The Twelve-Month Marriage Deal

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The Twelve-Month Marriage Deal Page 9

by Margaret Mayo

  ‘This is beautiful,’ she said as Vidal indicated that they wished to be shown straight to their table. Was it coincidence that it was in an alcove that set them apart from other diners? She swept the thought away. Vidal clearly wanted this evening to be special so she mustn’t question his choice.

  It wasn’t about angering him again, it was about building bridges, getting to know each other better. At least that was what she assumed Vidal had in mind. In his house with his staff always hovering it was difficult to get any real solitude. Except in bed, of course, but they had other things to occupy their minds then.

  The light from the candles lent an added glow to his smooth olive skin, created a mysterious element to the silver of his eyes, and Elena sensed a different man here. Not someone who had taken her as part payment for the bank, but someone who actually cared. Someone who wanted her to enjoy this evening for what it was.

  It was an odd feeling, one that she had never expected to experience with Vidal. Up until now he’d only ever wanted sex from her. It had been his enduring passion. Not that she was complaining, she enjoyed it too. But tonight looked like being something special.

  ‘What are you thinking?’ Vidal’s deep, attractive voice penetrated her thoughts.

  ‘What a beautiful place this is,’ she answered.

  ‘You’ve not been here before?’

  Elena shook her head. ‘I take it you have. Is this your usual haunt?’

  ‘It’s a place for special occasions, for special people,’ he answered, his voice dropping into a low growl that sent a shiver down Elena’s spine.

  ‘You’re saying that I am special?’ she asked with sudden daring.

  ‘Naturalmente! You are very special to me, Elena.’

  It was on the tip of her tongue to say that of course she was since he was getting what he wanted, but she did not wish to spoil their evening when he had gone to so much trouble. Had he felt guilty when she had shot her earlier jibe at him? Was this his way of making her feel better about their situation?

  Her thoughts were interrupted by an attentive waiter and for the next few minutes as they studied their menus they were silent, though Elena was aware of Vidal constantly slanting a glance her way.

  His vigilance made it difficult for her to concentrate and in the end she closed her menu. ‘You order for me,’ she said huskily.

  Vidal’s smile told her that he was completely aware of her turmoil and she did not even listen as he gave the waiter their order. Instead she sat back and sipped her aperitif—an excellent white Rioja that had appeared at the snap of Vidal’s fingers.

  Gradually she began to relax and at Vidal’s prompting she told him how she had started up as a wedding planner.

  ‘I used to help out a friend,’ she told him. ‘When she was suddenly taken ill she asked me to look after things. Unhappily her illness was more serious than was at first thought and when it became clear that she wouldn’t be able to return to work I bought her business. I had to take out a loan but I’ve long since paid that back.’

  ‘So you’ve become a very successful lady?’ Vidal sat back in his chair, wine glass in hand, lazily studying her. ‘How long have you been running your business now?’

  Why did he have such beautiful eyes? thought Elena. They could never be ignored. At this moment they were sending a smouldering message, one that ignited inside her stomach, setting a trillion sense buds into motion.

  ‘Just over five years. I’m quite well established.’

  ‘And this assistant of yours—Kate did you say her name was? Will she protect your interests?’


  ‘Will you need to fly home periodically to make sure?’

  Elena’s brows rose. ‘You would allow that?’

  ‘Infierno,’ he laughed. ‘I am not such a terrible man, Elena! Of course you must go if you are needed.’

  Elena could not believe what she was hearing. This was a different side to Vidal. Perhaps she ought to have told him all this in the very beginning—then he might not have insisted on their marriage. He might have found it in his heart to help her without all this nonsense.

  And pigs might fly!

  She had taken him by surprise and he’d had little choice but to say what he had. She doubted he’d let her go. He had made it very clear that she was his and his alone for the next twelve months. Nevertheless she said, ‘That is very generous of you, Vidal.’

  ‘So whose weddings have you organised? Anyone I might know?’

  Elena shrugged and named one or two film stars he might have heard of.

  ‘Does anything ever go wrong?’

  ‘Oh, yes,’ she answered with a laugh. ‘I remember when the bride caught her heel in the back of her wedding dress as she got out of the car at the church. She was in floods of tears especially as the hole was at the back for everyone to see. Thank goodness I had my emergency repair kit with me. A few judiciously sewn on silk flowers did the trick.’

  Vidal’s eyebrows rose, though he said nothing. He continued to sit quietly and listen, a faint smile playing on his beautifully moulded lips.

  ‘And then there was the occasion when the groom never turned up.’ Elena rolled her eyes at the memory. ‘It transpired that his car had taken him to the wrong church because of a relief driver at the last minute. The bride was in floods of tears, even I felt panicky. But we tracked him down and all was well in the end.’

  ‘And here was I thinking what a cushy little number it was, Elena. You have my admiration.’

  ‘There are lots more things I could tell you about. I could sit here all night.’

  Vidal smiled. ‘We have the time,’ he said softly.

  His first genuine smile, thought Elena. He looked more relaxed than she had ever seen him; she had even forgotten her own unfortunate situation. She felt comfortable in his presence now, and when their first course arrived she ate the grilled eggplant in tomato vinaigrette with sheer enjoyment.

  She was surprised when their plates were cleared away and Vidal tossed a business card onto the table in front of her.

  ‘What’s this?’ she asked with a faint frown.

  ‘You made an impression. Andres—you remember Andres at our wedding? His daughter is getting married later in the year and he’d like you to plan it. I wasn’t sure that I wanted you to do it, but having listened to you now, heard your professionalism, I believe it is something you might enjoy, something for you to do while I’m at work.’

  Elena studied the card and then looked back at her husband. ‘You wouldn’t mind?’ Andres Francia was head of a big business corporation. Money would be no object, she could pull out all the stops. It was a fantastic opportunity.

  ‘So long as it doesn’t interfere in our time,’ he answered, his brows rising, telling her as clearly as if he had spoken the words that every moment he was home he expected her to spend it with him. Quite possibly in bed.

  ‘I’d make sure that it didn’t.’ Elena allowed a tiny smile to turn up the corners of her lips, deliberately making herself sound demure. While inside she was trembling with excitement. This could be the start of something much bigger. Maybe even the potential to expand into Europe!

  ‘Perhaps you might even settle back here? I’m sure this won’t be the first offer you’ll get.’

  ‘Perhaps not,’ she answered with a faint smile, a happy smile. ‘But I like it in LA. It is my home now. I have no wish to come back here permanently.’ Not even if there was someone as fantastic in bed as Vidal. She could live without him quite easily.

  Couldn’t she?

  It was doubtful she would find such a skilful lover elsewhere, but that wasn’t what life was all about. She had been perfectly happy until now. And would be again.

  And why was she thinking like this when she had the rest of the year to get through?

  She actually felt sad when the evening came to an end. Every course had been perfect, Vidal’s company couldn’t be faulted, and they had got to know each other m
uch better. She even nestled her head on his shoulder during the drive home and was pleasantly surprised when all he did was drop a kiss to her brow and drape his arm across her shoulders.

  As far as she was concerned it was the end of a perfect evening.

  Except that Vidal was not yet finished with her. When they went to bed his kisses were more passionate than ever. They spoke volumes, told her how hungry he was for her body.

  It had been simmering all night. Even though he had kept his hands off her, his eyes had given him away. She wondered whether he had any idea how they darkened when he was aroused.

  Neither of them wore anything when they slept—there had never been any need because whatever she had on, no matter how minuscule, he always ripped it off with hungry, impatient hands.

  Now his head moved lower so that he could suckle her breasts, nipping and teasing her nipples until she squirmed with delight, while his hands explored and aroused the other part of her body that demanded his attention.

  Her whole being became a mass of incredible sensation, intensified a thousandfold when he brought her time and time again to the brink of insanity. He asked for nothing himself, he was intent only on pleasuring her—and how he did that!

  Inside her everything was dancing, bursting to get out. She felt as if the merest prick of the finest needle on her skin would release her feelings, they would escape to dance joyfully in the air. She fancied that she would actually be able to see her pleasure right there in front of her eyes. It would be full of light and beauty and she would never want to let it go.

  Her fingernails clawed Vidal’s back and she called out his name in agonised delight until he was able to hold back no longer. He took her then, not once but several times, until they both collapsed in exhaustion, swiftly followed by sleep.

  When morning came Elena found the bed beside her empty and she wondered if it had all been a beautiful dream. A figment of her imagination. Wishful thinking on her part.

  Then her bedside phone rang. ‘Good morning, Elena.’

  ‘Vidal, where are you?’

  ‘I’m at the office. I wanted to check you were okay.’

  And why wouldn’t she be? He’d made love to her before and left without bothering to check her welfare. Why this time? But she knew the answer. Last night had been special, different. Whether it was her imagination or not Elena felt that something had changed in their relationship.

  ‘I’ve just woken,’ she said, adding more shyly, ‘I missed you.’

  She heard a sigh the other end and immediately knew that she had said the wrong thing, read the wrong signals. None of this was supposed to be serious. It was an affair and they were both free to walk at the end. No commitment.

  ‘I’ve been called away, Elena. I’ll be gone three days. If you want to return to LA to check on things there, feel free. Nevertheless I shall want you home when I get back.’

  As suddenly as the phone had rung it went dead and Elena was left looking at the receiver as if she could actually see his face.

  Chapter Eight

  ELENA was wickedly angry that Vidal had ended their phone call so abruptly. I’ll be gone three days. Do what you like in my absence, but make sure you’re there when I get back.

  Or something like that. He made it sound as though all she was good for was a bed partner. Damn the man. He had ruined every warm feeling in her body. He had cut her down to size as efficiently as if he had used a knife.

  She had half a mind to go to LA and not come back. Why should she let him get away with it? He couldn’t dictate to her like this, could he? Who did he think he was? The trouble was he had her over a barrel and he knew it. Her mother’s health was at stake here. It was a case of grinning and bearing it and putting up with whatever he wanted to dish out. She had no other choice.

  He was an overbearing, pompous swine and she hated him. She ought never to have succumbed to his advances. She ought never to have agreed to share his bed, insisting on separate rooms. Except that then he wouldn’t have gone ahead with the merger.

  Everything came back to one thing.

  She shared his bed and he helped her family.

  That was it. Full stop. No getting out of it. She was stuck with him whether she liked his attitude or not. Twelve months sounded like a lifetime. A prison sentence.

  She phoned Kate in LA, who assured her that everything was under control and there was no need for her to come home.

  Then she visited her parents. ‘You look down, my darling,’ said her mother, eyeing her critically. ‘Is the marriage too much of an ordeal for you? I know we—’

  ‘It’s fine, Mamá.’ Not for the world would she let them know the anguish Vidal was putting her through. It would break their hearts. ‘Vidal’s gone away on business for a few days.’

  ‘But he is looking after you?’ enquired her father anxiously.

  Elena nodded and pasted a smile on her lips. ‘He’s the perfect gentleman.’ She wasn’t about to tell her parents that he wasn’t a gentleman in bed. These were the sort of details they would not want to hear. They were under the impression that the marriage was in name only and would be horrified if they knew what their daughter got up to. If she and Vidal were in love it would be different, but under the circumstances…

  ‘Your father and I, we worry about you. We know you’re doing this for us, but Vidal’s a good man.’

  ‘Of course he is, Mamá, he wouldn’t have offered to help you otherwise. And guess what.’ She made herself sound excited. ‘He’s been approached by someone who wants a wedding planned. Which means I’ll have something to do while Vidal’s at work. I’m going to ring the guy when I get home.’

  ‘That’s wonderful news,’ said her mother with a wide smile.

  And her father’s eyes filled with hope. ‘Could it lead to you coming back here permanently?’

  ‘I don’t think so,’ she answered with a faintly regretful grimace. She didn’t want to get their hopes up. ‘But if it does take off it means that I’ll get home more often.’

  Her parents looked at each other and smiled and Elena could see that she had set their minds at rest. And that was all that mattered.

  As soon as she was home she made her phone call to Andres, who said he’d be in touch. In the meantime she spent her days swimming or riding. She also went shopping, charging everything to the card Vidal had left on her bedside table before he went away. It had surprised her when she found it, but she’d had no compunction about using it. Why should she when he was the one who had insisted on this ludicrous marriage?

  Actually that wasn’t really true—it was her parents who’d wanted the wedding. She was their lifeline, their loving daughter who had put her life on hold.

  On the third day there was no sign of Vidal. He hadn’t even phoned to see whether she was all right, or to say when he’d be back. In a fit of pique she decided to take out Vidal’s stallion. He had expressly forbidden her to ride Jet, but she was in a dark mood this morning and needed to do something dangerous.

  She had looked at Jet enviously many times, but the grooms always stood up for their master. Only one of them was allowed to exercise him, the tallest and strongest man, and he was horrified now, but Elena was determined and there was nothing he could do to stop her.

  ‘I’ll take the blame,’ she said. ‘I won’t let you get into trouble, no matter what Vidal says.’

  Jet was a magnificent thoroughbred and it felt like riding the finest, most powerful horse in the world—which he probably was. There would be nothing but the best for Vidal. He was nothing like the pony she used to ride, who was sedate and sometimes had to be urged into a trot—a gallop being a very rare event.

  Now, though, Elena felt as though she were flying with the wind as she galloped alongside the river before heading into the hills. Here she wanted to slow down, but the horse had it in his mind to keep going, so she gave him his rein and whooped with delight as they sailed over fallen branches and narrow streams. Not even stopping to t
hink that if she fell off or had an accident no one would know where to find her.

  Vidal could not believe how much he had missed Elena. He had thought it would be a good thing to be away for a few days, give him breathing space; allow him to look at things from a different perspective. But it hadn’t worked out like that. For some insane reason he had not been able to get her out of his mind.

  Especially in bed. The space beside him had felt empty, his arms had felt empty, and when he had fallen asleep he had dreamed about her. Hot dreams that had resulted in him springing out of bed and taking cold showers. Not that they had made much difference.

  Elena had infiltrated his senses. She was there day and night, in his thoughts and in his dreams, wickedly wild, softly sensuous, a tantalising temptress, and he couldn’t wait to hold her in his arms again, to take her to bed and make magical, heart-stopping love.

  He entered the house now with a sense of anticipation. Already his heartbeats were quickening, his pulses racing, but to his intense disappointment and frustration Elena was nowhere to be found. He questioned the servants and no one had seen her since early that morning.

  He scoured the grounds, his temper rising, and was about to go back inside and phone her parents when his head stable boy came running after him. ‘Señor Marquez, your wife, she has taken Jet out,’ he confessed uncomfortably. ‘I tried to stop her, but I could not do so. She was very determined.’

  Alarm bells rang in Vidal’s head. ‘But you know I allow no one else to ride him,’ he roared. ‘Especially a woman. What were you thinking?’

  ‘I am very sorry, señor. But there was nothing we could do. She looked—very—capable,’ he added lamely. ‘She convinced me that she was a good rider.’

  As if that helped, thought Vidal angrily. No one knew the vagaries of Jet as he did. The horse had a mind of its own and it was sometimes all Vidal could do to control him.


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