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Page 7

by Lea Barrymire

  “That was awesome,” she choked out around a chuckle. She meant it too. This wasn’t something she was saying to a client. The experience had been wonderful, naughty, fun.

  “Are you more relaxed now?” His question held a smile even if his voice was still rougher than normal.

  “Mmm, definitely relaxed. Thanks, Nick.”

  “Dominick. That’s my real name.”

  She let that sink in before responding. “Thanks, Dominick. Thanks for everything. I feel weird saying this, but I can’t wait to see you Thursday.”

  The tight chuckle that came through the line made her wonder what he might be hiding. “I can’t wait for that either. Can I call you tomorrow?”

  “I want to, I really do, but I don’t know if that’s the best thing for us to do. Even this was wrong for me to do with a client.” She felt weird turning him down as her juices cooled beneath her, reminding her of the orgasm she’d just had to the sound of his voice.

  “What if I wasn’t a client? What if I just wanted to date you? Could you call me or let me call you then?”

  Silence descended both between them and in her mind. Date. He’d said he wanted to date her. She hadn’t attempted dating since her turning. Her heart ached with the idea. She wanted someone important in her life, someone to talk to about her day, to snuggle with, to cling to when her nightmares woke her. Could she place someone in danger though? Did she dare put a male within killing distance of her demon side?

  Dominick cleared his throat and sighed loudly. “I take it you aren’t thrilled with that idea. I’ll just—”

  “No,” she shouted before calming herself. “No, don’t go. It’s not that I don’t want to date you. How to explain? I don’t do well in intimate situations. I don’t want you hurt because of me.”

  “So, it’s my safety that keeps you from accepting?” He sounded skeptical.

  “Yes. I know, a master succubus with anxiety over control, but I hate harming others. Why do you think I’ve built this company? It’s not for my safety, but the safety of those I come into contact with.” Her guilt burst through the walls she’d built around it, drowning her. “I’ve hurt so many before.”

  “So, if we could date without the possibility of you hurting me, would you?”

  Would she? That was the question of the week. Her head said one thing but the rest of her yearned for another. She’d spent over fifty years alone. Didn’t she deserve some companionship? Maybe not love, because she didn’t have enough of her human soul left to be capable of love, but she could enjoy Dominick’s attentions, enjoy his arms around her. The decision was made for her when her arms wrapped around her own torso.

  “I’ve already cleared my calendar for Thursday. For your protection, and sort of a trial run, let’s use the phones to meet. We can have our date and see how things go.”

  “If that’s what you want, Victoria, then that’s what we’ll do.” He didn’t sound happy about it though. “I’ll call you Thursday evening, then. Unless I can talk you into another chat tomorrow?”

  She grinned. Even when he wasn’t happy with her he was being nice. “Let’s play it by ear. I have your numbers, so if I have a few minutes tomorrow I’ll call or text.”

  “Good night, fair Victoria. May your dreams be filled with chocolates and magic. Fare thee well.”

  “Goodnight, Dominick,” she whispered, ignoring the tremor in her voice.

  Chapter Nine

  “Geez, Vic, you look like shit.”

  Victoria raised her head off her desk and blinked a few times to clear her vision. She felt like shit. A cold lump of dog shit, on the bottom of someone’s shoe, after they’d walked through a mud puddle on a pig farm. It had started the minute she’d rolled out of bed. A slight headache and an absence of appetite. Then throughout the day she’d just felt worse and worse until she was in the position Gynger had found her in. Slumped in her chair, resting her head on the desk, fighting the urge to sleep.

  She waved a weak hand at her friend in answer, too tired to even voice the obviousness of how shitty she looked.

  “When was the last time you fed?”


  “But did you feed or just take calls? Vic, you’re starving. Fuck, you’re too pale. I’ll go get one of the guys and you can feed off him right now.”

  “No. No, it’s fine. I just don’t feel good.”

  “No, you are starving. I’ve seen it before.” Gynger turned for the door.

  “Wait. I don’t want to feed from one of them. I don’t think I could face them again if they knew I’d let myself get this bad.”

  Gynger turned from the door with a raised eyebrow. “Then what? You going out? Find a stupid human to feed from? You’d kill someone like this.”

  Victoria knew that, and honestly had known that she was starving, but she’d refused to take energy from her clients. Her demon had refused. They both wanted Dominick’s lust and seemed to be in complete understanding that nothing else would do. She sighed. “I need to call Dominick.”

  Silence hung heavy on the air. Vic was too tired to worry about it. She laid her head back on the desk with a resigned grunt.

  “You need to feed from him, right?”

  Vic nodded. Voicing it again seemed like a weakness, admitting her need for someone she’d never really met just rubbed her the wrong way.

  “Okay, then I’m calling him right now.” Gynger whipped out her cell phone and pushed a couple of buttons. She stared with a mixture of anger and sympathy on her pixie face. Her face lost the worry the moment the call was picked up. “Hey, Dominick. What are you doing right now?”

  Victoria tuned out the conversation. It was bad enough that she’d let herself get this bad, but to have her friend have to make an emergency “she needs to virtually fuck you or she’s going to lose it” call was too much. She would have cried if she hadn’t been so tired.

  She jumped when Gynger’s hand touched her shoulder. Victoria hadn’t even heard her friend move, or perhaps she’d fallen asleep. The warmth from her friend’s palm surprised her. Her body temperature must have started dropping. She’d never gotten this bad this fast before—no wonder Gynger had freaked out at the sight.

  “Come on, I’m going to carry you into your bedroom. He’ll be calling in just a sec.”

  “I can’t believe I did this to myself. Gyn, what the hell is wrong with me?”

  With a grunt, her friend hefted Vic from the chair and half carried, half dragged her toward her bedroom door. She tried to walk, tried to help propel them forward, but she just didn’t have the strength. Panic skated through her mind. Even when she’d starved herself in a stupid attempt at suicide she’d never gotten this sick.

  The softness of her comforter was wonderful under her aching body. A feathery sigh left her lips. She wanted to burrow under the covers and sleep. Screw dying—she didn’t really care. You do care, and you know you do. And you aren’t dying, you’re going through withdrawal. She wanted to tell the voice in her head to shut it, but her demon was right. She did care and these were the classic symptoms of lust withdrawal. She didn’t want to die, but she didn’t want to be tied so tightly to someone either. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. She snorted at her own thoughts.

  “Here, you need the phone near you. Are you going to be able to activate the magic?” Gynger’s voice was thick with concern.

  “Yeah, I think so.” She did. Her demon was pushing against her control. It knew that Dominick was going to be calling in a moment and it wanted out. Her demon knew what to do to get them back on the up and up. Feed. The word was being chanted in the back of her mind—the deep and cavernous voice of her other persona was nearly doing cartwheels.

  “Okay. I’m sticking around until you get in his head just to make sure you can, then I’m out.”

  The phone rang, saving Victoria from acknowledging the implied threat in her friend’s words. If she couldn’t trigger the connection Vic was sure that Gyn was going to be dragging
some unsuspecting guy into the room, even if death was his end.

  Reaching for the phone took more energy than she had, but with a shaky hand she grabbed the receiver and plopped it on her cheek. “Hey.”

  “God, Victoria, what have you done to yourself? Connect with me, hon.”

  Just the smooth sound of his voice was enough for her demon to roar through her defenses and take over. She knew she wasn’t gentle while she buried her mental hooks into his brain. She couldn’t wait another instant to be connected to him, even if it was magical and not physical.

  The tingle from the merging was over quickly. A sigh of relief slipped through her lips before she opened her eyes. She loved the feel of his mind and his emotions, even if they were worry and fear.


  The single word was enough to flip the switch in her mind. Her demon took over, shoving the more civilized thoughts and emotions to the back of her head. Her eyes opened and she scanned the room. Once again they were in the same hotel room, but nothing mattered. She needed energy and she was going to take it.

  “Dominick, love.”

  “Oh, don’t start that work voice thing with me. I can feel your need clawing at me. Let me help.”

  She crooked a finger at him, smiling seductively, and waited. He wouldn’t refuse her, couldn’t. She felt the rise of his lust even as he worried for her. She spread her legs as an additional invitation and finally noticed that she wasn’t nude. A beautiful cream-colored satin gown hugged her curves. It was warm and soft against her skin, but that wasn’t what she needed. She wanted his naked skin pressed against hers. To have him inside her while she fed from his lust for her.

  His breath hitched and she knew she had him. With infinite care she sat up and dragged the silky dress up her body. The entire time she watched him. Again his face was fuzzy and unrecognizable, but she didn’t let that bother her. She needed him more than anything else. It clawed at her.

  “Come, I want to feel you on my skin.”


  She growled, her demon clawing to come out. No? He refuses us?

  “Don’t growl at me. I want this to mean something and not just be a fix for you. I will feed you, will my energy into you, but it won’t be a fast-and-furious fuck just because you want it.”

  She watched him through slitted eyes. He stalked toward her, slowly peeling off the black button-down shirt he had plastered to his body. It parted to show tanned skin and her mouth watered. Perhaps he was right to take it a little slower. She could savor the feel of passion flushing her skin and making her pussy wet.

  “Do you like what you see?” he whispered. His voice had deepened and it brushed, warm and sensual, against her thoughts.

  She nodded, eyes glued to his hands as he slowly unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. The tantalizing piece of skin he uncovered was enough to make her moan. Another rush of hot moisture coated her pussy. The tease of bare stomach and the spattering of hair that led her eye to the treasure hidden in his pants was enough to drag a longing sigh from her. The demon inside watched with rapt attention as well, finally relaxed and not trying to take over.

  “I wish this wasn’t because we had to, Vic. I wish you’d called me because you wanted to see me, be with me, but I’ll take what I can.” He sauntered—no, stalked toward her. His gait was predatory and made her squirm.

  When his hands slid to the waistband of his jeans she silently groaned. Every cell yearned for him. Her hands twitched with the demand to touch him. When he stepped within arm’s distance she didn’t stop herself from reaching out and caressing his naked stomach. He felt so warm and hard under her palms.

  The shock of power that flooded her upon her first touch of his skin nearly had her yanking her hands back. It blew through her barriers and burned her from the inside out. Luscious, spectacular lust filled her. Her eyes slid closed and she just savored the taste, the feel of it. Rich and thick, like fine chocolate, it tempted her demon side. “Mmm, you are so tasty.”

  He chuckled but didn’t move as she siphoned off more energy. “You really were hungry, weren’t you? Tell me when you’re ready for me to move.”

  She nodded but continued to suck up as much power as she could. It flowed through her veins, bringing her body temperature back up. It slithered into her dark recesses, fed the pond of reserve energy she hadn’t even known she had.

  “Oh gods, Dominick. I feel so horrible, but I need more.”

  “Feed, love. We don’t even need to have sex. I want you well, enjoying chocolates and staring at your Etraza tree. I don’t like seeing you like this.”

  She didn’t like being like this either, and promised herself that she’d never get to this point again. If she hadn’t had the option to call Dominick she would have killed someone, sucked them completely dry of their essence. No more. She’d feed, even if she didn’t want to, and behave like a good succubus.

  Her stomach should have been bloated. Or some other outward measure of the amount of feeding she’d done in a short time should’ve shown. She could feel the overload begin and she pulled her hands back, unsure how she’d react if she continued siphoning. “Enough. If I take more I’ll be a jittery mess. Thank you.”

  He sat with her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, and pulled her in to his chest. Soft lips touched her temple. “Don’t thank me for something I’d freely give you all the time. Now relax and let it work through you. Tell me about your day.”

  She grinned but couldn’t help it. She was sitting, naked, touching someone nearly naked and he wanted to talk about her day. She fell a little in love with him at that moment. Her heart gave a painful thud and her demon purred in her head.

  Turning in to his chest, she snuggled against him and breathed deeply, relaxing into his embrace and savoring the connection she felt with him. She started talking, filling him in on what had been going on, mundane things, stuff that meant nothing to anybody but had some meaning to her.

  All the while she made patterns on his belly, tracing his muscles and making them spasm under her fingers. Slowly she inched her circles lower, brushing the coarse hair between the flaps of his pants. She could see the bulge of his cock through the material and swallowed the giggle that threatened to burst from her mouth when it twitched as she continued her torturous swirls.

  “You know, if you keep that up I won’t be able to keep from touching you.” His voice was gravelly and stern, pushed through nearly clenched teeth.

  She smiled against his skin. “Perhaps that was the point. Maybe I want you touching me and I was just trying to find a way to get you to without asking.”

  He groaned and shifted under her cheek. “You don’t ever have to ask me, Victoria. Ever.”

  Dominick moved fast, much faster than she’d have thought he should be able to. He had her in his arms and was striding toward the bed in one breath. She was sprawled on the bed and he was removing his pants in the next. His cock sprang free of his jeans, erect and leaking pre-cum. Her mouth watered for a taste and she licked her lips, pulling a groan from his.

  “Gods, don’t look at me like that. I can’t take it. I’m ready to explode already.”

  “Then come up here. I want you. You obviously want me, so what’s stopping you?” She was impatient and unaccustomed to having to beg a male to bed her. It irked her, really it did, that he could stand there and not be slobbering all over himself to be inside her.

  She was taken by surprise when he launched himself at her with a growl. He wrapped his hands around her wrists and moved them over her head. His breath feathered across her cheek. “Don’t move, Vic. I mean it. I’m strung out and want at you.”

  In answer she spread her legs wide and hooked her hands under the bottom of the scrolling metalwork on the headboard. She watched his chest heave as he looked down her body. She could feel the move of his gaze like a caress. Nipples pebbled when he took his fill of her breasts. Her stomach trembled as he passed his eyes over her skin. Her pussy wept when he finally s
tared at the apex of her thighs. A surge of lust, strong and pure, poured off him and she groaned at its impact.

  He wasn’t gentle with her, but he didn’t need to be. She was wet and aching for him. Dominick fell forward, catching himself on his hands. He hovered for a moment then shifted his pelvis, aiming his thick cock at her wet opening. He groaned as he pushed into her with one slow, punishing glide.

  “You are so hot and tight. Gods, what you do to me.” He leaned down and captured a nipple between his lips. A flick of his tongue against the nub had her arching her back.

  “Please.” She moaned and begged, unsure what she wanted. In answer to her plea he tilted his hips and pulled out of her cunt, dragging the swollen head of his dick across her sensitive tissues. She thrashed her head on the pillow. “Oh, do that again.”

  He obliged with a grunt, pushing back into her with a faster thrust then slowly dragging out again. Her pussy fluttered and an impending orgasm swelled within. Each thrust pushed her closer, heated her more. When he sucked the other nipple into his hot mouth she came in a storm of light and warmth. Sensations flooded her as he continued to rock in and out of her, thrusting to his own rhythm.

  She heard him growl then hot cum filled her. He pushed as deep as he could get and held her against him, bruising her hips with the strength of his grip. At some point she’d released the headboard and clutched his shoulders. She continued to stroke his skin, savoring the tremors still rocking her and the weight of him on her chest.

  “Thank you.” She whispered the words between pants. “I know that isn’t something you’re supposed to say, but I’m going to. I’m tired so I’m going to sever our connection. I’ll still see you tomorrow, right?”

  He lifted his head and once again she was struck with the urge to beg him to show his face. The fuzzy visage made her sad. But he spoke before she could gather her thoughts. “Don’t thank me. That cheapens this, Vic. I’d do anything for you. Sleep well, my succubus. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  He kissed her gently and pulled his softened cock from her depths. She reached up and stroked the face she couldn’t see and closed her eyes, willing the connection closed. She’d deal with the emotions swirling in her mind later. She needed to sleep and use the energy he’d given her to repair the damage she’d done by starving herself.


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