vaginal sheath, Jenny positioned the machine at the end of the couch and drove the rubber dildo deep into the abused duct of Samantha's wet pussy. Samantha grimaced, her eyes squeezed shut as she waited anxiously for the machine to start up. Again wondering why she couldn't return to her own time, she gasped as the machine whirred and the rubber dildo moved in and out of her contracting vagina. Listening to the squelching sounds of her sex juices as the dildo gathered speed and rocked her naked body, she actually found the experience rather pleasant.


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