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Temporary Insanity: (Temporary; Paul and Indy #1)

Page 23

by H L Day

  Indy raised an eyebrow. "And then?"

  I winked at him. "Then you can take me to bed and do whatever you want with me for as long as you want to do it."

  He smiled. "I knew I loved you for a reason. There's just one problem though."

  "What's that?"

  He stepped forward, trapping me in his embrace again, his hands grasping my ass to squeeze our groins together. "I want you, much more than I want food. I'm not sure I'll be able to concentrate on eating with you opposite me. You might have to put a bag over your head. You'd do that for me, right?"

  I pretended to consider it. "Or... we could put one over yours instead."

  He plucked at my T-shirt. "I've got a better idea... we can have a quickie before we go and then neither of us needs to spoil our amazing good looks with a bag."

  Both of us became aware of the same thing at the same time, namely that where our groins were still pressed together, mine was vibrating.

  Indy moaned, his hands grasping even harder, his fingers digging into my ass cheeks. "Wow! You're really pleased to see me."

  I flicked him on the nose. "That's my phone, you idiot. I think if my cock had a vibrate function, you'd have utilized it by now."

  He grinned. "Damn right, I would. Are you going to answer it?"

  I squeezed my hand between our bodies, somehow managing to extract my phone. "It's Gabrielle."

  Indy pulled the collar of my T-shirt down, his mouth sucking at the sensitive skin of my collarbone. "You talk to her. I'll get started on the quickie. Join in when you're free."

  I brought the phone to my ear. "Hi, Gabrielle, who was supposedly too busy to help us move but not too busy to ring me when things are just getting interesting between me and my live-in boyfriend."

  Gabrielle sighed. "Yeah! Yeah! Poor Paul who hasn't had sex for twenty minutes. My heart bleeds for you. I wouldn't be calling you if it wasn't an emergency."

  "An emergency?" Even Indy lifted his head at the announcement, his face expressing concern. "What sort of emergency? Are you alright? Is it Jeremy?" I switched the phone to loudspeaker so that Indy could hear too.

  "No, it's Russell. You're never going to believe what he's been up to and with who. I need your help to sort him out. It's too big a job for one woman. Come to mine as soon as you can." I was left listening to silence as she hung up.

  I turned my attention back to Indy, stroking the hair away from his face. "I'm not going to go. You're more important."

  He smiled. "And the fact that you know that is the reason why I'm quite happy for you to go."

  "Are you sure? It's probably just some drama that Gabrielle's created. I mean, it's Russell, how bad can it be?"

  Indy shrugged, dropping a quick kiss on my lips before gently pushing me away. "Go! We've got the rest of our lives together."

  The words sent a warm glow through me. "I love you, Indy Rogers-Henderson."

  He winked. "I love you too, Paul Davenport, and I'll show you just how much when you get home. Our home."

  I left in a rush, already looking forward to returning, where it would just be me, Indy, a dozen tropical fish and two elephants.

  Life was good.

  WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE pineapple was for? Join my FB group Day's Den to access a deleted bonus excerpt from the rest of the dinner party.

  Thanks, from H.L Day

  THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR choosing to read this book. You've made me really happy. How could you make me even happier? Well, you could leave a review. Then, I'd be ecstatic. :)

  About H.L Day

  H.L DAY GREW UP IN the North of England. As a child she was an avid reader, spending lots of time at the local library or escaping into the imaginary worlds created by the books she read. Her grandmother first introduced her to the genre of romance novels, as a teenager, and all the steamy sex they entailed. Naughty Grandma!

  One day, H.L Day stumbled upon the world of m/m romance. She remained content to read other people’s books for a while, before deciding to give it a go herself.

  Now, she’s a teacher by day and a writer by night. Actually, that’s not quite true—she’s a teacher by day, procrastinates about writing at night and writes in the school holidays, when she’s not continuing to procrastinate. After all, there’s books to read, places to go, people to see, exercise at the gym to do, films to watch. So many things to do—so few hours to do it in. Every now and again, she musters enough self-discipline to actually get some words onto paper—sometimes they even make sense and are in the right order.

  Finding H.L Day

  WHERE AM I? I OFTEN ask myself the same question.

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  Only time will tell.

  A story containing Christmas snark; a drunk Tristan; snow; and absolutely no mention of spiders—well alright, maybe a few mentions.

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