The Twelve-Month Marriage Deal

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The Twelve-Month Marriage Deal Page 10

by Margaret Mayo

  Every worst-case scenario flashed through his mind—she could have fallen and killed herself, the horse could have broken a leg, anything could have happened. He was on the verge of telling his groom that his services were no longer required when he heard the sound of a horse’s hooves.

  His relief was faint. Not only was his stable hand in trouble but Elena too. She ought to have known better. His heart had raced when he discovered what she’d done, and he’d certainly have something to say to her.

  He had come home eager to see her again, more eager than he should have been under the circumstances, and found—what? That she had taken his priceless stallion on a joyride. If anything had happened to his horse…

  Or Elena!

  He drew in a swift uneasy breath. It didn’t bear thinking about.

  Elena grinned as she halted beside him. ‘I didn’t know you were back. What an impressive beast. How I enjoyed riding him.’

  ‘You could have been killed,’ he snarled. ‘Haven’t I told you never to take him out? No one rides Jet but me. He’s far too strong for you to handle. You’re lucky he didn’t throw you.’

  Her golden eyes looked innocently into his. ‘He’s safe and sound, what are you worrying about? Besides, we both needed the exercise,’ she added as she dismounted, patting the black beauty, who nuzzled his head against her.

  Vidal could not believe what he was seeing. Jet loved no one but him. He’d always been difficult to handle. And yet here he was showing affection for Elena. Damn it!

  ‘What if you’d fallen? What if you’d hurt yourself?’ he asked savagely. ‘What if Jet was hurt?’

  ‘But we weren’t so you’re protesting about nothing,’ she retorted. ‘I can’t see what all the fuss is about. He’s a little pussycat.’ She smiled to the groom who led him away and then flared her eyes magnificently at Vidal. ‘I’m going to shower and change. To think I was actually looking forward to you coming home.’

  Vidal watched her as she walked away. She had the arrogance of Jet, it was there in every line of her body, the way she moved, the lift of her head—she even had the same black hair. Elena was a thoroughbred without any doubt.

  Maybe he had gone over the top, but infierno, what if she had fallen? What if she’d been badly hurt? It didn’t bear thinking about and he most certainly was not going to let her take Jet out again.

  Perhaps it hadn’t been such a good idea going away. Except that it had been very necessary. And there would be other times. Maybe it would be more expedient in future to take her with him.

  He’d certainly missed her in his bed. Elena had begun to relax in his company. When she’d related those stories about weddings gone wrong he had enjoyed seeing her lighter side, warming to her more than he had ever thought possible.

  He’d lain there every night unable to sleep, imagining her lithesome body next to his, the fragrance of her skin filling his nostrils, the tight feel of her as she closed around him. The delightful sounds she made when an orgasm shattered her.

  Even thinking about it now made him hurry after her. He shouldn’t have been so hard on her. She was safe. It was time to calm down and enjoy the delights of her body once again. It was what had driven him all day, right from the first second he awoke. His disappointment when he’d found her missing had been acute. Was it any wonder that he had flared up?

  Vidal stalked through the house, memories of the time they had shared a shower, the first time he had made love to her, flooding back with a vengeance. He drew in a swift, painful breath, his body reliving that moment, recalling every tiny detail, growing hard.

  He wanted that same experience again and he wanted it now!

  He forgot that he had just berated her, forgot that she had marched away in anger, it didn’t enter his head that she might not be willing. He began tearing off his clothes even before he reached the bedroom, leaving a trail on the floor, only slowing down when he neared her bathroom and heard Elena singing.

  She had a beautiful voice. He’d never heard her sing before, and now he stood listening. It was a love song, intense and passionate with words about tasting sweetness on lips and magic every time they touched. Was she equating it to him and her, or was it just a song that she liked and held no real meaning?

  He wanted it to be the former. He could equate to those words so easily. Elena’s lips tasted far sweeter than any other woman he had kissed, and each time they touched, each time skin brushed against skin, there was definitely something magical in the air.

  Vidal felt his breathing getting deeper and quicker and, although he knew that he mustn’t rush in and demand his conjugal rights, he found himself striding far more quickly towards her than sanity declared he should do.

  He was stopped in his tracks. Elena’s arms were held high, her head back and her eyes closed as she sang her heart out, at the same time clearly enjoying the feel of warm, silken water streaming down her perfectly toned body.

  This was temptation personified. It was almost as though she were offering herself to him. He could hear the words in his head.

  Here I am, Vidal. I am yours. Yours and yours alone. Take me, take me now.

  Of course he knew that this was not true, never would be true. Elena was not his, she was married to him under sufferance. She would never offer herself freely. Not that she didn’t enjoy their lovemaking, but there was always a tiny part of her that held back, that reminded herself that she was under contract.

  He did not want to frighten her by jumping into the shower, or even by calling out her name. So instead he began to sing the song with her, his baritone voice uniting in perfect harmony. He saw Elena go still, her voice faltering for a few seconds, until she gave a secretive smile. She didn’t open her eyes, she didn’t look at him; neither did she drop her arms—she simply carried on as if he were not there.

  In an instant Vidal was in the shower with her, his hands on her waist. ‘I never knew you could sing,’ he said softly, gruffly. ‘You have the voice of an angel.’

  Her arms came down to drape around his neck and shoulders. ‘There are many things about me that you do not know, señor.’ And she slid her body sensuously against his.

  It was almost his undoing.

  ‘I’m sorry I shouted at you,’ he said.

  ‘I’m sorry I took Jet out against your wishes.’

  ‘Shall we kiss and make up?’

  ‘Mmm,’ was the only reply he got before she stood on tiptoe and touched her lips to his.

  He groaned and slid his hands around to cup her pert behind, pulling her against him. He drew in his breath in a swift whoosh of pleasure and hunger and heard Elena’s similar response. Whatever else was going on in their lives, there was no doubt that making love was something they both enjoyed. Even enjoyed was too feeble a word. They both gloried in it—feverishly!

  But remembering the time before in the shower when he hadn’t stopped to use protection, Vidal now lifted her into his arms and carried her through to the bedroom, dropping her down onto the bed dripping wet. He’d been lucky that time, but he might not be so again. And complications such as a baby were definitely not on his agenda.

  He was not ready to raise children. That pleasure was reserved for when he met the woman of his dreams. Someone to love unconditionally and to spend the rest of his life with. Elena was—well, Elena was Elena. This was business with a little pleasure thrown in for good measure. A lot of pleasure, actually. But in a year’s time when she had fulfilled her commitment she would return to LA and he quite possibly would never see her again.

  When he kissed her, though, when he sucked her nipples into his mouth, nibbling and torturing her, exulting in the little cries of pleasure she gave; when he explored the moistness between her legs, feeling her hunger, feeding it, rejoicing in her torment, in her passion, in the way she urged herself against him, Elena wasn’t just Elena. Elena was a woman who had the power to satisfy him. Who held him in thrall. Who met his needs head-on with a hunger of her own. Who found equal de
light in the passion they shared. Who was even getting beneath his skin in a way he had never expected. It was not going to be easy to let her go.

  ‘I want you, Elena.’ He heard his voice, deep and throaty, sounding nothing like his usual well-modulated tones, as though he were in heaven and hell at the same time. Heaven because he could feel himself floating in a sensual void that made no sense of normal, everyday feelings, a void where nothing mattered except satisfying the needs of his body. And hell because somewhere deep down in the recesses of his mind he hated himself for what he was doing. He had seen Elena as fair game in the beginning, but the more time they spent together, the more he began to respect her, the more he wished that he hadn’t started this thing.

  He’d been prepared to do whatever it took to make her his. And now that he had, now that he’d got to know her, found out what sort of a woman she really was, he felt angry and disappointed in himself.

  Vidal dashed his thoughts away. He didn’t want to go down that line, he didn’t want to listen to his conscience. Elena was here, beside him, beneath him, his for the taking—what was he waiting for?

  He made love slowly and beautifully, bringing both Elena and himself to the edge many times before the final, excruciating, beautifully intense moment when neither of them knew what had hit them. When their worlds were rocked and they flew into orbit before catapulting back to earth where they lay together in a daze of breathless surrender.

  Elena woke to find herself in Vidal’s arms, his fingers stroking her hair, his amazingly sexy silver eyes watchful on her face. ‘How long have I been asleep?’ she asked shyly. Vidal seemed different, gentler, kinder, as though she was no longer someone he had bought and intended to use, but someone he had learned to care for.

  The thought stunned her—because hadn’t she started to feel the same way? Had their marriage turned a corner? She was certainly happier.

  But she didn’t actually want him caring for her. Yes, she enjoyed sex with him—which was as well under the circumstances—but did she really want anything more? Vidal was not the sort of person she would ever wish to get seriously involved with.

  He was a workaholic for one thing. She had already discovered how much time he spent at the office, leaving early and coming home late. She ultimately wanted children and when that happened she would want their father to be there for them.

  These past three days when he hadn’t been here had given her an insight into what life would be like for the woman Vidal eventually chose to be his real wife. He would be an absentee father, she felt sure. Late nights at the bank, business trips abroad. No time at all for his wife and family. If he was questioned he would say he was doing it for them, when really he was doing it for himself. It was the lifestyle he had chosen and one she doubted he would welcome relinquishing.

  She knew that he was a hard man who would stop at nothing to further his ambition. He had let her and her parents think that he was doing them a favour, but in reality…She refused to let her thoughts go any further. What she must do, what was most important, was to make sure that she didn’t let herself get too carried away.

  ‘You’ve slept for no more than a few minutes,’ he said in answer to her question, his voice soft and gentle as he continued to play with her hair.

  It felt as though she’d been asleep for ages. It felt comfortable in his arms and she did not want to move. Until he began kissing her again and fierce threads of arousal began to weave their way through her body.

  Swiftly she rolled away. She needed another shower, though she was not going to tell him that because she was afraid he might join her—and then the whole sequence would start all over again.

  There were times when she found it hard to believe that she was letting Vidal use her body like this, although there were others when she had no such qualms. Like now, it had felt so right. They had both hungered for fulfilment and she dared not let herself think about what it actually meant or where it might ultimately lead.

  It could be to heartache if she let herself get too emotionally involved. She needed to be aware at all times of what she was getting herself into. It was still nothing more than a game to Vidal, even though she had detected a subtle change in him. A game in which he was coming out the winner.

  Was she a fool? Maybe, but without this chemistry between them assuming the role of Vidal’s wife would have been a burden too hard to bear.

  To her relief Vidal moved too. ‘I don’t know about you, but all this exercise has made me hungry,’ he announced with a grin. ‘I’ll go and see what’s for lunch.’

  They chose to eat out on the terrace with its amazing views over the city and surrounding area. It was a hot hazy day, the sort of day when the pool beckoned. Later, thought Elena.

  Meanwhile the seafood paella was to die for. She loved shellfish of any sort and between them they ate every last shrimp, every piece of squid, every mussel. Vidal intensified her awareness of him by taking one prawn after another out of its shell and feeding them to her, slowly and deliberately, his eyes not leaving her mouth as he did so.

  He had such an intense expression on his face, in his amazing silver eyes, that Elena felt a whole new whirlpool of desire. This was seduction of the worst kind. It was sheer torture. And he knew it.

  Somewhere in the house she heard the phone ring. Merciful release! Vidal would be called away. She would be able to breathe again. It was amazing how the air always thickened when he was near her, when he taunted her with his presence.

  But the call was not for Vidal. To her surprise the phone was brought out to her. It was Andres Francia, ready to discuss wedding plans.

  ‘This afternoon, yes, I’m free,’ she said, trying to ignore the fierce look Vidal aimed at her across the table. ‘I’ll see you in an hour, then.’

  Vidal was furious with Elena. Hadn’t he given up the whole afternoon so that he could be with her? He could have gone to the bank, in fact, he needed to be there, but no, his need for Elena had been greater.

  And now she was going to meet Andres! He wished that he had never mentioned the man’s name.

  ‘You’re going out?’ He was aware that his voice was harsh now, devoid of all the softness when he had fed pieces of food to her across the table. He had loved the way she moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue before opening them. The way her teeth gently took each morsel of food. The way her eyes hadn’t left his during the whole process.

  It had been an erotic experience and he had been looking forward to spending even more time with her.

  ‘Actually, Andres is coming here,’ she announced with a slight lift of her fine brows. ‘That won’t be a problem, will it? I presumed you would be going to your office this afternoon?’

  ‘Of course.’ He hated the sharpness in his voice but he couldn’t help himself. Didn’t he always work? Did he ever take time off? It struck him now how much time he did actually spend working. On the other hand he’d never had anyone as tempting as Elena to take him away from it.

  He pushed his chair back and stood up. ‘In fact, I should be leaving right now.’

  Chapter Nine

  ANDRES FRANCIA was of medium height and not particularly good-looking, but he had an air of authority about him that reminded Elena of Vidal. She could not understand why Vidal had reacted so fiercely when she had announced that Andres was coming to discuss his daughter’s wedding plans. The fact that Vidal had stormed away told her that he was displeased, but what was his reasoning when he was the one who had suggested she meet with Andres in the first place?

  ‘It will be something for you to do,’ he had said.

  Now, when it was happening, he was annoyed. Anyone would think he had been prepared to spend the afternoon with her, when she knew perfectly well that he would have gone to the office. Did he ever take a halfday off? She did not think so.

  ‘I expected your wife and daughter to come along with you,’ she said once they were seated.

  ‘I have no wife,’ declared Andres, his
thin lips pursing. ‘She walked out on me when Benita was three years old.’

  ‘I’m sorry. Will she be attending the wedding?’

  Andres shrugged expressively, his hands spreading wide. ‘Who is to say?’

  ‘So you have full control. You and Benita. When will I meet her?’

  ‘That is why I am here. I have very different ideas from my daughter. It is her wedding, yes, but I am paying. I need you to spread diplomacy.’

  In other words, thought Elena, he wanted her to stand in the middle and keep the peace. It happened. Lots of parents had different ideas from their children. It would be her job to suggest something they were both happy with.

  Before they had even finished discussing ideas and venues Vidal returned. Elena couldn’t believe how quickly the time had flown until a glance at her watch showed her that only two hours had passed. So what was he doing back so early?

  ‘You are still here, Andres?’ His words were civil, but the tone behind them was not.

  Andres seemed not to notice, but Elena most certainly did, and when the man had gone she looked furiously at Vidal. ‘What’s the matter, Vidal? You suggest I do this work and yet you act as though it is a crime. As though you do not approve of the time I spend with a prospective client.’

  Her head was high, her eyes bright with challenge.

  Vidal thought she had never looked more ravishingly beautiful. And yet he could not contain his irritation. He had watched them quietly for a few moments before making his presence known and they had seemed so cosy, sitting so close, talking so quietly, that fires had burned in front of his eyes.

  What the hell is the matter with you? he had asked himself. You’re acting like a jealous lover and yet you know that is not the case. Elena means nothing to you. Nothing! You’re conducting an affair, that is all. You’d be as well to remember that.

  ‘I did not expect him to be here this long,’ he said now, endeavouring to keep his voice level. ‘Where is his daughter? Why wasn’t she here as well? It is her wedding after all.’


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