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The Trans Ultra Collection Vol 3

Page 4

by Ursula Lovelace

  I had the experience and certifications to get into any garage worth its weight. Back in the city, I was a senior mechanic at a well-respected private business. The pay was great and I was on the fast track to moving into a management role. It was what made me drop everything and move here. I wanted to stay in the garage rather than work in an air-conditioned office. I wasn’t some paper pusher.

  I just needed a vacancy to open up around these parts. Many repair shops in these parts tended to be privately owned rather than be part of a big corporate chain. Trust and family was a big deal over here. You needed to be chums with the owner to land a job.

  Unfortunately, there were a handful of repair shops around here and most of them didn’t have any openings. I had expanded my search to include neighboring cities. A few cities had some jobs. However, they were hours away from where I lived. I’d probably have to move again and I just couldn’t afford that.

  I looked into the classified ads for work. That’s when I came across a garage called Jerry’s Shop. I didn’t know too much about it so I asked around town. They told me it used to be a warehouse but some guy named Jerry bought it and converted into a car repair shop. It explained why I didn’t come across it earlier in my job search.

  It wasn’t much to go on but I needed a job. I learned quite a bit of gossip about this garage. Thankfully, Jerry’s Shop was hiring new mechanics. It apparently paid well and had flexible hours. However, some of the employees worked off the books. In the automobile repair business, this wasn’t too uncommon. Some workers had skills but lacked a work visa. They worked under the table. It wasn’t exactly legal but no one complained if the work got done.

  There was something else that caught my ear. Although Jerry’s Shop was looking for work, they tended to hire mostly women. I didn’t know what your gender had to go with being a mechanic. Maybe it was some sort of marketing gimmick.

  Nevertheless, I wasn’t going to let an opportunity to get steady work pass by me so easily. I figured my credentials would get me noticed. I was probably the best damn mechanic around these parts. Of course, you wouldn’t have been able to tell by looking at me.

  For a mechanic, I didn’t have the look of a grizzled grease monkey. I was short and rather lean. Most of my coworkers back at the old garage used to call me the girl of the group!

  Anyway, Jerry’s Shop was absolutely gigantic. It made sense since it used to be a warehouse. I guessed half of it was the garage and the rest were offices. It looked like it was a slow time of day. I wouldn’t have any difficulty introducing myself and trying out for an opening.

  I loved the smell of axle grease in the morning. While it wasn’t as high tech as a garage in a big chain, Jerry’s shop was no slouch. It could accommodate multiple vehicles and had computer systems everywhere.

  I walked past the garage and saw mechanics working on various vehicles. The shop’s reputation was correct. All of the workers I saw were female. They weren’t half bad for their age.

  Curiously enough, they wore revealing uniforms that exposed their arms and legs. It was a strange sight since most mechanics tended to cover up their bodies. Car repair could be a very messy job. They looked like that Megan Fox character from those Transformers movies. Maybe that was where this Jerry guy got his idea from.

  One of senior mechanics approached. “Hello sir, are you here to check in with your car?”

  “No, I’m here about the open position for a mechanic,” I answered, shaking my head. “I heard you were hiring. I’ve worked all sorts of jobs. I’m up for anything if you’re hiring.”

  My sales pitch sounded more desperate than I imagined in my head. Then again, I was pretty desperate for a job. Unfortunately, she sighed and rubbed her forehead. “Oh, I’m so sorry sweetie but I don’t think we have an opening for someone like you.”

  I instantly felt deflated. “What do you mean?”

  The woman blushed. “Jerry only hires young girls. It’s part of the garage’s strategy. I hope you understand.”

  I exhaled in defeat. “Well, thank you for speaking with me.”

  She gave me a recruitment brochure and continued. “We’re still hiring women. If you know someone who can work under the hood of a car, please let her know about us. We have flexible hours and a great benefits package.”

  This place didn’t seem all that bad of a place to work. Sure, the tight shorts were a little weird but this place seemed to have steady business. It wasn’t too far from my apartment either. I was also curious why they needed staff. “Are you short on mechanics?”

  “Yes, this is the time of year where we do a lot of check-ups,” she laughed. I recalled that a lot of cars would be due to renewing their registration in the next few months. They needed to be serviced in order to pass. “That’s why we need a few extra hands on deck. We’re not opposed to having her work off the books either.”

  This place sounded great. “I see… how’s the workload here?”

  “We honestly don’t get too many problem cars through our doors,” she said with a pause. Then, she leaned in to avoid being overheard. “It’s the boss that can be more of an issue.”

  “You mean Jerry?”

  “He pays well,” she said, glancing at the office area. I saw various photos and newspaper articles featuring a middle-aged man with a receding hairline. Some of the photos showed him at car shows posing with supermodels. A huge high school football trophy on a shelf identified him as Jerry Sears. The guy looked like a complete show-off and a womanizer to boot. “But he thinks he owns all of us just because he signs our paychecks…”

  “I understand,” I replied. Maybe this place wasn’t the paradise I thought it would be. “I’ll tell my friends about the job opening.”

  I went to my apartment and collapsed onto my bed. I really felt like I had finally found a suitable job for my skills. Sure, the boss sounded like a creep but the rest sounded great. They seemed to have steady business and a well-equipped garage.

  I would’ve loved to work there. As luck would have it, I was born with a cock between my legs. Jerry seemed to care more about his stupid gimmick and surrounding himself with beautiful women than hiring a talent like me.

  I started browsing through other jobs in the classified ads. I thought about trying to work in another trade but that felt like a betrayal of who I was. I was born to be a mechanic. Anything else felt like a boring slog to just earn a paycheck.

  A part of me wished I was a woman so I could work at Jerry’s Shop. It wasn’t like I too far off from looking like the fairer sex. I had a slender build with rounded hips. My hair was long and I had to tie it up when I was working. On the other hand, I barely had any facial hair.

  The rest of my face was just as feminine. It had the soft roundness of a woman. With a bit of makeup, I could fit right in with the rest of the girls at Jerry’s Shop.

  That’s when I got an outlandish idea.

  There was still a way I could land a job at Jerry’s Shop. I had all the skills needed to be a good car mechanic. I just needed to trade my overalls for a pair of trimmed shorts.

  Chapter 2

  The following day, I went to a discount clothing store. I purchased a set of women’s clothing which included skirts and way too trimmed shorts. I also bought a set of makeup. It included everything from lipstick to eyeshadow. The cashier didn’t give me any strange looks when I rang them up at the counter. Maybe this idea wasn’t so crazy after all.

  When I got home, I applied some makeup to my face. It took a bit of trial and error but I managed to follow the instructions and get a good result. The lipstick really brought out the plumpness of my lips. Likewise, the eyeshadow highlighted the intensity of my eyes. The person staring back at me in the mirror looked like a stranger.

  A beautiful stranger.

  I continued by putting on a pair of panties. It was surprisingly comfortable against my balls. I loved how it dug into my ass crack. The bra was more of an issue due to my lack of a bust line. I fixed this issue by
padding up my bra with some crumpled up paper.

  I finished the look by putting on a tight shirt and a pair of shorts. It was more or less the official outfit of Jerry’s Shop. I figured it would give me a leg up in the interview process. All that was left was to brush my hair and let it down.

  I did some last second checks to make sure everything looked good. Indeed, I did look like I could pass for a woman. However, I needed to sound like one as well. I practiced by raising my speaking voice until it sounded like that of a young woman. I just had to be a little careful when speaking to people.

  I decided to make up a back story and practice it. I figured that the people would want to know who I was and where I came from. I decided on the name of Samantha. I was a new arrival from a faraway city. It wasn’t too far from the truth.

  Normally, it would be hard for someone with no real background or identification to land a job at a garage. However, I knew this place’s management was looking for mechanics on short notice. They were willing to fast track new hires so they could prepare for maintenance season. It wasn’t too uncommon for garages to hire undocumented workers and have them work off the books. There were no questions asked about IDs or certifications if you could prove you knew what you were doing.

  I knew there would at least be some sort of test. Working as a mechanic could be dangerous if you didn’t know a spark plug from a brake light. At the same time, a mechanic was useless if they ended up doing something stupid and damaging the customer’s car. Thankfully, I had been working under the hoods of cars since I was a teenager. Whatever test they threw at me, I knew I would pass it with flying colors.

  For my first test as Samantha, I called Jerry’s Shop and inquired about any job openings. A part of me feared they would immediately know I was a man posing as the fairer sex. Thankfully, the woman on the other line was ecstatic to meet with me. She immediately booked an interview with me for the following day.

  Satisfied, I made my way to Jerry’s Shop the next day. I just needed to breeze through the interview and I would have the job. Although I had gotten my foot through the door, I was worried about meeting with the staff while cross-dressing as Samantha. This was a business full of women. If anyone could tell something was off about me, then it would be people of the gender I was trying to emulate.

  I had done my best to look as feminine as possible. I upgraded my bra padding from crumbled up pieces of paper to gel molds. It moved and felt more like the real thing.

  I plunked my eyebrows and applied a fresh set of makeup. I even picked up some perfume from the local discount store. It helped mask my normally musky body odor. Being a mechanic can do that to you.

  My clothing was the aforementioned shirt and shorts combo. I figured I might as well get an early start on the company’s required attire. I would have to show quite a bit of skin while working. It made sense to remove any offending body hair. Hopefully, the bulge in my shorts wasn’t too noticeable.

  I had also spent the better part of an hour working on my hair. I couldn’t exactly go to a salon and have a specialist go to town on it. Instead, I had to make due with some YouTube instructional videos. With a bit of conditioner, I managed to get it to shine.

  I had done everything I could’ve done to prepare. All that was left was to impress the management of Jerry’s Shop. Hopefully, the interview process went well.

  When I entered the garage, I instantly became the center of attention. Both the male customers and the female mechanics stared at me. The guys were undoubtedly checking me out. My look was a hit with the men so far. That just left the women.

  I found the head mechanic I spoke to earlier. If anyone could see through my disguise as Samantha, then it would be her. This was the moment of truth.

  Thankfully, she greeted me with a smile. “You must be Samantha. I hope you didn’t have a hard time finding this place. I’m Maggie.”

  I smiled back at her. “Hi, Maggie. I’m here for the job interview.”

  “It’s a very easy process,” she said, guiding me into an office. I took a seat as she took out a packet of paper. “This will go over your basic knowledge of cars, repair work, and just about everything else we do here.”

  I took the packet of paper. It was a multiple choice test featuring some questions about automotive repair. I immediately felt like I was transported back to high school. “I see…”

  “And since we’re in a rush, you can start working immediately,” Maggie continued, handing me a pencil. It sounded like they were short on mechanics. It made sense if they were only hiring sexy young girls for the job. “Of course, there’s room for promotion. You just need to pass a written and practical exam. Are you ready to begin?”

  I twirled the pencil between my fingers. “Let’s start.”

  The test was a complete breeze. I had taken countless tests for various licenses and certifications. Back when I was training to be a mechanic, I took classes twice a week while apprenticing under an expert. Nothing beat having hands-on training when it came to working on cars. There was no better way to learn than from the mistakes you made as a rookie.

  I had an hour to finish the exam for Jerry’s Shop. I finished in less than half that time. However, I didn’t rush to hand my test in. I figured it would draw too much attention if I looked like some super expert.

  Nonetheless, I stalled for time before handing in the test to Megan. She scanned the test with a machine which instantly game us the test results. Unsurprisingly, I had a perfect score.

  “Very impressive, Samantha,” she said, leading me to the garage. I knew that she wanted to see my skills in action. “Where did you learn this stuff?”

  I giggled. “It’s better not to ask.”

  I followed her into the garage. It felt good to be back in a place like this where I could enjoy the sounds and smells of automobiles. We ended up in a workshop that was devoid of workers. “Now, let’s begin the second part. You’ll be shown a car and be asked to identity what’s the problem with it, Samantha”

  Being a mechanic was like riding a bike. Once you learned the trade, it was hard to forget it. My days away from a garage hadn’t diminished my skills.

  Maggie guided me to a sports car that wasn’t being worked on. She popped up the hood to reveal its high-powered engine. I immediately knew what was wrong with this car. Whoever the owner was, he had done a real number on this beauty.

  “First, there’s more than one problem,” I began, taking note of each discrepancy. I even went to the side and examined the wheels. It was practically a crime to let such a beautiful machine fall into such a sorry state. “The radiator cap is missing. The window motor is dead. That spark plug is the wrong fit for this car model. On the wheels, this hubcap is misaligned.”

  She whistled in amazement. “How much bootleg time have you’ve had working in a car shop?”

  I flashed her an innocent smile. “Like I said, no questions. So, do I get the job?”

  It was a bit too easy of an interview process for my tastes. Nonetheless, I wasn’t going to look at a gift horse in the mouth. Jerry’s Shop was offering me a steady job. I could finally get out of unemployment and work for my keep. It would be a bit complicated to end my benefits without declaring my new job but I’d cross that bridge when I got to it. For now, I’d have to work off the books as Samantha.

  Suddenly, Maggie sighed and said. “You still have to meet with the boss before we finalize everything.”

  That stopped me in my tracks. “Jerry?”

  “Yes, he saw you enter this place and wants to see you in person,” she answered, looking sheepish. “He likes to… interview the new hires. Please, follow me.”

  Maggie led me to Jerry’s office before dismissing herself. The man’s office was gaudy for the owner of a car repair shop. I saw photos of the man in his prime on his desk. Most of them were from his football days. Others were of him promoting the garage in local papers. The man’s ego was really something.

  As for the big boss of
the place, Jerry sat hunched over in his way too large chair. He looked more like the dictator of a banana republic than the owner of a private business. Nonetheless, he looked to be raking in money with how lavish his office looked. I just hoped he threw some money my way.

  Finally, he looked up and asked. “So you’re looking for a job? I don’t hire just any girl that shows up to my garage for a job. I want the best of the best. What’s your name?”

  “It’s Samantha, Mr. Sears,” I answered, trying to look as dainty as possible. It all came down to this. None of my skills as a mechanic mattered. I needed to look like a perfect example of feminine beauty. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “It’s Jerry,” he stated plainly. I didn’t know if he was trying to break the ice or make a demand. “Are you new around this town? I figured I’d run into a sexy girl like you before.”

  That almost sounded like a compliment. “I moved in not too long ago. I’ve been looking for work and heard that you were hiring mechanics. I’m great under the hood of a car. Maggie can tell you just how good I am.”


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