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Gifted Connections 01

Page 25

by S M Olivier

  I looked over at him. “But what about the other guys? Do they want to move?”

  He chuckled. “You know, just because we’re all connected doesn’t mean we all have to live with Pops forever. Jace has his own spot and Remy found this cool warehouse that he’s rezoned to residential and has been slowly but surely converting it into his home. I need to get my own place too, soon.”

  “So where does that leave me,” I asked hesitantly.

  He gave me a knowing grin. “I imagine, eventually you’ll have seven places to call home as we have. Pops has more than enough space for all of us. Jace made sure to find a spot where we all had a room to ourselves. Remy showed me the plans for his pad and we all have rooms as well. Just because we choose not to live together, doesn’t mean we won’t stay close. We have the jet and my helicopter if we want to be anywhere fast.”

  “What happens if I feel more comfortable in one place than another? How do other nucleus’ live with their connected?” More information was being thrown at me. More to think about.

  “They generally live together, but if you haven’t noticed yet, we aren’t the same. Eventually, if we all decide that it is in our own best interest to live together as a family, I’d imagine it wouldn’t be a huge issue.” Troy shrugged.

  We finally pulled up in front of a restaurant. “Can we talk about something else,” I asked. My head was going to explode and the more information I got the more my mind started thinking about how complicated this all was.

  Say if, and a big if, one day I decided I wanted a child, who would I choose to be the father. Would I treat it like Russian roulette? What if the guys didn’t want children? If they all lived in different houses where would my child live? Would the guys treat my child as their own? Would that mess up a child?

  I pulled out my phone and texted Jemmy.

  Me: Are you on birth control?

  She texted back immediately.

  Jemmy: That good, huh?

  Me: No! Geesh. Just been thinking about things and if I ever decide to take that step, I want to make sure I’m prepared.

  Jemmy: Lol we can call my OB in the morning ;) Try to keep it in your pants for a little longer.

  Me: I’m looking for a new BFF and sister

  Jemmy: You wouldn’t dare. You love me too much.

  The whole night had been magical. Troy had ordered enough food for six people. He wanted me to experience foods I never had before, and everything tasted amazing. He was definitely a charmer and I knew why so many women fell for him. He was witty, and amusing and he had a way of looking at you, like you were the only women in the world.

  He exuded confidence and sex appeal and I couldn’t help but notice how many looks he was receiving from other women in the restaurant. He looked amazing in a dark blue button up that strained against his muscles and his black slacks showed of his rear end nicely. He had a great butt. He put some gel in his hair, so the top was spiked up slightly, although, his sides were still immaculately short.

  “Dessert?” he asked.

  I looked at him incredulously. “Are you nuts?! We barely put a dent in the food we ordered. Even with my increased appetite.”

  “Is that the only appetite that increased?” his voice was low, thick.

  I took a sip of my wine (they never even bothered to card me). Troy had ordered a bottle with two glasses and they got it for us. No ID’s were checked. Although, I had a sneaking suspicion that Troy was well known here, based on the reception and familiarity everyone was showing towards him.

  I couldn’t even be upset that he brought me to a place where I’m sure he had brought plenty of dates. Honestly, like he said, the past belonged in the past.

  I stuck my spoon in the lobster bisque, although I was full, and ate a bite of it, making sure to suck the spoon before it left my mouth. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” I teased.

  He visibly gulped. “That’s so not fair and you know it.”

  “Can we get you anything else, Pietro?” a man with a thick accent asked. The way he was dressed, I would assume he was the owner or manager.


  Troy began speaking rabidly in another language, which I assumed was Italian. They stopped talking and Troy pointed to the other man. Troy was so full of surprises today.

  “Gio, this is my Blake. Blake, this is Gio. He owns this place.” Troy introduced us.

  “Nice to meet you,” I held out my hand with a genuine smile. The wine had me feeling fine. Although, I had no intentions of even getting buzzed. I wasn’t going to start my first day at school feeling like crap. Especially since my audition was tomorrow.

  “The pleasure is all mine, Bella,” he said as he took my proffered hand and kissed it. “Well, I must go. Don’t be strangers Pietro and Bella.”

  I looked at Troy with a raised eyebrow. “Pietro and you speak Italian?”

  He gave me a mysterious smile and shrugged. “Pietro was the name I was born with. The guys decided I didn’t look like a Pete, so they called me Troy. I’ve been Troy ever since.” He took a sip of wine. “Italian is only one of my languages. I also know Spanish and French.”

  “How?” I asked truly curious. He didn’t even have a hint of an accent.

  He smiled at me, but a shadow crossed his eyes. “Italian was what my father and mother spoke. The rule was we spoke English and only English outside of the house. When we were home, we were only allowed to speak Italian. I grew up here, in the Spanish district. I had to learn it to…get by. For fun, I decided to learn French in high school.”

  “For fun, huh?” I asked amused.

  “Well, we all can’t be as smart as you and Drake, so we have to shine somewhere.” He reached over and playfully tweaked my nose. “Are you ready to go? I wouldn’t want to get you home past your curfew.”

  “The bill?” I asked with a raised brow, even though I already knew the answer.

  “I did a security gig for Gio’s granddaughter a few months ago, he said my money was no good here,” Troy said as he stood and came around to help me out of my chair. I couldn’t help but notice that his hands had caressed my spine as he did so. Delicious shivers ran down my back.

  “Who is his granddaughter?” I asked, highly curious what kind of work he did.

  Troy’s face shut down for a moment before he tried to sound off handed. “I wouldn’t want to bore you with the details.”

  I knew he wasn’t going to give me any more information, so I let it go.

  He ushered me to the front lobby where a beautiful fireplace had a lovely fire going in it.

  “Excuse me, miss, can you take a picture of us?” he asked the hostess, handing her his phone.

  The hostess was obviously enamored with him immediately as she smiled and simpered up at him. She grabbed his phone and Troy took me over to the fireplace, pulling me in close, so our chests touched. I was thankful for my heels at that moment. I didn’t look like a complete child standing next to him. He wrapped his arms around my hips, his hands dipped into my dress. I looked up and giggled as his fingertips brushed my sides, I was ticklish.

  He gave me a wicked grin back. “So, you’re ticklish? Good to know.”

  I gave him a mock stern look, “You wouldn’t dare.”

  He chuckled, and the sound made it apparent he was up to no good. He positioned us so we could take a few pictures.

  He thanked the hostess and then helped me slip into my coat. He refused to let me see the pictures and grinned at me mischievously. What was it with these people wanting to take my pictures, but not letting me see them?

  “We have time for one more activity before I take you home,” Troy murmured as he looked at his watch.

  “Does it bother you that I’m so much younger than you?” I asked the question that had been at the back of my head all night.

  He threw an arm around me and we walked that way on the crowded streets of New York City. It was a brisk autumn evening, but not terribly cold. He shrugged. “I wouldn’t say it bothered m
e. There are about five years between us, which isn’t a bad gap at all, but to be honest with you I generally date older women. With our connection, all the rules have been thrown out the window.”

  I gnawed on my bottom lip, not thinking about the havoc I must be reeking on my lipstick. “So, if I wasn’t your connected, then you wouldn’t even look my way? You didn’t even seem to notice all the beautiful woman that looked at you tonight.”

  He placed a kiss on my forehead. “I only have eyes for one girl and I wouldn’t say that. I mean, you’re a beautiful girl. I definitely would have noticed you, but whether I would have pursued you before I got to know you, is another thing all together. Why are we even talking about this?” he chuckled uncomfortably. “You already know so much about me. I’ve told you things I have never told anyone, except one person,” he grimaced. “For some reason, the powers that be felt that you belonged to us, to me. Who are we to question it?”

  I was somewhat mollified as we started walking towards Central Park. As he headed towards the horse drawn carriages, my eyes widened with delight. I was far from the romantic type, I’ve never had the luxury to be, but this had to be one of the most romantic gestures I could have ever thought of.

  He handed me up to the driver, then settled in himself, wrapping a blanket around us and pouring hot chocolate. We did little talking for the ride around the park. We had been too preoccupied kissing and doing light petting.

  I was on an emotional high for the rest of the night. We finished our carriage ride and then a driver took us back to the helicopter. I felt like a fool as I grinned the whole way home. Surprisingly, Troy was a perfect gentleman when we got home too, he walked me to my room, six minutes before my curfew, and gave me one sweet kiss before bidding me goodnight.

  Chapter 20

  I woke up to my alarm going off in my ear and got up promptly, the first day of school jitters running through my body. I jumped in the shower, making sure to pin up my hair and not get it wet. Then I woke up Ella and told her to hop in the shower as well. From her sullen, apprehensive behavior I knew she was feeling nervous as well. After my shower, I slid into my underwear and put on gray tights, then I donned my skirt, buttoned up my white blouse, and put on my gray blazer. I ran a brush through my hair, satisfied with the beach waves left in my hair from my hairdo the night before. It was better than the normal curls, more passive.

  I went back to Ella’s room and pulled out her uniform jumper, white blouse, powder blue tights, and powder blue cardigan.

  “Your uniform is on the bed, poppet,” I called to her in the shower as I began applying my makeup. I was going for a much more subdued, natural look today.

  “My belly doesn’t feel good today,” Ella complained as she got out of the shower.

  I looked over at her sympathetically. “I know sweetie, it’s the butterflies, I have them too, but I bet you are going to have a great day and meet so many new friends.”

  “Are any of my new friends going to be able to do neat tricks too?” Ella asked hopefully.

  It took a moment to comprehend what she meant. “I don’t know sweetie but remember, you shouldn’t share your gift yet.”

  “Okay,” she looked glum.

  I knew she thought this new gift of hers was amazing and wanted to share it with everyone and anyone. She didn’t comprehend yet that we had to be careful how to proceed with her because even though Will was the founder of the school, he still suspected he had some nefarious individuals working there. He was beginning to suspect dissension in his ranks. Thus, the reason why if I was pushed to produce my gift I was to focus on my gift of compulsion and nothing else. I would have to work on pyrokinesis and my empath gift at home.

  My gift of compulsion was considered a powerful one, so no one would ever imagine I had more hidden gifts. I was an anomaly, at least Will believed I was.

  “Can you please get dressed,” I urged her, since she seemed determined to drag her feet this morning. “Sweetie, I promise you that you will have a wonderful day!” I tried to say enthusiastically.

  “And Pops is taking me to school and picking me up?” Ella asked, fear in her eyes.

  “Yes,” I assured her. “Will, will be dropping you off and picking you up until you are ready to stay in the dorms during the week.”

  “I don’t think I’ll ever be ready,” she grumbled as she went into her room.

  “You will be,” I said confidently.

  I went back to my own room and made sure my new duffel bag for the week had everything I thought I may need in it. Most of my sports bras, bras, and underwear were going to be left at the dorm, but I only brought a few jeans, leggings, sweaters, and tops with me. I imagined I would be in my uniform most of the time, so no use bringing a lot with me.

  I was brushing out Ella’s hair when Jemmy came into the room. “So how was the date last night?”

  She even made the uniforms look provocative. It looked like she had hemmed up her skirt, so instead of falling about two inches above her knees, as mine did, it fell mid-thigh on her. Her white blouse was buttoned up, but she had left her top three buttons unbuttoned, revealing the top curve of her breasts. She had paired her uniform with white thigh highs, and she carried her gray blazer and heeled knee-high boots. She looked cute with her hair up in Princess Leia buns high up on her head, pink highlighted hair escaped her bun and framed her face.

  I blushed and ducked my head. “Amazing.”

  “I need more details,” she insisted.

  “Do you have more than one boyfriend?” Ella asked inquisitively.

  I gasped. I knew her mature perception eventually may pick up on the fact that all the guys were affectionate with me. I shot Jemmy a warning look as she began rolling around on the bed laughing.

  “No,” I tried to keep my voice neutral as I braided two small braids on both sides of her head at the crown, connecting them so her hair was down, but out of her face. “The guys just like to give hugs. Haven’t they given you a lot of hugs? Are they your boyfriends?” I asked coyly.

  She blushed and giggled, “No! I’m too young to have a boyfriend!”

  I smiled at her. “And don’t you forget that.”

  Drake hadn’t cooked us breakfast this morning. We were offered bagels, English muffins, and fresh fruit. It was chaos as Troy was packing his car up to be gone for almost a week, and Jax, Jemmy, and I loaded up Jax’s and Jemmy’s cars with our bags. Noah and Drake were the calmest since they were returning here. Will handed Ella and I meal cards, explaining that they were ‘loaded’ for us to get breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the week.

  We quickly ate our breakfast, and then I said my goodbyes to Troy since I more than likely would see Noah and Drake throughout the week.

  “Don’t forget to text me and Snap me,” Troy reminded me.

  I smiled. “I will. Have a great week!”

  “Thanks,” he smiled, dropping a kiss on my forehead before he jumped into his car. “You too. Good luck with your audition.”

  My stomach dropped once more. I was a bundle of nerves. Luckily my audition was the first thing on my schedule this morning.

  “Hurry up!” Jemmy called to me.

  “Give me one second!” I called as I bent to give Ella a kiss on the cheek. “Have a great day at school. I know you’re going to make a ton of friends. Make sure you remember all of their names, so you can tell me all about them.”

  “I will,” Ella seemed a little better than she did this morning. She walked over to Will so he could help her get into his car.

  I jogged to Jemmy’s car. “What’s the hurry? I thought school started in thirty minutes and it only takes like seven minutes to get there?” I questioned as I got in.

  “I want to stop and get a frozen coffee,” Jemmy smiled as she slipped on her sunglasses.

  She drove like a mad woman. Speeding, yielding at stop signs, swerving as she played with the radio.

  We got to the school and headed to the quad. This school boasted of several
different options for eating, resembling a food court and not an actual cafeteria.

  “Hey, Blake,” someone called and waved to me. I waved back having no clue who it was.

  This happened several more times before I turned to Jemmy. “Who are they and how do they know me?”

  Jemmy giggled. “You are so cute. Those were people that were at Jax’s party. You were a huge hit. A few of your videos, singing with Ben, went viral. I imagine a lot of people already know who you are.”

  “What?” I turned on her, my jaw dropping. “And you’re just now telling me this?!”

  She pulled something up on her phone and then handed it to me. Sure enough, a video of Ben and I singing the duet, “The Highway Don’t Care,” by Tim McGraw and Taylor Swift was on YouTube with thousands of hits on it. I had changed the arrangement, so it had a more alternative spin on it, and Ben had been able to pick up my changes quickly.

  I groaned. “Never, ever, ever, am I letting you get me drunk again. I like flying under the radar.”

  She shook her head and smiled at me. “I hate to break it to you. You are a Bell, by proxy. You would have never achieved anonymity here, phenomenal voice or not.”

  I groaned once more as we entered the line for the little coffee and tea shop. I hadn’t been able to enjoy my coffee this morning, so I needed an extra pick me up as well.

  “Hey, Blake!” Ben came striding up to us.

  “Hey, Ben,” Jemmy spoke up, clearly annoyed that she was not included in the greeting. Especially since they had been talking for a while there.

  “Oh, hey, Jemmy,” he said a bit distractedly. “So Jax wouldn’t give me your number this weekend, and I let him know you agreed to sing with the band. We have practice tomorrow night at six, can you be there?”

  Jemmy started reciting my phone number before I could tell him I had been tipsy that night, and unable to make lucid decisions. Before I could chastise her and correct him, she said, “She’ll be there.”

  “Great!” Ben said with excitement. “See you tomorrow night!”


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